#female!rowan khanna
weirdcursedvaultkid · 6 months
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my crack ship is rowan/corey
rowan isn't corey's biggest fan at first but she warms up to her and then they are just nerds together
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marmotish · 2 years
In Derry girls AU
Who in the characters of Hogwarts mystery would be Erin, Clare, Orla, Michelle and James in the AU
I don’t really see any of them fitting perfectly into the character roles, but early-game Ben definitely gives me James vibes.
Both born and raised in England, but dumped in a school in a different country where they feel completely out of their depth and like they don’t belong there. Their main friend group is a bunch of chaotic girls where they act as the voice of reason.
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So while Ben doesn’t have a Michelle, an Erin, a Claire, or an Orla, he does have:
a super popular social butterfly with enormous hair filled with everyone’s secrets and dangerously advanced knowledge of potions
a bookworm with encyclopaedic knowledge of the schools history and will talk your ear off about it any chance she gets
a social pariah who goes into occasional trances receiving visions and telepathic messages from her brother who may or may not be dead??
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okamiwolf · 2 years
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I started the game again and might do some vid of the story 
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akikocho · 1 year
A normal morning in the Slytherin House
Rowan: *wakes up* What time is it? *looks at her desk but doesn't see her alarm clock* Ehh? Where did my alarm clock go!?
Maya at the common room separating the parts of Rowan's alarm clock: *hums a lullaby*
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alebrije-estelar · 4 months
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Basic concepts
Name: Hanna Ryuuzaki Rakepick
Nicknames: Anna (Only for her uncle)
Name meaning: Hanna = "favor", "grace" or "God has favored me" (Also, the song 'Oh Ana' by Mother Mother, I listened to 'Oh Hanna' instead of Ana and I liked it)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Depends
Birthday: October 31 (1972)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Blood status: Pure blood
Ethnicity/Nationality: Japanese-British Ethnicity and British Nationality
Sexuality: Demiromantic Demisexual
Place of birth: Luxor, Egypt
Current residence: Diagon Alley, London / Hogsmade, United Kingdom
11 - 17 years: Hogwarts student, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Order of the Phoenix
Ministry of Magic (?)
Height: 5 feet 1,811 inches
Weight: 121.254 pounds
Eyes: Gray and Blue
Hair: Orange with white highlights
Skin: Light with freckles
Clothes: Goblincore
Main clothing
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In her bag: Wand, purse, Walkman and cassettes, notebook, pen, luncc
Face Claim: Guacamolebear (Instagram)
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Voice Claim: Emily (Hazbin Hotel)
Positive: Kind, brave, adventurous
Negative: Clumsy, talkative
Likes: Exploring, quidditch, duels,
Dislikes: Injustice, boredom, sitting still
Favorite color: Orange
Favorite food: Cakes and pastries
Alignment: Good Chaotic
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Ilvermorny House: Thunderbird
Classes (OWL's/NEWS Points)
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Flight: O
Herbology: O
History of Magic: E
Potions: O
Transfigurations: O
Adivination: E
Creature Care: O
Study of Ancient Runes: E
Clubs: Duel Club, Dragon and Hippogriff Club
Quidditch: Seeker
Prefect/Delegate: Prefect and Delegate
Best classes: Care of Magical Creatures and DADA
Worst classes: Astronomy
1. Oak wand with mermaid scale core, 7 inches, medium flexible
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2. Ebony wood, dragon scale core, 8 inches, inflexible
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Form: Watching your friends suffer because of her
Riddikulus: “Little joke"
How others smell her: Raspberry jam, freshly baked cake and sunshine
What she smells: New book and tree wood/Grass and honeysuckle
Shape: A grizzly bear
Memory: A picnic with her friends on the school grounds but deep down her parents love her, Jacob is safe and Merula and R are not there
What she sees in the Mirror of Erised: Her in an exploration uniform with Rowan
Animagus: Cocker spaniel
