#feel free to use this hc for your ship but yk
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m-for-now · 8 months ago
Headcanon that Leo has the song "Honey, i'm good" in his distraction working playlist and whenever it comes on, he refers to Festus as the "somebody at home" when that line comes on and him and Festus just have a nice little time enjoying a silly little song
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ohimsummer · 20 days ago
Omg the au selfship ask game! Summer I must know masquerade au with all your self ships 🩵
masquerade AU: who is the generous host of the ball? who is the mysterious guest? give one headcanon about you and your f/o’s relationship in this AU!
sumoru// satoru is the host of the ball!!! i am the mysterious guest and was sent to rob him BUT we end up falling in love (he falls first i fall harder) angsty angst where he thinks i was faking my feelings just to steal from him but dw we have a happy ending okay <3 hc: he taught me how to slow dance in his room at night. it became a sort of ritual and years later after we've married and such, we still slow dance together in the middle of the night to soft music hehe
sugumer// i am the host and suguru starts out to me as the mysterious guest but it turns out he's my childhood bsf who moved away when we were younger :3 so in our story we end up catching up and rebuilding our relationship. also end up married hehe hc: he's still just as much of a bad influence as he was when we were kids and therefore encourages me to sneak out of the castle late at night to hang out with him in the woods with some of his friends (satoru, nanami, shoko, haibara, utahime)
saisum// i am again the host and saitama is a guest who catches my eye. being royalty is stressful and i find his nonchalance refreshing. he treats and talks to me like i'm a regular person and not a princess so the conversation doesn't feel so stiff and professional yk?? hc: if i say i sneak away of my own accord to go see saitama and end up leaving my princess life behind to run away with him.....(there is also the angsty version of this where he discourages me from giving up my whole life for him and then leaves and we never see each other again LOL)
sumrei// okay what if i said...neither of us are the host NVJFDVK both of us are mysterious guests sneaking into the mansion of an important figure as spies basically. said figure is a powerful esper but we're not looking for a fight immediately, we're just there to get information about them and maybe figure out an evil plan they have and trying to put a stop to it. hc: we made out in the car after getting said info lmao idk seeing each other in suits did it for us
kirssum// jean is neither the host or the guest. he is a guard and EYE am the guest. another thievery au similar to the sumoru one but this time i actually do start out gaining jean's trust and manipulating him so that i can steal from his royal masters. and there's a scene where i get caught stealing something by a group of guards (jean ofc being one of them) and i end up fleeing but i come back and turn myself in something something like sinbad. hc: okay after that whole fiasco i end up in the king's dungeon and me and jean slowly rebuild our relationship based on my full honesty and he convinces the princess (who i will say is historia) to free me <3
sumhan// i am the host and hange is the guest/ an unapproved suitor because my parents didn't think they would be a suitable partner for me. jokes on them we end up secretly hanging out and falling in love anyway. i will not say my parents find out and banish hange from our kingdom because i've spouted enough angst but just know this happens in an alternate, non-canon universe <3 our true ending is hange showing my parents how much they actually love me and proving themselves !!! so we get married The end hehe hc: our favorite spot is a flower field outside the kingdom, that's where we had our first kiss and hange likes making me flower crowns <<333
susasu// me and satoru are the hosts and suguru is the mysterious guest who we take a liking to. he's like. not poor but he's not royalty and me and satoru always try keeping up with him but are held back by our royal duties (taking care of a kingdom, due to be wed soon) suguru ends up in trouble because our parents think he's distracting us from our goals (that they pressured us into) and "ruining their ""kids "" ", so they want to either lock him away or have him killed (very harsh ik but there were outside influences that encouraged our parents not to let him ruin our organized little empire cough cough the higher ups) so anyway. all 3 of us run away and live happily ever after. fuck that damn kingdom lmao hc: suguru was both me and satoru's first kiss LOL kissed him before we kissed each other <3
selfship au ask game!
