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abardstale · 5 years ago
Eianurian Elvish 101
This will by no means be an exhaustive guide (hence the “101″), but I hope at the least you all find it interesting :)
Eianurian Elvish originated out of ancient Eianur, and was spread across the world as an indoctrinated language with the elves’ imperial conquests. After the fall of the empire its use decreased drastically, although many noble families, ethnic elven groups, scholars, and bards are still well-versed in the language.
Eianurian Elvish (just “Elvish” from this point on) is an S-O-V language with a limited set of consonants - D, F, H, L, M, N, S, R, V. Because of this, vocabulary relies on vowel clusters and multisyllabic words.
Below are a few examples of sentence structure, names, and vocabulary.
Sentence Structure
“Na mahar’il hal senlas.” = “I was once a dreamer.”
Na = I
mahar’il = dreamer [mahar = dream, -il = personifying conjugation]
hal = once
senlas = was [sen = to be, -las = past tense conjugation]
This is a simple Elvish sentence structure. As an S-O-V language, the subject (I) goes first, then the object (dreamer), and the sentence always ends with the verb (was). 
Here is another, more simple example:
“Nei ferin araelan.” = “We enter the shade.”
Nei = We
ferin = shade
araelan = enter [arae = to enter, -lan = present tense conjugation]
These sentences, of course, become more complex once you start to add adverbs, alternate conjugations, conjunctions, suffixes, etc. But I think this is enough for a 101 class :)
Elvish names, just like names from modern cultures, enjoy a bit of liberty from the traditional grammar/spelling conventions of the parent language. Words may be smashed together, or melded together depending on the spelling. 
Typically in regular grammar, an apostrophe is only used to separate adjacent vowels from compounded words, or after a glide (L or R). With names, there’s a lot more liberty. A parent may choose to include or omit apostrophes based on their preference, but also according to how separate or blended they want the name to come across. 
Let’s look at two names from Amaran’s history: Edinorael and Han’maerani.
Edinorael = “Chosen Last” OR “Final Choice”
Edin = choice
ora = implies a double meaning
-ael = last/final
As you can see, a name like “Edinorael” lacks apostrophes, and shares the “a” from “ora” and “ael” instead of separating it as “a’a”. “Ora” is a unique speech modifier, as it implies that a phrase is meant to be read two ways - a marker that doesn’t really exist in modern English. All of these conventions give the effect of “Edinorael” as a single unit of a name, as opposed to a compound of words.
Han’maerani = “Forever Beloved”
Han = always
maerani = love
Han’maerani’s name is much more straightforward in its meaning. The apostrophe between “han” and “maerani” is unnecessary in conventional grammar - if this were used in a sentence, they would be separate words. However, the added apostrophe creates a cognitive pause/separation, even if it’s not vocalized. This creates an effect of reading the words literally, instead of as a single unit.
Below are the elven names that are suggested at character creation, and their meanings:
Felassa = “Tree-like”
Felas = tree
-sa = like
Haena = “Healer”
(This one just translates literally. “Haena” means “healer”)
Vallen = “Of the wind”
Val = wind
-len = of
Maharen = “In a dream”
Mahar = dream
-en = in
Finally, I’ll just leave you guys with some vocabulary words. Again, not an extensive list, but simple things like pronouns, nouns, verbs, and verb tenses.
Na = I
No = you
Nei = we
Noa = she
Noe = he
Noi = they
Ne = it
Avar = fight
Fala = center
Fena = death
Haele = warrior
Haeri = (the) People [used to refer to the Elven People]
Ren = air
Vaiali = (the) Gods [used to refer to the Gods as a whole]
(”Haeri” and “Vaiali” are special nouns that are always in plural form. Otherwise, plurality is denoted by an “i” suffix. [ex: Avari = fights, Fala’i = centers])
Avi = to go
Devi = to want
Laefe = to rise
Mar = to do
Veda = to see/look
Verbs always go at the end of the sentence. However, certain conjugations can allow them to reside in the middle (objectifying a verb, personifying a verb). However, a verb must always be conjugated - it cannot reside on its own.
Verb Conjugations:
-las = past tense
-lan = present tense
-lar = future tense
-il = personifying conjugation
(”veda’il” = “one who sees”)
-nen = objectifying conjugation
(”laefenen” = “the act of rising/ the rise”)
-va = command conjugation
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newlifeprojects · 6 years ago
karogsz kicsit a jelen politikai vezetesen, erre azt mondja "nem minden huzasuk faszsag". mondod neki "ilyenkor bezzeg nem az egesz kepet nezed, de mindegy is, mindenki tudja h te is oda szavaztal mert kedveled oket es azt amit csinalnak". erre o, hogy "nem az a lenyeg, egyebkent is majd ha lesz alternativa, akkor arra szavazok, de amig nincs mas, nem fogok a nyomorult ellenzekre". felveted a lehetoseget annak, hogy "akkor nem szavazol senkire, az is valasztas es az is lehetoseg" mire gunyosan odaveti neked: "szavazni allampolgari kotelesseg" es vigyorog hozza ugy, hogy meg tudnad utni.
ok az apaitok, a batyjaitok, a mari uj ferje, a sogorotok, az unokatestveretek, a feri aki felassa oreganyatok kertjet tavaszonkent egy zsak krumpliert, ok az utca tuloldalan lako buszsoforok, ok a klari veje, a haverotok occse, az anyatok kozvetlen fonoke, ok akik akarhonnan nezitek, mindenhol ott vannak.
ha jellemeznem kellene ezt az orszagot egy embertipussal, akkor tipikusan az a meg nem teljesen lecsuszott, de mar lefele tarto, fenykoran regen tullevo, motvacio es tanulasi szandek nelkuli, alkoholizmusat es fuggosegeit illetoen teljes tagadasban elo, jelentektelen es felelossegmentes munkajaert jaro lofasz fizetesebol honaprol-honapra tengodo, erdektelen, nihilista, enyhen elhizott, lomha es lusta kozepkoru ferfi, aki persze a leghangosabb, ha barki mast szidni es kritizalni kell - a kocsmaban pult alol osztott olcso, savanyu froccs folott.
ismerek ilyen embereket es ezek az emberek taszitanak.
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fadewalking-archived · 8 years ago
[felassas]: hren - dare me to try and fit my whole hand in my mouth
I... will not do that... 
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