#feather mite
speculative-world · 1 year
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pterovolos, more commonly called a feather mite, are small populous ostoexoapo, which infest the fronds of feather ferns, they lack the ability to properly swim, instead climbing up the stems or even launching themselves up by building up pressure and force, they will leave a feather fern or other sederamichos after laying eggs inside of it, their larvae are very rarely free floating through the ammonia column, instead clinging themselves to the moss they mature on, and before maturation they stay in their birthplace and eat all the moss around them, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer
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tiktokparrot · 2 years
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tshemea · 9 months
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I decided to keep this version
Some interesting thoughts I have for this headcanon:
Peril's feathers slowly smolder. When a wind blows there appear to ba a slignt ash trail in the air
Peril's tail is pretty long and a lot hotter on the end (you might remember similar info about my oc Mite. You can see that I like when a dragon can make use of it's tail in battle >< )
Gonna try to draw something with this version soon
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todaysbird · 3 months
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I have no idea if this is the right place to post about this, but do you know why this bird is missing its head feathers? It's not a vulture as far as I know
It’s a Common Myna, and this phenomenon of randomly bald birds is really common with them, though nobody’s totally sure why. It’s theorized it’s just rough molts (although it’s odd that it wouldn’t happen in synchrony with other mynas if that were the case), but it could be other factors like mites. We see this in Cardinals and Blue Jays a lot, too, and while there’s not a lot of research into it it seems like across many birds, younger birds tend to have really rough molts in their first few years of life that can result in baldness like this. Either way, if the Myna is otherwise acting fine, it’s nothing to worry about!
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lizzy06 · 29 days
Tokoyami Fumikage x Reader Fic Recs!!(Tumblr/Ao3/Wattpad)
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My Hero Academia Fic Rec Masterlist
Advice✨ by @bnhascribbles  /ScatteredScribbles (oneshot, fluff)“Your feathers look dull,” you say, a little too fast, “And frayed. That means you don’t get enough Vitamin D.”[COMPLETED]
The Courtship Rituals of One Dark Little Bird✨ by IWillBeTheEndofYou (oneshot, fluff) Tokoyami is trying so hard to tell you something. You're so smart! Why can't you just figure it out on your own?[COMPLETED]
Rip It Off Like A Band-Aid ✨by @myheroacademiashorts (oneshot, jealousy, fluff, lil angst) You knew Tokoyami still liked you… At least, you were pretty damn sure he did. You glanced over at the scene again, brows furrowing as you watched your boyfriend duck his head closer to Tsuyu as the pair whispered.[COMPLETED]
Misunderstanding ✨ by @lordsister (oneshot, fluff, humor) Reader’s Quirk: Weretiger (can turn into a giant Siberian tiger) Kaminari stared at you as you gazed at Tokoyami, what he perceived to be a predatory gleam in your tiger-like eyes. “This is bad! She totally wants to eat him!”[COMPLETED]
You Are Just My Type by @myherofuckademia  (oneshot, fluff)Despite his life of darkness, you were Tokoyami’s sunshine.[COMPLETED]
Beak Kisses [Tokoyami x Reader]✨  by  Angry_Kitten_Bakugou (oneshot, fluff) Tokoyami is worried about kissing you, and you assure him through fluffy beak kisses that you don't mind.[COMPLETED]
attracting opposites✨ by  whatisreggieshortfor(oneshot, soulmate au, fluff) Your Quirks complement, you marks line up. It’s how you find the one that’s yours.[COMPLETED]
Face the Sun by @dira333/ Fogfire (oneshot, fluff) Tokoyami has a Crush and Class 1-A is adamant on helping, or at least getting all the tea about it.[COMPLETED]
Gift | Tokoyami by Nacatu(oneshot, friends to lovers, fluff) It’s the holidays and you want to send Tokoyami off with something from the heart.[COMPLETED]
Secret Admirer by AshREvans (oneshot, fluff) A fluffy tokoyami scenario where his female crush confesses to him after sending him a few secret admirer notes?[COMPLETED]
Sun-Kissed by LennonBlue(oneshot, fluff with lil angst)Just as the moon had fallen in love with the water and all of its ripples and mysteries, Tokoyami had fallen in love with you and all of the little things that made you yourself.[COMPLETED]
Maybe Feather Mites Aren’t so Bad After All ✨by BlackSoul36 (oneshot, fluff) Hawks gets feather mites and infects Tokoyami. You have to deal with treating them.[COMPLETED]
Valentine's Day - Tokoyami ✨ by  NightfallRevel (valentines day au, fluff)[COMPLETED]
Feathers by orphan_account(oneshot, fluff with lil angst)Newly working as a sidekick under the hero name Harpy, reader finds herself mentally and physically struggling with her quirk when things go awry, and receives assistance from everyone's favourite edgey birb.[COMPLETED]
Soulmate AU Tokoyami w/ Black and White AU hcs by @writing-freak (oneshot, soulmate au)your soulmate’s fears and insecurities are like shadows, and can turn your vision grey until you meet them. when tokoyami’s colors start fading, he becomes desperate to find you.[COMPLETED]
Soft Feathers by @justanotherpersonwhohateslife (oneshot, fluff) Tokoyami let out a small huff as your fingers rand over his feathers again.[COMPLETED]
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 11 months
What Is and Isn't a Fish: a List
A list of the animals I discussed in my fish essay, but for those who don't want to scroll through paragraphs of text to find out if an animal is or isn't a fish. Just CTRL+F your way through here!
