r-ebelchaoshq · 1 year
He said he wanted a badass... well, now he's got one. *sighs* I was honestly hoping I didn't get to this point. To where I had to sit and type out everything, to process, regroup and figure out where to go from this point. But it has. So now it begins.
Hello, my name is R-ebel. And my life is one massive ball of complete fucking chaos and mess ups. I know this is going to be one massively hard pill to believe, but trust me, every word of this is 100% complete truth. But for legal reasons as well as not being THAT cruel of an individual, I will not be using those involveds' real names. So here we go. Enjoy the ride.
For the past 2 long ass years, I have been in a Poly relationship with two active KPOP Idols. And now- I am genuinely questioning my own sanity. Mostly just a lot of "why?" What should have been this wonderful, loving, fun relationship has turned into, well, anything BUT that. And I now find myself questioning why I even allowed it to get this far. Why didn't I just walk away after the first time? Why did I continue to come back? Maybe I was blinded? Love does make you do some really fucking stupid things. And my gods, am I ridiculously in love with the both of them. (Gods damn those charming men...)
As you can tell-if you made it this far-things are NOT okay in the world of my relationships. Too many people have gotten involved, too many lies have been said, too many times have feelings been hurt, invalidated and used against others.
And I have reached my breaking point. This last "we only wanted to do what was best for you" moment brought me to this. So now I am airing out the dirty laundry of this massively FUCKED UP "family". So if you want to watch the world burn, please grab your popcorn, a drink and get comfortable. Because this ride is about to get painfully insane.
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