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Just come kiss me and bite me.
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markliving · 7 months
There are good witches, you know?
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pairing: jackson wang x f!witcher!reader
synopse: You were a witch, not one of those we see in Harry Potter or in children's stories where witches are the villains. You were a normal teenager, but luckily for you, you had some potions and spells at your disposal. And after being caught carrying out one of your shenanigans on the school grounds, you end up having to help Jackson with a potion. But what could go wrong? All.
warnings: magic, fantasy, fluff
word count: 1585
Jackson hated staying after hours at school. He wondered every day why teachers always assigned such huge assignments. Didn't they realize that students had other things to do? Well, Jackson was just another complaining student, but he still did everything to complete his assignments correctly and earn the highest grade.
He walked calmly through the school corridors, letting out sighs and grumbles here and there. He knew there were few students in school that day and mentally thanked himself for not being alone there because that place gave him shivers down his spine. While noticing some details never seen by his eyes in that immense corridor, he heard some not-so-quiet curses towards the sports court and thought about going straight, but his brain told him to turn around and see what was happening, so he did.
He looked at the small open corridor leading to the sports court and proceeded forward slowly, looking around to make sure no one saw him. He stopped behind the pillar next to the opening leading to the court and started observing you, who was in the center of the place.
You were wearing the school uniform and had some object in yours hands, emitting sparks. Jackson widened his eyes when he saw you had turned in his direction. He quickly crouched down, trying to hide behind the low wall and prayed that you hadn't seen him there, especially because he wasn't sure what you were doing there and why the object in yours hand was emitting sparks. He stood up slowly, looked at you again, and this time managed to see clearly what you were holding; a wand. A. Wand. Emitting. Sparks.
Jackson wasn't sure what he was feeling, he just knew that either he was hallucinating or he needed a good night's sleep when he got home. He knew that what he was seeing in front of him couldn't be real; witches, magic wands, none of that existed, but why was he seeing it?
The boy was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice you — who was previously in the middle of the court — now next to him, looking at him with yours hands on yours hips.
"Can I know what you're snooping around for?" you asked.
The guy was more confused than anything else. You were seconds ago in the middle of the basketball court. How did you get here so quickly and without him seeing her? Running was not an option.
"How did you get here so fast?" This time it was Jackson who asked.
"Wrong answer." You descended the step and stood facing him. "I asked first, and I would like the correct answer."
"You..." He blinked a few times and shook his head, trying to push away the actions he had just seen, which seemed more like hallucinations than anything else. "I was just passing by." He tried to maintain a serious posture.
You raised one of yours eyebrows in doubt and put your hand on your chin. That boy was too strange to be true and seemed too nervous as well. Did he see your antics in the middle of the court? And what if he spread the word that you were a witch?
"Hold on a second." Jackson squinted his eyes, searching his mind for where he knew her from. "You're the girl who exploded the test tube in chemistry class... right?"
You froze. You didn't know exactly how he remembered that fateful day or your name. You wished could remember a spell right now to erase that disastrous event from everyone's lives and go back to walking around without receiving some looks from those who were with you that day.
"It's me." You raised her head and pretended not to hear anything from the guy before saying your name. "And who are you?"
"Jackson Wang."
If you knew that on that day you “met” Jackson your life would turn upside down and not in a good way, you would have thought a thousand times before deciding to do one of your antics in that place. Now, to your misfortune, you were being blackmailed by the brown-haired boy.
It all started after the day that you two met on the basketball court; Wang, as if he didn't want anything, arrived just before history your class started and sat in the chair next to you.
"How are you?" he asked with a big strange smile on his lips.
You stopped reading the book in yours hands and looked at the boy beside you, thinking of a thousand things to kick him out of there, until you saw his mischievous smile.
"What do you want here, Wang?" You mimicked his smile. You were curious to know what he wanted by looking for you. You had some ideas of what it could be, but preferred to keep those ideas to herself.
"I need your help," he began. "Well... there's a girl from my chemistry class that I'd like to ask out..." he whispered this part, as if afraid someone else would hear. “But I don't know how to do it."
Your smile gradually faded as you listened to what the boy was saying. You were astonished by what Wang was saying. How could he, with the appearance of a Greek god and an unparalleled shamelessness, not know how to ask someone out? It was becoming hilarious. You smiled mischievously again, as if plotting something in your mind.
"Why do you have that shameless smile on your face?" Jackson asked, beginning to regret coming to you for help, but he knew he still had a card up his sleeve to wipe that smirk off your face.
"I was thinking of something here... How come you, Jackson Wang, the school's player, the 'Greek god' here, don't know how to ask a girl out?"
"The same way you don't know, I also don't know..." The boy shrugged and continued. "And that's where you come in... don't you have a potion, or, I don't know, a spell for that...?"
You stopped thinking as soon as you heard those words coming from the other. You were expecting something exaggerated from the boy, but not something from your spells, or as your father liked to say, "powers that Harry Potter once used to defeat You-Know-Who," which had nothing to do with being a witch in the 21st century.
"What did you say?"
"You know... what witches do with wands and cauldrons."
Joy's jaw dropped in shock.
"But if you don't want to, I can tell a certain someone who controls the school… cough… that she has a little witch in her school, and that she's been casting some spells around."
And it was after that you wanted to fly at Jackson's throat, because for the first time in your life, which wasn't many years, you had been discovered by a human, who was blackmailing you. But for Jackson's luck, and for your misfortune, you were without one of your transformation potions.
After that day, every blessed day, Jackson showed up to bother you with that stupid and huge smile that could melt anyone. Of course, you found Jackson attractive and a nice guy, but everything he was making you do made, you roll yours eyes 24/7, and it was really stressing you out.
You had warned Jackson that today, on Friday the 13th, he was to wait for you outside the school to solve this potion problem. As soon as you two were released from school, you both walked without a word towards your house, or as Jackson liked to think, a cave.
You two stopped in front of a house with a green garden and entered it shortly after.
"What is it?" you asked, giving a questioning look to the other.
"I thought we were going to a cave or something..." he whispered, seeming a bit confused with what he was saying.
"We're in the 21st century, not the 15th." You laughed, wondering where he got all that from. "Back then, we couldn't do this anywhere, because we were seen as evil beings, with their black cats, casting spells on anyone, but nowadays, humans, without any kind of power or anything like that, are their own enemies." You shrugged and pointed to a place where the other could leave his backpack, and both headed towards a small room not far from the living room.
There were shelves in the four corners of the room with jars and more jars of things that Jackson had never seen in his entire life. He was starting to regret having had this stupid idea.
"I know all this is scary, but there are good witches, you know?" You turned to him with a small smile on your face, which somehow helped him calm down a bit.
You spent a few minutes looking for the potion you had prepared the night before, which for some reason wasn't where you left it the night before. You stopped for a few seconds to think, and turned to Jackson, finding him about to do one of the dumbest things he could do: drink the love potion.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, Jackson drinking the orange liquid as if it were orange juice and loving it, and you were panicking at seeing the whole scene without being able to do something, because it was already too late. The guy looked at you, not understanding anything, and said three magic words:
"I like you."
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a/n: im back, I hope you like it. I'm working on a Nanami fic, so keep an eye out.
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okskz · 8 months
Break pt.2
elsy + chan
things aren’t looking good between the two and they only get worse from there.
first post of the year! hope you guys enjoy, and please feel free to leave some feedback because it is always appreciated. still not sure how long this series will be. also, requests are OPEN!
[8th member of got7/soloist]
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it had been a couple of weeks since the argument between chan and elsy. not one of them took the time to fix things, or even check up on each other. elsy felt chan was the one who needed to message first since she felt he was the cause of their argument. which is why she started to get more upset with him for not trying to call or message her. chan didn’t even try to fix things after she stormed off that day.
was this the end?
elsy most definitely didn’t want her relationship with chan to end. she loved him, he was her first real love and relationship and this was just the thing she was scared of the most. and probably the main reason she was ever scared of getting into a relationship. she didn’t want to lose chan again.
but elsy kept telling herself that this was just a rough patch that couples go through. no relationship was perfect, but she definitely thought her’s and chan’s was. maybe things will go back to normal soon, she thought.
now, the girl was sitting on her couch along with jaebeom as the two watched a movie together. elsy had told jaebeom everything between the couple. with jinyoung being away, she couldn’t go to him like she always did.
“he still loves me right?”
jaebeom rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his beer. he had heard the same question over and over again. “elsy, of course he does.” he answered once again. trying to sound more reassuring. “you guys just had a little discourse, it happens to a lot of relationships.”
“it’s just he hasn’t messaged or call-“
“he’s probably just getting his thoughts together. and when he does, he’ll come looking for you.”
“but does it really take more than a couple of days?”
“he seems very busy in group activities, els.”
elsy sighed as she threw her head back against her couch. all she could think about was chan. “maybe he doesn’t know how to balance being in a relationship and his job. the group got busier than ever.” jaebeom said.
and that he was right, which is why elsy felt a little bad for lashing out on chan for doing his work. elsy knew how much chan loved making new music, but she also was getting tired of constantly having to only be in the studio with him to spend time with him.
his words still replayed in elsy’s head. the girl still felt some type of way with chan’s words. the last thing she wanted was to feel like she was a distraction to chan or going in between him and his work. but hearing it come from chan himself made her think it was becoming true.
it also felt like a slap in the face when he mentioned that he was actually doing something with music unlike her. especially when chan knew the reason why she took a pause in making music.
elsy let out a sigh and jaebeom turned his attention to her. “it’ll be okay, els.” he reassured her again. “he’ll come around.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“when am I ever wrong?” jaebeom let out a chuckle, trying to lighten up the mood. as he took another sip of his beer, elsy snorted and pushed the beer bottle more up, causing the beverage to spill out and go onto jaebeom’s shirt. “oops!”
“damnit, jiyeon!” jaebeom groaned. “now my shirt is ruined.”
elsy continued to laugh. “sorry about that, if you want, you can put it in the washer and then dryer.”
that he did. jaebeom was quick to stand up and take his shirt off to put it in elsy’s washer. and as he was doing that, elsy heard her bell ring and quickly stood up to open her door.
she tugged down her oversized tee, “bang chan?”
“hi, els.” he bit the inside of his lip. “may I come in-“
“who’s here jiyeon?” jaebeom said as he entered back into the living room. the door was open wide enough for chan to see jaebeom behind elsy. his eyes wandered to jaebeom being shirtless and the oversized tee elsy had on.
“it’s bang chan.” she answered. “yes, you can come in.”
chan was a bit hesitant but did either way. jaebeom greeted chan with a smile but only chan greeted jaebeom with a half smile. elsy already knew something was bothering chan.
“I’ll leave you two alone.” jaebeom said as he walked away, going into elsy’s spare room.
“if I’d had known you had company I wouldn’t have stopped by.”
“well, you haven’t messaged me so of course you wouldn’t have known.” elsy said. there was a bit of annoyance in the tone of her voice, and chan quickly noticed it.
“you haven’t either.” chan replied.
“sorry, didn’t want to be more of a distraction to you.” elsy said blankly. “you know, since you have work to do and I don’t.” she repeated the words chan said towards her.
“lee jiyeon, you know that’s not what I meant!” elsy flinched from his sudden outburst.
“you still said it though, bang chan!” elsy yelled back. “so obviously it had to have meant something!”
“no, elsy. no, not at all!” chan exclaimed. “I just meant it as in I didn’t need any distractions at that moment- because I needed to finish-“
“so I am a distraction to you.” elsy snapped. “I just wanted one day! one day for us to actually be a couple and do other things, all we do is sit around in the studio as you work and I’m just there. bang chan, that’s not a date, that’s not anything! I don’t want to always do that, I just wanted for us to go back to how we did things, us going out!”
“elsy, I just can’t do those things at the moment, my schedule has been all over the place-“
“when my schedules were busy, I still made time for you. listen, if you’re not here to apologize chan, then I think you should go. because I cannot deal with another argument with you.” elsy felt her eyes getting watery.
but chan got more annoyed. “why are trying to kick me out so quickly?” chan arched an eyebrow. “something going on between you two that you don’t want me to know about?”
elsy was taken back from chan’s words, becoming confused to say the least as she stared at chan. “what?” she snapped. “and what the hell do you mean by that?” the girl was at lost for words.
chan swallowed hard, “you know what I mean.”
“are you implying that I’m cheating on you?! as if I’d ever sleep with jaebeom, chris. he’s my group member-“
“you did it with jinyoung, so it’s a little hard to believe you wouldn’t.”
chan couldn’t stop the words from coming out. elsy let out the biggest gasp ever that even jaebeom could hear. the tension was thick. elsy felt like she had gotten stabbed in the back. what’s worse was that it was chan who made her feel that way. she couldn’t believe chan had the nerve to say that to her.
“fuck you, bang chan.”
elsy’s eyes became more watery and chan’s mood had instantly changed in regret. “el-“
“no, fuck you!” she yelled. “fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!” she continued to say as she pushed chan back, tears falling down her face. chan grabbed elsy’s arms to stop her from pushing his chest. “you out of all people.” she cried. “you know how I got treated and you know what people said about me! only for you to be like the rest of them, and think of me like that. fuck you!”
“get out.” elsy snapped. “get out of my home. I don’t want to see you.” the girl went to open her apartment door, leading chan out.
elsy shook her head, telling chan one last thing before she shut the door on his face.
“we’re done.”
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smolwritingchick · 9 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 44- He's Smitten
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Chapter Summary: Jungkook's white shirts go missing. Jen gets noticed by Baekhyun. Bam Bam finally meets Jennie at the Dream concert. Jennie and Jungkook go against each other for dodgeball at school. Jennie checks out Jungkook's English.
Words: 12,000+
Genre: Major Jungkook fluff! And Bam Bam fluff!
Author's Note: Another custom chapter after some BTS events! I really LOVE this chapter and the scenes between Jennie and Jungkook when they played dodgeball at school and ate together after school. One of my absolute favorite chapters I wrote! I love their growing friendship/feelings for each other.
Jennie slept soundly, on top of Yoongi as they napped on the couch, in the living room. Her alarm on her phone began to ring once the time turned to 1:30 PM, causing them both to stir in their sleep. Reaching over to her phone, she shuts off the alarm and lets out a sigh.
“An hour didn’t go by that quick...” She tried to go back to sleep as she felt Yoongi’s chest rumble against her when he chuckled.
“Unfortunately, it did. Time to go to the studio.” His deep voice was filled with sleep as he began to stretch. Jennie looked at him as he ran a hand through his hair. “You wanna know somethin’?”
“You look like shit.”
Used to his smart-ass remarks, she remained unfazed. “Oh? So, do you asshole.”
Yoongi let out another deep chuckle. “What? You want me to lie? Wow, you look beautiful this afternoon.”
“Wow, well you look quite handsome this afternoon.” She mocked. “And your breath stinks.”
Suddenly, Yoongi breathed out heavily so she could smell his stench. As soon as his bad breath hit her nose, she covered it and fell off the couch with a yell. 
“Ew! Not funny!” she cringed
“Was to me. Be ready in 20 so we can work on your cover.” He got off the couch to head to the bathroom. 
Today was the day Jennie would finish covering Baekhyun’s Beautiful from EXO Next Door. Already admiring him as a K-Pop idol, she wanted to sing one of his songs and the song was really, no pun intended, beautiful. The song was released on April 22nd, and as soon as she heard it, she immediately wanted to cover it. She low-key hoped that he’d even notice the cover.
Meanwhile, Jungkook searched around his room for his white shirts. They were suddenly missing. 
“What the heck is going on? I had them right here!” He started destroying the side of his room for his shirts.
Jen heard him muttering to himself in panic and decided to go into his room to see what was the problem. “You good?”
“No, I’m not! I can’t find any of my white shirts! They’re-they’re gone! All of them! ALL OF THEM!”
The Bangtan Girl stared at him like he was crazy. 
All this...over shirts?
“Whoa, whoa, slow down. You mean to tell me you can’t find none of your shirts?” She tried to get him to relax as she grabbed a hold of his arm, halting him from pacing.
“Nope! None of them!” He grabbed a hold of her shoulders. “You gotta help me. I need my white shirts, you know how much they mean to me. Help me, please.”
“I’m about to go to the studio. I can help you when I get back.” She suggested, getting out of his grip. “You’re probably overlooking. You sure it’s not in your laundry?”
Jungkook decided to go to his laundry basket and dump out all his dirty clothes. “Nope! Where are they!?” He yelled in frustration.
“What are you whining about?” Jimin approached him out of curiosity.
“Someone had to take them. This is a prank, isn’t it?” Jungkook finally figured it out.
“Take what?” Taehyung joined in.
“Someone took my white shirts!” The Golden Maknae whined and started to fake cry. 
