#femslashex 2021
girlonthelasttrain · 3 years
Dear femslashex creator,
Thank you in advance for making something for me in the Femslash Exchange, and also for bringing more f/f content into the world! I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with. I’m girlonthelasttrain on AO3 too; feel free to browse my bookmarks to see the kind of things I gravitate towards. If you're writing/drawing for a Star Trek ship, feel free to take a look at my Trek sideblog as well.
My likes and DNWs are a bit different depending on whether you're making art or writing fic, and also depending on the fandom; I'll try to be as clear as possible and highlight the difference where necessary.
In any case the short version is:
Do Not Want
No smut, gore, extreme violence, alternate settings AUs (by this I mean things like 'Modern AU', crossovers, and similar). These are all hard nos.
I'd also rather not receive a work that has marriage/pregnancy/kids as the central concept(s). In fic they can be mentioned but they should not be the main point.
For fic, I'd also rather not receive pure fluff, though it's not as hard a no as the previous points (ie, if you can't think of anything else to write and risk defaulting please don't stress too much about this request).
Also for fic (or in case, comics), if a character is canonically involved with someone else I'd prefer to not see a cheating/infidelity story. I'd much rather see the conflict be resolved through polyamory or a breakup. No explicit character/ship bashing either please; good-natured jokes however are fine.
For art, fluff/sweet moments are perfectly fine, but the hard nos above still apply.
Things I like
For fic, in general I like character moments (especially characters coming to terms with their past/an aspect of themselves with the help of the other person in the ship), slow realizations of attraction and/or romantic feelings for the other person, missing scenes, post-canon (and in-between canon) speculation, seeing characters and the relationship between them changing throughout the years. Canon divergence AUs of the 'what if...' kind are usually something I like as well. In my various sci-fi fandoms I always love a good 'away mission together' situation. Most of all I like the character's personalities, quirks, and especially their flaws coming through in the narrative! Also, despite my no-fluff policy, the story doesn't need to have a plot to appeal to me, so don't worry about plot too much. Finally, trans headcanons and/or noncanonical pronouns for the characters involved are very welcome!
For art, I'm afraid I can't be as specific because I'm not an artist myself! To parallel my writing likes, I really enjoy fanart that captures a specific moment between two people (it can be serious, funny, sweet, melancholic, sad... you decide), but honestly I like all sorts of fanart depicting my favorite ships. I place some importance on character likeness and getting the details right, but honestly if done with intent I'm down for whatever change you want to make to character design (one classic example of this, if you're familiar with Star Trek, is giving Kira Nerys and Seven of Nine a better and more functional uniform). Again though, don't stress too much about this!
Under the cut I'm going to put more specific DNWs/requests for each fandom.
Star Trek DS9
(fic) I have a bit of a pet peeve regarding how much Garak/Bashir is present in DS9 f/f fics. If you want to reference the pairing in passing it's fine, but if either Garak or Julian are in your fic I'd really, really prefer if whatever is going on between them didn't get more than said passing mention.
(fic/art) For Ezri/Kira, I'd like there to be conflicting feelings regarding their attraction to one another; this is one of those ships where fluff doesn't really do much for me. I'd also really appreciate if what you make was set a few years post-canon, but that's up to you.
Star Trek Voyager
(fic/art) For Seven/B'Elanna, I'd like for you to not reference that scene in "Infinite Regress" where Seven bites B'Elanna, unless you're going to frame it as both as assault (with B'Elanna as the victim) and a violation of Seven's bodily autonomy. It's the only interpretation of that scene I can stomach, sorry.
Star Trek TNG
(fic/art) For Deanna/Toreth, I for one love a good rivalry with a Romulan... I also like referencing some obscure parts of Romulan canon in my own fic (I find that hand-kissing can be super hot, for example) but take this just as a humble suggestion.
The Expanse
(fic/art) I'm relatively new to the fandom therefore I haven't yet developed a taste for the kind of fan content I like for any of the ships I requested, so feel free to go wild! One thing I can say is that I care about Naomi, Camina and Bobbie very very much, so I just want... good things for them? (preferably without much mentioning of James Holden, whom I don't really like whoops)
(fic) I love the idea of getting into the nitty-gritty stuff with Nyx/Persephone, exploring all the reasons why they maybe really aren't... very well suited for one another (I think their personalities and character flaws could clash very easily!) but in the game they both hold a sort of devotion for the memory of the other. I'd be really happy if you found a way to explore that tension!
