#feel free to share oc interactions cause hshhadhhahehahshahsah im lonely
akaisenhatake · 2 years
Roses Are Red
Violets Are Blue
Her Presence As Fiery As A Dragon's Breath
Shall It Arrive With Undying Wrath
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Ianthe Court, an indirect ancestor of Jane Court from Hogwarts Mystery.
Character Info below by an inexperienced profile writer
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Name: Ianthe Court
Nicknames: Ian, Redhead, Niamh
Birthday: 13th July, 1874
Nationality: Half-Irish, Half-British
Blood Status: Pure-blood
House: Sorted into Ravenclaw but a Slytherin by heart, however the Courts are all Hufflepuffs. [let her in the slytherin common room please]
Wand: laurelwood, 113/4", pheonix core [form takes inspiration from a rose]
Animagus: None
Patronus: Stout
Boggart: A Burning house
Sexuality: Bi-herself and demiromantic
Other Details
Born a redhead, whereas the rest of the Courts are blonde
Has a bandage on her left wrist to cover scars and something else
Born from a different mother, both biological parents fled to another country and left baby Ianthe under her father's ex wife. She was forced to raise baby Ianthe as her child along with her two other children from another recently engaged husband. [her childhood was hell]
Travelled to Britain from Ireland to live in an orphanage after her step-family died from a fire breakout at their house. Officers tried to contact her uncle and aunt but they refused to take care of the child. [she was never mentioned to the future generations of the Courts cause her name would 'spoil' their reputation and image]
The scar on her right jaw is due to kids who tried to shove her into a basket of unknown magical beast, but manage to save her entire face by forcing her way out. As a revenge, she threw one of the boys into the basket, resulting in the boy having to be sent to the nearest clinic. [honestly he deserved what he got]
Got her first magic cast by setting something on fire in an orphanage due to over excitement after her house elf came to visit her. [she apparently also has fire tolerance cause haha daenarys inspo]
Once a gremlin, forever a gremlin. [she climbs all over hogwarts castle and unhinged at times ]
Enjoys reading books in the library for a long period. [it calms the intrusive thoughts, or gives the intrusive thoughts more ideas]
Likes dresses but couldn't wear them for the most part for how much she runs and climbs. [wouldn't want to get the cloth stuck and causing a disadvantage on her part]
Brutally honest along with her judgement. [will call you a slur if u deserve it]
Has difficulty feeling remorse or pity for others [been called heartless since a child for laughing at her step- brother while he broke his arm from a broom fall]
Best friend? the slytherin gang duh [she was treated as a sibling to them, more specifically sebastian] Ofc she spends time with other friends like Samantha, Natty, Poppy and a shit ton more from her merlin-knows-how-long friend list
Enemies? Victor Rookwood scares the crap outta her [insert more traumatic backstory here]
Haha goblins short and tiny they so babp- [to be continued]
She has relations to the dragon who attacked her and Prof. Fig while they were going to Hogwarts.
Main goal of attending Hogwarts? Just being able to cast all the spells she read from a book when she was still a 'squib'. Also hoping to find a spell that can remove something she covered on her wrist with scars and a bandage.
Pets? she wants a dragon and she will get one eventually, but for now none
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template inspired by @/crowlipso
closeup on the eyes
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