#featherly love (izoxserena)
my-muses-in-op · 4 years
Love as strong as the sea
@asktheseawitch Oops my mind slipped XD
It wasn’t often they came across the Thousand Sunny, the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates, but when they did, it wasoftne the same. Luffy trying to get Whitebeard to fight him, declaring that he would be the King of Pirates and not the old man or whoever he wanted to be the King and Whitebeard laughing amused by the young boy’s bluntness. After some shouting, teasing and good hearted advice - not the the young captain would ever listen to them - Luffy ‘attacked’ Ace, trying to defeat his brother.
There was never a dull moment with the boy around, his curious nature bringing up the most unusual questions. He made the seasoned pirates feel alive and grateful for not having such a ball of energy as captain. They once more apreciated Ace for his politeness and while the frekled commander could be a handful too, he was far from the level of his little brother.
The Straw Hats were all used to this and didn’t even lift a brow at the antics of Luffy, some even oining in on his silliness, which told how close the crew was and how much they knew each other. A good trait, if you asked the sixteenth commander. Once the crew knew that they were mostly welcome as guests on the Moby Dick, they ventured around, getting to know the crew a little.
Now when they met up, the crew went to those they’ve befriended with and from whom they might learn a few things from. Marco, Deuce and Marchel was bombed with medical questions from Chopper, while Robin was mostly found in the library, either reading or talking to Mihal, the latter almost living in the library.
Every single Straw Hat Pirate had someone or more they could spend time with. While Luffy was ‘lecturing’ Whitebeard and then sparing with Ace, the sniper soend some time with Izo, showing off his skills. It had taken some time, but with the help of a certain crew member of the Straw Hats - the lovely sea witch - did Usopp find courage and confidence in being around the sixteenth division comander and soaking in the wisdom he could give the younger sniper.
As soon as Luffy was ready to mingle, however, Usopp was at his captain’s side and telling people aout the adventures they’ve been on, even if he exaggerated a lot.
It gave Izo the perfect opportunity to sneak away with Serena to his room. Their relationship wasn’t a secret at all, but gettin galone time tgether could be tricky. Especially after they had kids. Avery and Yamato wanted to spend time withtheir father too, but today they were far more interested in spending time with their grandfather. Whitebeard had them on his knee, telling them sotries about the adventure they had since they last met.
Alone in their room, Izo pulled her close, their lips meetin for a long and passionate kiss. They were pressed against each other, as if they tried to melt to become one being. The time spend apart made them long for each other so much more. Balancing the short time they had with being alone, being a small family and part of th ebig family, was not easy, but they made it work somehow.
Their lips barely parted, as they needed air to breathe. Hungry hands roamed over soft skin and Izo loved that she was showing a lot of skin. He loved the feeling of her skin under his palm and fingertips, loved how his hands made her sigh softly into thee kiss. Her ands weren’t still either, roaming his free chest and forced his kimono of his shoulders, giving her more skin to touch.
He lifted her up, her legs wrapped around his waist, as he walked towards his bed. Wihtout letting her go, he kneeled on the edge of the bed and managed to get them both to lie down on the side. Heated kisses were exchanged, along with hands imprinting every feelin of the other. For a long while, they were just making out, hunger and need evident every kiss.
No words were spoken, they didn’t need them too know what the other wanted. Their bodies were pressed against each other and it was impossible to hide the arousal that filled Izo with every heated kiss. Sere was a tease, however, only ghosting her hand over his woken member. He shuddered and lt out a soft moan.
Being a tease himself, he let his hands ghost over her breasts, feeling the hardness of her nipples pressing against fabric. She mooaned softly into his mouth and he smirked a little. Without a warnin, he parted their lips and shifted position, so he could tease her more. His lips closed around her nipple and he slowly let his tonue lide ver it. He was rewared with a shudder and moan. Serena grabbed his hair, pressing her body closer, the need for him growing with every second.