Teixcalaan Series
(fic/art) Mahit/Three Seagrass is one those ships where I don't necessarily want to see them working out their differences? "A Desolation Called Peace" really drove home how their big of a gap there is between them. I think I'd be happiest with 'one last time together' type of story here, to get some closure. This is, however, only a suggestion!
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chainofclovers · 3 years
This is the beautiful Ava/Deborah (Teen & Up, 7393 words) story I received for @femslashex 2021. I cannot wait for the author reveals so I can attribute this story to an author, but I still wanted to go on and post about it because it’s so gorgeous. It’s also a bit buried in the tags on ao3 because of when it was posted vs. when it was revealed, so I want to make sure everyone in Hacks fandom sees this gloriousness. Read, comment, share y’all.
And if you’re reading this, anonymous author, thank you for the best story! I’m so delighted.
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reflectedeve · 4 years
personal fandom history
So there’s been some tough stuff in my life lately (I mean, in addition to the pandemic), and in the spirit of self-distraction, I decided to go back and try and work out some basic info about my participation in fandom. Because why not. It’s been about 22 1/2 years and I was curious.
Main fandom(s): none as such, but I’m feeling a pull towards The Expanse, Marvel Comics, and as always, many SFF books (The Locked Tomb especially) Exchanges & events: Chocolate Box, Once Upon A Fic, TBD Fanart in: The Locked Tomb, SPOP, Utena, TBD Assigned YT fandom: TBA
Main fandom(s): none as such; SFF books generally Exchanges & events: Chocolate Box, FemslashEx, Yuletide, Fandom Trees Fanart in: Carmilla, The Locked Tomb, Marvel Comics, SPOP, Time War, Wayfarers Assigned YT fandom: Wayward Children series
Main fandom(s): none as such; SFF books generally Exchanges & events: Chocolate Box, FemslashEx, Yuletide Fanart in: BtVS, Crimson Peak, Good Omens, Star Wars Assigned YT fandom: Wayfarers series
Main fandom(s): Star Trek: DS9 (at first), then none Exchanges & events: emoji meme, FemslashEx (pinch hit), Yuletide Fanart in: Star Trek: DS9, Ghostbusters (2016) Assigned YT fandom: Mina de Malfois
Main fandom(s): Star Trek: DS9 Exchanges & events: Trek Rarepair Swap, outfit memes, FemslashEx, Star Trek Secret Santa, Yuletide Fanart in: BtVS/SPN, DCEU, Marvel Comics, Star Trek (DS9, TNG, Discovery) Assigned YT fandom: Wayfarers series
Main fandom(s): Star Trek: DS9 Exchanges & events: Seeing Color, FemslashEx, Star Trek Secret Santa, Yuletide Fanart in: Miss Fisher, Scott Pilgrim, Star Treks (DS9, TNG), Star Wars, WicDiv Assigned YT fandom: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Main fandom(s): Teen Wolf, none Exchanges & events: Teen Wolf Reverse Bang, Teen Wolf Femslash Exchange, FemslashEx, Yuletide, Art Yuletide Fanart in: Miss Fisher, Sailor Moon, Teen Wolf Assigned YT fandom: October Daye series
Main fandom(s): Teen Wolf Exchanges & events: Teen Wolf Big Bang, Teen Wolf Fall Harvest, FemslashEx Fanart in: bandom, Elementary, Good Omens, Hannibal, Marvel Comics, OUAT, Orphan Black, Parks & Rec, Pretty Little Liars, Sailor Moon, Teen Wolf, Utena, WTNV Assigned YT fandom: N/A
Main fandom(s): bandom, Teen Wolf Exchanges & events: Kink Bingo, Snowflake Challenge, Yuletart Fanart in: bandom, Castle/DC, The Little Mermaid, Teen Wolf, Utena, WTNV Assigned YT fandom: N/A
Main fandom(s): bandom Exchanges & events: Bandom Big Bang Fanart in: bandom, Teen Wolf, Warehouse 13 Assigned YT fandom: N/A