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vyntilador · 2 years ago
Hi It's me from the Tiktok,I Have this Headcanon On Tot Boys Being a Dad Like I'm Sure Artem is gonna Spoil His Children ESPECIALLY Marius Like The moment he hears His Child Mumbling About "Wow This Kitty plushie looks cute" and He be Like "Then Get em" he might Also Buy the Whole Store(I wish a had a marius in my life) AND for Luke,Like i think he's gonna be A Chill Dad yk Like Setting a prank together with his child and do cute Stuff y'all Mostly go out to Have a Family Bonding Since Luke is Busy being a Detective (a hot One) and lastly Vyn i think He's the Type of that Who Enjoy Reading his Children a Story When it's Bedtime and he's the type to also Gossip with his Children like "Dad there's this Kid-" and he go like "C'mere Tell me all about Ur school and stuff" LIKE ISN'T CUTEEE and While Us Just Watching Them Interact and Smiling like an Idiot, anyways This is just What i had in mind ofc ur free to Say no to my Idea But Yeah That's All,Hope you have a good Rest!🖤
Father, May I?
NXX boys as dads</333
Genre: fluff ofc but I'm adding angst parts after every story bcs it's my specialty duhh(I WAS BORED SORRYYY)
A/N: BESTIE UR A GENIUS THIS IS RLLY CUTE TOO😭😭😭 IMMA HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH THIS ONE TYVM SRY IF I REPLY TOO LATE SCHEDULES PRETTY TIGHT</333 also i might make this into 2 parts bcs it might take long idk depends if I finish this quickly!! Sorry for the wait<3
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Vyn Richter
He doesn't rlly flex it often in the stories (except when he literally showed to their faces that only he had an invitation to that one Pluto cruise ship lmao
Speaking of cruise ships, he'd definitely be renting/buying a whole cruise ship for your daughter's birthday or if she's not into those, he'll arrange for her birthday party in the ballroom in their castle/family mansion in Svart
Honestly, he never wanted to ever come back to Svart if it wasn't for his little princess</33
You told her a bedtime story saying that her dad is a king and you're actually a queen which makes your daughter a princess
The story was supposed to make her sleepy but she ended up getting too excited and literally begging her father(Vyn) if they can come to their castle (he didn't agree at first, hesitant onto how the people of Svart and most importantly, his father woulf react but who cares his child wanted to go there so why not🙄)
Yeah with that said, after that, he just went on a spoiling spree on his daughter but he won't overdo it ofc🤷‍♀️ He doesn't want her to turn into someone condescending and just a bad person as a whole and with that kind of raising technique of his, she grows up into such a sweet girl and he sometimes can't help but smile stupidly with how his daughter resembles her mom so much 😭
Angst part
Ok so me and a friend of mine had this hc where like I forgot most of it but it was just how if Vyn decides to leave you and come back to Svart (he doesn't know that you have a child together so u ended up raising your daughter alone)
Can you imagine the shock on his face when he passes by the house he used to live with you in Stellis, only to see you playing in the rose filled garden with a little girl
You turn around to the sound of your name being called, hesitant but you still did it as you recognized his voice. He stood in front of you in formal attire, looking down on you with a soft glimmer in his eyes, seemingly shocked and feeling guilty
He asks you why you didn't tell him about your daughter but you immediately interrupted him saying that he never gave you a chance to speak
If you let him in your lives again, he'll make sure that his daughter lives the best life, guilty with how he almost made her live the same childhood as him</3
But even after the second chance you gave him, you desperately picked up the broken pieces of your heart from the ground as you tear up at the sight of the father of your children and the King of Svart, Vyn, being wedded to a woman on equal footing as him.
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Artem Wing
Mkay so first of all, uhm TWINS?? Lets say it's a boy and a girl. Well the girl resembles you in EVERY way possible. She's stubborn asf but determined with whatever she puts her mind into. She sometimes pushes his brother into doing stuff he loves like inspiring him yk??