He knew that they wouldn’t be able to tease each other for long, the need, the hunger and desire was too strong for them to ignore. It’d been a while for them both to feel each other and be intimate, so their first time after meeting up again, would always be rushed and yet oh so wonderful. Later they would tease more and fight to dominate the other. He enoyed how playfull they were in bed.
Without a word, he started to undress her and she him. It didn’t take long before they both were naked in each other’s arms again. Her hand found his hard cock and started to rub it, while he let his lips return to her nipple. Sucking and licking it, he soaked in her moans. HIs hand found her womanhood and he pressed a finger between her folds.
She was wet and eagerly letting his slender digit slide inside. Another finger was quickly added and she shifted her position to lie on her back. He rolled with her, getting onto his knees above her. Their bodies were so in sync and a proof to him that they were meant for each other.
Her moans got needier, small pleasing whimpers leaving her lips. She wanted him, wanted to feel his cock buried deep inside of her. Feeling the need to be inside of her, he gave into her unspoken wish. Smoothly he slid inside of her, drawing out sweet mans from both of them. Lips found hers, as he started to rock his hips, loving the feeling of her tight walls cramping around his pulsing member.
He was slow at first, wanting to soak in the feeling of her around him and under him. The feeling of their heated skin tingled so delightful and increased his lust and need for her. With every thrust he got slight rougher and also picked up the speed. Nails slid down his back, as she held onto him, pressing him closer.
Moans filled the room, heavy and fast breathing leaving thei lips inbetween moans. Izo felt his body tensing and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer and from the sound of it, neither would Serena. Grabbing her ass, he lifted her up a little, allowing his to reach a little deeper.
A loud, but muffled moan left her, as he started to thrust harder and faster. She clung onto him, pressing her body as much as she could against his. The fast pace and hic cock hitting her just the right way, she let go and cum over him, her juices sliding out of her, while a deep and lone moan left her lips. It was the last straw to his climax and he filled her up with his cum, her name leaving his lips. His hips slowed down, as his cock spilled all of the seed he had, until they came to a halt.
Panting heavily, they looked into each other’s eyes. Love and happiness shined in them. They might not be around each other on a daily basis, but their love was pure and strong as the sea. It made moments like these more intense and powerful.
“I love you.” Izo smiled and kissed her lightly.
Smiling back, she let a her fingers go his hair, which was messy by now. “I love you too.”
Their lips met for a loving kiss, before they needed to go out again or take another round.
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my-muses-in-op · 4 years
A morning surprise for the birthday man
@asktheseawitch Oops my mind slipped XD
Drowsy brown hues looked at the ceiling for a few moments, before a hand rubbed the sleep from them. Turning his head, the male looked to this side, finding it empty as it’d been for some time.  It saddened him a little, but that was the price for loving a woman from another pirate crew. They had their own adventure and he just had to endure it, until time was right for them to live together. If it was possible, consider the age gap and their dangerous occupation.
He swung his legs over the edge and got his slippers on. Grabbing his robe, he pulled it over. Why he had hoped his love lied next to him? Well, she sometimes came in the night, sneaking into his room and snuggled up with him, as a surprise for him the next morning. He had dreamed about her this night, so waking up, he had for a brief second thought she was there. Besides that, it was his birthday, so it would have been a wonderful surprise. Maybe she would come later? Or would she not be able to get here? It was an option too and it was saddening, but there was nothing he could do.
Entering his bathroom he stopped. The scent of his favorite soap reached him, just as he saw the tub ready for him to use. Who had snuck in and made it ready for him? His eyes scanned the room, but didn’t see anyone. That was odd. He went inside, senses on high alert. Barely three steps in and he felt someone behind him. Quickly he turned around. His eyes widened in surprise, as he saw his love standing there, wearing the robe he gave her. With a giggle, she closed the gap between them, tiptoed and kissed him softly, before whispering happy birthday.