I'll add onto here more animals whenever I get asked about them being fish. See my fish essay here!
Some notes before you proceed:
Yes, all tetrapods are fish! We are phylogenetically fish, as we are and our ancestors were lobe-finned fish! "Fish" in the phylogenetic sense is a paraphyletic group if you try to exclude tetrapods, so it is frankly impossible.
How come tetrapods aren't listed as fish then? Long answer, read my essay. Short answer, me and other fish accounts tend to operate on the morphological definition of fish, so does most of the world. Here I use the morphological definition of "fish".
Jawless fish
Cartilaginous fish
Whale shark
Chimaeras/Chimeras/Ghost sharks
Ray-finned fish
Moray eel
Sea dragon
Lobe-finned fish
Not Fish:
Spiny lobster
Mantis shrimp
Sea snail
Sea slug
Snails and slugs in general
Sea angel
Sea hare
Sea bunny
Horseshoe crab
Sea spider
Water mite
Diving bell spider
Jellyfish/Sea jelly/Jelly
Sea anemone/Anemone
Portugese man o' war
Sea cucumber
Sea pig
Feather star
Sand dollar
Sea biscuit
Sea cookie
Brittle star/Serpent star
Sea urchin
Starfish/Sea star
Comb jelly
Sea squirt
Bristle worm
Bobbit worm
Spoon worm
Giant tube worm
Bone-eating worm
Sea mouse/Sea mice
Feather duster worm
Christmas tree worm
Mudpuppy/Mud puppy
Sea snake
Water snake
Snakes in general
Sea krait
Snapping turtle
Softshell turtle
Sea turtle
Marine iguana
Baleen whale
Toothed whale
River dolphin
Beluga whale
Sperm whale
Sea lion
Leopard seal
Elephant seal
Sea cow
Sea otter
Water shrew
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homeofhousechickens · 6 months
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This hen is a great example of what a certain species of mite can do to a hen.
Most people would see this hen and think that maybe she was just a rooster's favorite or getting picked on but there are some clues that tell us this is not the case and what might actually be causing the problem.
1- This hen does not live with a rooster or cockerel.
2- This is happening during spring.
2- The hen's feathers look downy and rough, if you look closely the feathers are actually snapped in half.
3- The bald patches are showing redness and scabs
4- No parasite eggs were found.
5- Her head feathers around her comb look much better compared to her other feathers, if she was being bullied or over mated this would be one of the first places she would lose feathers.
6- Her feet are also showing signs of irritation.
So basically, these are all signs of Depluming mites. They are a bit different from other species of mite because it's rare to find them on the skin, and they give live birth, so it can be difficult to identify them as a problem. They burrow into the skin and into the feather shafts, which makes it difficult for the topical application of medication to deal with them as well. Without knowing what they are, they can be incredibly hard to treat, even avoiding showing up in skin scrapes and other tests. The only "nice" thing about these mites is that they can only spread through direct contact (usually infestions start due to contact with wild birds), so it's easy to isolate infested flock members.
The treatment for depluming mites is usually something like Ivermectin given orally along with topical medications (pesticides) and offering dust batheing material that is harmful to the mites such as wood ash mixed with DE. Large outbreaks or treatment resistant infestations should have the help of a chicken savy vet to treat.
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kedreeva · 6 months
what are some signs of upset or irritated peafowl? do peafowl shown signs of stress like excessive preening?