Her brother tho, she's like Artem lmao💀 He's usually calm and silent in a corner somewhere doing arts and crafts while his sister is in the middle of the room singing twinkle twinkle little stars from the bottom of her heart
You'd think that the sister would be the protector between the two of em but it's actually your son. He's kinda timid and shy but he won't tolerate any unjust actions towards his dear sister</3 (You nudge Artem and chuckle at how much your son resembled your husband</33)
When it comes to what your children want, like toys, clothes etc, I wouldn't say that he'll buy anything they want (that's a lie he actually buys them whatever they want when you're not within the vicinity lmao)
It usually goes like this, your daughter is asking Artem to buy both of em something because their friends have it and he'll usually refuse when you're there but the moment you go out to buy groceries, you'd just end up dropping the bags of grocery you had with you the moment you come home as you lay your eyes on the newly bought bikes that looks expensive asf in front of your home LMAOOOO
Yall remember that one personal story where he spent millions for us during the investigation?? He'd def do that to you and your children
They aren't even born yet and he's already having your house renovated for their rooms, already buying shit ton of toys, going to the mall ONLY for food and suddenly, hes calling you over to ask if this little baby onesie would look cute on your children</3
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Luke Pearce
Also twins ngl. Energetic ones at that
Twin girls?? Absolutely (do yall know the fanarts of Lukerosa with this daughter named xiaxia😭😭😭)
Well lets just pretend theres two xiaxia's here
Anyway, he's like those uncle/grandmas that give you chocolate or money in secret when your parents aren't looking
Like maybe before you all eat dinner, daughter 1 is already hungry and is sulking bcs you didnt let her have a bite of the ice cream and here comes papa Luke to the rescue, passing her a piece of chocolate discreetly 😭
Gives your daughters piggy back rides especially when going out to family night outs or when just going to the park to have a little picnic. Or at weekend nights when you're both not working, you're all in the living room laughing softly at the 3 of em seeing them dance in the middle of the room to some children's music
OH AND ARRON IS DEFINITELY SUCH A CUTE UNCLE TO THEM OMGGG hes giving them plushies, money...toy guns..(as soon as Luke found out about it, he's immediately banned from coming over lmao/j)
Hes vv soft to his princesses but he isn't too soft that he gives them everything. I'm not rlly sure but I think he'd like practice disciple with wanting stuff like, 'Do you want the chocolate or the animal plushie? If you get the chocolate, it wouldn't last very long but if you get the plushie, you'll have it forever!'
Goes to your childhood home sometimes to hang out in the attic where you and Luke used to play in and introduces your girls to Sherlock Holmes</3
Just the best dad overall tbh
Angst part<333
He was very hesitant with having children with you with the thing abt his life and his line of work but the moment that he sees the smile on your face slowly dissipate and turn into a look of gloom, he feels guilty for even hesitating for a moment and immediately hugs you
He knows he won't be around for a while so even if he really wants to give your children proper discipline, there are moments where he just spoils them to their hearts content
Sometimes at night, he sits alone in the balcony of your own home and he smiles softly knowing that you now have little angels to look after you once the time comes.
The burden of all of these dawns on him tho. Like, what would your daughters feel like when they realize their dad's gone? What if his work as a spy results in his family getting hurt? Or worse, what if one of them gets pulled into the NXX stuff?
There are times where guilt and despair overwhelms him so pls go easy on him amd always give him cuddles<33
Your touch used to bring him comfort but why is it that when you brushed your hand against his face to wipe his tears away as you laid half conscious in his arms, it brought an overwhelming sense of fear and guilt?
He hugs your body closer to him as tears fell continously from his face, hurting at how his princesses will probably have to grow up without parents.
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Marius von Hagen
He spoils them. No negotiations, no questions asked.
He has a son too btw!! (his son hates him lmao)
Your son hates it when his dad hogs or steals all your attention which then ends up having a mini Marius sulking and hugging your legs asking you with a pout if you love Marius more than him LMAOOOO
I forgot where I read this but I think its the personal story???? idk i forgot Where the cat sneaks in to his home and just hates him overall
Your son would def wanna keep the cat and claim that the cat is now his "accomplice"
Yea but with all that aside, Marius is definitely soft for his son</333 He inherited everything of his dad but he has your eyes which makes him more vulnerable to puppy dog eyes of your son when he asks his dad to get him something
He's well aware of his footing in society so he knows how to stand up to himself well. Or if paparazzi surrounds you, poor baby would scream at them and tell them how he hates them for making his mom(you) have a hard time
Surprisingly, the reporters feel bad and start making way for the three of you to go home
Marius is definitely proud of him for standing up for himself and his mom. Speaking of that, he's another sucker for his kid when you're away. You could literally blink and the moment you open your eyes again, there's suddenly a mountain of toys around u lmao
Angst part
Marius is also very aware of how dangerous it is to live in front of the camera and being exposed to the judging eyes of the public so he tries his absolute best to keep you both safe. Including with scandals, where it's said that PAX CEO Marius von Hagen is having an affair with someone else while having a family of his own. His heart breaks into a million pieces as he looks down on his son thats literally crying and hitting his leg with little to no force because of how hard he was crying.