Taking his hand, she led him to the tub, helping him out of the robe and his boxers, before she led her own robe slid down her shoulders, revealing her amazing curves and skin. He smiled happily, as he stepped into the tub, followed by her. Sighing, he made himself comfortable, before she was seated neatly between his legs, her back pressed against his chest. His arms wrapped themselves around her, holding her just under her breast. Soft lips were planted on her skin.
“Thank you, darling. It’s a lovely start on my birthday.” He spoke softly and nuzzled his face into her hair, breathing in her scent. It felt so good to finally hold her again and feel her skin against his. This surprise was the best one, though he wasn’t much for big surprises. However, he’d come to live with the fact that surprises came whether you wanted it or not. Some were good, even amazing, like this one, others weren’t that great. It was life and he had come to peace with it.
Lips found lips and was locked in a soft, but passionate kiss. Everything blurred out, as she turned in his embrace, her breasts now pressed against his chest. Hands started to wander and he smiled lightly. Seems he wasn’t the only one missing the intimacy. Happily he too gave into the hunger and need, giving her what they both wanted and needed.
The start of his birthday couldn’t be better.
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my-muses-in-op · 4 years
@asktheseawitch A little cute drabble for the birthday owl. I hope you both will like it.
Izo had rarely sailed alone before he met Serena. Not that he hated it, it was just not something that the Whitebeard Pirates did. Only the commanders would sail alone and even then rarely, due to the risk of getting caught. There was almost always backup nearby.
However, this time he was sailing alone. He wasn’t on his way to an island, but to another ship. An ally, though unofficial. They would back him up, if anything happened and he would need it. Well, at least one person would, whether he wanted it or not. She would not let him get harmed or hurt and he loved her for that.
He spotted the ship ahead, sailing slowly on the calm sea. Using the speed of his smaller boat, he managed to catch up on it. He knew that most n the ship was aware of him being there, so he took the robe that was attached ot his boat and jumped onto the railing, landing elegant on it.
Brown hues souht out the captain, the young male with his signature placed on his head and as usual, Izo mused how well the straw hat fit on the boys head. “Permission to come onboard.” His deep voice was directed at Luffy, who just was smiling and barely had Izo soken, before he was told to get down and join the party.
The robe was taken from his hand and his boat was soon tucked away inside of the ship, while he was sitting on the grass, Serena already having made herself comofrotable on his lap. It was as if they had just waited for him to arrive, becase as soon as all were together, the party really started, celebrating the owl.
Izo had been visiting a few times, so he was used to the slight jealous eyes of the cook, the goofiness of Luffy, Chopper and Usopp, the teasing from Nami and Robin, the perverted comments from Brook and Franky and the cautious eyes of Zoro, which weren’t directed at Izo, but more at the surroundings. They were an odd crew, but fit together somehow. Even Jinbe, who had greeted Izo heartily, had his place, like an uncle, who shared his knowledge and wisdom with the young crew.
He didn’t think much of it, just accepted it was like this and he was the guest. Smiling, he accepted the booze and food offered to him, soon wrapped into the party, just as if he was with his own family. Well, he did see the Straw Hats as family, had so even before his heart was captured by the owl. After all, a certain freckled male had talked their ears off about his precious little brother.
“I can’t believe you made it this year.” Serena purred into his ear, leaning closer to him with a content sigh leaving her lips. He smiled and kissed her temple gently. “I wouldn’t miss this day for anything. Besides, you know how Thatch is. He almost kicked me onto the boat.” He chuckled, making Serena chuckle too. They knew each other well enough and knew the family they had and Thatch was not just a huge romantic dork, he loved birthdays - though forgetting his own - and other celebrations. “Everyone wishes you a happy birthday and I have a few gifs for you from them.” He continued.
She smiled and let her eyes wander over her family. “You’re all spoiling me.” Izo chuckled again and held her a little tighter, lips against her ears, as he whispered how his gift could only be enjoyed in private. Just to give her a small idea what he meant, he guided her hand to his thigh, saying what was underneath was just for her eyes to see.