They do have stress signs, but excessive preening isn't typically one of them. If peafowl are missing feathers and it's not clearly a one-off situation where it comes right back and stays back, then it's usually because they have an ectoparasite like mites or lice, or there's bullying of some sort going on. Sometimes this is hierarchy related (like a hen snipping another hen's crown or a male letting a hen pluck his neck), sometimes it's aggression-related. If the birds are WAY overcrowded, then their social structure tanks and they will fight or pluck each other trying to make the other bird get out of their personal space. I OFTEN see photos of peafowl from overcrowded puppy-mill conditions that are missing large chunks or portions of feathers, sometimes as bad as having completely bald necks or backs. But I haven't seen a peafowl pluck themselves over anything except mites.
Typical stress behaviors look like fear or stereotypies. Pacing, clucking, looking for ways out/escape, constant movement all day (they spend a LOT of time loafing about if they're not stressed), even throwing themselves at walls/ceilings. Long term stress often leads to depressed immune systems so you will see birds getting sick often, lethargy, listlessness. Rather than excessive preening, you'd see a lack of preening, so messy or broken feathers are often an indicator (it's pretty rare for them to break feathers doing normal peafowl activities, but you see it if they're throwing themselves against stuff or away from other birds etc). They may also go off food/water, or at least eat and drink far less, which makes weight loss one of the first signs of stress or illness and it's unfortunately the symptom most likely to be overlooked- both because people aren't in the habit of regularly feeling up their birds (which they SHOULD be, BECAUSE weight loss happens SO fast with their metabolisms and is an easy and obvious indicator that something is wrong) and because people aren't usually educated in peafowl body condition scores. They're leaner than chickens, but they should never be Skinny. I have picked up birds at folks' farms and their chest is just a blade, just the keel bone sticking out prominently. That's Bad.
There's a few noises that they make that I think get misinterpreted by a lot of new owners. There's one in particular I have heard people refer to as a "purr" which is a small, soft trill. It sounds adorable. it is a growl that means "I'm about to kick your ass if you don't back the fuck up." It's one of the first noises they make under an acute stress, alongside of the "pik pik pik pik" cluck of distress.
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What's the story with the chickens? Sounds like you did some kind of a rescue operation.
Dezi over at @homeofhousechickens hatched and raised 3 Ayam Cemani roos several years ago. They kept one, Scootman, and sold his sibs Hades and Pinkie to what they thought was a good home. Since then, Scoot developed cancer and has passed.
A few days ago they saw on their local chicken group a guy saying he was culling his whole flock because they weren't productive anymore but was looking to sell the 2 roos they had. Dezi recognized the boys despite the state they were in and jumped to get them back.
These birds were gorgeous midnight colored beings with slightly rainbow iridescent feathers when they went to that place. Today they look like drowned rats but worse. Their feathers were crunchy and just felt gross to touch. They were scared and upset and stressed all to hell. We're both pretty sure the guy had been physically abusive to them, possibly kicking them and more. Theyve got frostbite damage to their skin, evidence of leg mites, probably internal parasites, and what looks and smells like a serious skin infection.
I was down in that area for a thing when Dezi posted their car was in the shop and didn't have a good way to get to them. I offered to pick the boys up so they wouldn't be in that place any longer. I just feel so relieved they are in the hands of someone who will love them; has always loved them; now.
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reassambled-dragoon · 17 days
7: Morsel
   There were several benefits to leaving the wilds and following the Red One, the chocobo mused as the Red One–though right now she wore white–removed his tack for the night. He turned his head to watch, his beak slightly open as he smiled. The Red One trilled softly, her tone deep and pleasant; after all these years, he understood enough man-speech to understand she was trilling something in Old Roegadyn, and as the song pleased him, he began to sing along.
   The Red One kissed his beak before brushing his feathers. This was one benefit, and a large one, as he no longer needed to worry about itchy mites and fleas. Nor did he need to worry about broken feathers or cut talons; if anything was amiss, he could count on The Red One to immediately see what was wrong and fix it immediately. He may not like the stinky, smelly medicines that she sometimes applied, but since the stink made the ouch go away, he was content to let himself be fussed over.
