#felipe de marichalar y borbon
royal-confessions · 11 months
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“I was (pleasantly) surprised to see all of Infanta Christina and Infanta Elena’s children at Constantine II funeral” - Submitted by Anonymous
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ifreakingloveroyals · 8 months
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1 June 2016 | Felipe de Marichalar y Borbon attends La Beneficiencia Bullfight at Las Ventas Bullring in Madrid, Spain. (c) Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images
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davidgpuerta · 6 years
Vamos a ver qué nos ha dejado este día en nuestro pasado.  1700.- La dinastía de los Borbones se inicia con la proclamación de Felipe de Anjou como Felipe V, el nuevo rey de España. 1768.- Se hace entrega de sus bastones de mando a los primeros Alcaldes de Barrio. 1789.- Fallece en Madrid el noble Pedro de Alcántara Fernández de Córdoba 1843.- Salustiano de Olózaga pasa a ser el nuevo presidente del Gobierno. 1870.- La Real Academia Española firma el permiso para que se puedan crear otras academias en el resto de países de habla hispánica.  1889.- El edificio del actual Ministerio de Agricultura es declarado Monumento Nacional. 1928.- La madrileña María Bernaldo de Quirós Bustillo se convierte en la primera mujer aviadora titulada de nuestra historia. 1939.- Mediante decreto ley se crea el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC. 1945.- Fallece en Madrid el cirujano militar Mariano Gómez Ulla. 1951.- Se inaugura en la Casa de la Panadería el Instituto de Estudios Madrileños. 1992.- El Senado ratifica el Tratado de Maastrich. 1994.- La Infanta Elena de Borbón, anuncia su compromiso matrimonial con Jaime de Marichalar. 2012.- Fallece en Villaviciosa de Odón el actor madrileño, Ignacio Fernández Sánchez, conocido por todos como, Tony Leblanc.
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María Bernaldo de Quirós. La primera aviadora de nuestro país y el inconfundible Tony Leblanc
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royal-confessions · 10 months
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“I just remember when Froilán kicked Victoria Lopez Quesada in Felipe and Letizia’s wedding. I saw a video of the wedding and I couldn’t stop laughing 😭” - Submitted by Anonymous
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royal-confessions · 11 months
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“The way there was an ambulance on standby at Leonor’s private dinner at El Pardo 💀I mean Juan Carlos and Froilan were there so I guess that makes sense.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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royal-confessions · 8 months
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“Infanta Cristina’s kids>>>>>Infanta Elena’s kids” - Submitted by Anonymous
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royal-confessions · 1 year
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“I think August from Young Royals is based on Froilan or a young Juan Carlos. The looks and personality are totally those of a modern male Bourbon.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“I think Leonor and Sofía should've gone to the funeral. I mean, all the marichalar and urdangarin children went, even Irene who is studying in Switzerland.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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royal-confessions · 1 year
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“I feel bad for Leonor. She has so many exciting milestones coming up which deserves to be celebrated but so many people are making it all about Juan Carlos and Felipe’s sisters and their kids and who will attend and who wouldn’t. Juan Carlos has done so much damage but at the end of the day I believe he cares about the crown and he will not force Felipe’s hands if it means further endangering it. It’s also sad that Leonor no longer has a relationship with Irene who seemed to be the cousin she was closest to growing up. And according to the media it’s no longer just Felipe and Letizia having a row with his sisters but now Elena and Cristina are also not on good terms because Cristina thinks Victoria Federica is a bad influence on Irene. That whole family is a mess.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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3 August 2017 | Infanta Elena of Spain and her children Felipe de Marichalar y Borbon and Victoria de Marichalar y Borbon greet the Spanish bullfighter Cayetano Rivera during the Bullfights at the Palma de Mallorca Bullring in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. (c) Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images
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royal-confessions · 3 years
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“I really feel bad for the Urdangarin kids, they seem like smart nice kids, Froilan has caused more problems than all of them combined, but because of their parents especially their dad their names are now tainted.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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royal-confessions · 4 years
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“Considering the people who hold the title, I am quite happy that the Spanish monarchy did not have the primogeniture (at least, so far). I cannot imagine a Queen Elena, a Prince of Asturias like Felipe Juan or an Infanta Victoria. They all are very "old Spain", they like bullfights, hunting... I feel like they kind of embody a very old idea of nobility/royalty. At least the Felipe and Letizia represent a more modernized idea of the institution.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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royal-confessions · 4 years
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“I feel so sorry for Felipe VI (and Letizia and the girls) that they’re trying to save the monarchy but their other family members keep f***ing things up for them. Juan Carlos, Inaki, Cristina and even the youngsters like Froilan and Victoria keep doing shits to make the public upset. I think Felipe should start to downsize the monarchy (if they haven’t done it yet) like Prince Charles’ plan to keep these troublemakers out.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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royal-confessions · 4 years
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“I don’t respect any person who finds bullfighting entertaining. So I don’t respect the Spanish Royal Family, specially Infanta Elena and her children” - Submitted by Anonymous
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royal-confessions · 4 years
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“Truly the only good people in the Spanish Royal Family are Felipe, Letizia, Leonor, and Sofia. Cristina and Inaki were involved in fraud (and he's in jail for it), Juan Carlos is an adulterer with numerous corruption allegations against him, and Elena can't even raise her son (Felipe Juan Froilan) correctly that he ended up going on a racist rant in an amusement park. I'm glad Felipe is isolating himself from everyone else's mess and just focusing on his own family.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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ifreakingloveroyals · 6 years
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1 June 2016 | Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar y Borbon, Princess Elena de Borbon and Cristina Cifuentes attend La Beneficiencia Bullfight at Las Ventas Bullring in Madrid, Spain. (c) Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images
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