#feedist intox
fckingsofthips · 5 months
Feedist Kinktober, Day 10 - Exhibition
I don't think she realises how much she's eaten. The first fold of her belly is creeping over the waistband of her skirt, barely covered by her top.
Everyone else has finished eating, said the mains were big enough for them, but she wanted dessert.
"Oh don't worry, we don't want you to feel like you can't have a good time!" "Oh I know, we'll get some more cocktails so we've all got something on the table."
She's out with her five friends, all joined at the hip since their college days, but only she has piled the weight on, year by year. The group chatters around her, getting giddier with their sickly sweet cocktails, while she fills her mouth with spoonfuls of creamy cheesecake and vanilla ice cream. The cheesecake, sliced into, reveals fluffy pockets of air, a deceptively light, whipped texture to it. The biscuit crumbles as her spoon hits it, preceding the sharp tap of metal against porcelain. She's entranced, paying no mind to her body's cues that it's had enough, holding the ice cream in her mouth to melt and trickle down her throat. When she finally finishes, everyone insists on splitting the bill evenly, even though everyone knows she's eaten more than her fair share.
Into the night they go, ready to party until sunrise (or until the first person complains of being tired and the rest of them realise how much they want to go back to the friend's house they started in.)
I don't think she realises how much she's eaten. As her belly has expanded, she's tried to mitigate the press of her waistband by shifting it higher, to little success in making it comfortable. It's revealed a glimpse of her cellulite covered ass cheeks.
The girls all follow her into the kebab shop, eyeing her new revealing setup, and everyone orders something to soak up the last two hours' of alcohol. She finds bliss in the heat of soft potato, teeth tearing through the gentle fried crisp of the fries, tongue lapping at the salt and seasoning they're coated in. She barely notices as people tip their leftovers into her container, happy to keep chasing the satisfaction in each bite. Once finished, she lets out a huge, rattling belch that alerts the other patrons to her ass spilling off the kebab shop seat, the upper fold of her belly spilling out of her too-small top and over her restrictive waistband. Her friends don't gawk, instead cooing over her big belly, giving it a pat, and helping to lift her off her seat.
Time to call a taxi and head back to someone's house together. Squeezing into the van to fit around her, drunkenly rubbing her thighs, leaning over her and resting their heads on her soft shoulders. Giggling each time she lets out another tight burp, soothing her with caresses if they suspect she noticed.
I don't think she realises how much she's eaten. All staggering through the front door, someone's thoughtful enough to unzip her skirt, and she eases down heavily onto the sofa, stomach rolling out over her thighs.
Someone brings out a bowl of chocolate snacks, placed in her arm's reach, but she doesn't need to lift herself. Slender hands bring the sweet chocolate to her lips, and she moans in pleasure as the chocolate melts and gives way to a rich caramel. The girls rub and soothe her belly, gently pushing at the firmness as it loudly tries to digest.
When her moans turn to snores, the chocolates are put away, and they all fight for space on the sofa to curl up next to her.
She doesn't realise how much she ate that night, but they do.
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tubbybunnysblog · 1 month
High fatty 🍃
So me and wife got high tonight and gorged ourselves on the greasiest fast food we could find
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claireborowski · 2 months
I need a real feeder. I need someone who will take me all the way in every way they can help. I'm not just talking I wanna be oh 300lbs, 600lbs.
I need to weight a fucking ton. I need to be fed the most unhealthy slop imaginable. All food deep fried. Tied up to a bed till I'm fully immobile all over. I'm not playing anymore. I want to be killed by my greed to grow. I want it more than anything.
I want to be made stupid and dumb. Completely fucking BRAINDEAD. I want my heart to struggle even when I'm only 600lbs.
I want to be a REAL Death Feedee. And I want all of you to help with it.
I want grease pumped into my blood. I want my arteries clogged. Oxygen needed every second of every minute. Body in constant pain. Room trashed with wrappers and food boxes. And the best part?
You'd control everything.
I couldn't leave if you kidnapped me and tied me in a basement. I couldn't say if I wanted to be cleaned once I can't move. I couldn't protest eating once you have that tube permanently attached. I couldn't be saved from death if you controlled my medicine and life support.
I want you feeders to end me. I want to be a hog. A pile of useless, dumb lard. A whore to be fucked constantly for your pleasure.
Booze and weed constantly shoved in me, barely conscious all the time. It all being too much in the end. You killing my liver, kidneys, lungs, and then finally my heart.
So get the fuck to it.
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futureimmobilemodel · 5 months
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Same shirt one year apart...
It all started because of wine. 🥵
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overstuffd · 11 days
It's about always encouraging you to have that extra treat.
Stopping at every bakery that catches your eye to get you a little something sweet.
Bringing you a comforting coffee in the morning, and maybe another as a pick me up in the afternoon.
Fixing you a hefty plate of cheese, crackers and grapes when you finish work to keep your strength up.