   The Red One paused her trilling to tap his beak. He stopped singing along and watched her patiently. A moment later, a soft piece of cloth rubbed sweet-smelling salve along where beak joined feathers, then another soft cloth gently rubbed warm wax on his beak itself. He knew he must wait patiently now, and not preen or groom himself yet, until the Red One finally wiped his beak again, removing any excess wax. Waiting didn’t bother him very much; the Red One’s voice was beautiful, her touch was gentle, and once his beak was clean, he knew she had a tasty morsel for him. Indeed, a snack was resting on her leather-covered man-talon, and the Red One was crooning praise.
   He trilled and bumped his beak against hers before delicately taking the treat; her talons were not as sturdy as his, so he needed to be gentle, like preening a chick.
   The Red One laughed, scratching his crest before turning away to open a sturdy bag. The wonderful, delicious scents of his feed–gysahl greens, karakka roots, fresh apples, and sweet grain–drifted out on the evening air. He caroled his thanks, hopping from one talon to the other and flapping his red-feathered wings in excitement before burying his shining beak into the tasties. The Red One laughed and stroked his back as he began eating, and he was happy.
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hournites · 11 months
I saw Hournite and immediately rushed to send in an ask! 😁 "Is this a date?" -Rhuben
Beth wiped silky cobweb film on her patchwork jeans. Mindful to not let her upbringing with wealthy parents and a spotless home cloud her judgment, she stepped away from the giant 80s curtains, continuing to meander through the fixer-upper. The wooden floorboards were swollen with old water damage and spreading apart by the front foyer, creaking beneath her tennis shoes. A stubborn stale smell lingered in the air, even after Rick opened windows to stop her sneezing.  
“I know it needs work.” Rick glanced around at the stains and barebones furniture, seeing his home through her eyes for the first time. “A lot of work.” 
“That doesn’t matter.” She turned around, full with so much gratitude. To her knowledge, Rick had never let anyone visit his house. When he casually suggested they stop by because he forgot his hourglass in his room, she nearly kicked her feet with giddy. She was happy just to be on his property for the first time, she didn’t expect him to give her a private tour. “I think this place is wonderful.” 
“It’s a shithole,” he corrected, shrugging a shoulder. “There was a pipe leak just last week. You don’t have to lie.” 
It wasn’t a lie. She wasn’t about to deny that it needed serious TLC. The rugs could use a good beating and every room she saw was practically begging for a deep clean. The only mirror was dirty and cracked in the bathroom. The couch could at minimum use a cover, but honestly needed to be replaced…Swiffer could do a commercial here for their mops. No dishwasher and a clothesline for his flannel to dry. At the same time, in all its depressing neglected glory, many trinkets belonging to Rick’s parents were left behind by Matt Harris, writing them off as worthless in value. It was humbling and reassuring to see the reminders of the house this once was. It brought Rick’s past alive. 
In fact, she was certain she could transform this into a rustic, positive and hospitable space Rick wouldn’t have to feel ashamed of. With some flowers in window planters and a few fruit trees for Grundy, they could even revive the farm and make it beautiful again. 
“Nonsense.” Sitting down on a soft duvet in the room they ended up in, she slipped her hands behind herself to curb the itch she had to fetch her goggles and measure dimensions. She flashed him a grin instead. “It just needs a trip to Ikea.”
“…Ikea?” he repeated, like it was a foreign word. 
Beth gave him an excited nod. “Mmhm!” 
Rick crossed his arms with a strange look on his face, leaning against the doorpost as she looked around, noticing a mismatching vibe she couldn’t quite place. She sniffed after another tickling sneeze, nose no longer quite so clogged with dust mite. An earthy scent greeted her at last. A hint of sandalwood and trees.
 “It smells so good here.” She settled in, crossing one leg underneath the other and pulled out her phone for Ikea’s web browser while ideas were still fresh. “Best spot so far.” 
“This is my room,” he told her, amused. “And that’s my bed, so you’re smelling me.” 
She gaped at him, ignoring the flush warming her cheeks. “Your room?” 
But there wasn’t a single personal item here on display! No books, snack wrappers, or any pictures…There was the bed and a chair, and, yes, admittedly now she did see his phone charger plugged into the outlet in the corner, but…she at least expected the hourglass to be somewhere noticeable. 
“What?” he teased. “Didn’t think my bed would be made?”
She stood up, sensitive to what was growing between them and unsure how to proceed. “I didn’t say that!” she protested hotly. 
“I know, B. I’m kidding.” 
His tone went soft. Like he loved to ruffle her feathers for the opportunity to gently set her at ease. 
