#feh shenanigans
fourspiceblend · 1 year
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Rhea: why do you get to wield your sword?? :(
Lumera: why do you get to be your pretty dragon self?? :(
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evostrashbin · 6 months
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a first time for everything
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lyn1catz · 9 months
I think brave dimitri would be the most insufferable I can fix him guy about fallen dimitri constantly trying to set him on the right path even when he's just sitting there doing nothing
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moe-broey · 1 year
Thoughts on Grima in FEH? I personally am a big enjoyer of this horrible little guy getting picked up by the scruff and dragged kicking and screaming into therapy by the summoner.
OOF... UNFORTUNATELY... I have zero complex thoughts about Grima 😅 I do think it's interesting, from the many Grima and Robin interactions in FEH, that there's almost this self-fulfilling prophecy to it, like Grima believes no matter what they Have to be this way. That all roads lead to this, and there's no changing it. And in believing that, they make it their reality.
HOWEVER. I do get really stuck on just. How they talk. Top Ten Least Effective Insults: Worm.
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They are like middle school bullies to me...... at least in FEH specifically where they will just harass Robin to no end LMFAOOO (and anyone else they have a bone to pick with)
I do think they can have a little therapy. As a treat :) (they could use it.)
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nightshademyn · 12 days
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Surprise! I have two of these Summoner OC bitches (affectionate)! His name is Jay and I also care him very much. He kind of came about sometime in 2022 when I was thinking about Summoner Cresselia's life before Askr. Jay was the result of exploring the idea of a childhood friend of Cresselia's that she lost contact with prior to being summoned. He then promptly got hit with the summonerification beam for funsies. Further ramblings below!
Jay is defined by two very important characteristics:
He is incredibly dense. I love him but it's true. He doesn't always catch what others see as obvious, and he also has his moments where he loses his turn on the braincel. However, he's able to develop strategies by recognizing patterns and observing the flow of battle to learn from the experience. It also helps that he runs his ideas by multiple people who know better and have way more experience than he does.
He's incredibly kind and optimistic. It doesn't matter what the world throws at him, he'll face it head on with the genuine belief that everything will be okay, especially if he's not facing it alone. If you've ever listened to "Open Arms" from Epic: The Musical or the cut song "Your Light" (and if you haven't you should), that's his exact vibe. He knows the world isn't always fair or kind, and so he lives and fights to make it fair. To leave the world a better place in his wake and make his friends smile.
Aside from those two key characteristics, he's also incredibly friendly, easily making friends with the heroes he's summoned and the summoners he meets in arenas and other events (including Cresselia, yipeee!). He likes making friends, and it's his belief that the bonds one forges are far stronger than the enemies he faces.
He's got an interesting patchwork of knowledge. He doesn't know anything about strategizing or battling, but he has an in depth knowledge and appreciation for animal life. He also knows various magic (or sleight of hand when magic actually exists) tricks that he practiced until he got right. It's one of his favorite hobbies that he still maintains in Askr. He used to study music production and sound design, so the day Askr has the technology to blast music, he'll have the music covered. At the end of the day, he really is just a sweet, silly, and optimistic guy who'll surprise you with the nuggets of information he does know. If you ever need someone who will convince you that everything will be okay, Jay's your guy. He’s just a silly who can be so stupid sometimes it loops back around to endearing and I love him for it. Bonus: The flats and the sprite I made for this vvv
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katfreaks-hidyhole · 1 year
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This was my honest response to Alfred in this Forging Bonds.
In my defense I hadn’t played Engage at this point 😅
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Tuvok's father in law, Sokarn-He.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 5 months
this falls solidly in the 'krad you're kind of reaching' meta bucket, but:
i'm lowkey convinced that the "the black pillar" mention in Azura's CQ (EN) version of the song is directly referring to Gunter.
More specifically, the lyrics around this line are:
Sing with me a song of conquest and fate The black pillar cracks beneath its weight Night breaks through the day, hard as a stone Lost in thoughts all alone
the obvious connection is the level in Valla where you find him in CQ is literally. the black pillar. so much of the level is about him and the foreshadowing/connection he has with Corrin and Azura.
squint at him and honestly, it's a pretty accurate visual description of him. black knight, black pillar, etc. (it's another thing that makes him such a good villain. he's got the silhouette/character design for it although you don't realize it right up until it happens.)
Spoilers, but it was, I think(?) revealed later in Heirs of Fate DLC that the song is actually from human!Anankos' point of view towards Corrin. certinally huge chunks of it suddenly makes sense regardless of route, and considering who possessed Gunter, there's a real morbid sense of irony with that layered addition. there's a fuck load of complicated feelings that both of them share towards Corrin.
Stepping back for a more poetic interpretation, knowing his backstory - and how it weaves into Garon's/Corrin's/Anankos' - there's a genuine sense of tragedy ('cracking'); but also ultimately, that whisper of hope to the next generation.
(it's not perfect b/c i think the JP version of the song has it as 'the blackened sun' and a different level title but hey i'll take any nods where i can get them)
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nm-mattuz · 1 year
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Oh no...
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blazregaliadream · 8 months
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"How many levels of damage reduction would you like your Lucia to be on?"
"Y E S"
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fourspiceblend · 1 year
Seteth paid extra to make sure everyone knows who the real star of the 4* special rate is.
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abluehappyface · 2 years
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Some practice edits I made! This time it's Hair Glitter! Don't worry guys I have literally ALL of my September edits done, I just need to remember to POST THEM. Anyway, do these look good? Would like some feedback.
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starlitcrows · 1 year
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...I think I accidentally crashed a wedding 😳
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Okay, this is just pathetic! Tier is higher than me, by the way! What did they hope to gain from this?!
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