Jimin immediately began laughing, which caused suspicion as Jungkook called him out. “It was you wasn’t it!?”
“I didn’t do anything!” Jimin giggled.
“Give them back!”
“Hahahah! It wasn’t me-hahahah!”
“Did you check the laundry room?” Taehyung suggested, trying not to giggle.
“If I find out that one of you messed with ALL my white shirts, there will be hell to pay.” He threatened them and left the room.
As soon as Jungkook left, Taehyung and Jimin started laughing. 
“Y’all did it, didn’t you?” Jennie assumed.
“We didn’t do anything, it’s just so funny to see him so worked up over white shirts.” Taehyung giggled loudly.
“I hope he finds them.” She let out a sigh.
“I hope he doesn’t for a while. I like seeing him panic.” Jimin added. “I wonder who decided to take them. Maybe Hobi?”
“We could go ask,” Tae suggested.
“Keep me posted on the madness. I have a song to cover.” She said her goodbyes after they wished her luck, anticipating her new recording.
When she headed to the studio, with her headphones in her ears, she was asked to sound softer and build her way up as the song progressed because, in some parts of the song, there wasn’t any build up the first few times she sang the song.
“Maybe if you think about a boy or ARMY, it could help with the emotion.” She was suggested as she nodded, taking in the advice. 
‘A boy, huh? Or ARMY?’ She pondered as her mind started to race with ideas. 
With her phone in her hand, having the lyrics on her notes app, she waits for the music to start again. Once the music was heard from her headphones, she starts off softly, bringing out a sad tone to the beginning of the song.
Annyeong naege dagawa
Sujubeun hyanggireul angyeo judeon
neo huimihan kkumsokeseo
Nuni busidorok banjjakyeosseo
Raising her pitch slightly to a hopeful tone, she continued softly. And as she sang the chorus, a smile came across her face as she maintained the hopeful tone of the song.
Neoui misoe naemaeumi noganaeryeo
Nuni majuchyeosseulttaen~
Her held notes sounded angelic, and strong but not overpowering the beat of the song.
neoui gaseume nae misoreul gieokhaejwo
Haruedo myeotbeonssik~
Neoege hago sipeun geu mal...You’re beautiful
“Fly to you naegyeote isseojwo...You’re beautiful...” She finished the song softly and opened her eyes as the last bit of the instrumental played out. 
“How’d I do?” She asked as she got pairs of thumbs ups in response, praising her efforts. “Ayeeeeee!”
After doing some finishing touches on the song, they post it on BTS’ SoundCloud.
‘Give it a listen! My fav has sung it so beautifully, that I just had to cover it! #JEN’ She tweets, posting the SoundCloud link of her new cover. 
She decided to post a photo of it on her Instagram as well with the caption, ‘I had to. #EXONextDoor’
ARMY came rushing in with the comments like there was no tomorrow.
‘This was so cute!’
‘MOM! I was about to go to sleep!’
‘Welp, I won’t be going to sleep anytime soon. I’m gonna be listening to this all night.’
‘Can you PLEASE do more covers? Your voice is so soothing’
‘Baekhyun needs to hear this!’
‘@baekhyunee_exo this is great!’
‘I lovvvvveeeee this! Yes Miss Bangtan!’
‘@baekhyunee_exo listen to this!’
‘If you combine both Jen’s cover and the original song, you can hear how nicely their voices blend. Kudos to Jen’s harmonious vocals. It’s like she’s singing right next to him.’
On her way back to the dorm, she decided to check her Instagram and perceived that a certain someone noticed her cover as she almost dropped her phone. 
“He noticed!” She squealed after she read Baekhyun’s comment.
baekhyunee_exo: Well done :)
On May 23rd, backstage at the Dream Concert, Jen finished getting her makeup done and told the members that she wanted to find her friends. Backstage was hectic, as the staff made sure everything was in order for the show. She managed not to get in anyone’s way as she spotted Jackson finishing up his conversation with one of the staff members.
“Jackson!” She happily waved, catching his attention. A huge smile came across his face as she jogged up to him, pulling him in for a hug.
“Jennie!” He picked her up and spun her around. She laughed at his enthusiasm before getting sat down on her feet. “My favorite American girl. How have you been? Congrats on I Need U.”
“Thank you! Everything is going well, I can’t complain. I’d be lying if I said that we weren’t tired but managing to get wins for I Need U is worth it. I’m so proud of our accomplishments so far.”
“I’m sure. You guys worked hard. I hear that J-Hope and Yugyeom will be dancing together.”
“Oh yeah, they’re gonna kill it. Super excited to see that and GOT7’s stage. Speaking of GOT7, are they free? I’d like to meet them.”
“Oh yeah! They’re very eager. I couldn’t stop talking about you, haha.”
“I hope it was positive things you told them about me.” She let out a laugh.
“Of course, I did. Come on, they’re in the dressing room.” He gestured for her to follow him. 
She was excited to meet them, they seemed like great guys to be buddies with. She did want more guy friends after meeting a bunch of girl idols.
“Hey, guys! Miss Bangtan is here!” Jackson announced as they walked into the dressing room. She waved at them in a friendly manner after hearing a chorus of hellos. In the room were Yugyeom, Youngjae, JR, Mark, and JB as they excitedly got into a conversation with her.
“I’m an avid listener of you guys. You’re always on my playlist.” She happily revealed.
“Thank you! What are your favorite songs?” JB asked with a smile.
“I love A, I even know the choreography for it.” She briefly demonstrated as they looked impressed.
“I think she should’ve been in GOT8.” JB laughed as the guys agreed.
“GOT8 sounds catchy. But GOT7 is way better. You guys are the experts in your dances. Other songs I like are Turn Up the Volume, Stop Stop It and Gimme. I’m looking forward to your next comeback.”
After briefly talking some more with the members, Jen noticed that there were only six of them. 
“I thought there were seven of you.” She looked around.
“Bam Bam.” Youngjae chuckled to himself, glancing at the members knowingly.
“He’s probably wandering around.” Jackson assumed.
“Ah, okay. I hope I can catch him later. I’ll see you guys around, it was nice meeting you.” She said her goodbyes and left.
“You think he’s gonna even want to meet her? He’s so nervous.” Mark pondered.
“He’s meeting her today. No ifs, ands, or buts. I’m tired of him just staring at her. He needs to man up and talk.” Jackson demanded.
As the show went underway, Jen stopped walking backstage when she heard an excited chorus of her name being called out. Two sets of arms wrapped around her as she was attacked with hugs from Jiyoon and Hyuna. 
“Oh geez.” She laughed as the rest of the 4Minute members joined in.
“We missed you!” Sohyun said after they released her.
“I missed you more! How have you ladies been? Oh my God, it’s been a while!” Jen gave them individual hugs.
“We’re doing great, we’re so excited to perform,” Hyuna answered.
“Y’all know I’ll be jamming out when you perform crazy and What’s your name. If you hear screaming, it may be me.” She joked.
As Jen talked with 4Minute, from afar, Bam Bam zoned out as he watched her, mesmerized.
There she was.
She was right there.
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So close yet so far, but he was still nervous to talk to her. He felt awkward about approaching her.
What would he say? How would she react?
‘Why is she so pretty?’ He thought with wonder. 
He thought her curly hair framed her face so well and brought out her beauty even more. What was it about her that always made his stomach fill with butterflies?
“You’re drooling.” Youngjae nudged him, causing him to get out of his zone. “Go talk to her.”
“She doesn’t bite, man. She’s very sweet.” JB added.
“You’ll get along just fine. Do I need to drag you to her?” Jackson suggested with a grin.
“Please no!” Bam Bam looked at him with horror. “I don’t even know what to say.”
“Say what’s on your mind?” Yugyeom suggested.
“So, tell her, Hi, I think you’re beautiful. I like you, can I be your boyfriend?” Bam Bam made one of his funny facial expressions as the members ended up laughing.
“That’s...a bit forward.” Jackson giggled.
“And why did you make that face?” JB shook his head.
“Wow, he’s still crushing on Miss Bangtan?” Mark asked in amazement.
“Uh huh. He’s smitten.” Jackson wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk.
“I am not!” Bam Bam exclaimed, feeling his face warm up.
“Remember how he was staring at her at the MAMA Awards? Lipsyncing whenever her verse came on? It was so cute.” JR gushed.
“Uh huh. And he’s still looking at her with heart eyes. It’s painfully obvious. But I don’t blame him. Jennie is very pretty-ow!” Youngjae winced once Bam Bam punched his arm, in retaliation. “So aggressive...” He rubbed his arm.
“Well, he gotta wait until the dating ban is over anyway. But at least introduce yourself and be friends with her. Start as friends then confess once the dating ban is over.” JB suggested.
“I’m too nervous, all right? What if she thinks I’m weird?” Bam Bam said with worry. 
He thought he could be a bit much with his goofy expressions and it may be a turn off for her.
Would she think he’s weird for how he acts around his friends? How he loves to dance to girl group songs, what would she think about that?
“Are you kidding me?” JR exclaimed. “If she can live with the Bangtan Boys, I’m pretty sure she can deal with you. Jennie will probably think you’re funny and cute. Be yourself.”
“I could’ve sworn she said that she loves when her ideal type is himself and not pretending to be someone else.” Mark thought about her speech on her ideal type, last year.
Jackson shook his head in annoyance. He had enough of his stalling. “That’s it.” He grabbed a hold of Bam Bam and started to walk towards Jennie.
“J-Jackson! No! What are you doing!?” He desperately tried to fight off his grip as he found himself getting closer to her.
No, he wasn’t ready.
He wasn’t ready to approach this girl.
He wasn’t ready to look at her in the eyes.
He wasn’t ready to get lost in them yet.
He wasn’t ready to blush and make a fool out of himself in front of her.
He needed more time.
“I’m tired of your bull, Bam Bam. You’re going to meet her.” Jackson had none of it as they got closer. “Jennie!” He happily shouted after she was left alone.
She turned to the two boys. “Hey, what up?”
“I wanted to introduce you to the seventh member that you didn’t get to meet. This is Bam Bam. Bam Bam, this is Jennie.” Jackson released him. 
Bam Bam cleared his throat and smiled shyly, giving her a brief wave.
“Finally! I was wondering where you were!” Her sudden statement caused Bam Bam to look surprised. “Were you hiding from me?” She teased with a smile.
‘Oh my God, her smile...how is she real?’ He thought, feeling himself get flustered. 
“N-nah, duty calls.” He replied. ‘Really Bam Bam? Duty calls? I sound so stupid.’ He mentally punched himself. 
”I agree, everything is so hectic. That’s the idol life.”
Bam Bam noticed that Jackson had left them alone as he swallowed nervously, meeting her friendly gaze.
“So, you rap?” She asked eagerly.
“Y-yeah. I rap in GOT7.”
“Wow, that’s dope. Yoongi is helping me learn how to rap. I’d love to rap one day. Maybe even be a part of the Rap Line in BTS.”
“I can see that happening. I could give you some tips...if you’re interested.” He suggested 
“That’s so sweet of you. I appreciate it.”
“D-did you like your get well basket?” He rubbed the back of his neck as her eyes lit up.
“That was you!?”
He smiled shyly and nodded. “I hope you liked the smarties.”
“Of course, I did! Thank you so much! Well, since I’m in front of you now, let me give you that kiss on the cheek.” She giggled as she pulled him in for a warm hug after placing her soft lips on his cheek. 
His eyes almost popped out at the sudden affection but he immediately wrapped his arms around her, enjoying the moment. He caught a whiff of her perfume. It had a fruity scent to it, and it suited her.
‘She is so huggable.’ He thought as he couldn’t keep the smitten smile off his face. 
So this was what it was like to have her in his arms. He was in heaven. Bam Bam didn't want to let her go as his mind started thinking about potential date ideas if he could have the courage to ask her out. 
The GOT7 members were watching his face with amusement and decided to snap a photo for future blackmail.
After she pulled away, she spoke, “You really didn’t have to do that for me. It was so kind of you. Thanks for caring even if we haven’t met during that time.”
“Anytime. You really worried me. I’m happy that you’re okay.”
“Aw, Bam Bam!” She was touched by his words.
‘The way she says my name.’ He gushed. It sounded so cute the way she said his name with cheerfulness.
“I gotta get back to the dressing room, but it was nice meeting you! I hope we get to see each other again, soon.”
She smiled and headed back inside the BTS dressing room while he went back to the members. 
“So, did you ask for her number?” Mark asked.
“I wanted to but it slipped my mind.” Bam Bam chuckled nervously. 
He was too busy staring anyway. Man was she stunning in person. Photos don't do her justice.
Jackson, however, wasn’t happy with his statement. “How else will you keep in touch?” He frowned, crossing his arms.
“Instagram?” Bam Bam shrugged.
“I would ask for her number if I were you,” JB advised.
“Oh yeah, show him the photo,” Yugyeom spoke up as JR showed him the photo of him grinning like an idiot as he hugged Jennie. “We’re keeping this for blackmail.”
“Why!? Delete that!” Bam Bam shouted.
“Maybe we should show Jennie, what do you guys think?” JB pondered.
“NO!” Bam Bam yelled, trying to grab ahold of the phone.
In the BTS dressing room, the members were dressed for their performance. Jennie napped on the floor with Yoongi, while Taehyung rested next to her. Hobi decided it was time to mess with the members and he went to disturb Jimin first while filming for a Bangtan Bomb. After messing with him, Hobi went straight to Yoongi and Jennie.
He filmed them, contemplating if he should mess with them but decided against it. 
“They’re sleeping too firmly. Last time I got beaten up by them with the others. It wasn’t pretty.” He laughed.
He decided to go after Taehyung instead, messing with his chin while making sound effects to one of the member’s iPhones that was ringing.
Jen kept hearing Hobi’s voice and contemplated if she should hit him so she could sleep in peace. As she opened her eyes, she saw him with a camera, messing with Tae. She glanced over at Yoongi, who had awakened, too.
Not good.
Tae looked over at the napping pair and glanced at Hobi, with fear, shocked that he woke them up.
“You’re really bothersome, doing this.” Tae sighed while Jennie shook her head at Hobi.
“Fuck off,” Yoongi spoke up, causing those around him to laugh.
“He-he cursed.” Hobi giggled.
After a long nap, Jen headed out and walked around until she saw Jiyoon, Gayoon and Sohyun in line for a shooting dart game.
“What’s all this?” Jennie looked around, noticing the spinning wheel and prizes around the staff members, deciding to get in line with them while others got behind her.
“Jiyoon wants the Hulk Buster,” Sohyun answered.
“Hulk Buster! Hulk Buster, please!” Jiyoon looked on, determined. She looked cute, acting like a kid for her Avengers.
“She really wants that Hulk Buster.” Jen laughed. “I hope she gets it.”
“Me too.”
“Oh my gosh is that a Captain America action figure!?” Jennie shouted, pointing it out with excitement. “I want it! I call dibs. It’s mine!”
“You like Captain America?”
“Oh yeah, I love him! Chris Evans is so cute!” She daydreamed, making Sohyun giggle. “He’s my favorite superhero. Just don’t tell Jungkook. He’s more of an Iron Man fan.”
“My lips are sealed.”
After Jiyoon’s failed attempt to get what she wanted, Jennie tried to shoot at the spinning wheel and failed too, winning kimchi flavored noodles. Jiyoon had won cereal and couldn’t hide her disappointment.
“Man, I really wanted that Captain America action figure. I could have it in my room for display.” Jen let out a sigh.
As she parted ways with Jiyoon and the others, Jen continued on her path to go back to the BTS dressing room.
“Finally, I found you!” She stopped in her tracks when she saw Chanyeol from EXO staring her way, smiling brightly.
‘Is he...talking to me? No way, there must be someone behind me.’ She looked back but didn't see anyone. 
“Are you talking to me?” She pointed to herself as he nodded happily and bowed as she did the same before looking up at his tall figure.
Jeesh, he was taller than she thought. But his bright smile made his height less intimidating as she felt at ease.
“Sorry if this is really random. I got really excited when I finally found you, hehehe.” He giggled shyly, covering his face. “I’m Chanyeol.”
“H-hi, I’m Jennie.” She felt her face warm up at the Happy Virus.
She always felt like EXO was untouchable and people she could never seem to approach. But Chanyeol seemed very eager and friendly to want to talk to her. 
She wondered why.
“Baekhyun has been looking for you. I decided to help him out. He’ll be thrilled to know that I found you.”
“Come again?” Her stomach dropped.
Her bias? 
He was looking for her?
Miss Bangtan?
She wanted to faint right then and there.
“He’s very eager to meet you! He wanted to talk to you about your cover. Can I just say that you have done very well? I enjoyed listening to it. Baekhyun can’t stop talking about it. It has been driving some of the members bonkers, hehe.” He giggled.