Opening his door to her also opened a part of  himself that Beth always craved after. As guarded as he first was that she knew everything about where he came from, he’d quickly adapted and affirmed her presence much like the baby steps it took for Rick to invite her to sit shotgun in the Mustang. And now it was her unofficial official seat. 
“But why is it always you now,” Yolanda used to whine when Rick picked them up for school. Beth would shrug innocently, like she hadn’t been aware their dynamic was charged from the start. 
She wasn’t sure how long he’d ever had the peace they fostered in the Mustang, knowing this was the very place he’d used the car for to escape. It wasn’t lost on her that their friendship filled a lot of voids. Connection, solidarity, and, well, partnership. Which, at first, worked in the traditional sense on the team, but had now sailed into the uncharted gray area beyond intense friendship. She couldn’t help longing for more. And, she knew, she was the one that usually tested the boundary as the extrovert of the two, but it secretly thrilled her when it was Rick’s doing, which he was more often. 
It had only occurred to her that she’d never let Rick into her bedroom all the times he’d stayed over. Why was that? Her parents never set out any ground rules. And there she was, curling up in his private space–She could only dream what was running through his mind. Was there such a thing as too comfortable? How much was too much?
“And—” she continued to justify, even though Rick never asked. “I likely have your scent memorized because I’m familiar with your car. Or something.”
“Sure.” Rick lifted an eyebrow at her, and kept going. “Or, you just really like my aftershave.” Bending down, he pulled out a storage container from under his bed with a padlock and that had all his stuff. 
Beth glanced out the window at the field of dry grass, hoping he’d open it too when the room only grew warmer as more unwarranted thoughts of Rick shaving leisurely swirled around her head. 
Meanwhile, Rick latched onto the golden chain of the hourglass and slipped it round his neck. She decided she’d rather be embarrassed about finding such random things Rick does attractive than stay sad about the state of his living habits, clearly developed from living with his uncle. He deserved a teenage room, not a hotel safe. Now that thought drove her to wrap her arms around his middle. 
“Thanks for bringing me here.” 
Rick returned her hug hesitantly, genuinely confused. “Is this just an excuse to smell me?” 
“No,” she said with a roll of her eyes, a teeny tiny fib–she’d already buried her face into his shirt. But this was not the time for that, so she sacrificed the sandalwood for propriety and regretfully pulled away. “I know it matters, that’s all. You could’ve told me to wait in the car but you didn’t. So, thank you.” 
He nodded and Beth stepped back, folding her arms.“So, Ikea after training?” 
She watched him nervously rub his jaw and added, “We can set a budget. And you get veto power over anything we get.” She crossed her heart but in their business, didn’t think it prudent to hope to die. 
“Okay, but I veto.” 
Her hand is still over her chest. “You veto.” 
“It’s my budget not yours.” 
“Okay, but can I buy a few things?” 
“Define a few.” 
She held out a hand. “Ten things?” She saw his face twist and quickly adjusted. “Five things! Five things you really want!”
“One thing. Maybe. I’ll pay you back later. And, I’d need your advice anyway so don’t give me that look. And this is my house, not yours.” 
She saluted as he shepherded her out of his room with a hand on the small of her back.  “Message clear and understood.” 
“Is this a date?” She peered into a display box with a dozen different door knobs in one of the Ikea showrooms. Rick gave her a long sideways glance as he pushed a cart twice the length of Courtney’s staff. 
“What?” She laughed in his pointed silence. “People go on Ikea dates all the time! They browse interior decor, ask probing questions to get to know each other, share Pinterest ideas to share their dream house aesthetics, and find pieces that fit both styles. There’s a restaurant to eat Swedish meatballs for dinner…Not to mention the teamwork required afterwards for assembly.”
“You think building furniture together with wordless instructions is romantic?” 
“It can be with the right person! And a pair of very useful AI goggles. Or a guy with very convenient strength.” She picked up an eight dollar lampshade. “This one?”
He wrinkled his nose. “Does it come in black? And I thought you were very against using JSA stuff for non-JSA things.”
“Exceptions can be made–Are you sure you want black? That’s a depressing color.” 
“I’m sure.” 
She sighed, resigning to the unforgivable fact Rick was a monochromatic minimalist by default. She noted it down to collect in the maketplace. “So, is this a date?”  
The long cart came to a stop. Rick rested his elbow against the metal grate handle. “Believe it or not I do have standards. I’m not having a first date be a trip to Ikea because my house is so ugly it rendered you to tears.” 
