#feel like it could be marisha wallace or someone like that
ghostlypawn · 10 months
rumoured female hermes oh we r so back
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charlicpace · 5 years
Molly, what a feral request! I’m into it!
1) What’s your ideal casting line-up from people who’ve done the show?
Tbh, this changes on a regular basis, but right now:
ARAGON: Candace Furbert.BOLEYN: Courtney Bowman.SEYMOUR: Courtney Stapleton. CLEVES: Brittney Mack. HOWARD: Jodie Steele.PARR: Maiya Quansah-Breed.
2) What’s your ideal casting line-up from people who haven’t done the show?
I have so many casting ideas, y’all. I fully thought about just putting every single person I want as each queen, but I’ll spare you and actually answer the question. Update: it was really hard to just put one, someone come talk to me about women I want in Six.
ARAGON: Marisha Wallace.BOLEYN: Jacqueline Jossa.SEYMOUR: Betsy Wolfe.CLEVES: Wonu Ogunfowora.HOWARD: Olivia Moore.PARR: Nicolette Robinson.
But also last time I had a dream Howard, it actually happened, so just for you @nightingale6374​ I’m manifesting Lauren Zakrin Howard, because I want it too, i just couldn’t leave Jac as the only Brit.
3) Which (hopefully) upcoming alternate cover do you most look forward to?
I look forward to literally any musical ever being on ever again! But it’ll be nice to see the Bway swings in the roles we haven’t seen them in yet, as I know they’re covering all but one so far? Apart from Mallory who knows them all? So that could be spicy.
4) Which queen are you most like and why?
I feel kinda weird comparing myself to women who actually existed and are now dead. But Seymour, for the pure fact that I, too, can really fucking yell when I want to.
5) Got any queendom tea to spill?
The way the fandom treat Alicia is genuinely so fucking weird. The original West End/first tour cast had some serious harmonising problems, and every cast since has sounded better as a collective. The way the fandom makes a big thing out the tiniest fucking things is so cringey, please go outside. The peplum discourse is annoying and yes it’s bloody ugly, but you probably wouldn’t want Gabriella to see half the shit y’all say, so please just speak as if she’ll see it. Plus, all the girls with a peplum costume say they like it, so… shut up. Even if they’re lying, they’re still giving you nothing to go off so ssshhh.
6) If you where an alternate, what color would your costume to be and why?
Right, hot take, but I miss the days when an alternate’s costume (singular costume) was a mix of their two first covers. Different enough from both the main costumes to go on with either (or both!) of them also on stage, but close enough that it works for their characters’ Vibe if they go on for either first cover. So based on my answer to the next question, maybe something like Bryony’s Howard costume (before she was principal) – or something a little more Boleyn-y but in the Zara-Costume-Colour?
7) If you where an alternate, what would be your cover order and why?
Howard & Boleyn > Cleves & Parr > Aragon & Seymour.
8) Why would you be rejected in a Six audition?
Genuinely? Because I can’t dance in heels, can’t belt well enough, and am not fit enough to do that six to nine times a week.
9) What other media do you recommend that’s similar to Six?
Depends! I think the appeal is that Six is pretty unique, but if we’re talking about female led musicals with cool music, I’ll go with Lizzie, We Are The Tigers, & Juliet, Waitress, and that new Britney jukebox jobby looks like it’ll be up our street.
10) What Six-related blogs do you recommend following?
Not entirely Six-related, but they like Six and I like them, so @nightingale6374​ & @musicalgifs​
11) Studio cast megasix or new megasix?
Honestly? Both slap. There are a lot of elements from the original one that are just *chefs kiss* but I think the new one gets the job done a bit better.
12) What Six merch do you want? (it doesn’t have to exist yet)
I feel like there should be shirts for each queen, in each queen’s colour, that are actually cute and could be worn in public without embarrassment.
13) Who needs more recognition by the queendom?
All of the dark skinned WOC :~) Interesting that the ones that get the attention are the white ones and the light skinned WOC :~)
14) What’s your most unpopular Six opinion?
Probably that I don’t like the voice of one of the most highly ‘stanned’ actresses, and that some of her acting choices bother me.
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