Magic with and without a wand
Animated Shadow
Shadow Teleportation
Night vision
Father: Akira “Peregrine” Ryuuzaki
Mother: Patricia Rakepick
Uncle: Ainosuke Ryuuzaki
Half Brother: Jacob Ryuuzaki
Pets: Niffler called Pallet
Rowan Khanna
Her best friend ever and ever
People thought they are dating
Rowan prevented Hanna from fighting like a chihuahua
Ben Copper
They defend themselves with each other
Penny Haywood
They love gossip
They get stressed together
Bill Weasley
Big brother figure
Bill basically adopted her one minute after meeting her
I also went with him in case of stress
She loves it so much
It's her mom
Charlie Weasley
Her friend and brother
The one who hears him talk the most about dragons
Nymphadora Tonks
SOMETIMES they make a joke together
Everything is laughter and laughter with them
Talbott Winger
Hanna's behavior towards Talbott softens her heart although she will never admit
They are very close during the holiday season because they are both alone
They have food saved for each other for their respective animagus
Chiara Lobosca
Supportive friendship
Chiara heals Hanna and Hanna is with Chiara on a full moon
Jae Kim
Hanna usually spends considerable time in the kitchens so she already knew Jae
It turns out that they are both equally unruly
They are a danger to society
Barnaby Lee
Hanna is very patient with him
Love shared by creatures
André Egwu
She is his number one mannequin and model
Tulip Karasu
Tulip is attracted by Hanna's rumors and liberal attitude
Diego Capplan
He taught her hurt lady songs and how to dance salsa
Really oblivious to his flirting
She thinks he's very sweet and cool
They have duels together very often
Liz Tuttle
Baddea Ali
They like to research spells together
Love interest:
Rowan Khanna: From the beginning they were super close but MC unintentionally moved away from Rowan and it all culminated with Rowan yelling at her that he loved her and couldn't lose her, which made things awkward for a while but coming back from vacation she stood him up with a big hug
Charlie Weasley: Their relationship occurred without either of them realizing it, Charlie paid more attention to Hanna's small details and she wanted to spend more time with him, neither of them wanted to admit their feelings because they denied them since Charlie had his dragons and she I was very busy with the vaults. It wasn't until Tonks brought them together and forced them to talk about their feelings
Merula Synde
The damn one has been her bully since he entered Hogwarts
Their ideals and methods of resolution are very different
They are already semi at peace but they
Ismelda Murk
She doesn't like that she is so rude and blood purist
Although they are already in some peace
In the years of the witch persecution, the Ryuuzaki family, trying to survive, made a pact with demons in exchange for power and surviving the magical crisis. The demons gave them the power to control the shadows and thus the Ryuuzaki gained fame as dark magicians although helping others came in their blood. Dai Ryusaki, a magician who studied the mind and Lillith ... a wielder of ancient magic came together and had a son named Ryōsuke who married and had two children, Akira and Ainosuke. Akira was the one who witnessed the imprisonment of his grandfather Dai and that made him see life differently and the second magical war made it worse so he changed his name to Peregrine, moved away from his entire family and formed R. He However, he ended up with one of its members, Patricia Rakepick, and they had Hanna, but since they were both very focused on their careers, they left her with Uncle Ainosuke. It was there when she met Jacob and they both became very close, until his disappearance.
Fun Facts
LOVES coffee but can't drink it often
It would be a danger
She can only when it is exam season
She is embarrassed to say no and that is why he ends up in a pure cursed situation
She always gives advice to others, never takes it for herself
Does not judge people, always tries to be understanding
In fact, she tried to be friends with Merula when she met her
It didn't turn out well
She is a resilient person
She has a huge heart that even if it breaks, he has plenty of love for everyone
The first years always look for her
She often gets distracted by staring at a specific point and doesn't realize it until her attention is called to it
Somewhat intolerant to cold
The girl has a hard time understanding sarcasm or hints
She is actually more Gryffindor but she stayed in Hufflepuff because of her little heart.