Her face turned a little darker, making him smirk. He loved to tease her, but he wouldn’t tease her too much among her crew. His family would tease them and not think much about them teasing each other. Sure, both could tease each other among the Straw Hats too, but it was a little more innocent. After all, there were another dynamic here.
“Anyway, happy birthday love. I do have a gift for you, which you can show the others.” He took out a jewlery box. Inside was a necklace made of gold and with a Gladiolus purple violette in hard glass as a pendant. It was simple, but had meaning to him. It was how he saw the woman he loved. Strong with integrity and grace.
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my-muses-in-op · 5 years
.:☕️:. (Gravitational Pull)
Romantic Christmas activities
☕ for our muses to share hot chocolate/coffee/tea
After lunch, Izo had told Sere that he had some things to do and couldn’t be with her before dinner time again. It wasn’t unusual, though it was unusual that he wouldn’t have time to share an afternoon tea with her or Thatch and/or Marco. He also had a secretive smile upon his lips, as he kissed her head softly, before placing a kiss on her oh so delicious lips, wishing her a good day. With that he left and made sure that no one would find or disturb him.
Evening came and dinner was served. Izo came in, looking as gorgeous as ever, though he wore a dark green kimono with the dark blue mark of Whitebeard on the sleeves, just as his usual kimono. Haruta commented on it, saying it was somethign Izo always wore at this time of the year and they were now certain that the time had come.
He greeted Sere with a cheek kiss and the others with a smile, excusing that he was late, before seated next to his love. “Darling, would you do me the honor of spending the rest of the evening in my company in our room?” He was still smiled softly at her, making Thatch and Haruta snicker at the formal invitation. It was so odd for them that Izo did this, consider where the relationship with him and Sere was.
Curious to why he so sudden was formal again, Sere accepted just as formally as he had asked, making him chuckle and smile happily at her. He loved it when she pleased his manners and showed how wellspoken she was.
After dinner, he took her arm, gave Thatch a subtle nod, before heading to their room. It’d been a while since he last called it his room, even in his mind. It was just as much her room as his now, even if she wasn’t sharing it with him on an every day basis.
“I’ve been preparing this night all afternoon and I hope you’ll like what I’ve planned for our date.” The secretive smile was back on his lips and he knew that she would either be hooked or stop and pretend she had better things to do. That was why he had put some extra effort in his appearance, as to enchant her and follow him. Oh and the fact he tried to peerher curiosity and seeing her smil puzzled, convinced him she would not stop up.
The room itself looked rather normal, only with some seasonal decorations and more candles. He let go of her arm and went to turn on the candles, one having the aroma of cinnamon. It was a rather pleasant scent and calming. “Please darling, take a seat. My surprise will be here soon.”
He took out his cups and plates, the ones he usual kept in his room for the more private tea afternoons. Putting it on the table, he made sure she was sitting comfortable. Soon enough a knock interrupted the silence between them. Izo went to open and smiled to Thatch, as he handed Izo a tray, wishing them a good date, before leaving.
The scent of hot chocolate with orange and cinnamon spread through the room, but it wasn’t the only thing. Something sweet mixed with the scent. “Thatch helped me, as I don’t have much experience with this.” He placed the tray and gave Sere a good view of various cookies and chocolate sweets. Sitting down next to her, he smiled a little shyly at her. “Would you like to try some? I made all of this with Thatch’s help, for us to enjoy.” There was suddenly an insecurity in his voice, as he had not done something like before and was uncertain how the other would receive it.
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my-muses-in-op · 5 years
👌Repeatedly 👌 Shamelessly 👌 Wholeheartedly 👌
Send me 👌 if your muse would bang mine
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“Then what are we waiting for, darling?” He purred, slipping his kimono off his body, as he made his way to their bed.
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my-muses-in-op · 5 years
Family trip
For my lovely @asktheseawitch. A late Christmas gift. I hope you’ll like it.
