#featuring: aziraphale (fellandfeathers)
bloodsalted · 4 months
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@fellandfeathers || sent a reaction meme! || accepting!  
send “no, you don’t get to die”  for my injured muse to react to yours saying this while they’re bleeding.
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dean can taste the blood trickling down the side of his chin from the corner of his lips. it coats his tongue and the inside of his mouth in a coppery, rust flavor so rich that he can smell it inside and outside from where it's caked on his nostrils. he spits some out. not caring that it lands wherever. his hand's covering a damn rip across his side. a dull blade always fucking hurts so much worse than a sharp one. tears you up bad, too. all that strength it takes to punch it in. let alone how that asshole made sure to twist it on it's way out.
demons. this one had a vendetta. he pissed it off real good.
what he wasn't expecting was two more crawling up from behind. sneaky dicks. had him near the end of the damn long fight when he was winning. couple more seconds, he coulda sent that thing to hell. or whatever else sorta place ended up swallowing it whole. he didn't give a shit as long as it was dead.
yeah that was minutes ago. now? he's slumped against a wall. bleeding dizzy and lightheaded with a broken leg he hasn't let his brain recognize, his insides feel all sorta messed up (they are..he can't breathe right and he's choking more times than his lungs appreciate) and he can't move. panic comes and goes. has him reaching for a phone that isn't there. his eyes close. he forces them open. it's a losing battle and they're shut again by the time he feels the pain start to fade.. not a good damn sign, he tells himself. wake up! but the effort feels way more than the payout. that's bullshit. get up?!
'no, you don't get to die..' an unfamiliar voice draws eyes half-lidded.
"..or what?" is all he manages before a soft grunt cuts him off. he's lifted off the ground. out of the pool of crimson and dark red. he feels pale hair against his cheek before the world goes warm, golden and then black.
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