She laughed again in disbelief, having so much fun. “I did not cry!” 
“You hugged me!” 
“Because you smelled really good, and I was in your room, which also smelled really good, and I was happy,” she explained, gesturing wildly. 
“You’re going to bump into that dresser,” Rick warned her, avoiding a backwards collision with the KOPPANG by tugging her close just in the nick of time. 
Greeted by sandalwood yet again, she whispered, “So a first date in your books would not include Ikea at all?”
“Not a first date. Not any date.”
“Noted.” She peered at him quickly, then glanced away to watch other families and couples shop, clasping her wrists behind her back as they walked along the long natural way. Rick strayed away to pick up a few things.
It was when she got lost going through the Turkish rug samples hanging from the ceiling that an arm wrapped around her and she got a kiss on her cheek felt all the way down to her toes. 
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kelpeigh · 1 year
Do you find taking care of Clydes much different? I love drafts but have never been around them much. I used to have to trim my standies' feathers cos he would get greasy heel all the time (he had allergies and dermatitis, so just the most shit skin barrier imaginable). How do their feeties hold up compared to the lil guys? I have heard trimmers talk somewhat about drafts being different... Just curious :) :)
They have their quirks for sure!
As far as taking care of them goes, you do need to approach and handle them a little differently. There’s really no muscling what you want out of them with brute strength. It takes a little more work to make yourself “bigger” than a moose-sized horse. That said, their reputation of being calm and gentle is well-met in my experience. The primary danger isn’t in them acting out of aggression or anxiety; it’s in them being goofy and clumsy and entirely unaware of their own strength. Imagine a 200lb mastiff trying to crawl into your lap. Now multiply its weight by ten and give it hooves. That’s a Clydesdale.
All the Clydes at our place are barefoot year round and their feet hold up great. Having a great farrier that’s well versed in draft horses makes a huge difference. He has 8 Belgians himself so he’s no stranger to handling big horses and any intricacies therein.
Our clydes need trimming less often than the light horses on the farm. I don’t know if that’s specific to our horses or the breed (or something about the ground here? It’s red clay. All hooves around here tend to get rock hard). Before coming to my current farm I worked with other draft breeds and they seemed to stick to a typical 6 week cycle. Our clydes go more like 8 between trims. Many draft horse owners find difficulty in finding a farrier that a) will trim draft horses at all, b) doesn’t charge like… double the normal rate for a trim*, and c) know what the hell they’re doing. Luckily our farrier only charges $40/horse, no matter the size.
The biggest difference in maintenance is the feathers for sure. They’re prone to infection since they act like a wick for any water on the ground, trap moisture, and make it hard to spot any open wounds or abrasions in the first place. Mites are a common problem for the breed, but we’ve been lucky so far. For maintenance, every so often we rinse them, wash with Dawn or Head & Shoulders, rinse again, then load em with sulphur. Liquid topical ivermectin is a godsend for most ailments. We just squirt it up in the feathers with a syringe.
CPL is an unfortunate condition to which draft horses are prone. It’s similar to elephantiasis. Our little senior rescue, Abby, has the beginnings of it. And speaking of feathers, Abby doesn’t tolerate her legs being sprayed or hosed. So in lieu of the normal routine we clip her feathers and slather a homebrew ointment of ivermectin, DMSO gel, and furasyn on her legs to keep her comfortable. It looks and smells terrible but it’s sufficed so far. That used to be harrowing work but she’s getting better and better about it as she continues to accept that we’re not trying to kill her.
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*This is not to imply that farriers aren’t justified in charging extra for working with draft horses. They do require specialized knowledge. Draft horses, being overgrown lapdogs, also tend to make farriers support their weight, which is a big problem with 2,000lbs of horse. And as the “cold-blooded” variety, drafts tend to blow up less, but when they do lose their cool there is added danger due to their size and power. A lot of drafts end up getting their feet done in stocks for ease and safety. Ours don’t need stocks for the farrier, but we have stocks on site. They come in handy now and then.
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astarab1aze · 3 months
"Griffin, darling," Vayn addressed in so thin and posh a lilt, wetting his lips and grinning the while. "Would you like to go on a little adventure with me?"