“Are you serious? Gosh, thank you!” She couldn’t believe he said that. That was a huge confidence booster. 
To be praised by Chanyeol of all people. An SM artist. Just wow!
Chanyeol had given Baekhyun a quick text and they waited while having small talk until he walked up to them. Jen told him that she wanted to get the Captain America action figure but had failed, as he decided that he wanted to try out the game after Baekhyun arrived.
“Ah, there he is.” Chanyeol pointed him out and left them to talk.
“Hello!” Baekhyun smiled brightly. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Jennie!”
“Hi!” She managed to say, mesmerized that he was right in front of her. He grabbed her hands with his smile still plastered on his face. It seemed to have calmed her starstruck mind down as she returned his smile. “You’re one of my favorite idols. It’s an honor to finally meet you. I saw your comment on my Instagram, about my cover. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to listen to it. It really means the world to me that you, the original artist of the song, would listen to my cover.”
“It’s funny how it came about. Chanyeol had seen fans tagging his Instagram and mine on your photo and he brought it to my attention. We decided to sit down and listen to it. The first opening notes, Chanyeol couldn’t keep his jaw closed.” He chuckled at the memory as he released her hands.
“Seriously?” She covered her mouth in surprise. 
Now that was a plus, that she was able to do that. She needed to stop doubting the potential of her singing ability. There is much to improve, but this right here was a huge start.
“Uh huh. It was well done. How long did it take you?”
“I’ve worked on the song for a week. Due to my schedule, I didn’t have that much free time. I was already familiar with the song because I’d listened to it so many times and sung along in my room. The rearrangement was made in the studio, I worked on making sure the same emotion that you had was there for the song, while still making it my own and then I took it from there. I had a blast working on it.”
“I’m eager to hear more from you. I have always wondered what is it about me that you love so much. I would come across photos of your interviews or videos of you speaking so highly of me. It’s very touching. May I ask why?”
“Well, it’s not hard. Your vocals are so amazing. Like you have no idea how your vocals have made me want to step up my vocal skills. Every time I hear you sing, I am inspired to be able to sing so emotionally, so heavenly and have that much passion. I love watching you perform, too. Your voice and charisma blow me away. I’m learning a lot in this industry, been in BTS for three years and we are still growing musically. You along with many other idols are an inspiration for me.” She revealed in a genuine voice.
“Ah, you’re making me so flustered from the constant support you have for me.” He said eagerly. "Thank you, Jennie,"
He always enjoyed meeting new people and he enjoyed Jennie’s friendly, determined aura around her. Her voice went great with his song. If they were to sing together in the future, it would be a treat for fans for sure.
“I would love to sing with you, one day if you are interested. I’m continuing to improve my vocals so I can push for future collaborations with other idols.” She continued, hoping he would agree.
His smile got wider as he nodded eagerly. “I would love to collaborate with you and teach you a few vocal methods in the future. Whenever you’re ready, just let me know and we’ll work from there once our schedules aren’t in the way. I’m positive SM will agree to it.”
“Really.” He confirmed.
“Thank you so much! Is it okay if I hug you?” She asked. 
He laughed at her excitement and nodded, bringing her in for a warm hug.
After their conversation, she asked for a selfie. He stood next to her, smiling sweetly while she grinned widely as they both put up finger hearts.
‘THIS HAPPENED! So happy to finally meet you! Thank you!’ She posted on Instagram and Twitter, causing EXO-Ls and ARMY to freak out.
After BTS had performed, Bam Bam went out to find Jennie. The GOT7 members were watching him from afar, to see if he would do what he said he was going to do.
Ask for her number.
“You think he’s gonna do it?” Mark asked.
“He better do it,” Jackson demanded.
“I don’t think he has it in him. Watch him chicken out.” JB laughed.
“He better not.” Jackson huffed.
“There she goes.” Mark pointed her out.
Once Bam Bam saw Jennie, taking out her earpiece, and putting it around her neck, he let out a breath and approached her. He repeated everything that he wanted to say in his mind, confident that he wouldn’t be awkward.
Once she turned around and flashed him a smile, he tensed up as she spoke, “Hey, you! Long time no see! Great performance out there!”
“Th-thanks. You were great out there, too. I uh, wanted you to have this.” He presented his hands that were behind his back, revealing the Captain America action figure that she had wanted.
A loud gasp escaped her lips as she took a step back. She looked from the action figure to him, in astonishment as he started to chuckle softly, satisfied with her reaction. 
“No way! H-how did you manage to win this, oh my gosh!” She happily accepted it, examining it in awe. “My Captain America!”
“I was in line for the game and overheard you talking about it. I was aiming to try out the game, just for fun, but I decided why not try to get the action figure for you.”
“Bam Bam, you just made my night.” She pulled him in for another hug.
‘Two hugs in one night? I’m on a roll.’ He happily thought.
Jackson nodded in approval. “Damn, that was smooth.”
“Whipped~!” Youngjae announced as the members laughed with him while they continued to watch.
“How long did it take you to win this?” She asked after they pulled away.
“Three times.”
“Man. You really didn’t need to go through all that trouble for me. But who am I to complain? I got my Captain America!” She cheered.
“Jennie! Come on!” Jin had called her out from afar, wanting her back in the dressing room.
“Gotta go, but thank you again, Bam Bam.”
“W-wait.” He grabbed a hold of her hand, making her turn back around. “I wanted to ask you something.”
“What’s up?”
“Can I-uh-can I get your number?” He stuttered out.
He hoped he wasn’t too forward or was giving her the wrong impression. He sincerely wanted to get to know her more. He liked her after all.
“Yeah, of course!” She took his phone and quickly typed in her number for him. “Here you go!”
“Sweet. Thank you. I’ll see you around, Jennie.”
“Definitely. I’m looking forward to getting to know you.” She headed back to meet up with Jin.
“He really had it in him,” Mark said in bewilderment.
“Should we start the ship name? BamJen?” Jackson suggested.
“When do you think he’ll text her?” Jinyoung asked as the members questioned the future of Bam Bam and Jen’s friendship.
The next day, Jungkook continued to freak out because he still couldn’t find his white shirts in the dorm.
Who would be so evil to take his precious shirts?
Who had the guts to do something like this and expect to get away with it?
“Okay, guys, this isn’t funny anymore, the prank is over, give me my damn shirts back!” He yelled from his room.
“Aish, you still can’t find them?” Namjoon shook his head.
“Damn it!” Jungkook slammed his hand against his opened door in frustration as he walked to the living room.
He was pissed.
This prank wasn’t funny anymore.
“They weren’t in the laundry?” Jin asked, calmly.
“No...” The Golden Maknae grumbled. “Can someone just tell me who did it? I haven’t worn any white shirts in weeks! Somebody just give them back!”
Jimin continued to laugh with Taehyung which caused Jungkook to curse and attack them, wrestling them in the living room. After he beat them up, Jungkook stormed back to his room to try to seethe in solitude.
Once he left, a smirk slowly came across the Bangtan Girl’s features. 
‘Wonder how long I should keep this up.’ She thought evilly.
Jungkook was so mad. She almost felt bad for doing this to him. He trusted her so much that he wouldn’t dare suspect her of all people to mess with his white shirts. 
Jimin peeped her smirk. He was the only one who knew her secret. When she decided to tell him, he was genuinely surprised that Miss Bangtan of all people would steal Jungkook’s white shirts.
That she would be bold enough to do such a thing.
Days later in the afternoon, Jen chilled in the living room, playing video games by herself until her phone buzzed, getting a notification from the BTS Group Chat.
Jimin: uhhh just to give you a fair warning...Kook is looking for you
Raising a brow, Jennie immediately texted back
Jennie: Why?
Jimin: He knows
Jennie: What do you mean "He knows"
Tae: Ennie, you need to HIDE
Hobi: NOW
Yoongi: You R on ur own kid...
Jennie groaned. 
You have GOT to be kidding. 
Why did she open up her mouth? She should've known that Jimin would blab out that she took his shirts. How stupid of her to trust him.
Jennie: Jimin!!
Jimin: He beat it out of me! I'm sorry! Jungkook is so scary when he's angry! I'm sorry, Ennie!
As soon as she heard another ping, she checked the notification, feeling her stomach drop at who had messaged next in the group chat.
Jungkook: Jennie.
Jennie: Hey Kookie! :) :) :)
Jungkook: So...you touched my white shirts, huh? 
Jennie: Me? Nooooo, I would never
As soon as Jen saw the next message, she immediately got off the couch, in panic.
Jungkook: I’m coming for you
She reread the text and ran into her room, earning a loud laugh from Namjoon who was in the kitchen. Shutting the door, she locked it, pacing around. She should've thought things through. She'll never make the mistake of telling anyone her plans.
She decided to hide under her bed, hoping that would be a great hiding spot.
Jennie: I didn’t do anything!
Tae: Jungkook please reconsider! Ennie is an innocent soul!
Hobi: Don't do this Jungkoko!
Yoongi: She dead
Jimin: Jungkook don't!
Jungkook: Where is she?
Jin: Whatever mess you make, I won't be cleaning it up.
Jennie: Jin! You not going to help me!?
Jin: This is your responsibility, sweetie.
Yoongi: She dead.
Jimin: Jungkookie noooooooooooo
Jungkook: I won't ask again.
Jungkook: WHERE
Jungkook: IS
Jungkook: SHE?
Namjoon: Last time I checked, she just ran in her room
Jennie: NAMJOON!
She received a peace sign emoji from the leader and a devil emoji from Jungkook
Jennie: Kookie please!
Namjoon: I'm leaving the dorm. I don't want to see or hear what punishment he has in store. I'll be at the studio
Yoongi: She dead.
Yoongi: Do you want me to lie? She's dead.
Namjoon: Don't punish her too hard, Kook. You don't know your own strength at times 
Yoongi: She'll learn her lesson once he's done with her
Namjoon: Good luck Jennie!
Hobi: No! No! No! Jungkook this is a bad idea!
Jimin: Jungkookie don't lay a finger on our Ennie!
Jungkook: I'll be laying more than just a finger on her
“Why me?” She complained.
She was now alone in the dorm. And Jungkook was coming back any minute. It was too late to leave the dorm. He could be already here.
And as soon as she thought about it, she heard the front door open and close.
Her stomach dropped as she heard footsteps. She quickly put her phone on silent, doing everything she could to not make a sound. Hearing her doorknob rattle, her nerves got worse.
“Of course, you would lock the door.” She heard Jungkook’s voice filled with annoyance.
“Jungkook! It was just a prank!” She exclaimed. “Leave me alone! I’m sorry! It was a prank!”
“Oh, I know. But when you mess with my white shirts, I have the right to give you a proper punishment. Open the door.” He demanded.
“Jungkook, think about what you’re doing!”
“Open the door, Jennie.”
“Jungkook, let’s talk about this!”
“Oh, we’ll talk. My hands are going to do the talking. Now, open the door.” His voice went down an octave, giving off a threatening tone.
She decided to stay silent and for a moment she heard no more noise.
Maybe he left?
She considered getting from under the bed but decided against it after she heard more noise coming from her door. She realized that he was working on removing her bedroom door handle with some type of tool he found.
‘You have GOT to be kidding me! Am I worth this much trouble?! Over white shirts!?’ She panicked as he finally opened her door. 
She swallowed nervously as her eyes came into view with his timberlands walking around her room.
“Are you going to reveal yourself or am I going to have to take matters into my own hands?” He talked out loud to her.
Jen kept her mouth shut. Maybe she could try to escape this. He was fast but she could squirm out of his grip if he caught her. Seeing the light from her phone flash, she glanced at it to see the missed messages from the group chat
Jimin: Jennie! Are you safe!?
Yoongi: She dead
Hobi: Munchkin!
Yoongi: She dead.
Namjoon: She brought this on herself haha.
Jimin: What have I done!? Ennie! Answer us!
Yoongi: She dead.
Hobi: You sure you should’ve
“Crap!” She yelped as he grabbed a hold of her ankles, pulling her from under the bed. She didn’t even get the chance to read the rest of Hobi’s message.
Jungkook turned her around to face him and pinned her to the floor before she could have the chance to crawl away. As she looked up at his stern expression, she swallowed hard. That was a look she was not used to.
“Now...we can either do this the easy way or the hard way.” He advised. “I think it’ll be in your best interest to go the easy route because I tend to not be so merciful when it comes to things like my white shirts.”
“Kook, come on now. Let’s not do this.”
“You brought this on yourself.”
“Now I’m going to ask you one question...and you are going to answer me truthfully, do you hear me?” He got closer to her face.
His serious expression made him look more mature as his piercing gaze stayed on her like a hawk, making sure she wasn’t going anywhere, anytime soon. It was intimidating to see him like this and she wondered how she would be able to escape.
Where was Jimin or the rest of the guys? Shouldn’t they be scrambling over here to help her instead of texting the group chat?
“Where are my shirts?” Her thoughts were interrupted.
“I don’t know where they are!” She struggled against his strong grip. She could hardly move from under him.
“Strike one.”
“Tell me where my white shirts are.”
“I don’t know!”
“Strike two. One more, you’re done for. I’m going to ask you, one more time. Where-are-my-white-shirts?” He demanded as his nose grazed hers.
“They’re someplace...where you are never going to find.” She boldly answered. “Admit that I outsmarted you, Kook.”
Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek, feeling himself getting more aggravated that he still didn’t have his white shirts. 
It had been weeks.
Weeks since he’s had them.
Her stomach flipped when he leaned down, and she felt his warm breath against her ear. “You know, I really thought I could trust you. It seems like I need to be more mindful of those close to me. Because they can turn on you just like that. And take things that are precious from you. Like my white shirts for example. You know I wasn’t even going to prank you at all for this prank war? But I guess you didn’t have the same mindset. So, do you have any idea what I’m going to do to you?”
“Let me go and forget this happened?”
“I could...but that won’t be fun, now would it?” He put both her wrists in one hand as his other found itself slowly grazing the side of her stomach, causing her to squirm.
That was a sensitive area, because he’s been there before, and she knew what he was about to do. 
He was going to tickle her.
“No, please! Not that, anything but that! I’ll buy you lamb skewers! Anything but that!” She started to panic.
“Should’ve thought of that before you said what you said.” He moved back from her face, watching her attempt to move around from under him.
“It was so tempting, I’m sorry-“ She was cut off by her laughter as he began to aggressively tickle her sides with both his hands. “St-sthap it-hahahah! Jungko-ok!”
“What was that? Huh?” He teased, as he tickled her relentlessly, watching her become undone.
“Are you going to tell me where my shirts are?” He questioned over her loud laughter. 
No matter how much her hands tried to push him away, he continued to be relentless.
“Please what? If it’s not about the location of my white shirts, I’m not listening to you beg for mercy. Suffer.” He answered her pleas with no remorse.
After a few more moments, she couldn’t take anymore, and finally, gave up. “Okay! Okay! Enough! I’ll tell you!”
He left her alone, smirking in satisfaction as he waited for her to pull herself together. “Now...about those white shirts...”
“Th-they’re at Amber’s place.” She revealed, trying to catch her breath.
“And I’m sure you’ll return them to me, today, right?”
“Uh huh.”
“Glad we could work something out.” He grinned triumphally. “But just a fair warning...Pull something like that again, the punishment will be even worse. That was me going easy on you. These hands can do a lot more damage.”
“I am never telling anyone anything ever again.” She groaned.
The next day, at school, Jennie and Jungkook attended gym class together. The two combined classes found themselves sitting on the floor, as the gym teacher announced that today’s activity would consist of dodgeball. Hearing that caused Jungkook’s mood to boost. He loved dodgeball and was looking forward to playing it.
“Jeon Jungkook. Jennifer Walker.” The gym teacher called them out, gesturing for them to stand next to him. “You two will be today’s team captains.”
‘Team captains? So, I’m going up against Kook in dodgeball?’ Jen thought as she glanced at her best friend.
Jungkook and Jennie were more competitive than others, and it would mean the world to her if she could beat him in dodgeball. It would give her some type of closure since he would usually beat her in video games.
The gym teacher told them to play one round of rock, paper, scissors to see who would get the first pick and Jungkook won by choosing paper over Jen’s rock.
The Golden Maknae looked around the handful of classmates that sat on the gym floor, waiting patiently to be picked. He pondered about which person to choose first, wanting strong teammates since he was stronger on offense when it came to dodgeball.
His eyes landed on Jennie’s shy friend, Hayoon, who was looking down at her feet. “Hayoon.” He called out, causing her to lift her head in surprise.
“Y-yes?” She stuttered.
“Come on, you’re on my team.” He smiled softly, beckoning her to come over.
As soon as she heard him call out her friend’s name, Jennie stared at him in disbelief. “What? My friend though? How dare you?”
“All about the mind games.” He teased as Hayoon stood behind him.