If anyone would have asked Izo 15 years ago if he would want a family, he would have told them that he already had one and he was content with the one he got. It wouldn’t have crossed his mind that the person or people were talking about him getting married and have children. Today he couldn’t believe that he never had thought about it before. Having a family of his own was a true blessing, even if it wasn’t always easy, especially since the person he loved and had a family with, was part of another crew. It was a challenge, but they had managed to make it work.
Today they were with him, the Straw Hats having paid the crew a visit, once they had spotted the Moby Dick. Luffy had gone somewhere with Ace, Sanji had started off swooning over the nurses, but then challenged Thatch to a cooking contest. Zoro was somewhat wary of them, but was drinking with Vista, Blenheim and Kingdew. Chopper was with Marco, learning from the older man, while Robin was talking with Whitebeard, Nami exploring the ship - probably trying to find something of value she could take with them. Haruta was probably keeping an eye on the redhead. The rest of the Straw Hats were on deck, relaxing and talking to the Whitebeard’s.
After Serena, Avery and Yamato had greeted Whitebeard and talked with him and Stefan, before Izo had brought them to their room so he could have some time with his family. He missed out on so much and therefor he loved these moments even more. His children eagerly told him about the adventures and he tried his best to not show his concerns. He’d known that living as a Straw Hat was not going to be a calm life, but he had also accepted that his wive’s journey was with Luffy and his crew.
A chuckle left him, as Avery eagerly told a funny story. As long as his love and children were somewhat safe and sound, he could endure the pain of not being part of that life, the fear of what danger Luffy could bring them into and not seeing them as often as he wished. He treasured these moments even more so.
“I heard one of the navigators say we were close to an island and I’m sure Luffy would love to explore it with Ace.” Izo said, as Avery and Yamato had finished telling him about their adventures. The two kids looked at him, eyes sparkling and he couldn’t help ruffling his son’s hair affectionately. “I thought that the four of us could spend some time there together.” He continued.
Yamato and Avery looked at Serena with excitement in their eyes. The woman smiled softly and nodded, to which the children cheered and hugged their father. He laughed with them, hugging them, as Serena leaned over and kissed his lips, telling him it was a wonderful idea.
A few hours later they docked at an island. As it was late, they postponed the trip. Once the kids were tucked into their beds - they slept on the Moby Dick, as they wanted to be close to their father - Izo went to ask Thatch a favor, to which the cook happily agreed.
“What did you ask of Thatch?” Serena asked, as Izo had come back to their room and held her in his arms. He just smiled softly. “You’ll see tomorrow, darling. Ready for some us time?” Teasingly he nippled onto her ear, hands gently helping her out of her clothes. Chuckling, Serena turned, helping him getting undressed too.
The next morning Avery and Yamato woke their parents with excitement written all over their faces. It was clear that they couldn’t wait to get onto the island with them. Smiling, Izo and Serena helped their kids getting dressed and told them to get breakfast and wait for them there. “They are really looking forward for today, love. As do I.” Serena gave him a kiss on the cheek, before getting dressed.
He chuckled and got dressed himself. “I just want to have a nice day with my family.” He gave her a kiss, before walking to the galley with her. They found their kids with some Whitebeard’s and Straw Hat’s and it filled Izo with pure happiness that both crews seemed to get along and most important that his kids were not bothered by the fact that they were two crews. Not that any acted that way, except for Zoro, but it was to be expected and Izo didn’t mind.
“Daddy is taking us out for a family trip. Just the four of us. It’s going to be great.” Avery told Haruta and Nami, her eyes shining with pure childish glee. Izo smiled at the sight and went to get some breakfast, before sitting at the table.
Thatch came to tell that everything was ready and that pecked the interest of Avery and Yamato. They kept asking what Izo had planned, but their father just smirked secretively at them. He didn’t want to ruin the surprise and he was defintely not going to tell it where two males with a black hole instead of a stomach could hear it.
As they had breakfast, Izo got a basket from Thatch, before the cross dresser guided his family to the town. “A picnic?” Serena asked, as they were out of hearing range of Luffy and Ace. Smiling, Izo nodded. “First thing first though.” He led them to the market. “Avery. Yamato.” He called softly and then pointed at a stall nearby. “You can chose three things from the stall you want.” Eagerly, they went to the stall and looked through all of it.
