#feed him soup and let him crash on your couch its what he deserves
chaoticnoisy · 26 days
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singularity 6 let him take a nap
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lee-minhc · 5 years
//Changbin Hybrid au\\
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⚠WARNINGS⚠ has mentions of abandonment,but only briefly
i walk down the dark street,only being lit by street lamps every couple hundred feet.i pull my sweater tighter around myself as the wind chills me to the bone.
i shuffle along faster as i check the time and notice how late it is getting.just as i go to pass by an ally,i hear a whimper and teeth chattering.
i feel my heart ache,and instantly rush down the ally to help.i follow the sounds of wimpering and find a boy curled in on himself,a thick bushy tail wrapped around his body.
he looks up at me with wide eyes,retreating furthering to the corner of the ally."hey hey.no,i wont hurt you.come here"i say softly as i squat down.
he looks back to me,shaking,and his teeth chattering faster than before."its okay.i want to help"i say softly as i show him a warm smile.
i hold out my hand,and he slowly grabs hold of me."oh,sweetheart,you're cold as ice"i say weakly as i pull the dog hybrid up."lets get to my apartment"i say as i look up at him.he nods and lets me guide him to my home.
i shakily grab my keys from my pocket and unlock my door.i take him to the livingroom,and sit him on the couch."wait here,i will get you a blanket,and i can get you soup"i say with a soft smile.
he nods his head and he curls up and leans against the back of the couch.i go to my room,pulling the quilt off my bed,i go back to the boy,wrapping it around him.
i shuffle to the kitchen and make a bowl of the soup i had been slow cooking all day.i sit on the coffe table,and he sits up,reaching out for the bowl.
"no.i will feed you,you are still shaking too much,i dont want you to spill it on yourself"i say softly.he nods and opens his mouth.i feed him a spoonful,and smile as he closes his eyes,a soft sigh leaving his mouth.
after he finishes the soup,he gives me a small smile."do you have a name?mine is jisoo"i say as i set the bowl next to me.
he nods his head."my name is changbin,"he says softly."okay changbin,how about i run you a warm bath?you can clean up?and i can get clothes for you to change into"i suggest with a smile.
"please"he says with a small nod.i stand up,and walk down the hall to the bathroom,starting a bath.i grab my bubble bath soaps and bring them out to him.
"okay,which one do you like best"i ask as i set them on the coffee table."what are they?"he asks as he raises an eyebrow at the 3 bottles.
"bubble bath.this one is vanilla and rose.this one is lavender and ceader wood,and this one is teakwood"i say as i point to each corresponding bottle.
he sniffs each one,and settles on the vanilla and rose."this one"he says as he holds it up.
"my personal favorite.your bath will be ready soon!"i say as i bounce back down the hall.i hear a small chuckle from him and smile even brighter.
after a couple minutes,i come back to the living room,and see him staring out my window."changbin,your bath is ready"i say softly as i lean against the living room doorway.
he turns back to me and sets the blanket on the couch.i lead him to the bathroom,and let him in."go ahead and get in,i will bring in a towel and new clothes in a second"i say and close the door.
i hear shuffling,and the fabric hitting the tile floor as i open my bedroom door.i dig through my closet and find a pair of my brothers sweat pants,and one of his shirts,smiling happily as i refold them and grab a towel.
i go back to the bathroom,and knock on the door."changbin?can i come in?"i ask.i hear a faint yes and slowly open the door.he instantly smiles at me as i set down the clothes.
"okay,so here is a wash cloth,you can use it to wash your body,this is my shampoo and conditioner."i explain as i set things on the side of the tub.
"make sure to use this one first,"i say as i hand him the shampoo."otherwise your hair will feel a bit weird"i say with a smile."if you need me,go ahead and call for me,okay?"i say softly.
"i will.thank you jisoo"he says."of course"i say as i close the door.i walk to the kitchen and quickly eat my bowl of soup and settle in the livingroom,deciding to finish up some classwork while i wait for changbin to get out of the bath.
just as i finish my english worksheet,i feel arms wrap around my waist from behind me."do you want to go to bed?"i ask as i hear him yawn and rest his forehead against my back between my shoulder blades.
"no.i dont want to be alone"he says softly.i chuckle as i grab another worksheet."well,im going to be here a while,so you can rest on the couch if you want,then you can sleep in my bed"i say.
"where will you sleep"he asks."the couch"i say,but changbin shakes his head"we can share the bed.i dont mind it"he says."okay,then tomorow we can go find your home"i say."i dont have one.i was thrown out"he says immediatly.
"what?sweetheart,why?"i ask softly as i spin around to face him."they didn't want me anymore"he says as a single tear falls down his cheek.i wipe it away and pull him into my chest.
"their loss.you are amazing.you are so polite,you are so kind,and they just couldnt see what you are,they dont deserve you"i rant softly as he cries into my chest.
"but,you know what?"i ask as i run my fingers through his hair."what?"he ask as he looks up at me,his eyelashes wet and sticking together in little spikes.
"i see all that you are.i see that you are so amazingly well behaved,i see how kind you are,i see everything they didnt.and if you want to stay here,i will love you,and cherish you forever.that is a promise"i explain as he blinks away more tears.
"can i?"he asks hopefully."welcome to my little family,changbin.its just you and i"i say with a small smile as i open my arms.
changbin crashes into my body,wrapping his arms around my waist.i smile weakly as i rest my forehead against his shoulder.
"how about we go to bed,yeah?"i whisper as he stops crying.he stands up,and pulls me to my feet,dragging ke down the hall and into my room.
he drops onto my bed and opens his arms."one minute.i have to change"i say as i grab pajama shorts and a sweater.i go to the bathroom and change as fast as i can,tossing my dirty clothes into the hamper and going to to my room.
i lay down,and changbin pulls me into his chest."thank you for taking me in"he whispers.i smile and hum as i close my eyes.
i lay my arm over his waist,and smile up at him.i bring my hand up and brush his hair away from his face."thank you for letting me"i say.
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lassieposting · 7 years
I'm so in the mood for some domestic valduggery headcanons 😋
- they share showers a lot. it saves time and arguments in the morning, its a nice way to unwind after work, and tbh it’s useful having someone who can reach the awkward blood splatter halfway down your back
- skuldug’s cooking repertoire covers soup, toast, sandwiches and cereal, and he has a tendency to just sort of. set things on fire. so unless ghastly is feeding them val has to do most of the cooking and she’s mad about it
- constant fighting over who controls the radio it can get vicious
- there is absolutely no need for val to straighten his tie before they go out but she does it anyway
- val breaks out his full name when she’s mad at him, hates that she does it because she feels like she’s turning into her mum. (as soon as she snaps, “skulduggery pleasant” skuldug is already fleeing the room)
- on the flipside if she’s calling him ‘detective’ she’s usually thirsty and he’s so there
- skulduggery carries val up to bed if she’s falling asleep on the couch while they’re doing research, she usually just throws her arm around his neck and lets him 
- crawling in at 5am after a case and just. collapsing on the couch together, still half-dressed and crashing until after midday. going up to bed is too much effort
- skuldug laying awake watching val sleep and just. he has no idea what he did to deserve her. he loves her so much. 
- val can never find any of her shit because it’s not on the floor where she left it and it doesn’t occur to her to look in the places where those things are actually meant to be kept, always has to ask skuldug what he’s done with her jacket/phone/house keys this time
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