“Sorry, Jennie.” Hayoon smiled apologetically.
“Okay, you knew I was gonna pick her.” Jen frowned at the Golden Maknae.
“Exactly. I know you better than you know yourself. I know how you think.” He replied confidently.
“She’s supposed to be mine.”
“Not today.” He grinned cockily.
“I’m going to....” She trailed off, shaking her head. “The Lord is testing me today...”
“What?” He challenged. “What are you going to do, my dear friend?”
She wanted to smack that grin off his face but she suppressed her urges.
“You better take good care of her.” She huffed and turned to Hayoon. “If he does anything wrong, let me know. I’ll give him a beating back at the dorm.”
Hayoon smiled softly. “I’m sure Jungkook and I won’t have any problems. He is a nice person.”
“You hear that Jennie? I’m nice.” He happily announced.
“She’s only trying not to hurt your feelings. We all know you suck.” She turned back to her classmates, smirking in amusement when he yelled “Yah!”
After picking their teammates, the gym teacher began to explain the rules. “All right, I’m sure we know how to play this game but I added some more rules, to make it more intense. If the ball hits you, you’re out. While you stand on the sidelines when you’re out, you can have one of your teammates that’s still in the game, throw you a ball and you can try to shoot the ball into the basketball hoop. If you make the ball in the basket, everyone from your team is back in the game. If it hits the backboard, only you are back in. Captains, face each other, please.”
Jungkook and Jen faced off, staring each other down intently, as their classmates looked on in anticipation. Jen looked at him up and down, stepping up to him. 
“Golden Maknae.” She acknowledged.
Jungkook smirked at her competitiveness. “Miss Bangtan.” He mimicked her movements.
“Ready to lose?”
“I think the question is, am I ready to win.”
“No, not today. You may beat me in video games, but today, you will be the one who’s losing for a change.”
“We shall see about that.”
“I want a clean game.” Their gym teacher interrupted their face off. “We’ll play three rounds. Whoever gets two wins will be victorious." 
Jungkook looked at his opponent, examining her. Jennie’s defensive skills were only getting better and better. Something that he couldn’t touch. But unlike him, she didn’t have great aim and never went on an offensive route for games. If he could stay on her team, throwing the balls relentlessly, he should get everyone out and win the game effortlessly. His team had stronger players, the main thing he needed to focus on was her quick instincts to avoid getting hit.
Defense vs. offense. 
It would be a great set of matches between the two teams.
The 97 Liners shake hands while their teams go to their spots. Attempting to walk back, Jen is pulled forward by Jungkook due to his strong grip on her hand. She looked up at the tall Golden Maknae with a serious expression.
More trash talk?
“Before I let you go, I just want to wish you luck.”
“How kind of you.”
“And I’ll happily enjoy some lamb skewers when I win. Your treat of course.” His bunny smile showed on his features.
She knew he was up to something. Narrowing her eyes, she glared at him playfully. “Hm, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Well, when I win, I want my noodles. I will enjoy that treat to the fullest.”
“I think you may want to get your mind off noodles. The lamb skewers will be a great meal after school. Might as well prepare for it.”
“Ha! You tried it.”
“Make the best 97 Liner win.” He released her and headed over to his team with a confident look on his face.
Meeting up with her team, they prepare for the first round. “What’s the strategy?” One of her female teammates asked.
“All right, I have a plan in mind. It may sound crazy, but I strongly believe this will work. I want to take a risk.”
“What’s the plan?”
“Don’t get the dodgeballs first. Wait for them to get it.” She informed as they stared at the set of medium-sized, colorful balls in the middle of the gym floor. 
She heard some of her teammates question her strategy. “You sure? Shouldn’t we run and get the balls?”
“That’s what they think we’re going to do. But we’re not going to. Catch them off guard. Make them believe they’re at an advantage.”
“Okay and then what?” Another teammate asked
“I want us to watch the balls and catch them whenever they throw them. Put your hands out like this.” She demonstrated. “Whatever you do, catch it, and then they’ll get out. If we can all catch their balls when they attack, then that means we’ll have fewer people to get out in the game, and we’ll have all the balls then. Trust me.”
Her teammates noticed a strong leader aura around her, as her plan made sense. 
“When you get a ball, aim for their legs and feet.” She continued. “If you aim at their upper body, they’ll have more of an advantage to catch the ball. Their legs, however, different story. I won’t let you guys down, I will fight until we are victorious today. I will lead us to victory. Keep a cool head, and keep your eyes open at all times. Anything can happen in just a blink of an eye. Got it?” She looked at her teammates, who appeared motivated and pumped up.
They all put their hands in the middle. “One, two, three, Defensive!” They shout, throwing their hands up in the air.
Both teams placed their hands on the wall, waiting for the teacher’s cue. This was it. All or nothing. Jen’s heart began to race from anticipation. Her team needed to win this.
“Begin!” The gym teacher blew the whistle.
Like Jen planned, her team stayed back as Jungkook’s team ran up and got the balls. His team looked confused that her team stood back and thought it wasn’t the wisest choice. His team, as expected, threw the dodgeballs at her team, and Jen watched in approval when her teammates caught the balls.
Jungkook widened his eyes in shock at what just happened as he saw a handful of his teammates walk to the sideline. Irritation was clear on his face as he poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, narrowing his eyes at Jennie. He was not happy at how quickly he lost teammates.
“BOOM!” Jennie fist pumped, high fiving her teammates who were cheering. She turned back to Jungkook with a huge smile on her face, having her arms outstretched, tilting her head to the side. “Now THAT is how you make a statement! We here to win today!”
“Game on.” He growled. “Watch your back.” He pointed her out.
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game. I outsmarted you. Admit it.” She shrugged.
“Yeah, and it’ll be the last.” He huffed. 
He was not happy. He refused to lose to her. 
It was on, now.
As the game went on, Jen’s teammates noticed how patient and understanding she was towards them as she gave them encouraging words throughout the game. She wanted everyone to remain calm and not be intimidated just because Kook’s team had stronger players.
Suddenly, without even noticing who hit him, Jungkook gets hit on the thigh by a ball.
“Jeon Jungkook, you’re out!” The gym teacher announced.
“Aish...” He threw his ball down in frustration and walked over to the sidelines.
He was so focused on trying to get Jennie out that he failed to realize others were trying to get him out too. Getting strong players out of a game was always a smart move, and he knew he had targets on his back.
Jennie’s team managed to win Round 1 thanks to their effort of catching the dodgeballs whenever their opponents tried to hit them.
“Aaaaayyyyyeeeeeeee!” Jennie yelled as she performed the Shmoney dance in celebration. 
She happily gave her teammates high fives, praising them for their efforts, and told them to keep it up. 
For Round 2, Jungkook’s team came back in full aggression. It seemed like getting the first loss of the game, lit a fire in the Golden Maknae as he did everything he could to get as many opponents out as possible.
Seeing an available ball standing in the middle of the gym, the 97 Liners glance at each other and make a run for it.
‘I need that ball.’ Jen thought hastily as she ran as fast she could. 
Before she could grab it, Jungkook managed to swipe it from the floor first. She stumbled back and fell on her butt with a grunt and cautiously looked up at the Golden Maknae.
“Gotcha.” He smirked, readying himself to throw the ball.
‘Relax, Jennie.’ She calmed herself down. 
If her teammates saw her panic, they would panic too. She needed to stay strong in this predicament. Telling her body to move as soon as she saw him move his hand to throw the ball at her, she barely managed to roll away, earning whoas from her classmates.
“As expected.” He grabbed another ball that was by his feet.
Mostly everyone had the balls on the sideline, aiming to make a basket so their whole team could get back in the game. 
He threw another fastball at her, making her jump out of the way with a yelp. 
‘If I didn’t move one inch, that would’ve hit me.’ She huffed as she got on her feet, watching his every move. One false movement, she was done for.
‘Clever girl.’ He thought, impressed. 
He enjoyed the challenge.
‘Maybe if I could try to catch the ball.’ She thought as she stayed alert. ‘But his aim and speed of the ball are so intense, I’m not sure if catching it would be wise, in fear that it may fall out my hands.’
Hayoon stood next to Jungkook as she aimed a ball right at Jennie, who ducked down in the nick of time. 
“Aye! Why is it two on one!?” Jen exclaimed as she continued to jump out of the way from any balls aiming at her.
“Sorry, Jennie. But you need to get out.” Hayoon giggled and threw another ball.
“Bye!” Miss Bangtan waved at her friend when she caught her ball. A pout came across Hayoon’s face as she walked over to the sidelines. Before Jen knew it, a dodgeball hit her right in the butt, causing her to turn to the thrower in shock. “Ow! You hit my ass!”
“Perfect shot!” Jungkook laughed, fist pumping. “Don’t take your eyes off me, next time!”
“Oh, so that’s how we gonna play, huh?” Rolling her eyes in annoyance.
Jennie stood by the sidelines while the rest of her teammates played against Jungkook and his team. Jen had tried to make a basket a couple of times but to no avail as Jungkook blocked every single one. 
“Oh my god! Back off!” She yelled in frustration. 
Why couldn’t he just focus on the game? Not on blocking her baskets?
Hayoon unexpectedly made a basket, causing her whole team to cheer. 
“I made the shot!” She jumped up and down happily. 
Jennie groaned as she saw all of Jungkook’s teammates run back into the game. She watched painfully as her teammates remaining got hit, causing Jungkook’s team to win this round. He immediately celebrated with his teammates, acting hyped up as he jumped up and down with them.
Jennie on the other hand, gathered her team to group up in a circle. “We may have lost that round but don’t let that discourage you. We still got this. All of you did a great job holding your own. And now we are in the last round. We’re going to need to be more on offense this time. But remain cautious of your surroundings. Never take your eyes off your opponents. We got this. Go hard or go home. Let’s take this victory!” She shouted as her team cheered.
“Final round!” The gym teacher blew the whistle.
This time, Jen sprinted forward to grab two of the balls in the middle of the floor and managed to hit two people in the process. After ducking around and avoiding the balls that were aimed at her team, she finally caught a ball that almost went over her head. Tossing it to one of her teammates to use, Jen watched triumphally as the person who threw the ball walked to the sidelines.
The game was equally matched, and both teams were determined to win. Near the end of the game, Jen stood by the sidelines with her team while Jungkook was still in the game, with one other person going up against three people left from her team. He seemed to be getting everyone out before it was just three people left because her teammates could not seem to hit him with a dodgeball.
“Whatever you do, don’t let Jennie get back in.” Jungkook requested his teammate as he went on to try to get the last people out. 
Those Lamb Skewers were his.
Meanwhile, Jen couldn’t hide her frustration every time she aimed the ball at the backboard, it would get slapped away by Jungkook’s teammate before it could touch it. Butterflies were in her stomach as she witnessed that there was only one person left from her team.
“Please...” She whispered as she tried one more time.
“Walker! You’re back in!” The gym teacher announced. 
Sighing out of relief, she ran to her teammate. “You good, girl?” She asked as she got handed a ball.
“No, I’m freaking out! I can’t do this. I can’t hit them, we’re going to lose!”
“Hey. Get that negative mindset out of your head. Remember what I told you. You can catch the ball to get people out in dodgeball. You got this. Trust me.” She reassured. The two of them ducked as a loud smack was heard against the wall when Jungkook’s fastball clashed against it. “I would like my head!”
“And I would like to win!” She heard him say.
Jennie kneeled and caught his teammate’s ball that was aimed at her feet, leaving Jungkook to be the last man standing for his team. He throws two fastballs, ready for this game to be over before anyone else from her team can get back in the game.
Unable to move in time, one of the balls hit Jen’s shoulder, causing her to fall back. Looking up, she saw that her teammate had a shocked expression on her face and she saw a dodgeball in her hands.
She had caught his other dodgeball.
“Atta girl!” Jen got up and rushed to hug her.
“Winner! Team Jennie!” The gym teacher announced. Her team all rushed up and joined in the hug, jumping up and down, and cheering in celebration.
“WOO! That is what I’m talking about!” Jennie beamed, with a huge smile on her face.
Jungkook, sitting on the gym floor, was disappointed that his team lost but was praised for his efforts. He watched Jennie celebrate, and it was like he was watching her in slow motion as her hair flipped to one side when she turned her head to him. The same bright smile still on her face.
She was something else.
Before he knew it, she was in front of him, extending her hand out. He smiled and took it as she helped him up. 
Keeping a strong grip on his hand, she spoke, “Good game, Kook. Thanks for going all out on me. Your team pushed me harder than ever before.”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “I’m kind of glad you beat me.”
“Are you?”
“Yeah, because you make competitions fun. You’re unpredictable. But just so you know, I’ll be the one winning next time.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
“I’m ready for whatever you bring at me, bunny.”
After changing in the dorm, Jennie and Jungkook took a stroll together, aiming to head to a local noodle restaurant so he could treat her to noodles since she won the game. As Jungkook approached the restaurant, he watched in confusion as Jennie walked past it.
“Wait, don’t you want noodles?” He asked as he followed her.
“I did. But I changed my mind.” She replied as she stopped in front of a Korean BBQ restaurant. “I’m kind of craving lamb skewers.” She smiled, giggling at his happy reaction.
“No way, are you serious!?” His bunny smile came across his features.
“Don’t make me change my mind.” She teased as he eagerly opened the door for her, letting her walk in first.
“Trust me, I won’t let you. You won’t regret it.” He replied as he walked in.
Getting seated at a booth, facing each other, they ordered lamb skewers and watched them cook. Some lucky ARMY came to the right restaurant because they secretly watched the 97 Liners. Some took photos, filmed them briefly, and watched them with giggles. 
Jungkook noticed and felt a little shy when he heard one of them murmur, “Don’t they look cute?”
Jennie watched the lamb skewers cook while Jungkook ended up gazing at her. She rested her elbow on the table as her fingers tangled in her curls. The way she would briefly check her phone, watch the lamb skewers cook with anticipation, and how she scrunched up her nose out of habit, he thought it was some of the most adorable things he had ever seen.
Feeling eyes on her, she decided to remove her hand from her hair, setting her arm down. She flashed him a sweet smile and silently commenced a staring contest until she burst out in laughter from another one of his derp faces. 
Jungkook smiled and looked down, chuckling his own self.
“This better be good.” She warned.
“They will be, trust me.” He guaranteed. “You won’t be disappointed.”
“I blame Yoongi for your obsession with this. But at least I finally get to see what the hype is all about.” She grabbed a stick after it finished cooking and took a bite.
“Well?” Kook looked on in anticipation.
“Yo, this is bomb!” She took another bite.
“Yes!” He fist pumped. “Told you that you would like them.”
As they ate, he requested to take photos, to let Yoongi and ARMY know about her new fascination with Lamb Skewers. The first photo he took was of her smiling while looking down because he said that he still couldn’t believe she beat him in one of his favorite games.
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‘She’s still laughing at the fact that she beat me in dodgeball today at school. I will not lose again. #JK’
The next photo he took was a selfie of them, as he put up the peace sign and she stuck her tongue out. He tweeted the photo, ‘Suga Hyung, she tried lamb skewers for the first time, and loved it! Got her hooked!’
Yoongi would reply a few moments later, ‘Welcome to the lamb side. Once you get in, there is no way out, smartie.’
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Placing his phone down, he looked up, watching her as he noticed her nose occasionally twitching cutely like a hamster. It gave him the urge to want to kiss it. Unintentionally, he let out a soft chuckle which caused her to look up and smile.
“You keep twitching your nose.”
“Oh.” She touched her nose. “It’s a habit. I don’t even know I’m doing it.” She laughed. Moments later, he noticed her nose twitch yet again. 
“You did it again.” he teased, making her cover her nose.
“I don’t mean to! Stop staring, you’re embarrassing me.” She laughed. A few seconds later, she glanced at him as amusement was shown on his features. “Stop it!”
The Golden Maknae let out another laugh. “Can’t help it.”
As they continued to eat, Jungkook noticed how big her cheeks would get when she stuffed food in her mouth. It was official. He saw no difference. She resembled a cute hamster. No wonder ARMY had been commenting about that on their Twitter. Now he saw why.
“So, how is your English?” She went to her native tongue.
He looked shooked at her question. “Don’t want to talk about that.” He said with a sigh.
“What did you get on the English test?” She went back to Korean.
“Let’s not talk about that.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“When’s your next test?”
“I have a test from the basics to what we’re learning now.”
“Let’s work our way up then. When’s the test?”
“In a few days.”
“Jeon Jungkook.” She scolded as he grinned sheepishly. “I’m going to kill you. You should’ve told me earlier. I could’ve been helping you.”
“Forgiven.” She replied. She watched him go through his bookbag, take out his English study guide for the test, and hand it to her. “Let’s start with greetings. Greet me in English.”
