#femboy tord
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rira097world · 13 days ago
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While I had free time I drew a small sketch^^
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cherrysmokesaconha · 5 months ago
I saw this in a meme once, but well, I'm doing an adapted one...
Man with Hockey Mask/Derick: May I ask your sexuality?
2004 Tord: Meh, I'm not that special. I am just a gay femboy motherfucker who fucks around. Lol.
Man with Hockey Mask/Derick: *changes theme to ❤LOVE❤*
2004 Tord: Excuse me???
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apairofbean-jeans · 6 months ago
Allies or enemies by the crane wives is kind of a Tom and tord song. Shipping or not. It’s so dynamically them.
Side note: I don’t ship tomtord/ tord Tom/ whatever else you call the ship. Tbh I don’t really mind it, unless tord or tom is like grotesquely twink/femboy or like 7’ tall and weirdly strong. They’re both short. Canonically (for tom, at least.) and neither of them is some UwU cat boy. If they WERE catboys they’d be fucking assholes and scratch your face off and bite your hand.
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th3-cr4zy-v4r1g0-sh1pp3r · 3 months ago
Noticed a theme with my fandoms
There's always gay twinks
prettyboy central
Usually a man with long hair or a mullet
There's a complete disaster of a person (affectionate)
There's a complete disaster of a person (negative)
Pink character is my fave tho I hate pink
Everything is just ships at this point
One character that I end up getting a personal vendetta against (Tord, press guys, RIYA, CORA, There's not actually people in vat7k to get angry about rlly)
Everyone has anger issues
I always ship the rare pairs
I simp for half the cast or more
Paul vibes character
Someone has Patryk bangs
Blonde that gets dubbed as a brunet or the other way round
Usually a femboy or femboy vibes
I will find a way to trans hc somebody (or There's already a trans person)
And trans as in the trans umbrella.. Hugo is genderfluid, fight me. I am too
There's a man I will call Princess
There's a babygirl (Paul, Ibushi)
There's a wife (Graham- also Neil actually- DID I SPELL IT RIGHT)
There's also a few I will always call honey or babes - Ryuu, Io, Atsu, Varian, Cyrus, Tom(DC) ect
Everyone is an asshole
Most of the fandoms are quite niche (key word: most)
Or half dead
My favourite Usually has earrings (take hook from OUAT as an example, Ryuu, Hugo)
Eventually they end up having the weirdest nicknames
Everything is confusing
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paletreewitchlee · 10 months ago
Eddsworld lgbt headcanons??????
I haven't thought about that yet honestly, LOL, but I think Tord would like femboys. DEF. Prolly bisexual.
I'll be post art tmrw, I have it finished but I just got back from DC and I wanna rest. Again love all my followers and I hope you all sleep well tn.
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azhuur · 1 year ago
Femboy tord :3
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kragehund-est · 1 year ago
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is this eddsword tord? yeah i guess i am the epert in eddsworld tord femboy yaoi.
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sunsh1nel0l1p0p · 2 years ago
tori is a femboy. tord is a femboy. femboy in different ways and yet systemwide gender.
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novaleviathan-dark · 5 years ago
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nothoughtsinhead · 4 years ago
its so fucking excited but so fucking scary because I really don’t wanna see some ‘femboy tord uwu’ lIKE UM NO THANKS- 😔👍
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tacjatz · 2 years ago
Can you draw Tord in a Femboy Hooters outfit *cough cough* totally not edd *cough*
No get out of here bagel
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lubotomies · 2 years ago
Femboi tord :>
thats not happening
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tomme-bear · 3 years ago
How about TomTord-
TomTord was a good ship for me at first, then I start to notice that people kept portraying Tord as either an innocent UwU femboy or just perveted bastard in general, Tom is edgy buff demon emo man or a flat out constantly horny femboy
I personally don't mind Red Leader x Future Tom, I feel like that ship makes a bit more sense in my opinion, however I don't mind people who ship TomTord in the manners I've listed above and I'm not gonna send out hate to them
Here comes the part where people will start to cancel me
What really ruined TomTord for me was the entire "Dear Starboy" fanfic, I strongly dislike how they portrayed Tord in the fanfic, Tord was quite literally your typical innocent UwU femboy and just very flat in personality in general, he threw himself into a lake and drowned, he quite literally did this around maybe 2-3 days (maybe I am wrong, please correct me if I am) after Tom (I also dislike how he portrayed in the fanfic) broke up with him, I personally think there was little to no build up of depression for Tord and I do not consider that part of the story angst for that reason.
