#feel free to ask me anything abt rabbit care tho. I’d be happy to answer
meyeheart · 2 years
Rabbit people can be p insane sometimes abt educating others on pet rabbit care (myself included) but it’s at least partially bc good rabbit care is sooo misunderstood. I’ve been thinking abt this post I saw a couple weeks back where someone (who had previously owned rabbits) claimed that the best way to keep rabbits was in wire cages. Which ummmm ???!! Good luck finding any reputable bunny rescues or orgs that agree with that. They also discussed how, in their opinion, rabbits shouldn’t be bonded bc they have to be neutered/spayed first in order to be successfully bonded. And since neutering/spaying is an ‘unnatural’ process, that means that bonding rabbits together is unnatural and therefore should never be done. This is the most baffling take I’ve ever even seen abt rabbit care.
Rabbit bonding is a complicated process for sure, and is not always going to be successful, even if both rabbits are neutered/spayed. A person has to be decently experienced with rabbits and knowledgeable abt bonding to be able to conduct the process safely. But to say that 1) it should never be done and 2) it’s unnatural, is a super weird and harmful over exaggeration. Obviously they’re relying on the naturalistic fallacy, which is so 🤨. Almost all pet dogs and cats get neutered/spayed to help with aggression. My 3 dogs would not be able to live in the same household if they were not neutered. Why is it suddenly a problems if rabbits have to get neutered/ spayed to live together? Contrary to a common belief, domesticated rabbits are quite genetically and behaviorally* different from wild rabbits. If their point of comparison for what a ‘natural’ rabbit should look and act like is a wild rabbit, then the premise was flawed from the start. Neutering and spaying is not only smth that’s completely safe to do to rabbits, it’s smth that should be done to all pet rabbits. Not only does it help with aggressive/ territorial behavior, there is currently a huge problem with the oversaturated breeder market.
And see, you might be thinking that this post I’m discussing is just an extreme fringe opinion abt rabbit care, but unfortunately the topic of rabbit bonding is a pretty consistent point of discourse amongst rabbit owners and this particular post had many people agreeing with them in the notes so. Scream. People commonly think that pet rabbits are completely docile with no boundaries, or their aggressive/territorial behavior gets over sensationalized** ://///
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