He'd taken an opportunity in a break in Griffin's snarky squawking, digging his chin into the palm of his hand, to interject, intending only to brighten the demon's seemingly dour day with a spot of whimsy and fun. Surely V wouldn't mind if the pair ran off - he was a bit busy managing the bar with Garrett, after all, and that devil had been...less than amicable since the evening began. So sour, so crude, vulgar, and foul of mood, V being the only among them to escape his ire. Even those boys - Yami and Dexter, he believed their names were - got an earful or three, but the bitter one and Griffin had gotten the worst of it for certain.
So, of course, yes, Vayn wanted to assist in cheering up his newfound friend. He knew how awful it was to be bullied relentlessly by those in close proximity, irrespective of relation. He might've been taking things a bit seriously, but his heart was in the right place - or so he hoped.
He tilted his head and hummed softly to himself, regarding dark blue-raven feathers and curved, hooked split-beak. The adventure in mind wasn't anything to speak of, per say, certainly nothing worthy of legend or poetic eddas, but it was an adventure nonetheless - something the pair of them could handle on their own, without V or Garrett.
"I say, we should investigate these rumors about a murderer in the area. The circumstances are a little strange, I'm inclined to believe they aren't murders at all but something of a more supernatural nature. If human authorities haven't been able to get to the bottom of this, then shouldn't we try? You're a devil hunter, if only because of V, but what would you say of the hallmarks of fire and brimstone left at every crime scene, my dear? It can't only be a human with a gun if sulphur and imprecision are at play. A devil like this isn't so much concerned with getting caught as they are... something else. Perhaps they're leading whoever gets curious enough to follow to some place terrible, or toward an inevitable end of a sort."
It all sounded a mite dangerous now, or like dramatic gossip, all conjecture and little proof - though, wasn't that how crimes of a supernatural flavor always began? Whispers of frightful, savage deaths in long, dark alleyways, victims slashed or outright torn to shreds, gritty details kept hush-hush as to prevent panic. Dark and dangerous indeed, but a few human murders couldn't possibly be enough to sway him from course. Vayn, in a sense, wanted to take a page out of the devil hunters' books this time, and he wouldn't bow to his cowardice. Or so he hoped.
"Someone with sharper eyes and other senses ought to take a closer look, get into a little trouble, save the day... Come, come with me!"
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lostlegendaerie · 2 years
Backyard Chickens: A Master Post
So you want your own little dinosaurs to eat your table scraps and make breakfast for you in the sunny months. Well! I am here to provide a quick starter to getting your own flock set up - and yes, for urban chickens as well.
Things to consider:
What can you have? Local laws usually dictate how many chickens can be kept per household/acre. Laws can vary by state and city. Look this up first. You can usually keep more bantams (miniature chickens) than their full-size cousins, and with chickens being so social I do recommend bantams for urban/suburban yards.
What weather will they be exposed to? Indoor chickens can generate a lot of dust, but small outdoor coops can be difficult to heat safely. Dual purpose breeds are usually more cold-hardy than layer varieties, and everybody likes fresh water and shade in the heat. Frozen water bottles left outside to thaw can keep birds cool, too.
What will eat them? I have had little losses to foxes, personally, and more to neighborhood dogs. Raccoons are nearly everywhere in North America and will tear open fences to eat your babies. (I would know. I've had to deal with the aftermath.) Rabbit hutches are a good starter for bantams, but a good coop made of wood and a yard made of hardware cloth or dog fence panels (and with netting on top for hawks/owls) will keep out most things. Weasels/mink will fit through gaps bigger than an inch, so be careful of that, too.
What do they need? Chickens love to scratch and forage (and some can fly short distances and modest heights) so if you're letting them on the lawn be prepared for them to eat it - no pesticides on that turf! At night, they prefer to sleep on perches/something with a bit of height to it and do best locked in their coop where other critters can't eat them. A place to nest and lay their eggs in their coop (otherwise they will find their own little secret place, God help you find it) and a place to dust-bathe (like chinchillas) to help keep mites and lice out of their feathers. They'll also need some grit and calcium - crushed oyster shell (or their own eggshells) will help.
Where can I get them? Many farm and feed stores like Tractor Supply Company will sell baby chicks during the spring, but if you're looking for specific bantams or unusual breeds I recommend checking out your State Fair or a Poultry Association show [American version located here] and check it out. They're free admission, generally, and almost every show has people who bring birds to sell. While the demographics tend to slant pretty "red" I have seen plenty of blue hair and pronouns at poultry shows. Facebook can also be a great resource.