“Hello, my name is Jungkook.”
She did a double take when she heard his voice go down an octave. “How the heck did your voice get so deep?” She stared at him, astonished. “Manly...”
“Manly?” He repeated with a grin.
“Your voice sounds so different when you speak in English. And your accent is thick.”
“You like?” He raised a brow.
“Eh heh heh~” She chuckled nervously, causing him to smile teasingly. 
“Yeah. I do.” She admitted.
His bunny smile got wider. It made him feel good that she enjoyed hearing him speak in her language. And how she called his voice manly. He felt good about himself.
She looked back down at the paper. “It’s 9 AM. What do you say to someone during that time?”
“Good morning.”
“It’s 3 PM. How do you greet someone?”
“Good afternoon.”
“It’s 11 PM, how do you greet someone?”
“Good night.”
“Okay, I see you.” She praised, nodding in approval. “Let’s have a brief conversation in English. Good afternoon, Jungkook.”
“Good afternoon, Jennie. How are you?”
She had to admit, he sounded cute when he was trying to speak English. She would help with his pronunciation of the words so he could speak clearer as they spoke.
“I am great. How are you?” She responded.
“I am well.”
“What is the weather today?”
“It is sunny.”
“What season are we in?”
“It is spring.”
“Can you describe the weather? Rain? Clouds?”
“It is sunny with clouds. No rain.”
She nodded. “All right we’re getting there. Looks like you’re also learning about appearances and colors. So, how would you describe me in English?”
She couldn’t fight the growing smile on her face. That was smooth. 
She touched her hair, wanting him to describe the color. “Hair color.”
“Hahah, the color, Kookie. Color.”
“Can you say it in a sentence?”
“You have pretty hair.”
“The color?”
“You have pretty brown hair.”
She giggled. “Thank you. What type of hair do I have?” She touched her hair again, fluffing her curls.
“Pretty hair.”
She placed her head down as he began to giggle. If he keeps this up, her face will begin to warm up at all these compliments. 
He was straightforward with his answers. No hesitations, just genuine.
“Pretty curly hair.” He corrected himself as she lifted her head back up.
“What color is my skin?” She tapped her bare forearm before going back to look at the paper.
“Beautiful black skin.”
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Stopping what she was doing, she slowly lifted her head, gazing at him, speechless. That statement hit her heart as she thought about those wanting her to bleach her skin, calling it dirty. She received so much crap about her colored skin, and to hear him call her skin beautiful with no hesitation, touched her.
“...Do you...” She spoke softly. “...really mean that?”
“Yes.” He nodded. “You...have beautiful skin. Not dirty. Do not listen to hate. Listen to love. Listen to BTS. Listen to ARMY. You are beautiful. No lie.” His English was still broken, he stumbled on the words, and not to mention his thick accent was still there but she caught what he was trying to tell her. “I thought this of you. Since we met.”
Her eyes began to water as she looked down, speaking back in Korean with a shaky voice after clearing her throat. “Gosh, these onions are really getting through my eyes, Kook.”
“But there are no onions around here,” he said in his native tongue.
She wiped her developing tears and sniffed. She didn’t want him to see her cry, but she was overwhelmed with happiness.
“I want to learn more English so I can talk to you in English.” He brought up.
“But we can speak in Korean together.” She sniffed softly and met his gaze.
“I know that but, you already know my language. I want to get to know your language so there won’t be any language barrier between us. I kind of envy those who can talk to you in your language. Like Namjoon Hyung. I want to be able to do that.”
He was so serious about this. 
“And you will. Learning a language takes time and patience. You’ll get there, Kookie.” She smiled in reassurance.
“All right, let’s get to the harder stuff for your upcoming test.”
When the bill came, Jen went to grab it and ended up placing her hand on Jungkook’s. 
“I’ll pay.” He said.
“It’s cool, I want to.” She reassured.
Jungkook shook his head, starting to get stubborn. “I want to pay.”
“Kook, I never get to treat you. Come on. Let me pay.”
“No, I got this, it’s fine.”
“Kookie!” She whined.
“Jennie!” He whined back.
She let out a sigh. “How about this? We both pay half and half. Deal?”
“But the next time I’ll treat you, got it? It’ll be a trend. Next time I’ll treat. Then you. Then we’ll pay half and half, then I’ll treat again and so on.”
“Not a bad idea.”
“Glad we could agree, my good friend.”
“Indeed milady.”
Soon after they paid, the fangirls finally began to speak, calling out their names and waving. 
“Hi!” Jennie waved. 
The girls were covering their faces with their hands, acting shy around them as they waved back.
“How was school?” One of them asked.
“It went well. My team beat Jungkook in dodgeball!” She happily announced.
“L-let’s not get cocky now.” He whined, causing the girls to giggle at him.
“Will you be on Running Man again?” Another fan asked.
“Yeah, I want to see the Golden Duo on Running Man again! It was so fun seeing you work together.”
“I’m down. Are you?” Jen turned to Jungkook.
“Why not?” He smiled.
“I hope they have a couples episode soon, so you two can go there together and beat everyone. It’ll be so fun to watch. They usually have those episodes and have a couples' tag game. I would love to see that happen soon.”
“If they want us, all they gotta do is ask. I would gladly go back to Running Man.” Jungkook added.
After some cute photos with the fans and a brief conversation on whether they were eating well and resting up, Jennie and Jungkook walked back to the dorm as the girls immediately tweeted their photos
‘Saw JenKook today! Just my luck! Jennie’s hair bounced when she walked, it was cute! And Jungkook is so hot! I’m crying!’
‘Spotted Jennie and Jungkook eating after school! Love the 97 Liners!’
‘Jennie is so nice! She looks small compared to Jungkook with his big muscles, it was cute! His muscles are getting bigger! It was a sight!’
‘Why are the BTS members so beautiful in person? They’re unreal!’
‘I wanted to ask Jennie if I could touch her hair but was too afraid she would say no. Her hair is so pretty, though!’
Back at the dorm, Jungkook took out his keys, placing one of them inside the door.
“Jungkook,” Jennie called out softly, placing her hand on his to stop him.
“Yeah?” He turned his head.
Placing a hand behind the back of his head, she stood up on her toes, pressing her soft lips against his forehead for a moment. His eyes widened at her sudden gesture as he felt his face heat up once she pulled away. 
She smiled softly at him. “Thank you. For calling my skin beautiful. Your kind words always hit close to home.”
“Y-yeah, always. I meant every word. Don’t forget that.” He smiled shyly and opened the door, letting her go in first.
Later in the afternoon, Jennie and Jin were in the kitchen. She was in the mood for oatmeal because she saw the box in the cabinet. Jin offered to make it for her, so she sat at the dining room table, waiting patiently. She craved apple cinnamon oatmeal. It was one of her favorites to eat. Jin decided to make it from scratch, just for her.
Meanwhile, Jimin met up with Taehyung and Jungkook on his bed, having a big bag to show them.
“You sure that'll work?” Jungkook asked.
“Hobi Hyung fears everything, it’ll work.” Jimin giggled evilly and took out a live lobster. It was huge as the boys looked at it moved in awe, touching it experimentally.
Jungkook and Tae wanted a front row seat to Jimin’s prank. They had told Jennie about it and she told them that she didn’t want to be responsible for Hobi’s death via petrification, but she’d know if the prank went well if she heard him scream. She was rooting for a successful prank, supporting their evil antics.
Hobi was currently in the bathroom, showering after dance practice, and Jimin thought the perfect time to prank him was while he was in the bathroom. Slowly opening up the bathroom door with the lobster, alive, in his hand, Jimin tip toed in, undetected. Tae and Jungkook suppressed their giggles as they watched from the doorway.
This was going to be a good prank.
With Jin, he finished making the oatmeal and made two big bowls for her and himself. He sat next to her, handing her a spoon. They waited until it cooled down, before eating a spoonful. 
“How is it?” He asked.
“Tastes just like home.” She took another bite. “And you made this from scratch? It’s so fresh, the apples are so sweet. I love it, thank you Jin!”
“Anytime, sweetie.” He felt proud of his work and enjoyed his cooking.
A piercing high pitched scream was heard from the bathroom, startling the oatmeal eaters. 
“What in the world...?” Jin looked up as they heard loud thumping, crashing and rapid shuffling coming from the bathroom.
It sounded like Hobi was slipping and falling around in the tub and his screams got louder.
“JIMIN!” Another scream was heard from Hobi, over the Maknae Line’s laughter. “GET IT AWAY! GET IT AWAY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? DON’T COME ANY CLOSER!”
“Yep. They done it now.” Jennie took another bite of her oatmeal, shaking her head.
“What the heck is going on in there!?” Jin shouted.
“Ah, he’s fine.”
Jin turned his head to her, widening his eyes. “He doesn’t sound fine!”
Hobi scrambled out of the bathroom, naked with suds in his hair as Jimin chased him with the lobster. Jungkook and Taehyung dropped to the floor with laughter.
Jennie looked up and turned her head at the worst time, getting a full view of Hobi’s bare ass. 
“Oh, my God!” She screamed, covering her mouth in horror. 
That image was not going away, anytime soon for her. She could not unsee this. She was glad it wasn’t the front.
“SHIELD YOUR EYES!” Jin yelled, pushing the back of her head down into her warm bowl of oatmeal. “There is a lady here! What are you guys doing!? Knock it off!” He shouted at the boys.
He heard Jen banging her hand on the table in submission and looked down in shock at what he was doing to her. He let go and laughed nervously when she slowly raised her head.
Her face and hair were covered in oatmeal while she stared at him with annoyance.
“S-sorry.” He grabbed a napkin and tried to clean her face but she snatched it from his hands.
Suddenly, she grabbed a handful of her oatmeal and shoved it in his face. Appalled, he grabbed a handful and shoved it in her face.
“You hit me first!”
“You shoved my face in oatmeal, first!”
“I was trying to protect you from that horrid sight!”
“You know what?” She got up from her seat and he followed her movements. She aimed another handful of oatmeal at him but he ducked and it ended up smacking Namjoon in the face.
Gasping in shock, she covered her mouth, while Namjoon let out a sigh, and stood up, taking off his hoodie. 
“Who did it?” He demanded.
Jin immediately pointed to her. 
"It was an accident!” She laughed.
“Really, Nie Nie? Well, this wasn’t an accident.” Namjoon said as he hit her with a handful of oatmeal.
“Oh hell no.”
The three of them began to toss oatmeal all over each other, initiating a food fight as the dorm filled with laughter along with Hobi’s constant screaming.
“Grab her! Grab her!” Jin shouted as Namjoon grabbed a hold of her while Jin had another handful of oatmeal ready.
“No! No!” She tried to get out of his grip. Once she did, Jin accidentally smacked Namjoon in the face instead.
“YAH!” the leader shouted. 
Jennie ended up giggling at their bickering and watched them throw food at each other.
Yoongi walked into the dorm, making one of his WTF faces when he saw the chaos occurring in the dorm. Jin, Jennie and Namjoon are covered in food, and Jungkook and Tae watch Hobi run around the dorm naked with Jimin chasing him with a lobster.
“Hey, Yoongi!” She waved.
“I don’t even wanna know.” He shook his head and walked into his room.
Namjoon wiped some oatmeal from Jen’s face. “You’re going to need a shower.”
“You’re telling me. Look at you.” She gestured.
The Maknae line walk to the dining room, wondering why they were covered in food. 
“We had some business to take care of,” Jin revealed.
“Want a hug?” Jennie opened her arms wide.
“NO!” Jimin shouted, taking a big step back with the guys.
“Let’s get them.” Namjoon went after Jimin. 
Jennie went after Tae while Jin went after Jungkook. They run around the dorm, attempting to grab ahold of them for a hug despite being covered in food.
“Why do I associate myself with them?” Yoongi grumbled as he went to fix the mess created in the bathroom.
Like Jen said before, every day is a new adventure living in a dorm filled with the Bangtan Boys.
21 notes · View notes
pupphe-additions · 7 months
✬Evie’s Relationship With Got7✬
Jay B
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Quote: "Be loud about the things that are important to you.” Dynamic: Big Brother, Little Sister
Jay B’s contact in Evie’s phone is “✌🏻Jay Bubby✌🏻”
Evie was very intimidated by Jay B when she first met him but she said they warmed up to one another very quickly.
Jay B has a lot of credit for posts on Evie’s Instagram because he takes a lot of photos for and with her.
Evie always asks for updates on his cats and so he always spams her with photos of them to make her happy.
They used to go on walks a lot at night in silence to clear their heads.
Evie likes when Jay B would cook for her even if he wasn’t able to do it often.
Jay B is very over protective of Evie and he will visit her anytime she is upset if he can.
Evie says Jay B is like a very sweet older brother and that Jay B is very kind to her.
They usually talk about animals when they talk with one another.
They do not get to hang out often but when they do they are always cracking jokes and just trying to relax.
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Quote: “I’m a daydreamer and a night thinker.” Dynamic: Talks a Lot, Listens
Mark’s contact in Evie’s phone is “🥰Mark🥰”
Evie said they were both rather quiet when they first met and it actually took them a while to warm up to one another, however, now that they’ve known each other for so long they talk a lot.
Evie says that Mark can easily make her laugh and that he makes her feel safe.
Evie says she likes to make Mark soup whenever she can.
Evie goes to Mark for advice a lot and she tends to vent to him a lot because he can keep her head on her shoulders and makes sure she isn’t overreacting or overthinking things.
Mark’s dad enjoys trolling and teasing Evie and he has even called her his daughter before.
Evie has stated she wants to do a podcast with Mark because it sounds fun.
Mark enjoys listening to Evie’s problems even if he can’t always help her with advice, he knows that being there often is all the help she could want.
They’ve gone on like four friend dates total but usually they just text to talk to one another, they message daily.
Evie misses Mark a lot ever since he left South Korea and says that things feel weird without being near him.
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Quote: "Be someone's light when they are hopeless." Dynamic: Black Cat GF, Golden Retriever BF
Jackson’s contact in Evie’s phone is “🤫Daddy Jackson🤫”
Jackson was the first member that Evie met and warmed up to and is one of the members she is closest to.
Jackson and her are extremely sassy together and fans really like that about them.
Evie enjoys calling Jackson her puppy and she enjoys teasing and trolling him.
Evie and Jackson used to hang out a lot especially at night, but since her debut she’s been a lot busier so they usually just text one another instead.
Evie enjoys clinging to Jackson and she finds it very easy to be herself around the older boy.
Jackson enjoys giving Evie piggy back rides and he often spoils her. Whatever she wants, she gets, all she has to do is ask.
Evie enjoys talking to Jackson and says that he makes her feel safe.
Evie has told the members that sometimes she gets a feeling of homesick when she’s away from Jackson for too long and she gets upset when they go too long without talking.
They video call often and everytime they do her mood just instantly gets better.
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Quote: “Dream until it’s your reality.” Dynamic: Laughing Constantly
Youngjae’s contact in Evie’s phone is “🍯Honey Voice🍯”
Youngjae has praised Evie outwardly on how hardworking she is.
Evie and Youngjae sometimes play games together but she always gets nervous to ask him so it’s not as often as she’d like it to be.
Evie says that Youngjae will often squeeze her too tightly when they hug but she actually really likes that.
Evie gets flustered easily around Youngjae because she finds him to be very handsome.
Evie enjoys making Youngjae laugh because it’s one of her favorite sounds and his laugh always makes her also smile and laugh.
Evie always gets nervous to talk to Youngjae and Jackson will tease her about it.
Youngjae always pushes her hair out of her face when they see each other because he likes to be able to see her entire face when they are talking.
When Evie is sad, Youngjae knows because she will just send a message that says “Coco…?” which is her asking to see the dog.
Youngjae doesn’t like to see Evie sad so if he notices that she’s upset he’ll do whatever he can to make her smile.
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Quote: “If I told you about the darkness inside of me would you still look at me like I’m the Sun?” Dynamic: Crazy Besties
BamBam’s contact in Evie’s phone is “🙄Idiot BB🙄”
BamBam is another one of the members of GOT7 that Evie is extremely close to.
BamBam and Evie always tease each other and can never take each other seriously.
BamBam and Evie are very affectionate with one another.
Evie says she wants to spend more time with BamBam and that she really enjoys his company.
They constantly send photos of their animals back and forth to one another and they joke that they are at war with one another over who has more pictures.
Evie has made BamBam soup before and he said that he enjoys her cooking a lot.
Evie has admitted to the members of Stray Kids that the reason she bickers with BamBam sometimes is because she has had a crush on him before in the past.
Evie smiles whenever she gets a notification from BamBam on her phone.
Evie is extremely supportive of BamBam and vice versa. BamBam is one of Evie’s best friends outside of Stray Kids.