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aneyforst · 7 months
/Contact information about my HPHP MC/
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Full name: Ani Jatta Forst
Nickname: An, Nia (from her younger sister Shira), Pip (from Jacob)
Birth Date: May 25 1973
Age: 18
Gender: female
Blood status: Half-blood
Ethnicity: Half German, a quarter Armenian, a quarter Jewish
Nationality: British
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Hair: long light brown wavy (used to be short light brown (1-3 years ))
Eyes: green
Skin: light with barely noticeable freckles
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Full name: Emmerick «Rick» Rayner Forst
Birth Date: October 29 1939
Age: 51
Blood status: Half-blood
Ethnicity: German
House: Ravenclaw
Profession: Legislator of the International Magical Office of Law
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Full name: Alte Fira Blau
Birth Date: July 30 1941
Age: 49
Blood status: Pureblood
Ethnicity: Half Jewish, Half Armenian
House: Ravenclaw:
Profession: Lawyer of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
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Full name: Shira Naira Forst
Birth Date: October 01 1975
Age: 15
Blood status: Half-blood
Ethnicity: Half German, a quarter Armenian, a quarter Jewish
House: Ravenclaw
/At Hogwarts/
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 7(studies a lot to pass the NEWTS)
Her first wand: Maple wood, unicorn hair core, 12 inches
Her second wand: Birch wood, dragon heartstring, 11 inches
Favorite Classes: Transfiguration, Care of the Magical Creatures, Charms, Potions
Not Favorite Classes: Herbology, Divination
Amortentia: Apple pie, wet grass, old books
Clubs: Sphinx and Hippogriff
Quidditch position: Chaser
Boggard: The destruction of everything she was working on
Patronus: Tiger
Animagus form: Abysinian cat
Pet's: Burmese cat Faith(from Jacob), toad Cassia and Crup puppy July(lived with her maternal grandparents)
Best Friends: Rowan Khanna, Chiara Lobosca, Bill Weasley, Talbott Winger, Barnaby Lee, Charley Weasley, Diego Caplan
Friends: Penny Haywood, Ben Copper, Tulip Karasu, Nimphadora Tonks, Liz Tattle, Badeea Ali, Andre Egwu
Acquaintanceship: Aurélie Dumont, Jules Egwu, Celine Castillon, Skye Parkin, Orion Amari, Murphy McNully, Alanza Alves, Beatrice Haywood, Corey Hayden, Victor Ketsueki, Cedric Diggory, Fred and George Weasley
Rivals: Merula Snyde, Patricia Rakepic, «R» members
Love Interest: Jae Kim
/Non-NPS Friends/
@astie-hearts21 (Asteria Hearts)
/Interested Facts/
— Apart from English, she speaks German and Armenian Hebrew without any problems. She also knows a few words in French and Spanish
— She hate apple's, but love apple strudel
— Before the third year, Anie found Jacob's uniform tie at home. From that moment on, she ties her hair
— During life-threatening situations on the outside, she shows that she doesn't care, but inside she almost curses everyone because of whom she does it
— Peregrine is her maternal uncle and Jacob's biological father (as it turned out, her parents adopted their nephew)
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Anie Forst as Elizabeth Olsen
Kirsten Collins «Look What You Made Me Do»
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ariparri · 2 years
Jack of Spades
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Rowan Khanna grew up on her family's farm that was between the borders of Clubs and Spades. A voracious reader and very goal oriented. While her family continued working in the farm, providing lumber, coal and crops for the markets and factories of Spades, Rowan moved to the capital and pursued a career in teaching. She's very fond of chess and plays against Veruca or Bill as a pastime. The game sometimes ends with Veruca accusing Rowan of switching the chess pieces while she wasn't looking. Rowan feigns ignorance of cheating, though she mostly does it because Veruca also cheats in poker.
When Rakepick seized control, Rowan became a key aspect for the rebels. She created a bunch of strategies and plans against Rakepick's army and with Clubs' aid, Rowan was able to formulate a plan that would help the rebels reclaim Spades.
After reclaiming Spades, and Rakepick's exile, Rowan was appointed as Jack of Spades for her efforts in the rebellion. She continues to support her friend Veruca and offers solutions and advice as they both learn to lead a country. Rowan still continues to teach in the academy as that is still her passion job.