Hes cursing his own dad on why he has the guts to make u cry like that. His last straw snaps as tears swell into his own eyes as he bends down to pick up your crying son and he hugs him tightly.
He considered leaving PAX and having someone else run it seeing how bad of an effect it left to his family but you begged him to stay there seeing how important the company is but what you didnt expect was that he'll someday put his company first before his family.
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A/N:I think i kept turning away from the og plot im so sorry😭😭😭 i made this at 12 last night bcs i couldnt sleep so m sorry if it does look too good💀💀
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realcube · 4 years ago
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matchup for @triniteaaa​ !
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‘my hobbies include making niche playlists (because i’m on that gifted kid burnout type beat), watching crime shows, baking, cooking, dancing in the kitchen WHILE baking and cooking, singing in the shower, reading poetry about love, and ruthlessly making fun of my friends (in the most loving ways)’
♡ remember that scene were oikawa had his lil blue earbuds in, watching the game on his phone before yanking out his earbuds and running away (the scene where everyone started simping over his ear); imagine that scene except, instead of being salty and and scaring innocent children, oikawa is taking a brisk winter jog through his community, admiring the scenery, thinking of you while a niche playlist you made for him is playing through his earbuds 
♡ oikawa is the epitome of failing to meet the high expectation set for him at a young age by himself, peers, teachers and parents - like if he was a host in OHSHC, y’know how they all have their ‘types’ (mori is the ‘strong, silent type’, honey is the ‘boy lolita type etc etc), oikawa’s would be the ‘gifted kid bournout but still charming type’
♡ so yeah, to elaborate on that ^ he probably gets what your are going through and gives you reassurance when you need it - but for the most part, he just likes to bury it deep down within and make jokes about it with you 🤠
♡ as for the crime shows, i can imagine oikawa enjoying true crime podcasts and stuff like that so he’d definitely watch them with you but if you get scared afterwards - like if you hear an eerie noise in the house and get frightened - don’t expect him to be of any help. like yeah, he’ll wrap his arms around you, rub comforting circles on your back and tease you for being his lil scardey-cat but in reality, he just does a fairly good job of hiding the fact he is literally shitting himself too
♡ idk if oikawa cooks but he’d look hot asf in an apron so- KRBRHX he probably gets one with something like ‘kiss the chef 💋’ written on it and whenever you go near him while he is cooking and try to talk to his, he gestures to the words on his aprons lmao
♡ he enjoys baking/cooking but he doesn’t do it too often or passionately, the only time he does is when he needs to eat or during a date with you. bc if you’re in the kitchen making cookies then ofc he is going to join you- he’s not very much help though; the most he does is take the cookies out of the oven for you when you’re preoccupied but other than that, he’s more of a hinderance bc he likes to wipe dough on your face just to annoy you 
♡ istg oikawa noticing you cooking while one of your more romantic playlists is on in the background, then swooping in, taking both of your hands in his own and waltzing around the kitchen with you. him mouthing the lyrics to the song and admiring your flustered expression as you stumbled, trying to match his pace ..lives in my head rent free 🤠
♡ ok so if you’re showering in en suite bathroom and he’s in the room next door, please sing loud enough for him to hear you through the walls and the heavy pattering of the water against the shower floor...because he’ll 100% sing back/sing with you 
♡ like if it’s a chill, quiet song you’ll probably be able to hear his faint humming through the wall if you listen closely; if it’s a song with a duet, he’ll sing as which ever part you don’t want; if it’s a song with long notes, where the singer has a very powerful voice, he’ll reach that part and try hit the high/low note with you so you can both laugh at each other afterwards
♡ i could go on forever about how he sings different songs with you so i’ll stop rn-
♡ i hc that he got into reading poetry/love stories (yes, twilight- he’s team edward) after his breakup and now he’s addicted but he probably tries to hide it from you until one rainy day, you’re not feeling to well but he can’t do much to help and he feels worthless- so he reads you poetry to try make you feel better :))
♡ omg yes he probably listens to the way you make fun of your friends and uses that to describe them, if yk what i mean.. 