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Quote: “Perfection is found in accepting your imperfections.” Dynamic: Puppy and Owner
Yugyeom’s contact in Evie’s phone is “Yugyeom🤷”
Evie said when they first met, Yugyeom had a tough guy energy around him but he dropped it really quickly when he saw how weird she was.
They are weird af together.
Yugyeom says that Evie is an amazing cook and that he always looks forward to the rare times she’d bring food for GOT7.
They aren’t the closest but they are still semi close.
Yugyeom likes to tease Evie and finds it funny because of her reactions.
Yugyeom and Evie have a lot of pictures together of her leaning her head against him. She jokes that he makes a good head rest.
Evie messages Yugyeom when she’s stressed without him knowing because he always says something dumb and it makes her laugh and makes her forget why she was upset to begin with.
Evie has a habit of biting Yugyeom’s arm when she’s too close to him.
Yugyeom says she’s like a teething puppy and always just awkwardly pats her head with a chuckle.
16 notes · View notes
onewmin · 1 year
the perfume on the shelf. pt. 11 | bangchan
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Pairings: Bang Chan x Fem!reader, Kim Yugyeom x Fem!reader
Summary: Falling in love with your best friend was never a part of the plan. So you end it up. But does he want to put a stop to it, too?
Warnings: AU, mentions of verbal and physical abuse, descriptions of a toxic relationship, mentions of s*icidal thoughts, profanity, descritpion of a fire, the reader loves her cat very much, another day of the reader and Chan being annoying (the latter especially), jealousy, the reader is going through major changes (good for her), another bunch of Taylor Swift references, the reader has yet another traumatic experience; typos
In the parts with the cat it's very much self-inserted. Shout out to my cat and all other kitties and doggies <3
'Dal' stands for 'moon' :)
Word count: 5411
Author’s note: welp, there's a lot to read lol. Idk why this whole work lacks happy moments so much, I'm trying my best to make it more positive, but in the end... We get this lol. Still, hope you enjoy another part! I'll try posting part 12 in a couple of weeks, but, as my summer vacation is over, I'll have a lot of work to do, so I cannot promise you an exact date. Again, thank you fro reading and supporting 'the perfume on the shelf' and enjoy the ride! (put ya seatbelts on)
Disclaimer: the names and appearances of real people are used for inspiration and writing purposes only. I do not claim anything, everything belongs to its owners.
Part 10 | Part 12
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Another day to cry in the bathroom of your therapist’s office. 
Wiping your red cheeks, you took a deep breath in, trying to calm this sudden outburst of pain down. Talking about your unsuccessful attempt to go back together with Chan resurfaced in something deep, something that has affected you too much to even be able to handle it on your own. Your fear of rejection has finally become real - and instead of feeling calm after so many years of being scared of it, you found yourself utterly broken. 
As long as you could remember yourself, this fear of being rejected has pressured you into staying out of the picture, of never saying what you truly feel. You were shaking at the thought of confessing to Yugyeom, when you were a teenager; your breath was hitched in your throat when you decided to join that writing club at university; the idea of asking anybody out made you sick to your stomach. And finally, all the mess with Chan was partially launched by your inability to ask direct questions, to come clean eventually. However, your initial choice was to live a lie, to let yourself have dust thrown into your eyes, to rather have smoke and mirrors than an honest relationship. What does this say about you? 
“I don’t know”, you muttered, looking at the reflection in the mirror. “I don’t know”, you repeated, sniffing and exhaling once again. When you were nineteen, everything seemed so easy. When you were nineteen, you seemed to know everything. 
“What would nineteen-year old you say about this whole situation?” Your therapist’s question was left unanswered, rather as introspection for the next two weeks. What would she say, really? That’s a walk in the park for her.
“Dump his ass”, the advice you used to give all of your girlfriends popped up in your head. “Find a new hobby, work more, go out more - do anything to forget him. He’s not worth your tears and time”. Easier said than done. 
You sighed once again, before collecting your lip gloss back into your purse. It’s time to go home and prepare for going out; even though you try following your own advice, the thought of Chan is a lingering memory, a signature left right on your forever restless brain. 
Running up the stairs on your subway station, you checked your messages to find Yugyeom and Eunjoo discussing art in the chat. Two weeks ago, after the airport incident, when Yugyeom was dropping you off at your apartment complex (the conversation with your parents about your early departure from the countryside was guided by Gyeom perfectly), Eunjoo caught the sight of the two of you while she was waiting for her best friend on the bench. For some reason she decided it would be a great idea to start going on ‘double dates’ - although, you could barely call them dates at all. She was unsure about her relationship with Minho, so she needed you to check up on him. You didn’t want to be the third wheel, so… So she invited Yugyeom. And now the four of you had a group chat. Was it a nightmare? Absolutely. You found out what nerds Gyeom and Eunjoo were; discussing everything - even rocket science, are you kidding me? - while you and Minho intervened in their intellectual conversations with memes and ridiculous videos to watch. For instance, when you sent a Tarot reading video, just for shits and giggles, just to send a follow up message, “This woman said I’m gonna have a billionaire husband in a couple of months” - only to get bashed by two absolute smartasses for your silly little hobby, as they threw in their pieces of mind on how Tarot is a scam, and it doesn’t work, and people like that woman are a fraud - et cetera, et cetera, blah-blah-blah. Minho, on the other hand, was pretty supportive (and a pain in the ass for Eunjoo and Yugyeom) when he sent in ten more videos of that same creator, chiming in with his comments about toxicity. Yeah, this chat was a shit show; however, it was bringing you too much joy to hate it.
In your apartment your cat greeted you with irritated meows and sweet purrs when you took her in your arms as if she was a baby. “Mama’s sorry, Gaeul”, you said, kissing her in between ears, “but I promise I’ll be back sooner than later. Just a couple of hours, okay?” She started gently biting your hand as you tried to scratch her tummy. “And you get to be the boss of the house. Not just for a few hours”, you kissed her nose and she put her paw on your cheek, “but forever, Gaeul”. She jumped from your arms as soon as you heard a loud stomp and a screeching curse - ugh, your neighbours were fighting again. How could a family that looks picture perfect hate each other so much? Well, you knew the answer to the question, but still, it never failed to arise every time you heard these two fight.
“You’re a piece of shit, Hajoon!” You sighed as you heard the man’s voice. “A piece of shit wife and mother!” This was the unfortunate reality-TV-turned-real-life program you had to listen to; the walls were rather thin not to hear them constantly fight over stupidest things in front of their little girls. When you saw the two of them ride their bikes and laugh, you always wondered, how they managed not to lose their innocence yet - with parents like theirs, who trapped themselves in a toxic marriage, the innocence of a child being saved was a miracle. 
The drama continued as the woman cried out harsher curses, accusing her husband of cheating. Is that the life that awaits everyone in a marriage? Is that the life you’re going to have too? That’s what your parents have; constant fights, verbal abuse, toxic apologies with flowers and luxury candy, and no words uttered. No resolution of those conflicts, no rethinking of the life choices they’d made to get to this point of no return. Nothing. And this family, a family so similar to yours, was the same. Only the girls were lucky to have each other and not to be alone. However, calling the kids ‘lucky’ for lulling each other when their parents scream all types of insults, calling the children they created with ‘so much love and affection’, as the mother posted on her stories, ‘mistakes’ when they were in another room - calling them ‘lucky’ was a direct insult. 
Accompanied by curses coming from a wall away from your living room, Gaeul was circling around you the whole time you were collecting your things. When you looked at the wrist watch, it was already ten minutes past the time you should have left the house. “Shit”, you mumbled, rapidly taking the bag in your hands and giving Gaeul a couple of more scratches, while she was meowing and standing in front of the door. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours, sweetie”. 
You were supposed to be drinking as the four of you were going for some type of party one of Minho’s friends was throwing - so taking the car wasn’t an option; you didn’t know much about Changbin, but you were willing to get out of your shell and meet new people. “Maybe you’ll finally find a boyfriend there”, your mom told you over the phone, “you’ll be thirty soon - not really soon, though - and your father and I are waiting for grandkids. Your cousin is already a mother”. Ugh, yeah, whatever. Some nonsense that your mother confidently states is out of this world sometimes. 
Running up to a bus stop, you conveniently saw your bus pull up; jumping in it, you paid for the ticket and sat down on one of the many empty places, staring out of the window. As the music took you to another dimension, your thoughts flew by, pictures of your mother nagging you about the prospect of marriage, Chan putting his arm over Micha’s shoulder, Gyeom stuffing his mouth with a sandwich in one bite, Eunjoo and Minho holding hands ran in your mind with a uncontrollably rapid speed. You were thinking about Chan less each day, the images of him being replaced by your friends, new people you met and surprising revelations you made about this world and, first of all, yourself. 
Every bus ride that lasted more than twenty minutes - just like this one - got you hooked on rethinking and reflecting on every little thing that had ever happened to you. Sometimes it would be sappy, rainy autumn day like memories: Chan holding your hand while driving, bringing it to his lips to leave a small kiss on your knuckles every time the car stopped at the red light; you and him lying in bed, face to face, heart to heart, having those rare sincere conversations, filled with laughs and kisses. Whereas sometimes you’d lose yourself to cheerful moments, those July bright yellow afternoon days memories, with Yugyeom watching you chase after his golden retriever Dal; with you watching some happy kids fly kites while on a picnic with Eunjoo; with you writing your earliest stories in your old diary, sitting behind the desk in you sunlit childhood bedroom. The happiest that you were, in all of those memories you couldn’t even find the ghost of Chan; as if he had never existed in the most joyful moments of your life. As if - no, no ‘if’s’ - he had only brought you pain, and tears, and gut wrenching disgust towards your own self, towards the little girl, singing along the radio songs in her parents’ car, towards the fifteen year old girl, who wrote her stories on her old laptop and squealed after getting her first likes on the web, towards the woman you’d become. The woman who made stupid mistakes one after another, noticing but not seeing the pattern she had with every lover of hers, not seeing Chan being the same guy like the rest of them in her history. The woman you’d become, the woman you’re still thriving to be - she doesn’t deserve the slander you put her through. 
There might have been happiness during him - his jokes, warm hugs, car rides to his parents’ country house, him playing with Gaeul, his voice, his soft curls, his late love confessions. But there would certainly be more happiness after him, after this whole mess you yourself created. No acid rains burning your cheeks anymore, no scratching yourself so much you start bleeding anymore, no gray colors during the brightest sunny summer mornings. Is this what the phase of acceptance looks like? Is this where you stop blaming Chan for the pain he caused you? Nah, you’re not there yet. But close. Definitely close. 
Receiving another text in the group chat, your thoughts suddenly led you to the anxious search for your ID in the handbag of yours. “Shit, shit, shit”, you muttered under your breath, when you realized it was nowhere to be found. Did you lose it on your way to the bus stop? Or did you lose it here? Oh no. You rolled your eyes at the clear memory of seeing it on the kitchen counter before you rushed out of the apartment. How could you be so irresponsible? You’d never forgotten your ID, ever in your life, even taking it to the convenience store at 7AM to get a snack on your day off. And now, when you clearly needed it to get in the club, you’d left it at home? Super responsible, girl, just awesome. 
Having jumped off the bus at the nearest stop, you caught yourself feeling absolutely shameless about the fact of being late. After you moved almost to the outskirts of the city, not being on time has become your signature mark. Now you were texting your friends, explaining the whole situation, while getting in an Uber - just to shorten the forty minutes you’d already spent on the bus to twenty-five. And as the car started off, your friends couldn’t leave you alone. 
“Gyeom, I’m sorry”. The first words you said to him after picking up, annoyance recognizable in your voice. Yeah, you were the one being late, but Mr. Punctuality didn’t have to remind you about it as well. 
“I’m actually late too”, he let out a breathy chuckle. What? Kim Yugyeom coming late? 
“What happened?”
“Nothing”, he sighed, “I just spent too much time on the phone with my dad”. You hummed in response. “I can pick you up, by the way”, Yugyeom added. 
“You don’t have to”. 
“Ah, it’s not like I’m goin’ to be on time anyway”. The yippy notes in his voice made you reflect the smile he was probably wearing on his face. “So it’s not a problem, really”.
“Thanks, Gyeom”. 
“I’ll be at your place in, uh, around ten minutes”. As you ended the conversation, you heard the siren sounds in the distance. It wasn’t an unordinary occasion: the song of the sirens was playing almost an unstoppable tune every minute of the day, as the ambulances were rushing through the busy streets, or the firemen were driving to stop the fires. It was not unusual for a city like Seoul; however, the closer you were getting to your apartment complex, the more the clump of fear inside your chest grew. 
The first thing you saw when the car turned to your building was the blinding light of the fire truck. Then it was the group of firemen. After it was the crowd, surrounding the fire engine. The last thing was the smoke coming out of the apartment on the fifth floor. From the apartment right next to yours. 
Jumping off the car, you rushed through the crowd, forcibly pushing apart the nosy neighbors and bystanders, only to be stopped by a firefighter. You couldn’t think of anything else, of other people, of the party you were late to, of the things in your apartment - the only image in your head was of Gaeul. How scared she must be, how she’s probably sitting in the corner of your room, far away from the strange and dangerous smell. The clouded vision of yours, the tears in your eyes were invisible to you. The only thing you needed was to get your baby out of there. 
“Miss, you cannot go in there”, the voice of the firemen echoed in your ears. 
“My cat’s in there”, you mumbled, but he heard you, “I need to get her out. It’s an apartment right next to that that’s burning”. 
“We’ll get her out, no need to worry”. The calm notes in his voice had awoken some primal rage in you - how could he even say that? You couldn’t not worry, for fuck’s sake! 
You quickly disappeared in the crowd so that the firefighter wouldn't recognise you if something was about to happen. There was an emergency exit, but they were probably evacuating people through it, right? What should you do to get in? 
As the thoughts were rapidly running through your head, you saw smoke coming from another window. Your window now. Your heart sank; everything around started spinning slowly and you grabbed your chest in order to calm yourself down - at least, a little bit, at least, before you took Gaeul in your arms. 
Fuck it. You hastened your steps through the crowd, away from the main entrance, in hopes to get lost amidst those being evacuated, in hopes to get through the emergency exit without being caught. In the inner yard of your building your restless, teary eyes noticed one fireman guarding the entrance; and over there, on the bench was your neighbour from the fourth floor, a fourteen year old, holding her brown dog close to her heart. 
“Hello?” She picked up her phone, the shaky voice of hers bringing more blood to your already jolting heart. How smart it was to exchange numbers with her all those months ago.
“Could you distract that firefighter for me, please?” You uttered, while looking at her. She turned her head and found your eyes. “My cat’s still in there. I can’t… I can’t wait till they save her. Please”. The girl nodded and quickly rose up to her feet, probably coming up with an idea of taking the fireman’s attention. 
She ran up to the man, still holding the dog in her arms, and started rambling something loudly, the hysteric condition of hers being the direct result of this horrible evening. “What was she up to?” You thought to yourself as you moved from a tree to a tree as fast as you could. “Was she walking her dog when the fire started? Was she at home?” 
How convenient it was to have a bunch of trees to grow in the inner yard of the apartment building. “I should thank the managing lady after it”, you watched as the firefighter turned his back to the entrance - now. The adrenaline in your stomach felt like a fuel to the fire of anxiety and fear; as you leapt up the stairs, two, three steps missed, your heart was pumping somewhere in your throat, bringing the inevitable, horrible thoughts to your brain. You brushed them off before you reached your floor, running in the corridor, which was filled with smoke, with an empty head. The door to your apartment was being broken down as you ran up to it, right on time - maybe, the first time you were not late in the last couple of years. The firefighters weren’t pleased a resident was out in the dangerous area, but you quickly opened the door - having promised you’d let them in without getting inside yourself - breaking the recently made promise immediately when the lock was open, dropping the keys to the ground. If the building management had fixed the electronic locks on time, maybe the whole building wouldn’t have to use keys; maybe, the fire issue would have been resolved earlier, had the firemen had an easier access to the apartments. 
Gray. Choking color gray - that's what your apartment was. You could get suffocated in here just for breathing in the smoke, but was it even a priority? You would die but get Gaeul out of this place.
“Gaeul!” Your voice came out quaking, eyes getting watery with every step you took. “Gaeul, baby!” Almost flying into your bedroom, you noticed her scratching the window in hopeless attempts to get out. “Baby, you’re safe”, you whispered, swooping her in your arms. She let out a weak meow as you covered her chubby face with a palm of your hand. The firefighter was quick to escort you from the apartment, having thrown a blanket from the couch over your shoulders. You wrapped Gaeul in it when you got to the hall; she was meowing as you ran down the stairs, telling you how scared she was. “I know, honey, I know”, you kept on repeating, “you’re safe now”. 