Serena chuckled softly, knowing that Izo always gave them small gifts. As the kids had chosen, Izo paid, before walking through town with them. Seeing his kids excited to see everything, reminded him that children had an unique way of seeing the world and a lot of things were new to them.
After a few hours, he brought them out of town and to a small cliff near the coast. They had a perfect view of the sea and the jungle behind them. Avery and Yamato was in awe, but more son, when Izo took out all their favorite food. Even Serena lifted an eyebrow, seeing how the kids and her was spoiled. “How much did this cost you, love?” She asked.
“It doesn’t matter, darling. Nothing is too expensive for you.” He smiled and made himself comfortable. Avery and Yamato were already eating, but he didn’t mind the lack of manners, as he knew why they were so eager to eat. “Uncle Thatch’s food are always so yummy. You are lucky dad.” Yamato had remebered to swallow before speaking.
“Sanji isn’t a bad cook either, but I do prefer Thatch’s food over his. There’s more to Thatch’s food than just taste to me.” He admitted that much, but was pleased that his children had the opportunity to get such rich and tasting food, even if they weren’t with him.
Avery and Yamato nodded, while eating. Serena had a blessed smile and leaned against Izo, once they had eating the lunch Thatch had prepared for them. The kids were playing and Izo held Serena close. Nothing was more precious to him than his family and the time he had with them. It was a true blessing to have them in his life.
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my-muses-in-op · 5 years
Birthday surprise
The preparation for a large celebration paired with the fawning over her beloved made for excellent cover. A ship with thousands of eyes moving every which way failed to notice a raptor making multiple trips to slip a variety of gifts through a recently propped window, that happened to belong to a certain well-dressed commander.
Once safely inside, the witch was welcome to move about freely, smoothing out the corner of his bed closest to the door—the ideal spot for something to be noticed—before laying out his gifts: a small box containing polish for his pistols, a bundle of well folded fabric whose iridescent sheen attributed to something *more*, and a plainly thin box whose contents could be used late that night—long after the festivities died down—, if the commander was so inclined~
Serena was never one for presents, especially items that were bulky and had no use. However, she was ever sincere when choosing gifts, even if they may not be the most expensive or flashy. Which is perhaps why she threads a series of blue, satin silk ribbons from one of the bags resting on her hip, tying each one into a delicately-crafted bow to place around each one; a stem of bluebells threaded through every knot. You know, just for show.
From all the hugs and few cheek kisses from silly brothers, Izo needed to refreshen his make-up. He didn’t mind the kisses, it was a nice sign of affection on his special day and they did it to show they cared about him. They didn’t do that very often, they were pirates after all, but now and then it was nice to feel just how much they cared.
He entered his room, just to be caught by surprise, seeing his love in his room. He hadn’t expected her to actually manage to get to his birthday, so he smiled happily, even more when seeing the gifts. “My oh my. What do I have here? Someone really went out of their way to make this day even more special.” he chuckled and walked over to her.
Without further words, he pulled her close, kissing her deeply. He’d missed her and while part of him wanted to them to stay in the room for the rest of the day, he couldn’t do that. His family was making a big effort of making this day a great one and he wanted to celebrate his day with them too.
Lips parting, he still held her close, looking into her beautiful eyes. “I guess I’ll have to enjoy you twice. A quick taste now...” He let his hands wander down her body. “... and a longer taste when everyone is out cold from all the drinking and partying. In between, I might have my fun with you.” He almost purred, before kissing her passionately.
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my-muses-in-op · 5 years
A little sweet drabble for my lovely @asktheseawitch
The sun was setting over the sea, bading it in a orange-golden color with silver shimmer on the surface. There was a soft breeze dancing over the island, where the Whitebeard Pirates had stopped to get some land under their feet. Most of the crew were visiting the taverns and brothels in town, but for one commander, such things didn’t come to his mind at all.