♡ so like, for example, if one of your friends is really short and you playfully call them tiny or goblin over a call and he overhears, if you ever mention that friend in future conversations, expect him to be like ‘eh? i don’t know who you are talking about- wait! do you mean your friend gremlin-chan?’ and you’ll fkn wheeze and make him promise never to say that again pfft
'my star sign is aries sun with leo moon and pisces venus, so i’m an emotional hopeless romantic. in terms of love languages, i tend to feel love and show my love through quality time and physical touch (despite the fact that i’m usually repulsed by touching people and being touched), so i’d be a sucker for just cuddling in silence or doing my own thing in my s/o’s presence.’
♡ oikawa is a cancer so y’all are both charming, happy on the outside and sad bitches ready to explode on the inside so together, y’all are an unstoppable force
♡ also, i think oikawa’s love languages are quality time and words of affirmation - he shows that he cares by constantly making time for you, putting you above anything else on his schedule and as for words of affirmation, he just likes it when you compliment him on his sets 🥰
♡ but there is really a little bit of everything with him tbh; he likes to get you expensive, over-the-top, grand gifts for special occasions - like that one time he bought you a pandora ring for you birthday (after only being with you for a few months) and also sometimes he brings you random plushies bc he saw it in a shop window and ‘reminded him of you’ - so that could be considered gift-giving as apart of his love language
♡ he always does the dishes after you are done cooking but other than that, he doesn’t do many acts of service
♡ as for physical touch, whenever he sees you cooking/looking like a deity in general, he sneaks up behind you, slips his arms around your waist, rests his chin on your shoulder and either talk to you or hum along to the song playing in the background 
♡ despite that, he respects the fact you don’t like being touched so he won’t touch you all too often if you don’t want him to, so he usually let’s you initiate the cuddling
for @triniteaaa​: ok so when i first read your req then you mentioned how you like to dance while you cook i immediately thought of iwaizumi but then i read your story mode req and at first i was proud of myself i am a psychic apparently but then i realised that i said i wouldn’t give ppl their self-ship for their matchup so i was a bit stuck as to who to pair you up with but then upon reading over your req once more, i realised there were two possible candidates: oikawa or akaashi. bc your love for poetry and how one of your love languages is quality time made me think of akaashi but everything else about you just screams ‘oikawa’s soulmate’- 
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beinghumcn · 4 years ago
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Was that [NATASHA NEGOVANLIS]? Oh no no, that was just [MIRCALLA “CARMILLA” KARNSTEIN], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [CARMILLA]. They are [THREE-HUNDRED-FORTY-ONE] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
to use a gif where u can see her face or to use a gif that’s slapstick......... the answer was obvious.
how long has your character been here
roughly a month and a half !
what is your character's job
night shift archivist........ using the excuse that dc is magic and therefore an mlis is totally not required.
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
towards the end of season two when :\ she still thinks mattie’s dead and no one cares :\ of course, i’m gonna go ahead and hc that the events of s3 have happened and she just... does not remember them bc #magic but... cannot promise the same for the movie because i Do Not Know How to watch it and... we like to pretend she’s still a vampire... which technically was stopped in s3 but shhhhhhh
has any magic affected your character
some memories have been wiped, but that’s about it!