The fresh air hit both of your faces abruptly, making you gasp and cough. Holding Gaeul as close to your heart as it was possible - perhaps, if you squeezed her tighter, she would be inserted in your heart directly - you sat down on the grass next to the girl with a dog sleeping on her lap. 
“Is she okay?” You nodded, leaving a kiss between Gaeul’s brown ears. She started purring, exuding that velvety purring of hers that signaled of her finally feeling safe. After finding her in a pouring rain, as her dirty little paws left marks on your white hoodie and her squeaky voice notified you she wasn’t pleased with being carried by some stranger, after washing her up and taking her to the vet, after making sure she felt comfortable in every corner of any of the places where you lived, after teaching her to use the litter box, after buying her the most expensive and delicious food she liked, after having her sleep in between your legs every night since the first one she spent with you, after building up your whole life around her when you needed someone to give your unconditional love to, after having no suicidal thoughts the moment she took a step in your apartment, after having her as the only living creature who loved you unlimitedly - how could you sit and wait till they save her? How could you leave her little figure in the hands of fate? 
“Mr. Choi set his apartment on fire”, the girl said while petting her dog. “That’s entirely his fault”. 
“Tell me about it”, you mumbled. 
“Why didn't the police do anything when they were called on them last week?” She questioned. “He literally threatened to burn the house down”. You shrugged your shoulders. No one really did anything when he threatened to jump off the window, no one took his threats seriously when he promised to burn the apartment if his wife got on his nerves again. Yeah, like it’s a reasonable excuse for a possible homicide. What a scumbag. 
“He ran away though”. She sighed. “But they’ll find him in no time, I guess. Mrs. Choi said he broke his wrist trying to hit her, so he won’t be far away”. You nodded absentmindedly, eyes still focused on Gaeul. She already seemed peaceful, only her yellowish eyes still being completely overtaken by the dilated pupils. She was lying on your legs, covered by that blanket. “Isn’t it your phone buzzing?”
Oh, that was the annoying feeling in the pocket of your jeans. “Hello”. You responded in a monotonous voice. 
“Where are you?” Yugyeom sounded panicked. “I’ve been calling you for the past ten minutes! Are you okay? Where are you?” He repeated. After muttering a few words you hung up, putting the phone on the grass. The autumn nights started to get chilly; but you were willing to stay seated on the cold ground as long as it took for Gaeul to fully calm down. 
In mere seconds Yugyeom appeared in the inner yard, dashing to you. “Are you okay?” He observed you carefully, and then the gaze of his fell to Gaeul, curled up on your lap. “Are you okay, sweetling?”
“She ran into the building to save her cat”, your neighbor proudly proclaimed. Yugyeom gave a look - not the ‘Are you crazy?’ or ‘You’re insane’ one, but the look, striking as… Worry? Pain? Hurt? Love? 
“I think the two of you need some warming up”. His soft voice impinged upon your indifference to everything but Gaeul; it seemed as if the part of you that was scared started to heal as soon as he helped you get on your feet. For the first time in the last half an hour you shivered under the cool wind, and Yugyeom took his zipper hoodie off to put it on your shoulders. 
“You’re wearing a T-shirt”. You stated, looking at him. He gave you a small smile and shrugged his shoulders. 
“I like the cold. I’m like Johnny Storm, y’know that”. You let out a breathy laugh - the first one after pulling up to the building. Your cat was already napping in your arms - the safest place for her, as it turned out - so you and Yugyeom slowly moved to his car. 
The windows of your neighbors had ruined the whole front of the building - now the gaze of any person would fall on black frames around them. “I wonder if my landlady is here”. You said, when getting on the passenger seat. 
“D’you want me to find her?”
“Gyeom, no”, you answered in a soft voice, ‘you’ve already done enough”. His brows knitted as he looked at you with utter confusion written all over his face. 
“I didn’t do anything except for panicking and calling Minho and Eunjoo”, he noted, “and not like it’s hard to help you. Especially now”. 
You gave in rather quickly. “Alright”. 
“Give me her number, so I-”
“Just take my phone”, you shoved the device in his hands, “she doesn’t pick up if she doesn’t know the number”. He nodded before getting out of the car. 
And as you were petting your sleepy cat, you felt the tears being finally let go from your eyes. Gaeul woke up when the salty drops fell on her side and, after staring at you for a couple seconds, started to licking herself up. You laughed through the choking tears and caressed her head and back, thinking how much your life had changed since the moment she magically appeared in it. It became… Brighter, funnier, sweeter. Even when she would wake you up at three AM ‘cause she was hungry; or when she would try to eat the yarn whenever you crocheted; or when she would sit on the kitchen counter while you were cooking. The thought of losing her made your heart hurt even more than it already was. 
“We’ll be fine, right, baby?” You murmured when she started snoring quietly; you turned your head to look out of the window and noticed Gyeom in the distance, still talking with someone over the phone. A strange feeling of being absolutely safe around him had arisen in your chest the moment you saw his worried face tonight; maybe you shouldn’t push him away too hard - he’s one of the few people you can trust, after all. 
Gyeom was right; he cannot certainly save you like he used to when you were kids. You can come up with a rescue plan yourself, like today, when you couldn’t wait for anyone else to save the most loved part of you. Anyone but you. Gyeom cannot save you; but he can give you  the sense of comfort after you help yourself get back to life. 
“Gaeul”, you muttered, “how long it’s been since we called him ‘Gyeom’?” A short version of his name, and he hated being called that. But when it came to you, his first love? He blushed whenever you said ‘Gyeom’. And why did you start calling him that again? Maybe that’s a sign, you thought to yourself, leaning your head back, maybe I do need him around.
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“So you mean to tell me”, Jisung was talking with his mouth full, “that you and Micha are not together? What’s the point of bringing her here then?”
Chan let out a deep sigh. It was only a matter of time when Han found out. “We are together. But we just don’t like labeling it as a ‘relationship’ Just give us some more time”. 
“ Are you kiddin’ me? It’s been two weeks, Chan!” He gnashed his teeth. “Every media outlet is calling me to confirm whether the two of you are together. What am I supposed to tell them?”
“That it’s none of their business”. 
“It doesn't work anymore. Is she your girlfriend or not?”
“She is, technically”, Chris leaned in his chair, “we’re in an open relationship”. Jisung set his palms down flat on the table, the heavy breathing of his sending shivers down Chan’s spine. He loved riling his friend up, but sometimes he seemed to forget Han was also his manager. A scary one at times. 
“I swear to God”, Jisung hissed, “I’m gonna kill you and replace you with another dude. No one will see a difference”. Chris chuckled and went back to his dinner, leaving Han’s question unanswered. 
Him and Micha had a lot of history; but when he showed up at her door, drunk to the bone, she was more than shocked. He kept on complaining, crying about you, cursing you, proclaiming his love for you. Micha was impressed only by him being that emotional - nothing like that ever happened when they were together. A couple of days later one thing led to another and… Some time after that she was already packing her bags to go to Melbourne with him. Was it a smart, calculated decision? Absolutely not. But Chan, for whatever reason, promised to support her financially before she’d find a job there; alright, to be honest? He wanted to hurt you. To hurt you the same way your reconciliation with Yugyeom made him feel. Chan wanted to see you suffer as much as he did, to see you try to beg for him to come back to you. Spoiler alert: you never did. 
Except for the airport incident. He almost caught the slightest glimpse of you, almost canceled his entire flight, almost called off all the business he had in Australia. If only he could delve into your features one more time, he would’ve put everyone aside. ‘Cause if you were there and he saw you, he wouldn’t need anything else. But he didn’t see you, so it was all settled as it was supposed to be. 
Han was grumbling something under his breath while Chan was scrolling down the latest news; some of his friends had a comeback coming up, the other was starring in a new drama, the third proposed to his girlfriend… Everyone seemed to have their life put together but him. When he laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, Micha’s head resting on his arm, Chan would only think about a life he gave away. He could’ve been lying in his bed now, with his head snuggled into your neck, inhaling that sweet scent of yours right into his system. He could’ve been waking up to your leg lapped across his. He could’ve been with the woman he’s in love with, not the one he pretends to love. Micha doesn’t deserve this; but something tells him that she knows - just pretends not to notice. 
‘Hey, doesn’t this house seem familiar to you?” Han shoved his phone right into Chan’s face; when his eyes could finally focus, he recognised the building immediately. “They report it’s been a fire, they’re still locating it”, Jisung continued, “and the guy who started it wanted to kill his family. What a piece of shit”. 
The only thing Chan could see was smoke coming out from the apartment scarily close to yours. He was unable to forget the window of yours, the window he would always look up to just to see your smiley face. “Can I borrow your phone?”
Jisung swallowed his food, looking confused. “What for?”
“I need to call her”. Han rolled his eyes but obliged, lending the phone to his friend. Chan practically jumped from his seat, running from the second floor of the restaurant they were in to the street. Chan was aware of you blocking him everywhere; so he hoped you’d pick up if Han called. What was that logic? Why would you even pick up?
If the fire was still being located, how big is it? Were you home when it started? Were you not? Is Gaeul okay? 
Long beeps only fueled his anxiety. Pick up, pick up, pick up. Please. 
“Hello?” The voice on the other side of the phone wasn’t the silky one Chan was hoping to hear. 
Chan asked for your name. Was it a cop? A firefighter? A doctor? “She’s okay, she wasn’t home when the fire broke out”.
“Who am I talkin’ to?”
“Kim Yugyeom. I’m a friend. You?”
Another tingling in his chest, every little blood cell of his running to his head, fueling his rage and pain, mixing them altogether. So, Yugyeom is there? After all of your claims he meant nothing to you? 
“Hello?” Yugyeom asked once again. “Say your name at least, so that she’d know whom to call back”.
“Don’t you see the name on the screen?” Chan’s words came out harsher than he planned. “Sorry, whatever. Don’t tell her anything”. Chris hung up the phone and let out an exasperated sigh. Rubbing his face with his hands, Chan couldn’t even comprehend what he was feeling. Why was the mere thought of you and Yugyeom in the same space bringing him the worst pain of it all? It was jealousy. It was all the love he couldn’t properly give you resulting in that horrendous feeling of envy. The feeling that Yugyeom might give this love to you. The love that you deserve. 
How long will he continue pining over you? Maybe he should just start paying more attention to his actual girlfriend rather than the dream woman of his?
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@heylookwhoitis @amaranth-writing @itstorimf @tenshimara @whyyougottadothatbro
The story's masterlist <3
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sleekervae · 11 months
Spooktober 👻
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Happy Halloweekend, babies! I know I haven't been keeping up with my content as much as I would love to, but I wanna spotlight some of my recent supernatural/halloween fics that have been giving major 🥺🥵🤣👀. Give some of these creators some love and be safe out there this weekend!
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Cherry Bomb - @retrievablememories
pairing: jungkook x fem reader
summary: “get fucked or die” becomes the motto to live by when a serial killer begins targeting virgins on your campus.
genre: smut, horror/slasher, college!au
Untitled - @talkfastromance4
pairing: calum hood x fem reader
summary: reader meets werewolf!calum at a party
genre: smut, fantasy
I Want to Bite You - @talkfastromance4
pairing: luke hemmings x fem reader
summary: reader wants vampire!luke to bite her
genre: adult (no explicit smut)
Dragon - @the-world-is-spinning-round
pairing: remington leith x fem reader
summary: dragon!remington takes pity on a human sacrifice
genre: fantasy
Haunted - @the-world-is-spinning-round
*honestly everything that this author writes is amazing so definitely go check out some of her work!
pairing: remington leith x fem reader
summary: Bonnie discovers a ghost in a haunted house
genre: fantasty
kinktober day 10 - @floralcyanide
pairing: Austin butler x fem reader
summary: A little naughty fun ensues with you and your boyfriend, Austin.
genre: smut
Happy Halloween - @krreader
pairing: jackson wang x bambam x fem reader
summary: a maid outfit isn’t exactly the best idea when having two jealous boyfriends, you know?
genre: smut
Descend - @sombreboy
pairing: kim namjoon x fem reader
summary: ‘’I’d say you are wasting my time, but that was before I saw you..’’ he tugged her face closer to his crotch, the bulge underneath the fabrics visibly twitching from having her attention. ‘’You will make it worth my while.’’
genre: smut, supernatural
Summoned - @emoboijk
pairing: poly!bts x fem reader
summary: You repeat their names as a mantra, as a prayer, as a guiding light when you feel scared. How were you to know it would summon them? You accidentally summon the 7 demons that make up BTS and they tell you to fulfill your contract they have to fuck you.
genre: smut, demon au
That Boy is a Monster - @wildernessuntothemselves
pairing: werewolf!woosung x vampire!reader
summary: You had sworn you would never feed on a human again, and for centuries you had kept your promise. But now, with your blood supply suddenly cut off, that primitive hunger you thought you’d conquered so long ago comes back with a vengeance and you find yourself on the hunt for human blood once again. Only it turns out that the hot boy you’d picked out wasn’t so human after all. Feat. baby Hajoon
genre: smut, violence
If anybody has any other recs I should add to this list just give me a shout!!
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midnightstay-blog · 7 months
🪐Prompt List 🪐
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I don't write member x member or smut. You can request any combination of numbers. No more than three prompts per request.
When making a request please also include the genre/ theme and whom you would like for me to write about. You can also include pronouns if you want specific ones. Otherwise, I'm just gonna leave it gender-neutral.
For example: 17+8 fluff Nct Mark She/her
Request are open
Disclaimer: Most of these are from Pinterest.
" I can't believe you"
" You changed me"
" Can we start over"
"Every time I see you I feel more alone"
"I still need you"
" I genuinely don't know why my brain just goes blank when I look at you. I think I'm going a little crazy"
" I can't imagine my life with anyone but you"
" Can I love you?"
" I just don't like the way he/ she/they look at you, that's all"
" You're lucky I love you"
" Time feels like it's frozen when I'm with you"
"You're lucky you're cute otherwise you would be on your own"
" Do you ever think about what life would be like for us if things were different?"
" Shut up and kiss me"
" You mean- you and me?"
" Oh... Wow"
" Oh ... Okay then"
" Forget I even asked"
" You make life a little more bearable"
" You own my heart"
" I love you" "You're drunk"
" I need my own space"
"Come dance with me "
" Do you think we'll be like this even when we're old? "
"You could've just say that you don't know instead of lying"
" Why do you feel like you need to push yourself so hard"
" Even * insert job here* needs a break every once in a while"
" Stay here"
" I'll keep you safe"
" Why wouldn't I save you"
" Even if we were lobsters I'd still choose you"
" I just thought you'd like some company"
" Can you look at me? Please?"
" Hey, just look at me. Breathe"
" Don't touch Me !"
" You're burning up babe"
" I'm not your princess"
"Stop moving you're making things worse for yourself"
" We're not just friends and you fucking know it."
" I think I'm in love with you and that scares the crap out of me"
" Bite me " " If you insist"
" I need some time"
" What are we?"
" You're joking right?"
" If you don't stop looking at me like that I'm gonna fall in love with you"
" You'll always be my favorite person"
" Why are you awake?"
" I'm glad you came"
" Please pull the trigger"
" I was only using you"
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justmochi · 1 year
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[#JENN🌙 Weverse]
230722 23:07
➸ I saw it!!!
➸ Me and my mom went together today!
➸ There will never be a day when I'm not proud of Youngjae
➸ I am so proud of my dear sea otter~
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princessjjongie · 2 years
Guys that I want to be called noona by:
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Guys I would get called noona by:
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Sike- 💀
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This mf- 😤
(now i see why my brother hates ni-ki so much)
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kpopvillage102214 · 2 years
•°•°•fan meeting•°•°•
Stella's outfit
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Today, we will have our fan- meeting here in seoul and I'm super excited but pretty nervous at the same time.  I had lots of good memories with kind of events but I got  a lot of bad ones. Some fans will give me hate comments or glars at me sometimes but I really don't mind them because of the true carats who support me from the start. 
But there will be times where they will go to far. We are still backstage waiting for our group name to be called out so we decided to have our cheer first. "Our stella will be leading the cheer today" S.Coups announced so me and the members form a circle for our cheer first. Let's do our best today and interacting with the carats whole-heartedly. Seventeen!" "Fighting" we all shouted.
I  suddenly  felt more nervous when the emcee called our group name. I bit  nervously while looking around. A habit of mind when i get nervous. "You ok?"      Someone  hold my hand and I look up to see minhao looking at me with worried visible on his face. "Yea pretty much nervous" I said honestlyI can't lie to Him after all. Hid minghao. He can tell if I'm lied or not. "Don't be. Everything will be fine" he assured and patted my head. I nodded and gave him a small smile. "I hope so..."    I mumbled.
And I thank the staff for giving me a blanket to cover up my legs because I was wearing a skirt. And of course I was wearing shorts underneath my skirt but still they gave my a blanket.