How do I get everyone to get along? Chickens are notoriously territorial, with a vicious pecking order that make Mean Girls a documentary. Chickens who are raised from chicks together will get along best, but if you need to add more I would introduce two or more at a time (so the newbies have a friend) and put them in a nearby yard/cage for a few days until everyone has worked out their opinions through the bars of a cage. Some breeds are sweeter than others (buff orpington) and some are.... spicy (Plymouth rocks).
Saro's Personal Breed Recommendations
Dual Purpose (cold weather) - Black Australorps , Buff Orpington, New Hampshire Reds are all generally pretty good natured and calm. The platonic ideal of a chicken.
Layer breeds (warm weather) - Leghorns are the go-to, but I have a soft spot for Hamburg as well. And of course, who wouldn't love a chicken who lays dark brown (Marans) or green/blue (Ameraucauna) eggs?
Bantams - D'Anvers with their little beards are my all time favorite and have the biggest personalities in my experience, but Old English Game (even more zippity) and Black Sumatras (all black, even down to the skin, and shockingly calm in hand) are high on the list as well. And everyone loves the fluffy-faced Silkie or feather footed Cochin.
Hopefully this is enough to get you started! Feel free to send me questions or add on with a couple of your own tips (especially non-US people and those with indoor chickens). I've been raising them for eggs, pets, and for show since 2005, but I am always eager to learn.
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objecthusbandry · 9 days
do you have any information on feathers? ^^ they’re my second favourite object, tea cups being the first, which is why my anon tag is that !
— ☕️🪶anon
of course!
feathers are a fascinating species. their body shapes resembling the feathers of birds is due to their primary method of feeding: they'll stay still in an area frequented by birds and grab onto them via their legs or wings. once latched on, they'll climb onto the back of the bird, burrow into its feathers to disguise itself and wait until it lands or sleeps, after which they'll pick through the actual feathers to find mites. they keep birds free of parasites, so the birds leave them be! they evolved their shape as camouflage to remain hidden while the bird is in flight. their extremely lightweight bodies both keep them from needing to eat very much as well as help them to not weigh down their main host; and in the case that they fall off or the bird does remove them, they'll simply flutter down to the ground unharmed. they have very little nutritional value, so they're not typically hunted by other objects or animals. by consuming ectoparasites of birds, they also help keep them free of mite-carried disease. they groom themselves a lot to prevent mites from climbing onto them as well.
or at least, some feathers only consume mites. there are some species of feather that feed directly on the blood of birds, and some will even attempt drinking blood from other species as well. these blood-drinking feathers are usually larger and resemble flight feathers more than the downy shapes of their insectivore cousins.
the social habits of these objects are poorly understood. it's likely some feathers spend nearly their entire lives on the body of a bird, only coming off when necessary or by accident. we don't fully know how they parent their young, for how long or in what habitat. blood-drinking feathers have not been domesticated, but lab tests indicate mite-eating feathers may be able to sustain themselves on other types of arthropods in captivity, so domestication of them as an exotic pet has been considered.
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helloemptyset · 2 years
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[ Image: A bunch of doodles of the main characters from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. The biggest drawing is of Yellow Guy stuck halfway through a tire swing, waving a hand up and saying 'Guys... I'm stuck.' He is drawn in a lighter yellow than the other Yellow Guys on the page. There are a few doodles on the other side of the page, with a half-drawn Red Guy holding a ringing rectangular cell phone with a rotary phone on the screen, a drawing of Duck with a more rubber-duck shaped body with the addition of little legs and a goofy, raised eyebrow expression, and Red Guy and Yellow Guy looking at a drink menu and a regular menu respectively, with Red Guy asking 'Where'd the other one go?' and Yellow Guy trying to pronounce Duck a L'orange as "Duck... Ah... Lor-ange...", with a disturbed expression. The menu has a picture of a cracked egg oozing something opaque on the back of it. Intertwined with these doodles is a small scene with Red Guy leaning his head and shoulders onto a counter and Yellow Guy sitting on Red Guy's back to brush his hair. Yellow Guy is singing 'Hi-gene, brush-ing, gets rid of rats and bugs and bee-', but is interrupted by Duck shouting 'Stop hogging the brush you foul thing! My mites are acting up!' Duck's head feathers are visibly ruffled and there are small mites jumping off of him. At the very top, in periwinkle, a sideways comb with a mustache and teeth in between two comb teeth to serve as a mouth dances with his own brush and says, 'I eat hair.' Red Guy is drawn in maroon, Duck is drawn in medium green, and Yellow Guy is drawn in mustard. ]
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