witchpig-04 · 1 year
The Battlemaster and the Barsen’thor
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This is an illustration of two Star Wars: The Old Republic original characters; the one that looks like me is Arthurigan, (my Jedi Knight,) and the Twi’lek is Veltifa, (my friend Evie’s* Jedi Consular.)
This took forever! It started as a crappy pencil sketch made during an English lecture, then I created a blender scene to work out the composition and then create lighting and shape reference.
The final product you see here is a combination of 2D digital drawing+painting and 3D rendering; the characters are entirely 2D, while the background is largely 3D, with some 2D paintover to create motion trails etc.
*@ milfsenya on Instagram
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witchpig-04 · 5 months
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Whipped this up in Blender today using in-game assets, except for the smoke and the flag hologram, which I made from scratch.
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witchpig-04 · 1 year
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I've been working on making a "live-action" style version of the Defender-Class Light Corvette from SWTOR in Blender, plus a hangar bay of sorts, (loosely based on that of the Valor-class cruiser) and this is how it's looking at the moment. I obtained the in-game model and imported it to Blender, but I only used it as size and shape reference, as it was too low-poly for me to use directly. This means that I remodelled the ship from scratch, and I upped the level of detail quite a bit, especially in the greebled areas. I included a speeder bike (on the hangar floor, under the front of the ship) to give some idea of scale. This is a big ship! Someone who is less of a perfectionist than me would call it done, but I'm not quite ready to do that, so this is still a WIP. This render was rendered in Cycles at 1024 samples+denoising, but before the denoiser, it was pretty noisy; therefore I will render the final version with wayyy more samples because I lost a lot of texture detail to the denoiser at just 1024 samples.
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witchpig-04 · 5 months
"Live Action" SWTOR ship: the Flashfire
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Attempted to make another "live action"-style version of a ship from Star Wars: The Old Republic in Blender. This time it's the Flashfire scout ship from the Galactic Starfighter pvp gamemode. I decided to place it on the landing platform of the new Copero stronghold because of its beautiful scenery.
I even fully detailed the interior of the cockpit, which required a lot of "making stuff up" because the only way to see the interior of the ship in-game is by using the mount version of the ship, and that interior is not very detailed at all. I took inspiration from the aesthetics of X-Wing cockpit details for this.
The exterior remains pretty faithful to its in-game appearance, for the most part, but I did have to re-interpret a lot of details to bring the scale of it to a believable place. In some places that meant increasing the level of detail and making greeble parts with thinner shapes, and in some places that actually meant reducing the amount of detail and eliminating unnecessary panel lines that I feel wouldn't be in line with how ships appear in live-action Star Wars.
Texturing this baby was a lot of work, but I really wanted to make the surfaces feel real. I used directional smearing textures in the roughness and sheen weight channels, to create the appearance that the ship had been hurriedly cleaned off with a rag, but perhaps not very thoroughly, so the layers of grease and grime had just been smeared across the surface. This is especially visible in places where I added streaks of soot; I allowed the smear textures to influence the lighter layers of soot, but not in the darker places where it would have already built up since the last time the ship was cleaned.
I also created fully functional landing gear mechanisms, which are being demonstrated in the video. The cockpit canopy also has fully functional hydraulics but I didn't render an animation of them.
I encourage you all to zoom in on the beauty renders, (which I rendered in Blender's Cycles render engine) because there are a lot of details to take in.
I've also included a wireframe render so you can take a little peek behind the scenes.
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witchpig-04 · 7 months
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A recent dipytch with my OC Bryn from a uni assignment! I am so glad I have such a cool prof who encourages me to develop my own story ideas (and calls my character designs "iconic," I am still giggling and kicking my feet from that) I created this with a mix of 2D and 3D techniques, using Blender and Clip Studio Paint. I won't reveal the whole story I have developed just yet, all in due time! I still have a lot of plot points to work out anyway.
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witchpig-04 · 1 year
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this is cringe and autobiographical but that's what art is for :)
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witchpig-04 · 1 year
Recent renders of my OC Bryn
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First Tumblr post ever, have some art! Here’s my OC Bryn, she lives in a treehouse, hunts food with her bow and arrows, climbs trees, and has flower petals for ears. I encourage ppl to zoom in and look at the details.
I made this in Blender 3D
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witchpig-04 · 3 months
Bryn Redesign
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Redesigned Bryn’s main adventuring outfit, adding some detail and introducing a flower petal motif into the leather garments. She has a quiver for storing arrows, (as she did before) but now also has leather leg armour for protecting her legs from abrasion when she climbs up rough tree trunks. Also designed her a casual outfit for relaxing evenings at her treehouse. I might make that cape IRL, it’s just too pretty not to. Also added wraps to stabilize her ankles and protect her feet from sharp branches. The cape is designed to be double lined, so it gives her the option of being warm when it gets chilly in the evenings (as it often does in forests, at least the ones I’ve been to) Also added her height for scale.
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witchpig-04 · 6 months
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The final assignment in this semester’s illustration course. Really glad I got to do it with OCs. Had fun really dialling in the lighting and colours for this one. Background and police robot are mostly done in Blender (with some 2D paintover) whereas the two humans are fully 2D, using some 3D assets I built as reference.
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