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jazzymini · 10 months ago
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Messy cottage garden
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ashleysingermfablog · 10 months ago
Wk 13, 3rd of May, 2024 Studio Work development
Mould making
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Ashley Singer, Camellia and Feijoa casts and moulds, clay, plaster, garden soil, casts: 5cm x 5cm x 4cm, moulds: 10cm x 10cm x 4cm
Making my own moulds was something I really wanted to try so I could use plaster and clay mixed together, which was something I felt was too sticky to place into my silicone moulds from regal castings (used for casting my bronze Dutch iris bulbs and my lily bud).
This was a great opportunity to be a bit loose with form (something that I had been more rigid with prior), and make collections of camellia buds picked from the neighbours large flowering camellia tree and also from the rare fejoa variety my other neighbour had growing over the fence. Using the organic matter, I pressed the unopened buds and a fejoa into the mould I made out of a mixture of plaster and porcelain clay. After that set I was able to press into the mould pieces of my mix of clay based soil from my garden, porcelain and plaster.
On the right are two of the moulds and the left are the casts drying in a box in my studio.
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asin201masters · 1 year ago
Mum’s plants from her childhood:
Dahlia yellow, pink, purple
Pick off catpillars
Fejoa eat them
Bamboo climb
Caught frogs
Bike riding
Play in the fire
Bushwalking native trees kauri, totra, rata, kowhai
Succulents and Cactus had a beautiful pink flower
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asin201hons · 1 year ago
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A trip out and about, field work in Monte Cecilia park Auckland, looking at new blooms that have emerged now that it’s spring. Pictured is a Fejoa tree with some lovely flowering areas as well as the beggining of fruit growth (see image 2). Flowering and fruiting are all part of seasonal and climate records that a plant tracks showing us when looking and documenting the result of phenology changing across the year.
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ardn631-haydenmiddleton · 2 years ago
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My mum loves to make the table look nice on holidays or events just to make everyday life a little more interesting sometimes. And then are some bowls of fejoas my Nana came down and gave us.
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gayhenrycreel · 11 months ago
the main part is just egg white and huge amounts of sugar, so its very sweet but also foamy. the cream is just cream. you can add fruit on top. people usually use blueberries, strawberries, or fejoa slices.
you can find recipes online. (btw dont listen to aussie sources about the origin of pavlova. it belongs to Aotearoa and weve been fighting over it for decades)
I'll attempt to bake an apple pie today✌️
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waywardmasquerade · 5 years ago
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I’ve been experimenting with fermenting fejoa skins into a fizzy drink. I have no idea if it’ll work, especially since everything coming into the house has been washed a lot more than usual.
Soaked the skins for three days in water with a tablespoon of sugar, then strained them out today. They’ll need to sit for another few days with some more sugar and then I guess we’ll see if it worked :)
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masadonna · 6 years ago
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i’m just making new item in here! #embroidery #stumpwork #beading #fejoa #botanical #flower #art #earring #accessory #fashion #masadonnaembroidery #original #刺繍 #立体刺繍 #マサドンナ #ビーズ刺繍 #フェイジョアの花 #イヤリング https://www.instagram.com/p/BoGbZgKlhr4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fongpfe0uelf
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My sister drew Dr. Strange eating the worlds largest Fejoa
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fountainbeee · 8 years ago
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Going to miss those bowls. (at New Zealand)
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newzealandgarden · 8 years ago
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Feijoas are fruiting!!!!
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asin201masters · 1 year ago
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Painting the large magnolia work (on the left) took a lot of layers so it’s still in development, then in the similar toned paint and with plaster I made some casts of the inside of the fejoas because both magnolia and fejoa are prevelant this time of year (early autumn)
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andromedasummer · 2 years ago
I'm curious about sour hard candies bc i don't think we have them here... usually it's sour gummies or maybe lil chewing gums who were sour at the beginning (god we always used to get them at school for pennies)
i LOVE hard candy every year i go to the local (only) con in our country and every year theres a big stall made by people who make hard candies and they have handmade MASSIVE lollipops and rows of all these chopped up hard candies that come in bags and flavours like butterscotch or watermelon or fejoa and this year i got the sour pack instead of the sweet and sour pack and i identified which colour was the most sour and it was VERY sour and WAY too sour for me and instead of throwing those ones away i was like "i shouldnt waste food i should get this over with" so i picked them all put and put them all in my mouth at once and they took so long to disappear i got acid burns all over the inside of my mouth
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asin201hons · 1 year ago
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These are the two most successful leaf litter moulds, they are done in plaster because I wanted a heavier material feel and larger scale and they have prints of stones, soil flakes and fejoa leaves and camellia petals.
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kittyaugust · 4 years ago
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @whatsmyfandom - thank you!
Name: Kitty
Nickname: Kitty!
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Height: 5'8
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual/Queer
Ethnicity: Pakeha/Maori/Other
Favourite fruit: Fejoa or Passionfruit
Favourite season: Summer
Favourite book series: Terry Pratchett - Discworld
Favourite flower: Fresias
Favourite smell: Nag Champa. Lavender or Yang Yang or Rose - in fact all of those together! Anything with myrrh in it.
Favourite colour: Purple
Favourite animals: ALL OF THEM do not make me choose!
Coffee, tea, or cocoa: Coffee - soy flat white to be precise
Average sleep hours: 6-7 but not very good at it
Favourite fictional characters: Myself. Very meta.
Number of blankets you sleep with: Do Americans have duvets/doonas? I have a duvet.
Dream trip: Africa Tour - all the way from Egypt down to the tip of the Cape.
Blog created: 2014-ish? When I first got into fandom. I was 30.
Number of followers: I do not know how to find that on mobile… like 500-600ish I think?
TAGGING the last 20 people I interacted with:
@ameliahcrowley @jupitermelichios @shipssailing4ever @grievousglory @morethanonepage @larryisrealandlife @ladysnowstorm @bibislut @knp4547 @mayalaen @trickster-shi @shinyismyfavoritecolor @writerwhat @faeymouse @merfilly @storyshark2005
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winged-fool · 4 years ago
Vibe Check: *hands you a peach* *hands you a pomegranate* *hands you a fejoa* *continues to hand you oddly specific fruits of increasing rarity* this has been your vibe check.
I'd never heard of fejoa before! It sounds yummy though! Thanks for all the fruit 😍
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