#female founder x kai winn
vexingvorta · 6 months
So, life got pretty hectic for me. Between learning coding, beginning the process of moving, and job hunting, I haven't had the time I thought I would to draw and write everything for my rarepair week. I'm still going to get all the prompts done, but they're going to be a little bit late.
Anywho, I have half a fic in the works and some art I'm working on as well, but i only have one completed drawing. (That I did completely out of order, but whatever. As long as I finish my stuff that's what matters)
RPW Prompt: Free Space
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The idea for Kai Winn/Fem. Founder came from, if I remember correctly, @reijnders in our discord server! And honestly, it's such a great concept, I just had to draw them. I originally intended this for the Affection/Love Language prompt, but upon deciding on something that worked a little bit better for Love Languages, I ended up changing this to my Free Space work.
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reginaldqueribundus · 7 years
8, 18 for that ST F/M/K ask!
18 - Dukat, Kai Winn, Female Founder.Fuck the Female Founder—just for the alliteration I guess it’d have to be a conjugal visit in prison, since she’s a war criminal and everything, but it’s been my lifelong dream to have sex with a shapeshifter and Odo’s busy. Marry Winn—as much as I loathe her, maybe if someone showed her some love in her life (someone who wasn’t a filthy fascist fuckboy lizard in disguise) she’d come around and stop being such an insufferable theocratic twat waffle.Kill Dukat, obvs (can I do it more than once?)
8 - Ben Sisko, Kira Nerys, Jadzia Dax.Oh… oh no, what have you done?? I can’t kill ANY of these people!! Aaaaaagh! Okay. Calm down Samuel. Breathe. You can do this.Fuck Kira—I’m sorry but I have had a crush on the Major since I was 11, and she deserves a fling with someone who isn’t a bland political type or an emotionally constipated shapeshifter that betrayed her for blob sex. Besides if I tried to kill her she’d kick the shit out of me.Marry Jadzia—because she is literally my favourite Trek lady of all time, ever, and I am going to marry her and keep her safe forever and she is never going to get murdered by a demon-possessed reptile no sirKill Sisko—I don’t know if this is even possible, but he isn’t my type, plus he’s already married (and he has a kid! I ain’t ready for that kind of responsibility!), so I guess I’ll choose him for the Kill option because he’s half Prophet so he’ll most likely survive somehow.
the Star Trek fuck/marry/kill ask: [x]
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