#featuring: becky barnes (unexceptional)
loyaltyworn · 2 years
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@unexceptional​ || mcu quotes meme || accepting!
“ you look taller. “
Bucky’s still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that Becky is back in his life again. The chances that she’s here were so slim to none. Even in her natural age. She was so sickly back when they were..well..who they were before time and the world stepped right out of the novels he used to read by her side and turned their and Steve’s lives into stories he would’ve devoured each page of. But now would set the whole damn book on fire if given the chance. Or, at least, crafted in his own way so that they would have less bloody chapters than what they were dished out. He’s so used to being by himself that her voice both soothes him with something so familiar but startles him out of his train of thought.
Leaning by the long ceiling to floor length window in his apartment, bare toes curled against wooden flooring. One ankle’s lifted and the other’s planted firmly down, arm stretched high enough above his head that he can twirl a strand of hair around a finger while the other one rests on the counter---he’s rarely seen with it off. Would’ve put it on had he picked up on her footsteps but his head was elsewhere..
A quick, genuine smile. Adoring even. “Yeah? I wish,” a brow shoots up and he shakes his head glancing back out at the snow falling down before stepping away from the window and moving towards the black and gold arm patiently waiting for him where he’d left it. “Nah. Steve got the stuff that did that. I got the stuff that failed to help me out in that area. Still five nine but if Steve asks? I add an inch or two in to make myself feel better. Don’t think he believes me but he pretends to.”
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shieldbound · 3 years
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@unexceptional​ || the boondock saints starters || accepting!
‘  don’t start with your shit.  ‘
Did he just get in trouble?
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Yeah, yeah he did.
A bewildered crease forms between pinched together brows. For a minute, Steve looks chastised. Wounded, even. Yes. There’s a slight pout coming. And there it is! But, she’s effective in shutting said shit down within a snap of her tiny, little fingers. Gone is the speech he had on the tip of his tongue. In it’s place is a stunned supersoldier. Captain America with his teeth in his bottom lip and now--oop! Here we go... Both brows shoot up in time with his shoulders, palms swing out from his sides beckoning for her help as he shakes his head asking her what she wants him to say then.
Cause now? He’s all out of ideas. 
Shit flew the coup! 
Why is she still able to do that decades later? 
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shieldbound · 3 years
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@unexceptional​ || the boondock saints starters || accepting!
‘  these are not polite suggestions.  ‘
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“Ah, c’mon Becky--you gotta promise me you won’t tell him this time. Last time? I didn’t stop hearing about it for three days.” Steve flinches as she finishes daubing up the last of the blood off his bottom lip. Least he won’t need stitches. So she says. Last thing he wants is for a buncha thread to be sticking out of his mouth when he runs into Bucky after he gets back from this last round of training. “I almost made it when he gets back without getting in a fight. That’s gotta count for something. ‘Sides. Those jerks deserved it.”
Becky’s lecture’s lasted for about an hour now. He made promises to keep his temper in check this last time. That he wouldn’t get into trouble and he’d steer clear of any recruiting lines with a list of lies as long as his arm. Both of which were broken within a week but---he made an honest attempt and that’s what matters--right? 
He deflates, cringing when the sting intensifies before it dulls down. Swears she pushed extra hard this time after she told him she was telling Buck what he did if he doesn’t keep his promises from here on out. How what she was saying wasn’t suggestions. “I’m just not good when he’s not around, Becks. Don’t tell’im I said that though. Don’t need him worrying more than he already is. Promise?”
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