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
triggers: very very brief mention of necrophilia, brief mention of imprisonment, murder, manipulation, abuse, mention of blood (brief but significant), very brief mention of war
not too much is known about her super early life. she was born in styria as mircalla karnstein to a super wealthy father ( and super emotionally unavailable who only saw her as convenient when she was old enough to be used as a bargaining chip ) and... who knows about her mother? ( whenever i refer to her mother throughout the rest of the intro, it’s not her birth mother -- just a psa! )
anyway, she was murdered at a ball, as one is. but it was all good! because her new ‘mother’ found her and resurrected her as a vampire ( for her own nefarious purposes, of course ). however, before she was able to be of any true use to her mother, her undead body was graverobbed by the necrophiliac man she was engaged to marry before her death. he kept her in a literal dungeon. which is so romantic (/s). however, sucks for him! her powers grew stronger and she managed to break free and murder his entire family so he would die sad and alone <3 romance <3
after that ordeal, she was put to work as a lure by her mother. every twenty years, they would return to styria and carmilla -- who would have some different name at that point, but one that was probably an obvious anagram -- would pretend there’d been a carriage accident or abandonment or something. she’d grow close to the girl ( sometimes seduction being involved, leaving it open to have the events of the novella have happened... minus the death ), the girl would grow weak of mind, then she’d hand the girl off to her mother to go away to some certain doom. 
also... because i love her... i want to add that, during this entire time, she had a best friend and sister of sorts ( another woman changed by her mother ) named matska ( ‘mattie’ ) who was much older than her, but humored her more idealistic views. like... man... mattie was really looking forward to killing this guy for no reason, but he’s a sensitive poet, guess she’ll find someone else :\ ( aka i just... needed to mention this legend... )
the game changed when carmilla was enlisted to lure in a girl named ell. unfortunately, she actually fell in love with her :\ their close bond was real :\ she made plans for them to escape to the usa before her mother could find them... but her mother found out about it and revealed carmilla’s vampiric nature to ell. ell, horrified, led carmilla’s mother to where they planned to meet up. and her punishment for her disobedience was, like, the best parenting ever (/s):
she watched ell get dragged away to her doom, then was sealed alive in a coffin full of blood <3 mother of the year <3
she was exhumed towards the end of wwii with all of the explosives unearthing various graves. she was found by her mother again in 1955 and her mother just didn’t have the heart to reinter her, so she was put back to work ( but at least she got to watch the moon landing with the legend mattie <3 ).
this time, she tried to ruin opportunities when she could and, instead of get close to the girl, drive her away. 
i don’t want to get too into the laura (web version) stuff because my love does not hinge on the ship, ja feel? but since she does have some memories of that, it’s important to mention!! she was assigned to go pretend to be a college student and lure various girls and, more specifically, roommates for her mother. laura was an intended target, then she showed carmilla genuine kindness and carmilla was like ‘well. guess i’ve gotta ruin an opportunity #forlove. mother’s gonna hate it but :\’
as a side-note, even though she Does Not Know This from where im pulling her in her canon, it is probably important to note that she found out her mother was actually a goddess! same! the goddess innana! spoiler: and of course you can set an angry malicious goddess free with a hug <3 but yk what fun fact: one of my first critiques over the finale was laura just..... talking for minutes on end without a heart..... but someone looked it up and apparently you can keep functioning for four minutes without a heart so?? get it girls!! also i think in the movie it turns out ell is like... evil?? but we’re ignoring that until i find a way to watch it bc <3 she doesn’t rmr it anyway <3
also some fun + relevant tidbits + hcs:
can shapeshift into a black panther. alexa, play ‘black cat’ by janet jackson. also love some pyrokinesis and potential sonic scream and invulnerability to sunlight. also love the basics of super strength and speed. also love still having to live off of human blood. also love not turning people into vampires with bites like genuinely love that otherwise there’d be a whole army. ~ she’s not like other girls vampires ~
if u cant tell im ignoring the ending ma’am she’s a vampire. apparently the movie turns her back into a vampire which we love but i... don’t have a way to watch it so i’m just going off of what i read.
another big gay. gonna start a club w bismuth.
has canonically seen many vampire movies, including the twilight movies (in which she called edward a ‘sparkly twerp’).
also canonically probably has light knowledge of the harry potter and doctor who franchises bc of laura. very hip with pop culture in spite of being over 300yrs old.
taught herself ancient sumerian because she wanted to read the epic of gilgamesh. love that for her.
inxp (leans te, but not enough for a for sure), 4w5, scorpio sun scorpio moon. affably evil <3
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