The members entered the state one by one while wavering to the fans. Me and minghao entered together, his arm wrapped around my shoulder. "Say the name! Seventeen! Hello Seventeen imnida!"  We all introduced ourselves one by one and held a short talk with carats with the lead of Booseoksoon. Everything is doing great so far until the fanmeet  started. I'm was sitting between jeonghan and Joshua right now and we're currently vacant because the fan meeting just started. "Unnie! Who is the most handsome member of Seventeen?!" A fan shouted from the audience which caught the other members attention."Guys, don't ask  some obvious question it's me, right Stella?" I  turned to hoshi with a disgusted face "Hoshi-Ah, lying is bad!"  I said which causes the carats laugh"
Everybody is handsome but I have to give it to mingyu" Mingyu suddenly shout out of victory and hugged me which the carats found it adorable. " don't forget my treat later?"  I joked which causes him to giggle. As he kissed my forhead before going back to his seat.
"I think I lost another dongsaeng"      jeonghan suddenly whispered so I turn to him laughing a bit before hugging him. "Don't worry oppa you're the most handsome. Don't tell it to mingyu"he shrugged laugh and pitch my cheek before turning his attention to the carats.
Unnie. I really like your performance with hoshi oppa"         the fan said and sang the song me and hoshi performance during our concert"Wah Daebak!"           I gave her a thumbs up before signing her album"Unnie, who do you want to collaborate among the members?"   She asked
"Hmm maybe Joshua?"   I  said smiling at her and holding her hand. I saw hir controlling her scream which causes me to giggle"Wah I can't wait! Your voice fitted each other!" She squealed. "Thank you! We really appreciate it" I smiled at her and returned to her signed album I have a short conversation with her before she proceed to Joshua.
The carat in front of jeonghan is talking so long so I picked up the mic up and decided to have a conversation with the carats. "Carats are you having fun!?"  I asked and all screamed which made me laugh.
"Stella why are you so pretty!" A male fan shouted which made me chuckle."Don't shout you might hurt you throat" I started slightly worried about his condition" I'm ok as long as I see you"       he shouted again.
I felt shy when the crowd started shouted so I hid on Joshua shoulder which Causes him to laugh "Aww our maknae is shy"~ seungkwan teased which made me shy even more "Hajima~" I whined and started to put my attention to the carat which just finish talking to jeonghan.
I was surprised when she suddenly trow the album towards me angerily. I was shock but good things the members didn't notice it except for Joshua and jeonghan who was sitting between me and seungkwan who was taking to me earlier. I just gave them  a smile and nod not wanting them to get worried. "Hello"         I said hesitant to the fan before slowly returning for the album and then signed her album while smiling because I don't want the other members  and carats to  worry about me. She gave me a glare before getting her album harshly. "Aish! You so annoying!" She gave me a another glare and was about to throw a crumbled paper towards me but Joshua was fast enough to stop her.
"Oppa don't go near  her. She's probably using all of you for fame!"   She stated"No She's not. Stop believing in false rumors." Joshua started calmlyI know Joshua is just controlling his temper. He such a gentleman after all. The girl just rolled her eyes and just stood up angerly  and that when the staff need to handle the situation. The girl suddenly walks out which shocks everyone.
"Are you ok"    jeonghan faced me  and hold my hand with concern. I nodded my head as a response. "Don't mind her okay?"     He said and gave me a smile before patting my head.
Joshua keeps holding my hand under the table. Brushing his thumb on my hand to make me feel better. It's not new to me anyways. Some "fans"  can't still accept me as the as the only girl in the group which makes me feel sad.
The fan meeting continues but I just can't stop feeling uncomfortable and scared that another fan will hate me. I hang my head low and playing with the marker I'm holding.
" Everyone, you know stella is precious to us right?"  Dino suddenly spoke. The atmosphere because sad all of a sudden and I felt bad because the fun atmosphere because sad because of me.
"Yah Dino don't be cheesy!"     I said to brighten up  the mood but Dino just laugh and processed on talking. "She's just precious that when she's sad it makes us sad to." He continues. I look at him and gave him and he gave a smile "So I hope you love her  like how you love all the members because we don't want we don't want to see her  sad" Dino finish his words with the sincere smile which made the crowd cheer for him I suddenly wanted to cry because of his words.
Dino and I have a different age gap but we still get along with each other. I consider him as a brother and a bestfriend  and I know he consider  me as well. "Stella!" S.Coups called  out "Yes?!"  I answered laughing a bit by his excited face "We love you!"      Suddenly all the members gave me a finger heart with some weird faces which causes me to let out a cute little giggle.
I sent them a big heart and thank them "Dino-ah!"   I called him"Yes shortie?"   He answered and I look at him offereded and he just laugh " when did you get so cheesy?" "Awhile ago""Thank you and love u!" I gave  him a smile and a finger heart with a wink which made him cringe causing him to laugh at him
The fan meeting went smoothly with people giving me a lots of love thanks to my members. We are now playing with the gifts we received from the fans and some members are taking to the carats though the mic. I'm playing with the bubbles that I received when suddenly a male carat shouted. " Stella noona!do you have a boyfriend yet?!"The carats laugh at my surprise face " No. Do you want to apply?"  I asked back
"Yah! You're still a baby! no boyfriend yet!"    Jeonghan scolded me which cause me to pouted I'm 18 already but he's still treating me like a baby. " you can wait for her after 10 years" Dk said and the members nod in a agreement
"And waeee" I whined stomping my feet which made the carats laugh. "Stella-ah whose baby are you"  jeonghan asked his famous line "No one's"  I said and pouted. The members laugh teasing me more " carats they're teaming up on me!"  But instead of helping me they just continue laugh " your guys are mean" I crossed my arms and gave a glare to hoshi who is currently teasing me "Cute~" Joshua suddenly pinch my cheeks so I turn my attention to him " shua-Ah help me"  I said "Ani" he teased. I gave him a glare before picking up my mic "Carats do you have any house that I can rent in?
I'm planning to move out later"  I joked which made everyone laugh The day went by so fast And the members teasing me and laughters.  I guess this isn't a bad day after all, spending the day with the carats and the members who accepted me whole-heartedly.
1636 words
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verytalented · 2 years
"You Look Cute In Everything"
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→ Pairings: Yugyeom x Plus size reader → Group: Got7 → Genre: fluff → Warning: vanilla content, a little of against → Summary: "Can I request a Yugyeom x reader we’re Yugyeom’s s/o is plus size and wants to aerate his clothes but can’t because they are so small on her and she gets insecure because the other boys girlfriends wear their clothes and she can’t you can decide on the ending 😄👌🏼 ( sorry for my bad English it’s not my first language)" ask from anon <request> Word Count: 443
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone who is mentioned in this story. This is just for entertainment, and if any kpop idol wants this story down I will take it down.
A/N:I am not a plus-size person so if I offend anyone with this post please let me know asap and I will take it down. I will hold myself accountable and apologize and as well as learn from it. Anyway, enjoy. :)
Master List, Ask/Request List
You were lying on your comfy couch scrolling through TikTok, and you noticed this girl was doing a trend with her boyfriend. She was trying on his clothes. It looks really big on her. You decided that you wanted to try the same thing.
So you got up from your couch. You walked into your shared bedroom with your boyfriend Yugyeom. You saw him playing the game with his friend bambam. You can hear him yelling at the screen. You soon got used to him yelling. But any way you went to his side of the closet and looked for shirts and hoodies that he had. HE still didn't know what you were doing but you could hear him trash-talking with his friend BamBam. You roll your eyes and continued looking at the side of his closet you think got his grey hoodie. You then took off your shirt and put on his hoodie only. But it didn't feel big on you yet if felt fitted.
You couldn't help but feel emotional. It was too much going through your head. "hey bae do you think I look fat in this". As soon as he heard your words he immediately turn off his game taking off his headphones. "Woah, what are talking about of course not. Why would you think that?".
"it's just-" you couldn't finish talking you didn't know what to say. The next thing you did was sit down on the bed you too shared. And you took off the hoodie that you put on in the first place. Yugyeom walks to you and down next to you holding your hand. "what's got you feeling this way baby." He said while turning your face so you could make eye contact. You couldn't help but tear up. He began to hug you. "I will never know what's wrong if you don't tell me, princess". "I will never be as pretty as all those white girls. I will never be as skinny as those white girls. You will never understand what it feels like to be a plus-size girl."
"Don't say that! you are beautiful and I don't care if you're bigger than any ugly girl. You are what I want." You smile at the last part. He wipes the tears from your face and kisses your cheek. "You look cute in everything okay" he got up from the bed and grab his hoodie and gave it to you. You smiled and got up a gave him a hug. "I love you" "I love you too"
Like and reblog
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markliving · 7 months
hello guys! i'm not a really good at talking, mainly because english is not my first language, but i wanna talk with you guys to train, so send me questions about what you guys wanna talk or sugestions about the historys
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okskz · 1 year
elsy + chan
chan and elsy hit a point in their relationship that they never imagined, causing them to start having conflict.
this is part 1 of this elsy series. not too sure how many parts I’ll have but in the mean time just enjoy :) please feel free to leave feedback because it is always appreciated!
[8th member of got7/soloist]
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elsy stood eagerly in the elevator as she waited for it to get on the floor chan’s dorm was in. it had been awhile since the two had seen each other, chan being busy with his schedule and traveling all over. but now, chan had a bit of free time to spend with the girl.
elsy had took a break from music after leaving her company. she left mainly at the fact she wasn’t given the proper support as she had in the beginning. she hadn’t been able to release new music and her only option was to leave. elsy felt as if she was letting her career go to waste if she continued to stay.
elsy was now walking fast and she was almost to chan’s dorm but before she could make it, chan was already walking out. “bang chan!” she exclaimed, smiling brightly at him. chan turned to her direction and instantly smiled when seeing elsy. the girl jumped on chan, wrapping her legs around his waist. “elsy! my love.” elsy hugged chan tighter, not saying a word. she missed being around him and it felt nice having him right in front of her.
chan put elsy down, the two going in for a kiss. “I’ve missed you so much.” she said, kissing him again. “it’s so nice to finally spend time with you.”
chan giggled, kissing elsy on the forehead. “I’ve missed you way more.”
“how are you doing?”
“great.” chan answered. “very tired of doing these schedules though. but it’s all worth it.” he smiled. “and you? what have you been up to?”
elsy sighed, “nothing if I’m being honest.” she answered. “I‘ve mostly been home. and also been hanging with yugyeom.”
“no new music?”
elsy shook her head. “as of right now, no.” the girl sighed again. chan gave her a reassuring smile. he knew she wanted to make music and perform again, and he knew how unfairly she was getting treated. “it’ll be okay, els.” chan said, giving her forehead another kiss.
“enough about this.” elsy clapped. “what do you feel like doing? we can go out to eat, maybe catch a movie, go shopping. you name it. I just want to spend time with you.” she smiled, wrapping her arms around chan’s neck.
“I’d love to do any of that stuff with you, els. but I have to work on new music. care to join me?” chan smiled.
elsy felt her smile drop. “you have to work on new music already?” she asked. “don’t you want a little break?”
“I can never take a break on music, els.” chan chuckled. “I enjoy it too much.”
elsy sighed. “you’ve been sighing a lot.” chan pointed out. “it’s okay if you don’t want to join me, els.”
“I haven’t seen you in awhile, of course I want to join you. but I was thinking we do other things besides being in the studio.”
elsy has always supported chan with everything he did, from work and just the person he is. she was always in the studio with him when he’s by himself and it’s late at night. she was always there for him. but recently, she felt like that’s all they ever do now. she wanted to do other things besides sitting in a studio all day or night.
elsy never said anything though, knowing how dedicated chan was to his work. but she knew she had to at least tell him how she felt.
and after spending almost all day there with him, elsy was growing a bit inpatient. “bang chan.” elsy said. the boy was too focused on his laptop to even pay attention. “bang chan.” she said again. still no answer. elsy sighed, walking over to him from the couch. “christopher.” he shook his shoulder finally getting his attention.
“w-what.” he said startled. “something wrong, els?”
“no. not exactly.”
elsy closed her eyes for a second, gathering her thoughts before talking again. “it’s just, we’ve been here all day. don’t you think we can do something else?”
“but I’m not done-“
“I know you’re not done, chan, but we can’t just always hang around in the studio. I don’t mind doing it once in awhile but all the time? you just have me here and we don’t do much.”
chan sat there, blank expression on his face. he wasn’t understanding. and that made elsy a bit ticked off with him. she missed the times where they would actually go out, not just sitting around while chan worked. “look, I’ll just go-“
“no!” chan shouted, startling the girl. “we can do something after I’m finished.”
“bang chan, we’ve been here for hours, let’s go out right now. you can save the work for later.” elsy said. she checked the time, seeing it was night time already. meaning she had wasted an afternoon.
“okay, at least let me finish-“
elsy shook her head. “no, chan.” this time she sounded stern. and chan took notice of her voice changing, staring back at elsy. “what’s wrong? you’re never like this, you’ve never had a problem being here with me-“
“because I keep it all to myself to not make you upset.” elsy cut in.
chan was taken back from elsy’s outburst. the girl could see how slightly upset how her boyfriend got. “what are you saying?”
elsy closed her eyes, sighing heavily as she opened her eyes. “what I’m saying is, I’m tired of being in the studio with you chan.” elsy answered. “this is all we do now, and I’m getting tired of it. I want to do more than just this. I enjoyed it the first couple of times but I don’t want to do this all the time.”
“but elsy, it’s my job.”
“I know it’s your job! but for once can you put your job to the side and put me first? you’re either away traveling or preparing for something. and the times you finally have some free time you just want to do this, chan.” elsy said, she stared into chan’s eyes intensely. “when’s the last time we’ve been on a date?”
chan was silent.
and that made elsy let out a small laugh of frustration. “wow, you can’t even name the last time we’ve had a date.” elsy could feel tears wanting to come down her eyes but she held them back as much as she could.
“I just care for my job elsy.”
“yeah, a little too much.”
“you just don’t understand.” chan said. elsy raised an eyebrow. “what do you mean I don’t understand?”
chan was silent again, eyeing everything but elsy. he knew she was staring at him, wanting an explanation of what he meant. and chan let the words slip out of his mouth. “you don’t understand because you haven’t been doing anything.”
elsy furrowed her brows. “what?” she said. “did I just hear you correctly?” it felt like a slap in the face for elsy, she knew chan knew her situation on why she wasn’t working.
“no, that’s not what I meant, that came out wrong-“
“so what exactly did you mean, bang chan?!”
chan could see the hurt in elsy’s eyes. but chan just couldn’t back himself up. he stood there, hesitating which only hurt elsy more. “please, elsy. I don’t need this right now.”
“oh poor you bang chan.” elsy shook her head in disbelief. “I’m so sorry I just want to spend time with my boyfriend. but I guess you’re not on the same page since all you care about is your job.” elsy knew how much chan put effort into his work, and she didn’t want to sound selfish. but she missed chan. she missed how things were.
“I’m sorry too elsy, but I just can’t have distractions right now.”
“oh my god?!” elsy exclaimed. “so now I’m a distraction?” tears began to fall down elsy’s face. “I can’t believe you right now.”
chan realized he screwed up more as he was mentally face palming himself. “no, no-“
“I don’t want to hear it.” elsy grabbed her purse and keys to get away from chan.
“elsy, come back please.” chan grabbed her wrist but elsy shook him away. “let’s talk this out.”
“no! you said what you said bang chan.” elsy snapped. “I’m leaving since you don’t want any distractions. have a nice night.” elsy slammed the door shut, leaving chan inside the studio alone.
and he was pissed and frustrated, more at himself for not thinking everything he said through. because now he hurt elsy, and hurting elsy was something he never wanted to do now that he was in a relationship with her.
elsy on the other hand, went inside her car crying her eyes out. her and chan never really argued in their relationship so this was a first one. she didn’t know what to do.
she was confused and hurt. how did her wanting to spend time with chan and letting him now end up to this?
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minamoto-misaki · 1 year
⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ Ships in JYPE
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⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ Twice
⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ Straykids
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cerberuscaeli · 2 years
I have so many ideas of the things I want to write and my whole damn brain can turn it into a mental cinematic but when I have to write it down it's like the tape stopped working? Like, brain I love it that I can see it all as a cinematic and see how it is BUT I WANT TO WRITE IT DOWN, JUST GIVE ME THE SCRIPT TOO 😫
And this, this is why I have so many drafts and decided to call myself a "(day)dream" writer, bc everything gets written in my head but never on paper/word document 😒
Anyways, working on a slow progressing piece if idol!xiao and lowkey want to write a yandere fic thanks to 2PM and their song "My House", but we'll see if I can ever get it written down 😂
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