Rowan Khanna, the positive Jack of Spades, has equipped herself with education and training. She works for the love of her job, not just for the paycheck, and she strives to give her best to the task at hand.
Rowan's word of advice as the Jack of Spades: "You need to be more assertive if you want to get ahead. You cannot expect opportunities to just come to you. You need to go out and get them. Speak up for what you want and know your worth."
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In my version of Hogwarts Mystery and the AU, I always refer to Rowan as female. Yet I wanted to keep Rowan's design a bit simple, most especially give her pants. So if there were those who wanted to draw male Rowan in the AU they can just use the outfit design here without having to change too much to it. And since Rowan deserves better, I made her a professor within this AU because she deserves to live out her dream.
Also for the traditions written on the board, I simple took a couple Irish traditions. I really liked the 12 Pubs of Christmas, and since Veruca is Irish, I went with that specific tradition for Spades. And the Puck Fair sounded like something that could be celebrated in the region as well.
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fischerfrey · 2 years
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hp ladies appreciation week: day 06
event by @endlessly-cursed​
favourite female friendships
verna malinda and rowan khanna
rowan and verna are an og friendship, and i adore their relationship a lot. while i headcanon rowan to be nonbinary, i think that they identified as a girl, since she probably didn’t have the vocabulary to voice their gender identity as a pureblood wizard in the 80s and 90s.
max avery and ginny weasley
max and ginny are dormmates and don’t start out as friends but they grow closer throughout their fifth and sixth years at hogwarts.
ethel malinda and irene quinn
the holmes and watson of the fantastic beasts era! i adore their relationship, especially how it gets complicated later on and how irene’s issues affect both of them.
josephine “josie” edwards ( @slytherindisaster ), selina fawley ( @gcldensnitch ), lavinia “vinnie” wakefield
my hufflepuff girlies<3<3 one of the first friendship dynamics i have in the fandom, they don’t have a lot of lore but i like their relationship!
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talesoftheesun · 1 year
📂 c:\users\sunny
ㄴ 📄 writing list
———ㄴ 📄 wizarding world
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GOLDEN ERA (1991-present)
- draco malfoy
- theodore nott
- harry potter
- mattheo riddle (oc)
- dean thomas
- fred weasley
- george weasley
- ron weasley
- oliver wood
- blaise zabini
- hermione granger
- ginny weasley
- sirius black (31+)
- remus lupin (31+)
- severus snape (31+)
- nymphadora tonks (19+)
- bill weasley (21+)
- charlie weasley (19+)
MYSTERY ERA (1984-1991)
- ben copper
- chester davies
- andré egwu
- rowan khanna (male)
- jae kim
- barnaby lee
- murphy mcnully
- felix rosier
- bill weasley
- charlie weasley
- talbott winger
- badeea ali
- alanza alves
- penny haywood
- tulip karasu
- rowan khanna (female)
- chiara lobosca
- nymphadora tonks
- liz tuttle
MARAUDERS ERA (1971-1978)
- regulus black
- sirius black
- remus lupin
- james potter
- severus snape
- ominis gaunt
- leander prewett
- sebastian sallow
- garreth weasley
- natsai onai
- imelda reyes
- poppy sweeting
- tom riddle (CoS)
- newt scamander
- theseus scamander
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if a character you want to request for isn't present, feel free to ask anyway, i'll let you know if i'd write for them!
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you can request here and check out my other works here!
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unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
𝐻𝒫 𝒲𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃 𝒜𝓅𝓅𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒲𝑒𝑒𝓀
Day Four: Mother's Daughter (Talk about a female fankid that you love) of @endlessly-cursed’s HP women appreciation week
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Lucretia “Lucy” and Matilda “Mattie” Devlin → Two of William Devlin and Josie Edwards’s (@slytherindisaster) three daughters, Lucy and Mattie each take after one of their parents. Lucy has her mother’s passion for nature and creatures, while Mattie has her father’s creativity but channels it into both piano and painting. Both girls also have their parents’ reserved natures (Mattie is more outgoing, though) and are both twins. Lucy is an identical twin, while Mattie is a fraternal twin.