Main fandom(s): bandom Exchanges & events: Bandom Big Bang, White Lotus, Yuletart, Help Japan auction, Star Trek Reverse Bang Fanart in: AtLA, bandom, Castle, Castle/Firefly, Doctor Who, due South, Sailor Moon, Star Trek: AOS Assigned YT fandom: N/A
Main fandom(s): bandom Exchanges & events: Bandom Big Bang, Star Trek Reverse Bang Fanart in: bandom, Star Trek: AOS Assigned YT fandom: N/A
Main fandom(s): bandom Exchanges & events: Bandom Big Bang, Sweet Charity, Yuletart, The Little Bang, Yuletide Fanart in: bandom, Kim Possible, Marvel Comics, Merlin, The Middleman, Star Trek: AOS Assigned YT fandom: Gunnerkrigg Court
Main fandom(s): bandom Exchanges & events: GO Exchange, Yuletart, Yuletide Fanart in: AtLA/bandom, bandom, Good Omens, Marvel Comics Assigned YT fandom: Hopeless Savages
Main fandom(s): none Exchanges & events: GO Exchange, Alien Altars, Yuletide Fanart in: DCU, From Eroica With Love, Good Omens, Harry Potter, Kim Possible, Marvel Comics, ElfQuest Assigned YT fandom: Nancy Drew
Main fandom(s):Stargate: Atlantis, Kim Possible Exchanges & events: Draw Batgirl meme, Drawbles meme, GO Exchange, Fish Like Bikes, Femslash Today Porn Battle, Yuletide Fanart in: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, BtVS, DCU, Discworld, Gilmore Girls/RHPS, Harry Potter/ElfQuest, Harry Potter/Utena, Good Omens, Kim Possible, Labyrinth/Trading Spaces, Marvel Comics, Marvel Comics/Firefly, Stargate: Atlantis, Tortall series Fanfic in: Kim Possible, Marvel Comics Assigned YT fandom: Tintin (+Empire Records treat)
Main fandom(s): Stargate: Atlantis, Harry Potter Exchanges & events: Yuletide Fanart in: Harry Potter, Marvel Comics Assigned YT fandom: ElfQuest
Main fandom(s): Marvel Comics, Harry Potter, due South Exchanges & events: Hometown Challenge, HP Femslash Drabble Challenge, Fairytale Ficathon, Yuletide Fanart in: Carmilla, DCU, Marvel Comics Fanfic in: Labyrinth (poem), Marvel Comics, Harry Potter, due South, BtVS Assigned YT fandom: Runaways
Main fandom(s): Smallville, Harry Potter, Marvel Comics Fanart in: Good Omens, Marvel Comics Fanfic in: BtVS, Labyrinth Assigned YT fandom: Good Omens
Main fandom(s): Smallville, Harry Potter Exchanges & events: chibihp RPG Fanart in: Smallville, Harry Potter
Main fandom(s): Harry Potter, BtVS Fanart in: Harry Potter
Main fandom(s): Labyrinth, BtVS Exchanges & events: UGL Round Robins Fanfic in: Labyrinth
Main fandom(s): Sailor Moon, Labyrinth Fanart in: Sailor Moon Fanfic in: Labyrinth
Main fandom(s): Sailor Moon Fanart in: Sailor Moon
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yurimultiship · 3 years
For people interested in f/f fanworks exchanges, the 2021 edition of FemslashEx (fic, art and vid f/f exchange) has just started on Ao3. Here’s their profile, where you can read the rules and FAQ, as well as see the schedule of the event.
It’s currently in the nomination phase, you can go here to see what’s been added already and nominate other ships if you want.
Earlier this year, the Second Annual Femslash Kink Exchange and the Femslash After Dark Exchange (for fics/art rated Mature or Explicit) have already happened. They have a smaller number of sign-ups than something more general like FemslashEx usually gets so there’s not that much anime/manga or other Japanese media fanworks in particular but you may still find stuff that’ll interest you.
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femslashex · 3 years
Sign-ups Closed, and Unmatchables
Posted by: withinadream Sign-ups for Femslashex 2021 are now closed! We have 1 unmatchable participant. If your username starts with A, please check your email. comments from Femslash Exchange https://ift.tt/2ZRltE2 via IFTTT
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