#fem-V / Kerry Eurodyne
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Wishing you all a most lovely holiday season with this Christmas piece I had the absolute pleasure of doing for Paweł Sasko! ❤️✨
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clockworkvenus · 15 days ago
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happy valentine's day, chooms!
i would've made more with more characters but the singular brain cell that came up with this whilst i should've been working ran out of ideas, so feel free to add your own
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rainbow-cadenza · 10 months ago
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the real journey was friends we made along the way
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zevrra · 24 days ago
also a request for more cyberpunk 2077 moots because I’ve been replaying the game and want to YAAAP!! so anyway, uhhh please :3
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wanderingaldecaldo · 10 days ago
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Getting into trouble in Night City
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ninahn404 · 4 months ago
What path will you choose?
My Cyberpunk2077 submission for pixiv contest last year. It has all the characters who supported V along the way. I'm really digging how it turned out.
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chrome-vera · 6 months ago
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Gold and Chrome ���
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cyberpunkaddict · 1 year ago
2023 Letter.
Here we are again. It’s been a year since my last letter. This is my last post for 2023. I included a bunch of unreleased VP again.
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Read the letter below:
This year has been a rollercoaster in many ways. It’s really easy to focus on the negative because it seems to take up so much space. But it’s important to take some time and think about the positive in life too to get some perspective.
Life is made up of tiny moments of happiness after all. ❤️
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The Cyberpunk 2077 community is very important to me. "Stuff" we may or may not agree with is bound to happen no matter where we are, IRL or online. But no matter who you are, in the end we all want the same things; feel like we belong, make connections with people, escape real life for a while, have fun and feel safe.
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I'm a broken record lol, but... Without you there wouldn't even be a community whatsoever. Thank you for being part of it and making it fun! ❤️
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So, back to reminiscing on 2023...
If you know me, you know I'm a stubborn perfectionist. With that comes pessimism, but I’ve grown and gained a more positive outlook on life, which is something I’m proud of. It's not often I'm proud of something, striving for perfectionism and all, so admitting this is a huge achievement for me. I know I'm always gonna be a perfectionist when it comes to my art though, but that just forces me to be a better artist, so it's not all bad... As long as I don't overdo it, which is something I'm working on. My goal for 2024 is to stop being so hard on myself and upload more to Tumblr. ❤️
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I started doing OC gif giveaways this year, and I definitely wanna do more, and not just gifs but VP too. I do these because I want to spread, excuse the cringe lol, happiness and positivity. I love to give back. It gives me purpose in life.
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I started modding as well, which I wanted to do for months, but I was too scared because it seemed so complicated... But I did it. I'm proud I went out of my comfort zone for once.
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So, Dear Everyone ❤️, once again...
Thank you for sharing your incredible art, writing, cosplay, mods, and the list goes on. I hope 2023 treated you well, if not, let's make 2024 beyond amazing! I want you to know that you make my day better no matter what is happening in my life. The simplest joke in a tag or a simple hi in a DM make me smile and laugh. And if this is how I feel, just know you make other people you've never met before feel this way too. I think that's pretty cool.
One day I might have to leave Cyberpunk 2077 behind, because that's how life goes sometimes. And that’s sad to think about... I’m not ready to put it behind me yet. At the same time it means that this community, and my OCs and yours will always have a place in my heart.
I will never forget you.
Here's to another year filled with lots of happy moments. ❤️
Bye 2023! Hello 2024!
To everyone who made it this far, I have a little surprise... I’d like to do VP with one of your OCs. Comment on this post and tell me what you’re proud of in 2023. In a week-ish I’ll pick a random person (from the comments). :3
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chrome-freak · 1 year ago
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My sweet Kerry Eurodyne :c
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saintemarvel · 2 years ago
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V & Judy with some friends
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humberg · 2 years ago
Headcanons of V that live rent free in my head.
☆ I made it so that they can relate to both fem and masc V ☆
Due to the biochip taking over V's mind, after a while Johnny had become very good at sensing when there was going to be a relic malfunction and would pre-warn V if they were about to have an episode.
V drinks a Jackie Welles every time they meet a new client in the Afterlife, and drinks a Johnny Silverhand before the start of a big gig. Both of them good luck charms, a Welles symbolised the beginning of a new partnership, and a Silverhand to bring luck and to start the gig on a high note. It had become a tradition very shortly after V had taken over.
V regularly visits Mama Welles after the biochip is removed. To relive and talk stories about Jackie over a table of food, both of them found it comforting in knowing that Jackie was watching over them both.
Panam's view of Night City very much one-sided due to her personal experience, V would later show Panam the sights and sounds of their personal favourite spots of the NC to convince her of the City's beauty.
V keeps many of Johnny's traits after the biochip is removed. The most obvious being that their posture is now a lot more slouched, and they are more inclined to make their frustrations known. They can also perfectly play Johnny's chords having never practised.
V boxed with Jackie and Viktor. Not as obsessed as the other two, V never managed to takedown Jackie but managed to takedown Vik once on the account that Jackie had unintentionally distracted him.
V kept in touch with Nancy after the Samurai concert. An investigative journaler, she would often ask V if they had any potential leads from their work that could be covered, or point them in the direction of events that were a bit too hostile for her on the promise that she could cover it from the sidelines.
Toward the end of the biochip taking control, V would receive regular texts from Kerry. V's habits much like Johnny's, self-care was very low down on V's list and depending on the relationship that V had with him, Kerry would message to make sure that V and Johnny were okay. Well aware of Johnny's antics and knowing that they had rubbed off on V, Kerry would regularly keep in touch and invite them over for food if he felt that V was not eating properly or needed to rest. Despite the impression that Kerry had made of himself, he was a very good cook and V had become his reason to pick it back up.
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quaddmgd · 3 months ago
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rainbow-cadenza · 8 months ago
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brrambleberry · 1 year ago
When V and Johnny burst back into the Afterlife, they begin to be known as the Cockroach. Affectionately, of course, anyone who sneered out the moniker would quickly find they weren’t able to eat solids for months or find welcome at the club.
Johnny didn’t like it at first, his ego sliced by the realisation that the people in his life did better without him in theirs. V threw humour over it when she reminded him of how he had pulled through to the other side of a nuclear devastation, and it was impossible for him to keep a straight face at any mention of it afterwards.
V was proud as fuck that her reputation was of someone difficult to kill, in spite of all the odds. Flattered as well, she took more care than was due to style and maintain her vibrant ‘ganic copper hair. Her whole schtick was being the fiery femme, the ruthless red-head, a babe serving brutal beat-downs.
Individually, they were pests. Forced proximity turned them into a fucking menace. Clair started stocking twice as much centzon as before, and Emmerick had to invest in cyberware to stabilise his blood pressure. If it had been anyone else, Rogue would have banned them long ago. As it stood, V was her best contractor, and life had become just a little bit brighter with them in it.
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gonksinlove · 1 year ago
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date night ❤️
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clarablightt · 10 months ago
grabbed some old pics of V around NC because omg i love these shots i’m shocked i haven’t posted them yet woah
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enjoy the photo spam~!
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