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Catherine “Kate” O’Neill → One of Rory O’Neill and Ethel Malinda’s (@gaygryffindorgal) twin daughters, Kate is her father’s daughter. She’s quite similar in personality to him, without all the trauma. She’s passionate about quidditch, but has never loved playing the sport and instead follows her mother’s footsteps into journalism, focusing on writing about quidditch.
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Theodora “Dora” O’Donnell-Lee → The eldest daughter of Sara O’Donnell and Barnaby Lee, Dora is her mother’s daughter coupled with her father’s passion for creatures. Perhaps one of the first fankids I have, Dora has had many different iterations over the past few years. She’s always remained soft and passionate about animals. She is the eldest of the O’Donnell cousins, having three younger siblings and six younger cousins. Dora can be quite protective of her younger siblings and cousins.
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Flora MacKade → The only daughter of Finn MacKade and Scotty Rosier (@drinkyoursoupbitch), Flora is the second eldest MacKade cousin. She’s a fascinating combination of her mother and father and my only female character who goes on to play quidditch professionally. Flora is plays chaser on her quidditch teams and often keeps an eye on her younger brother and cousins.
Honorary Mentions:
Saoirse Lynch → Tadhg and Niamh’s younger daughter, Aisling’s sister
Margo Pembroke → Max and Ivy’s only daughter
Cecilia Kennedy → Edmund and Lottie’s younger daughter
Daphne Demiurgos-Kennedy → Minerva and Adonis’s only daughter
Reva Rovere-Parsons → Georgie and Angelo’s only daughter
Winifred O’Donnell, Keira Khanna-O’Donnell, Violet O’Donnell-Lee, Naomi O’Donnell → the four other girl O’Donnell cousins, daughters of Ryan and Penny, Cara and Rowan, Sara and Barnaby, Conor and Ruth
Maya Kingsley-Valdez → Camila and Jasper’s daughter
Nora Easterbrook-Whitten → Benedict and Poppy’s middle daughter
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astie-hearts21 · 1 year
(I think you like it😅)
HPHM MC Profile
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Name: Asteria Hearts
Nickname: Astie, Teri, Ria (it is rarely so called), Pip (by Jacob), "My Little Star" (by her date🤭),
Birth Date: Feb. 6, 1973
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Blood-status: Half-blood
Ethnicity: Half English, half French
| Appearance |
Height: 165cm
Weight: 50 kg
Hair: Short, light brown, cascading (6-7 year)
(Long, light brown, wavy, tied in a ponytail (1-6 year, before)
Eyes: Green
Skin Tone: Light
Body Modifications: she has a big eyes
| At Hogwarts |
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 7 (graduates soon)
Her first wand:Hornbeam wand, dragon heartstring core, 11 inches
Her second wand:Redwood wand, unicorn hair core, 11 inches
Favorite Class: Charms, Divination, Astronomy, Muggle Studies and Flying
Not Favorite Class:Potions
Amortensia:sweets and frowers
Club: Hippogriff
Quidditch: Chaser
Boggart: A black silhouette that tells her that she is doing everything wrong
Patronus: a Spot Hare
Animagus: an eagle
Pets: a Bat and a Jackalope
| Relationship |
Best Friends:
Rowan Khanna, Ben Copper...Corey Hayden
Friends:Penny Haywood, Tulip Karasu, Charlie Weasley, Andre Egwu, Badeea Ali, Barnaby Lee, Liz Tuttle, Nymphadora Tonks, Chiara Lobosca, Jae Kim, Diego Caplan.
Rivals:Merula Snyde, Victor Ketsueki,
Non-NPC friends:
@raccoon-lair (Keira Richardson)
Love interest: Talbott Winger
| Random facts |
Asteria was named after the star deity of ancient Greek mythology
She is bisexual
She a sweetooth, but she also likes sweets with blood (she don't know why)
Asteria is afraid of spiders, but that didn't stop her from fighting the Acromantula
She likes to listen to the band "The Weird sisters" And Celestine Warbeck
Her favorite location is a Lake Shore
In first year, she was teased because of her big eyes, so she wore glasses to hide it
Her favorite accessories are earrings in the form of stars
She can sing and she would like to participate in some events but she is graduating soon...