This evening, he was walking on the beach, arm wrapped around his beloved. A perfect evening for a romantic walk. They spoke about everything and nothing, just enjoying each other’s company. No one were there to disturb the happy couple and at some point, his arm went from her shoulder and to her hand. Fingers tangled themselves together, while silence fell over them.
The only sounds now, was the waves dancing upon the beach, the wind rustling in the trees, their feet upon the sand and their breaths. They didn’t need to speak at all, as both was content in just be with the other without any words spoken. Silence was rare on a ship filled with people, be it on the Moby Dick or on the Thousand Sunny. So they both enjoyed the silence that had fallen upon them.
After a while, Izo stopped and pulled Serena close to him, tilting her head lightly and placed a soft, gently and loveable kiss upon her lips. She kissed him back, arms wrapping themselves around his neck, pulling him further down. The sweetness of her lips made him long for more and yet he pulled away lightly. The sun was behind her, bading her in it’s orange-golden light.
“Right now, darling, you are looking like an angel. Divine beauty shines on and from you.” His deep voice was soft and loving. To him it was a miracle he had been able to speak, beause she was breathtaking beautiful right now. Before she could even respond - he liked how she flushed lightly, even after them being together for so long - he kissed her again, this time with more passion.
It was as if time stood still and yet he knew it didn’t, as the warmth of the sun’s rays slowly disappeared. He wished the moment would last, but nothing was forever. Smiling to her, he losened his hold on her and gestured her to follow him. They walked for a little while, until they came tothe edge of the forest.
There was a tent there. Prmitive, but practical. “Fossa helped me putting this one up earlier today. I want to sleep out here with you. Just the two of us and nature right at our feet.” He was usual one that prefered comfort over simplicity, but tonight he would make an exception. Just to be close to his beloved without having someone next door. “I hope you will join me.” He opened the tent and crawled in. Blankets, duvets and pillows was sprawled on the floor, so they had some sort of comfort when lying on the ground. He lightened up some small lamps and pulled her closer to him.
“I love you.” He said, as they settled on the pile of fluffiness. Tonight would be special and he would make sure she knew just how much he loved her.
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my-muses-in-op · 5 years
Mocha fingers encase corvid locks in a loose hold. Allowing the strands to slip through as those same digits trace her beloved’s jawline until falling to a gentle placement over his heart; the one that she was both honored but apprehensive to have captured.
Touch my muse! Touching is a quiet way of conveying your feelings, so tell me how you feel with your touch!
Brown hues looked deeply into Sere’s eyes, a soft and pure smile played on the red lips, as Izo let her touch him. Words were not needed, he knew what she was silently telling him. As her hand came to rest on his chest, right over his heart, his eyes shined with nothing but love and devotion. He let her hand stay where it was, as his own hand moved to touch her.
First his pale and slender fingers went through her hair, before they traced down her jawline, gently touching her cheek and then they went to her chin, resting there for a few seconds, before he boobed her nose, a silent chuckle leaving his lips.
His hand wandered further down, resting on her hips for a few seconds, before it went to her butt, giving it a quick, but firm, squeeze. Then it moved to her fingers, gently lifting it the hand to his lips, where he gave each finger a kiss, all while his eyes never left hers. Once he’d kissed each finger, he gently led the hand down and then his own hand came to rest on her chest, right over her heart.
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my-muses-in-op · 5 years
The hauntings of canon fire comes as a faint ringing, tolling deep within Marcel’s ears. Soot permeates the air, blackens the sky in a dismal miasma that cause the eyes to sting and lungs to burn. However, this wouldn’t be the reason for the tears trickling down in isolated, scarcely controlled streams. (1/3)
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The battle was not an easy one, fallen comrades were scattered around the ground, but that didn’t stop Izo from fighting. Firing his guns, he gave his best to protect those still alive, thoug his heart bled whenever a brother or sister fell onto the ground. He knew that they had to retreat, but he pushed forward. All commanders were pushing forward, trying to give the others a chance to retreat.
