#feeling a lil freaky on wednesday
dungeonenvy · 10 months
The eroticism of slicing flesh, layer after layer as the sharp hissing pain makes every part of their body tense and flinch. The visual of red blood welling up across skin, the quiet focus necessary to cut without causing unwanted harm
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katyawriteswhump · 4 months
dragon's hoard excerpt...
My first ever WIP Wednesday!
This is part of a prequel to ‘Dragon’s Treasure’ (E-rated and churned out for monster-f**cker May so dead dove warning for monster sex etc!) Absolute zero pressure tags for @medusapelagia and @sidekick-hero, who asked about this one weeks ago… before it got totally postponed by monster may and the more-E-rated-than-originally planned sequel! ETA: fic now posted here
Steve really wished Eddie would stop disappearing into dark corners of the cave, so he could at least enjoy looking at that skin-tight-PVC-clad butt. “Look, man, I think you’ve got a problem with the hoarding. We’ve all been a little tense since we, uh, saved the world, and—”
“I’m not tense. You need to relax, Honey. You’re gonna love it here, as much as I do.”
“Whatever.” Steve was relieved that Eddie was finally throwing attention onto him, stalking over. “Can we make out already?”
“Sure thing.” Eddie slid a hand to the small of Steve’s back. Steve looped his arms around Eddie, and their mouths clashed in a kiss.
Soon, Steve twisted his fists in Eddie’s hair, mashing them ever closer. Meanwhile, Eddie shoved his hand down the back of Steve’s pants, grabbed the meat of his ass, and squeezed till the flesh sang.
Yeah, Steve was loving it. He worked the kiss till his jaw ached. Christ, Eddie made him feel… Okay, totally turned on, but also softer somehow, more relaxed, even as other parts of him grew rock-hard. And that feeling, which rushed upon him, was as weird and alien as this crazy place. Eddie was right. Steve had been wired and edgy for so damn long…
…and then Steve stopped thinking, because the kiss was mind-blowing. Eddie backed him up against the bars that stretched across the entire width of the cave. He thrust a knee up between Steve’s leg, scrubbing roughly.
Jesus… Yes… There… Oh God! 
Steve was totally losing it. He scarcely noticed that a door in the bars had swung open, and that Eddie backed him through. When they finally broke apart, Steve was breathless, dizzy. He tasted copper, realized his lip bled. He still couldn’t rip his eyes from Eddie, who licked a smudge of Steve’s blood from his own mouth.
That should not be this hot.
“Didn’t mean to hurt you, Babe,” said Eddie. “You okay there?”
“Never better.” Steve shrugged. Meanwhile, Eddie unwound his arms from Steve, took a step back. Cool as ice, he shut the barred door between them, and snapped a padlock closed. 
“What the...?” 
The reality of the situation splashed into Steve, like a bucket of water waking him from a freaky—okay, also smokin’ hot—dream. He shoved his fist through the bars, grabbed the front of Eddie’s t-shirt: “What the hell you playing at, Munson?”
“Just wanted to see how you look. In my lil’ den. With the rest of my pretty stash.”
“Open the goddamn door.” Steve’s voice sounded strange, small. “This real t-twisted shit.” Why was he stammering? He gritted his teeth. “I’ll punch you so hard! This is beyond a joke, man.”
Eddie reached through the bars, grazed his knuckles down the shallow stubble on Steve’s cheek. “Shhhhhssssss.”
The sound trailed off into a hiss, and Steve was… Shit, he didn’t want to fight. He’d still gotten a hold of Eddie’s t-shirt and his fist trembled.
“You’re safe here,” murmured Eddie. “You’ll be safe here at last. I promise you, Steve. I promise.”
Steve’s grip on Eddie loosened and his arm fell away. He should be punching Eddie, grabbing the key, running from this place like he’d got a demogorgon was on his tail. 
He wasn’t.
ETA: fic now posted here
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keefwho · 4 months
May 22 - 2024 Wednesday
This morning I skimped on the cleaning. Its why I wrote that post earlier. I don't know why, I just wasn't seeing the point in it I guess. I thought everything was clean enough (but I didn't really). I think it was clean enough by other people's standards, most notably my parents so I felt like I shouldn't clean more lest I be ridiculed. But no one is actually going to see it anyways, let alone ridicule me. I think it was some kind of leftover feelings springing up out of nowhere. Tomorrow I plan to diligently clean during cleaning time. After my shower I made eggs, spam, and rice for breakfast. I ate sort of quickly again which I regret, I swear I always feel rushed. Literally every minute of the day. BR and JG @'ed me to join voice which was strange so I did. We hung out before work time and then I streamed while in call with them.
The stream was very fun. We had a lot to talk about and poke fun at. My dad also called to tell me my nephew QN was stabbed and killed last night which was news for sure. I warmed up with more cat sketches and worked on SZ's commission for the whole stream. A freaky lil thing I did 2 birthdays ago came up but no one actually spilled the beans. I was okay not keeping it a secret but it was more fun to me if I wasn't the one telling everyone what I did. I was also made to whimper on command which tingled me. After awhile everyone left and it was literally just me. I started getting bored but I finished work.
Afterwards I sat back and snacked on WAY too many cheetos. I allowed myself to keep nibbling on them until I was satisfied. I also ate a cookie. The whole time I was watching Henry stream. For lunch I just had a packet of soup since I snacked so much.
In the afternoon I did a weird request to draw a chibi monkey which I don't think I did very well. Only passable maybe. I really just don't like my own art style when it comes to drawing characters, specifically faces. I've never really enjoyed how I draw my ponies for example. I really am more of a scenery artist. After the request I had a really good cuck art idea so I started on that and made good progress. Then I took another crack at making eyes for my low poly pony and they are a little bit better but I might keep trying.