I also do not like how the only reason Tom broke up with Tord was because of his abusive homophobic dad, in my opinion if you truly love someone you will do anything to be with them, I don't like how they chose the option for Tom to end the relationship when he had other options like running away or other things, I also understand the abuse may have been a pressure but again I just don't see why he didn't run away then.
Reminder that I will send hate or attack you if you enjoyed "Dear Starboy" nor will I judge you for your opinions as I hope you don't judge me for mine
In conclusion the story and certain parts of the fandom have changed my opinion on TomTord and not in the best of ways, I don't mind the ship but I will not draw it very often anymore because of it
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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troublehotel-sys · 3 years ago
Oh oh! 4
Answers under cut!
🥳: Who are the most energetic in the system?
🦖Pico, &Andy, 🧪Creeps, 🎱Edword, 💌Matt, 🐉Wybe & 🖍️Scribs. They have like, different KINDS of energetic though, so it's hard to pick just one. I think probably 🎱Edword or 🧪Creeps if I had to pick though?
💥: Are there any alters that have more power than others (can manipulate dreams, change the innerworld easily, etc)?
💎Wilbur motherfucking Lovecore, that asshat, you know how hard it was to give myself a septum piercing? Blush changes his eye color and redecorates the entire headspace for fucking fun! And 🕷️Tord can change it easier, but he doesn't that often. 🛸Jupiter can, but he can't just like do it on a whim I don't think? He needed Wil to help redecorate his room so. I don't really know otherwise, we don't talk about it often? I have a super fucking hard time changing stuff though :[
💫: How do you experience switches (what does it feel/look like for you)?
do u ever feel. like a plastic bag. drifting thru the wind
😂: Favourite system story?
Idk but my least favorites gotta be when I am into a fandom for comfort and Tom's (the person asking actually so... ur) like "ur gonna get a fictive of this character if you keep this up" and then we did. we did that. I did that. Like 10 times. It's absurd. Like not the part where ur like "Matt ur. Really into this huh" I like that part but u being right kills me a little bit. At the very least u did say we'd split a Monty and we didn't! I really hope we didn't this is gonna be real awkward if someone has to tell me I'm wrong
But uhhhhh yeah. I mean coming to the front to meet 7 new people at once was kind of freaky too! Which has happened multiple times now. I'm very out of the loop
💌:(If you have a system name) how did you choose your system name?
Uhhhhh well you see. you were there but uhhhhh.
anyways hello Tumblr dot com we used to be the Femboy Hooters system because cig thought that was hilarious and everyone agreed. I was the one who was like "I am so absolutely tired of this" and we just sorta. Picked it? Like I did because those motherfuckers wanted it to be like "dilf collective" or some shit and I wasn't having it. Technically we haven't even actually decided on one actual name because uh we go by the Chaos Hotel, Chaos System, Troublemakers, Trouble Hotel, Trouble System- etc etc.
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aus-and-art-help · 4 years ago
Unpopular opinion:
The only good part about dear star boy was femboy Tord
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cursed-saphire-hart · 5 years ago
My version of Tom is biracial and kinda chaotic. He originally was gonna have a checkered dyed undercut, but then I discovered your au and realized he looked too much like Theo, so now he just has a normal undercut and no dye. He's about 5,9. Tord TRIES to be nice to others, and he loves any child that belongs to him. He's kinda a bitch, and he's a femboy, Tom is also kinda a femboy but not as much as Tord. Tord's the same height as you cuz I like to mock his height.
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