She carries and treasures Talbott's gifts like treasures
(I think that's it, I'm sorry😅)
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 2 years
Profile: Iðunn Larson
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FC: tbd
Nicknames: Miss Larson, Andersdottr, Indy
Born: 23 January 1973
2nd of three
Place of birth: Faroe Islands
Ethnicity: Norwegian
Nationality: Anglo-Norse
Blood Status: Pureblood (Magical)
House: Gryffindor, 1984-1991
Abilities: currently unknown
Wand: Norwegian Spruce, with dragon heartstring, 10”, unyielding
Appearance: dark blonde hair, dark brown eyes, scattered freckles, solid build
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Mother: Brynhild née Henrik
Father: Anders Larson
brewer, Larson Family Brewing
Older brother: Asgeir
Younger sister: Kristine
Cousin: Ingrid Larson
Friends:  Jasmine Fonseca, Annika Halvorson, Rose Whiteson, Ellie Marcovitz, Rowan Khanna
Preferred weapon is a bow and arrow, goes on the create the Hogwarts Archery Club (1986-1991)
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akikocho · 1 year
There are some facts that I want to share about the Avery twins (both my lore and the "this year" au I created):
• Maya can recognize someone's handwriting. She knows who wrote the letters she received especially when the letter is not signed by the writer. That ability will be useful to her during Valentine's Day because she receives A LOT of owls on that day.
• Malachi can run while wearing high heel shoes. L̶e̶t̶'̶s̶ j̶u̶s̶t̶ s̶a̶y̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ h̶e̶ p̶r̶a̶c̶t̶i̶c̶e̶d̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ j̶u̶s̶t̶ t̶o̶ i̶m̶p̶r̶e̶s̶s A̶n̶d̶r̶e̶.̶ He also steals his mom's high heels.
• Both twins have friends from America. Since childhood, they always go to America for summer vacation.
• Both use the same brand of perfumes and they will never change it.
• Some people will be mistaken for Maya liking sweet food and Malachi liking spicy foods. They're opposites haha.
• Malachi in "this year" au is an avid meme sender. There is no typical day for him to not send a single meme in the group chat. Maya however cusses in chat to the point she gets restricted.
• Same fact related to the AU. Malachi is that one person who wears a jacket even if it's a very hot day.
• Both have skin care routines. To the point the Khanna twins (Male and female Rowan) got influenced by them.
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night-rhea · 3 years
and YAAA adel would also be childhood besties with ben !! ur right new ben is usually a bit. edgy but thats ok. it just gets a bit rare to see him smile. but then adel sees how happy he looks when hes with night and shes just🥺🥺 ohh he deserves this. both night and ben deserve each other and they WILL be endgame period. NDJDNJSNDN ROWAN N ADEL PLAYING AROUND AND LOWKEY TRYING TO SET NIGHT AND BEN UP TOGETHER PLS DJND LIKE. they pull the stupidest shenanigans trying to put these love dorks under the mistletoe ( figurative ) and both ben and night are so confused as to wtf these two are doing !!
also yaaa i dunno about names for the twins akjfksjs i usually just call both of them rowan LMAOOOO theyre both rowan and everyone just has to deal with it
— adellovesrowan
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If someone needs me, i will be in my bed and crying... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Rowan and Adel would be bugging Ben and thats the funniest thing ever.. 😭 Okay doodle ideas running in my head i will be dead until i can draw them 🥺🥺🥺
And about names, it reminded me of Fire Amblem 3 Houses and Byleth... JFJFKMFMGMGMKF
"Hello! Im Rowan and thats my twin. Rowan." KDKFMFMMFMFMFMMFMGMG
New headcanon Night calls them Roro and Rowy. Because they love stupid names. And these are stupid enough am i wrong 😌✊
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montdiarts · 5 years
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When you remember that you still have to do three presentations, five projects and like 10 essays until tomorrow.
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Female!Rowan Khanna just before the sorting ceremony
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