Pouring that second glass of wine at dinner, and topping it up for you.
Cutting you an extra- large slice of cake afterwards, then encouraging you to finish mine.
Making sure you're always taken care of, you're always spoiled and you're always full.
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hedonists-den · 4 months
POV: You're my perfect live-in feedee and I've sent you a message for when you wake up while I'm at work for the day.
Good morning. I hope you slept well. You looked really peaceful this morning so I decided not to wake you up before I left. These midnight feedings really seem to be helping your sleep, I���ve noticed. Beauty rest has a whole new meaning when you wake up fatter every time, doesn’t it? 
Anyways, I just wanted to leave you this message to let you know that I might be back a little late tonight. But don’t worry, I made sure that you’ll have everything you need for the day. The pantry and the fridge are full of your favorites, baked goods and some joints are on the counter, I pre-packed a few bowls for you too, if that’s what you’re feeling, and of course you have my card on the delivery app for anything else you might want.
I have to admit, the way you’ve been giving yourself to this lifestyle has made it really hard to focus at work lately. When I think about what a perfect, lazy pig you are at home while I earn all the income to enable you…it just drives me crazy, you know that? Nothing else feels as good as enabling you, indulging your wildest fantasies of being a complete hedonist, watching your body fatten up and concede to the excessiveness of it all… It almost makes me want to stay home and tend to you all day. I know I can’t, but….fuck, you have no idea how badly I want to.
I want you to be extra greedy for me today, okay? Don’t deny yourself a single thing. Even if you’re full, eat more. Keep your high going all day and really indulge. I’ll be putting in some deliveries for you throughout the day when I get the chance. And I expect to come home to empty wrappers and containers all over, with your big, pretty belly hanging out of your shirt for me to grab and admire. I’ll have dessert to feed you too, don’t worry. 
I plan on doubling your weight by the end of the year, and I’m going to do everything I can to get you there. There’s no such thing as too big for me, I’ll take care of every need, every desire, even if you get too fat to heft yourself around. All that matters is that you live your best, most pleasurable life, and I’ll handle everything else.
Alright, I should probably get going. I’ll need some time on the drive to work to clear my mind from this. I’ll see you tonight, piggy.
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bailey-bellie · 2 months
A little glimpse into my perfect weekend 🤭
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Stoned ✅
Gaming ✅
Eating ✅
Little to no clothes ✅
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fatguarddog · 2 months
Weird nerdy alt people meeting up to get high and stuff themselves, talk about everything while they game, touch each other, make out a little, order donuts at midnight, grope each other's thighs, bite each other's necks, eat just that bit more until their aesthetically ripped jeans get some real tears in them....
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dankeyes · 10 months
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What would you let me do to you?
How far past your limit would you let me push you? 😈
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intox-jiggles · 24 days
The aftermath. I don't even remember what i was doing in the bathroom. Didnt have to pee, didn't brush my teeth until i sobered up later. But here's me stumbling around and breathing heavily. This is what happens when you combine a morbidly obese hog with alcohol
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lovely-ari · 8 months
There's nothing better than getting your cow high, stuffed, and putting them in pretty clothes ~🤭💞💕💓
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tubbybunnysblog · 9 days
🍃 belly
I literally shoved so much food down my throat I couldn’t even taste it~
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claireborowski · 2 months
No yeah..i..like fuck. I think I'm really 100% a death feedee. I'm so desperate to become like all those fucked up fantasies you read about.
Just a stupid hog, heart barely able to function, sweaty and grease all the time, food on my body, trashy pigsty of a room, brain completely gone, constantly high and drunk, garbage grease piles shoved down my throat at every waking moment, barely able to breath, walking taken away 600 lbs ago, heart constantly hurting, needing oxygen all the time, diabetes taking over my body, just..fuck.
Please fucking help me get like this..
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futureimmobilemodel · 4 months
You wanna help grow this belly? DM me or email [email protected]
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piggy-ame · 2 months
k so im really close to just completely letting go and letting myself get as fat as i wanna be.
i’ve been denying myself too much for too long and i wanna just let go and enjoy myself as the greedy piggy i wanna be!!!!
i just wanna let myself enjoy all the food i wanna enjoy without worrying or feeling guilty about it. i wanna smoke as much as i want and enjoy how it makes me feel and how ravenous it makes me. i wanna get fat and enjoy all the soft jiggliness that it brings and all the attention i get from it.
after talking to a few amazing fellow feedees and some lovely feeders i realize how much i wanna let go and let myself be happy.
so i might just finally decide to let go ( ´ ▽ ` )
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intox-jiggles · 10 days
Before this kink, i never used to drink alcohol at all. But now i can't get enough of it. Now i wanna be perpetually shitfaced, stumbling around with a huge beer gut. Want a feeder to fill me up with food and beer, keeping me drunk and full, making me so much more pliable to their preferences.
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