minus-moscow · 7 years
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Femslash OTP Moodboards (20/20)
Farah Black x Amanda Brotzman
“Your hands on my doorway like rainbows Following rain Why are you weeping?
I am come home.”
- Audre Lorde, from ‘Pirouette’
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muchadoaboutshipping · 10 years
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Hey there Shippers, UndieGirl here to take you through all things shipping for this week including Round One of Slash and Femslash Madness, Arrow/The Flash shipping related spoilers, a Supernatural musical and the first images from Science Bros the movie I meanThe Avengers: Age of Ultron.
READ MORE: The Shipping News on Much Ado About Shipping
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minus-moscow · 7 years
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Femslash OTP Moodboards (18/20)
Jessica Jones x Trish Walker
“No one has ever known you as I know you.”
- Virginia Woolf “Night and Day”
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missmaclay · 10 years
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afterellen Femslash Madness Tournament - nomination round; Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles - Rizzoli and Isles
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minus-moscow · 7 years
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Femslash OTP Moodboards (16/20)
Carmilla Karnstein x Laura Hollis
“Where has she gone, where is the glow Of silver stars that are her eyes?”
- Anna Akhmatova from “White Flock: Poetry of Anna Akhmatova”
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pdt-b · 11 years
laraaelric replied to your post: Oh, agony once more. ...
These are easy for me considering I don’t ship the UoaT ship (it’s losing by a ton anyway) and I don’t watch Warehouse (R&I are losing nooo)
It's still early times yet. When I saw the poll come up, my guess would have been less than 20 votes had been cast. The fact that it hasn't been posted up on AE means that most people are not yet aware. B'sides, I can only be very (very, very) grateful that the number of voting reminders has been diminished by 25% now. ;-)
I figure, new media, old media, new fandom, old fandom, the pairings are all from fandoms that I read, so it's really like picking favourite children. Which, contrary to all of those that have claimed you cannot do such a thing, yes, you can pick a favourite OTP out of the pairing brackets. ;-)
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villlaneve · 11 years
Bechloe voting humour fanfic
AN: I just wrote this in like 3 minutes no editing whatsoever. I just need you all to vote! Seriously I want to win this! 
Beca woke up to a loud clicking sound.
After a quick look at her alarm clock Beca discovered that it was nowhere near her time to wake up. In fact it was 3am so where did that sound come from? She looked around puzzled. She had spent the night at Chloe's, but the bubbly redhead was not spooning and cuddling her like usually.
Beca eyebrows furrowed in confusion and surprise when she discovered the source of the noise. It was the keyboard of her laptop and Chloe was clicking and typing intently.
Wait why was she huddled around TWO laptops and balanced her phone in the other hand?!
What on earth would she be doing on 3am on two laptops and a phone?!
"Babe, I thought you said you wouldn't procrastinate your schoolwork until last minute anymore" Beca said sleepily "Come back to bed. I want to cuddle."
Her badass reputation had been destroyed after a few weeks of dating Chloe already and she wasn't even embarassed anymore when she requested cuddling or hugging....of course she still tried to keep it to a low around other people but she failed miserably.
Chloe finally seemed to notice her girlfriend and looked up from the laptops. 
"Oh- um- Beca this is not an assignment! I was jus- I-" Chloe looked down and blushed (something that didn't happen very often!) "IwasvotingformyOTPinanonlinepoll" she quickly muttered, not seeing the point in lying to Beca.
Beca didn't think it was possible to be more confused than she was before but it had happened. She caught some words in Chloe's muttered sentence, but they didn't make any sense.
Chloe breathed in slowly and repeated her sentence more slowly this time "I was voting for my OTP in an online poll"
"What the fuck is an OTP?" Beca asked confused, still not understand ing what Chloe was talking about.
"It's your favorite ship." Chloe stated matter of factly as if it was obvious.
"um...ship? as in boats? Why would you vote for a boat?"
Chloe giggled at her girlfriend's lack of knowledge on internet terms. "No, you dork! As in a "relationship" between two people (from a tv show or movie"
"You know I am not big on movie culture" Beca grumbled
"Yes, I know. It's one of the many reasons I love you."
"Yeah, there are indeed lots of reasons to love me" Beca said with her usual teasing smirk on her face.
Chloe glared at her playfully.
"Kidding." Beca replied hurried "I love you too. I still don't get why you are staying up to vote for this!"
"Beca, you don't understand!" Chloe replied a bit exasperated "They NEED to win! They're up against this popular other ship that won last year. They're losing!"
"So? It's just a poll"
"Beca this is really important. It is one of the most important polls. It's on After Ellen and l really hoped those two could win this year but their fanbase is so much smaller. It's unfair" Chloe whined. "I am writing everyone that they should vote for them but it isn't enough!"
Beca thought that Chloe being so invested in it was adorable...then again she thought everything her girlfriend did was, but she also wanted to sleep. 
"You know I could always use my power as a rising star DJ and could tell my fans on my website to vote as much as they can." the brunette said trying to sound casual.
She expected Chloe to be happy but Chloe's reaction took her by surprise. The older girl squealed in excitement and tackled Beca down on her bed.
"You would do that?" She asked still grinning from ear to ear 
Beca just nodded
"You. are. the. best. girlfriend. EVER." Chloe punctuated every word with a kiss. The kisses deepened more and more.
"How about I reward you?" Chloe huskily breathed against Beca's ear.
Suddenly Beca wasn't thinking about falling asleep anytime soon.
"I should really use my position for stuff like this more often if this is your response."
"Shut up and kiss me, Mitchell."
Chloe spend the whole night showing Beca how thankful she was and the best part was that Chloe's OTP won the poll with over 70%
You aca-bitches better make sure this happens for Bechloe now!!!!
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choerreos · 11 years
Teacher: What did you do last weekend?
What I said: Played tug of war all day and all night.
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pdt-b · 11 years
Oh, agony once more.
It's agony only because one can pick two out of four, and not so agonizing when I consider how much fic I can continue to read as the voting carries on.
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minus-moscow · 7 years
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Femslash OTP Moodboards (13/20)
Laura Wilson x Luci
“Then I must be the devil. And she the devil’s bride. Aren’t you lucky, to have fallen in with such exciting people?”
- Catherynne M Valente, from “Deathless”
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gaymy-raudenfeld · 11 years
We're nearing one of the most epic Final Fours we've ever had in a tournament on this website!
Crying a little right now guys. The closest I've seen in the past 24 hours Faberry still had an .85% lead. They have around 1.5% now. Rally the fandoms! Vote every hour on as many devices as you can! Go!
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