#feat. her two kids and references to her wife her sith-defector-turned-self-proclaimed-uncle and the former wrath
oolathurman · 7 years
Attachments are forbidden. Right?
“Well, Satele and I were never that close,” Theron explained, slouching back in the plush seat. “You know how it is, Master Azukni. Jedi and families and all of that.”
The zabrak Jedi nodded slowly, taking in his words. “Well, we do generally have rules and guidelines regarding attachments - it’s to help us focus on a larger picture. But as for family-“
“Mom!” A child burst through the door before Azukni could finish her sentence, another child following behind. “Elanii pulled my lekku again!”
Azukni nearly jumped from her seat, torn between rushing over to her togruta daughter and keeping this appointment that she had set up with Theron. Yet before the Jedi could respond, the other child spoke.
“Kadryd stole my starship though! She lifted it up in the air and I couldn’t get it down because she used the Force!” Elanii, the sith pureblood girl two and a hald years older than togruta child, pointed with an accusing finger.
The mother of the two looked between their faces, exasperated. “Mama Lei isn’t around to talk about this? I’m talking with Uncle Theron right now.”
“We couldn’t find Mama Lei and Uncle Rakheshi told us to find you!”
“He said that he didn’t want to get you or Mama Lei mad!”
The mother’s eyes darted from her children to Theron, who had yet to say a word about the interruption. “Um, go talk to Uncle Wanwo! And if he doesn’t know what to do, just- just tell him that Mama Azu and Mama Lei are busy and can’t help right now, okay?” And before the children could protest any further, she was on her feet and ushering her girls out, with the door closing behind them.
Theron’s eyes were trained on her face with an expression she couldn’t read. “Sorry Theron, I’ll have to make sure that we aren’t interrupted again in the future.” Master Azukni made her way back to her seat, more embarrassed by the interruption than anything else. Once she smoothed out her robes, she looked back towards Theron with an apologetic smile. “What were we talking about again?”
“I, uh, think we were talking about Jedi attachments, or-“
“Families! Right!” she filled in immediately. “Well, like I was saying, we do try to stay away from attachments, but as far as Jedi and families go...”
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