After work I booted up KSP and launched 5 relay satellites to the moons. I joined BD's vc since her and friends were in there but they were only in call about 30 minutes. Eventually I finished Kerbal and DS called in bed. We did puzzles and she checked out a bunch of dog fashion while looking for a collar for Sporticus. I played Roblox horses while we talked but it felt very empty, I really have no goal in the game. I wish they had a player horse market or leaderboard or something.
This morning I wasn't in too great of a mood. I woke up realizing some things, or maybe I was just in my head and seeking out problems. Tonight I planned to practice perspective taking while socializing but every time I start talking to someone, I sorta forget to do it. On top of that I don't think I was myself tonight. I have lots of valid feelings, urges, and thoughts I don't get out sometimes. Out of fear maybe. Im always afraid of pushing people away but I also know if I do, they weren't meant to be in my life anyways.
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artisticdagger · 6 years
Alright boys. Time to feel some Halloween finally tonight.
Boogeyman: what’s your weirdest/most irrational fear?
I. am so fucking terrified of Balloons. I love them but i never want one near me or within my field of view. Party Stores are so much fun but i spend the whole time thinking about the balloon blowing station in them
Candy Corn: what’s the best Halloween candy? the worst?
The best are those fucking Jolly Rancher Sticks hands down, the fact you get a plank of hard candy gets me, but I wont say no to any of those small packaged sour patch kids either. Something about them being in small doses that just. Warms my soul. Worst? Tie between Licorice and pretzels for sure. Thats just radiating I Hate Fun. 
Crow: do you believe in omens? which ones?
Yes but more obvious ones. Like a black cat ain’t scaring me off or nothing. But for example. I was driving home from a late night class. My windows were fogged up no matter how much i tried to get them cleared up, meaning it was hazy as hell. It had been pouring rain, so the streets were flooded up, Vultures cover my campus. Merging onto a highway with foggy smeared windshield, reflecting puddles all over the place trying to determine what was headlights and what was reflecting, my fav radio station, which only EVER plays hard alternative music, suddenly started playing this slow, soft, sad song about someone dying in memory of the radio host’s dead dog? And all i could think was that this is how tragic backstories start where the movie flashbacks to how this important person died. Needless to say. I took it real slow going home. 
Exorcist: do you believe in demons?
Oh fuck yeah. Maybe less in a biblical sense, although still stemming from a place of that for sure of like. Evil Entities probably from Darker Dimensions. Probably get confused as Evil Ghosts which i think dont really exist honestly, i think most Evil Ghosts are probably demons here to fuck your shit up. Souless lil fuckers here to be piss babies. 
Ghost: have you ever encountered a spirit or haunted place?
BUDDY. MY OLD HOUSE WAS HAUNTED AS FUCK. And im sure everyone says that but Do I Have Some Stories that include me asking my parents if “The Man Is Gonna Follow Us” when told i was going to go to Disney when i was like five or six. Freaked the shit out of my parents but they kinda already knew the house was haunted cause a lot of just. Freaky shit happened. It was a very old house. 
Haunted: do you like haunted houses (or corn mazes, hayrides, etc.)?  if so, what’s the scariest one you’ve participated in?
UHhhhhh no? I’m. I dont like jumpscares i have Anxiety. and most of those are people you pay to just jumpscare you. I did enjoy a few Haunted Hayrides back when i was Very Little but only the parts where people didnt come out of the forest to chase the ride with chainsaws. 
Mothman: do you know of any local urban legends, or is there an urban legend that really freaks you out?
I am not really freaked out by them but i think it’s cause the only Urban Legend that is local is the Jersey Devil? And I dont know why people are scared of him? Because he only attacks people who have a Blackened Heart? So he’s like… a good guy? The only reason you have to be scared of him is if YOU are a bad guy?
Mystery: what’s the strangest unsolved mystery that you’ve heard of?
oh shit uhhh. Strangest? God I dunno. Roswell. Maybe not the strangest but i think it’s just fucking WILD that like…. FBI people themselves have come forward to say shit about it. 
Scream: favourite horror film?
HM. horror films don’t really do it for me. I’ve watched so goddamn many. I once watched the entirety of the Saw Franchise, all like, what, 8 movies? In three days? My favorites have to be The Strangers films. Hits close to home of my weird fear of being broken into. Also my younger mind remembers watching Girl ON The Train and loving it but i’d have to rewatch it again tbh. It’s got some dark ass themes though, i do remember, so be careful if you ever check it out. 
Spell: do you believe in magic, or any sort of otherworldly powers?
Mmmmm. I dunno. Yes? I think? I believe there are people out there with them for sure but i also believe in the power of human brains and belief to just be that fuckin weird sometimes. 
Trick or Treat: do you have any plans for Halloween this year?
It fell on a wednesday when i dont have classes so i couldnt dress up to go to class. Im Too Old to go out trick or treating. I have no friends and therefore No Parties. I went out to brunch and had a therapy sessions today. Press F.
UFO: do you believe in aliens, and do you think they visit Earth?
Werewolf: what cryptid or monster do you think could actually exist?
Witches: are you going to dress up this year? if yes, as what?
I went to a lil costume party this past Sunday! I dressed up as a Warlock! Kinda? I dunno! You got discounts for wearing a witch hat at this lil town event thing so i went too ham. I’d post pics but I took None of myself. and all the others have friends who dont want their face Out There. 
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