The battle sounds made it hard to communicate, but Izo wasn’t new to battles and knew what to do. He was a commander, he had regretful been in a lot of battles, though only few like this. Still he kept pushing, yelling orders when passing those he tried to protect. He eyes scanned the air, searching for his love, but only saw Marco from time to time.
He worried about her, worried that she would get badly wounded, but he pushed the thoughts aside. They would do him no good right now. He managed to get to Fossa. Serena had been near him the last time Izo had seen her and unconsciouly, had he walked to him.
“This is madness.” Fossa mumbled, deflecting bullets with his sword. Izo nodded, firing at their enemies, killing and wounding them, but not caring about them. It was kill or get killed and frankly he was fond of his life.
It was then he saw him. Marcel. For a moment he froze, when he noticed who was in the arms of the doctor. No. It couldn’t be. Shaking his head, he rushed towards the large man, firing at whoever targeted him. his heart was pounding in his chest, fear clenching in his chest. He kept telling himself she was just unconscious and she would be alright, but he knew he was lying to himself. Not only did Marcel’s face say it all, but Izo couldn’t sense her.
“No...” He whispered, feeling how his energy drained. It couldn’t be true. She couldn’t be... “NOOOOOOOOOOOO.” He screamed, as he felt his world shatter into pieces. Even so, his survival instincts took over, pushing the agony, the heartbreak and the emptiness down, forcing him to protect his family and her body.
First when they had managed to get out, getting as many fallen comrades with them as possible and the wounded too, did he break. Everything around went numb and he couldn’t hear what his family said to him. All he could do, was looking at the lifeless body of the woman he loved more than he had ever loved anyone. He blamed himself for her death. She hadn’t been strong enough for this fight and she shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
All the guilt and selfblame overwhelmed him, letting him feel everything and nothing at the same time. Tears streamed down his face, messing up his make-up. His hair was messy and he didn’t care. Nothing mattered any longer. His world was shattered and right now, grief prevented him from seeing what was left, what he still had to fight for and to live for.
Sitting at her side, he held her lifeless hand, staring at her face, still hoping she would open her eyes, smile weakly at him and tell him it would be alright. He couldn’t help it. He didn’t want this to be real, didn’t want to lose her at all. And so he sat there, crying silently, holding her hand and wished it to be a nightmare, one he would wake from at any moment, feeling her sleep next to him or maybe be the one to shake him awake.
His family let him grieve, knowing that he needed it. They too were grieving over her death, but they had to go on for now, had to help him and the wounded. There would be a time to bring him out of his grief, but now wasn’t the time.
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my-muses-in-op · 5 years
Send me ∞ and my muse will tell you…
For @asktheseawitch​
Izo about Serena.
If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY ME
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
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my-muses-in-op · 5 years
Lips pressed and slender digits twisted up within silken sheets, Serena can’t quite bring herself to look away from her Beloved’s nightstand. Placed—dare she say almost delicately— upon its surface are his flintlock pistols. Adorned in intricate metalwork, they were just as lovely… just as lethal as the man across the way. But, unlike him, their only function, only purpose was to maim and wound. At least, that’s all she’s ever known of firearms.
Brown hues gazed at the woman in bed, taking in every cm of her being, heart filling with pure bliss and happiness. No matter how many times he looked at her, he couldn’t get enough. He could stare at her for hours, only interrupted by kissing those tender and full lips of hers.
He knew what draw her eyes, but he didn’t say a word. What could he say, when there was nothing to say? His flintlocks pistols were like a part of him, always within reach, so he could protect himself and those he loved. Still, they weren’t just normal flintlocks, no they were custom made and fitting his aesthetic and taste.
His hues wandered from her eyes and to her lips, tongue licking light pink lips. At least for now, as he would soon wear his usual make-up and red lipstick. His hair hang loosely and framed his face, a strain crossing his face, but he didn’t bother pushing it away. He was too occupied to look at the beauty in the bed.
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