#fe kronya
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rainbowdonkee · 1 month ago
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All art during the CYL9 campaign from FEH official twitter account!
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smkittykat · 1 year ago
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Since she was.. highly requested- Sailor Kronya
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hulloitsdani · 3 months ago
Give some headcanon on if Kiran from fire emblem heroes would interact with the fallen heroes in the order especially someone like fallen nergal let's say nergal won't left unscathed
Especially if Alfonse is nearby or godforbide is lif
Sure! Unfortunately, I have not played Blazing Blade, so I’m not too familiar with Nergal as a character. I recall his appearance in Forging Bonds being fun, but ultimately I don’t know enough about him to comment on the potential on that specific dynamic. I shall leave those headcannons to you, my friend. However, I do think about fallen/antagonistic heroes a lot.
I believe this came up with a lot of 3 houses characters, but it’s commented on how those summoned by Kiran can’t harm anyone else they’ve also summoned. No hero on hero violence. It’s how you get the mildly hilarious dynamic between Chrom, Robin, Lucina, and Grima. They cannot physically harm each other, so it’s time for psychological warfare! Kinda! It’s in the form of a heated philosophy discussion, because Grima is not as good at this as he thinks he is. It’s delightful.
But, let’s think about that critically for a second. Kiran can control who Grima, a god of ruin and despair, can harm. And Grima is, notedly, intelligent— he most definitely tested the extents of this limitation. Especially when Chrom was off waxing poetic on how the strength of human connection can change fate again. He definitely tried, but he can’t kill anyone this bumbling imbecile doesn’t approve of. No one can. It’s part of the contract every hero is immediately put under and none have managed to break it. This safety precaution presumably also extends to themself and their allies.
Meaning, Kiran does not need any type of protection. Kiran is the one in control here.
Hell, they’re in control of people who have NEVER had the tables turned on them like this. And THATS the fun part of fallen/villain units. I personally love the Grima and Kiran dynamic, because this near all powerful being is now chained to and has to protect this normal guy. But that’s hardly the only variant of this. For example, if I’m recalling correctly, there’s a forging bond involving Kronya from FE3H, in which she talks about why she is more than content to fight for the Order. It’s violence without any drawbacks. Sure, the heroes are given shelter, food, money, compensation, and yadda yadda yaaaa. But the real perk? You can’t die here, kid. As long as that tactician is around, you can run wild. And they don’t give a damn about the violence enacted, as long as the job gets done. Askr is a beautiful bloody battlefield on loop, and all the violent sickos get to partake with no risk to themselves. What more could she possibly want?
That is mostly conclusions Kronya personally came to, but I imagine Kiran subtly nudged her into that line of thinking when giving the initial pitch. Took one good look at her and knew not to try to appeal to the moral goodness of her heart when asking her to fight for Askr. Kiran is good at people managing, in that way. Has done enough customer service for that to come pretty naturally. As a result, they are the glue that keeps the Order running on a social level. Which, to be clear, is a testament to their skill. They are genuinely very charming and use that to make would be villains into willing helping hands.
As for the Askr trio’s reactions to this, it varies, but no one can argue with the results. Anna will, on occasion, give them a hubris check. Although she has learned to trust their capabilities, she remains the most skeptical and is the one needing to be convinced when Kiran summons a new feral raccoon with rabies to fight in their army. Mr. Told Death He’d Kill Her In A Week is far more down for this and is rather intrigued on how Kiran managed to convince said raccoon to listen to them. (Parental validation apparently. A lot of these guys have daddy issues.) Sharena, meanwhile, brings up the glaring obvious moral trolley problem??? You guys???? Having these morally dubious heroes as part of the Order is a powerful boon, but it would also make their cruelty a fundamental part of the Order of Heroes. So maybe some critical thought should be put behind that before launching fallen Ike at Freya full speed. The other three then all awkwardly look at each other as they realize that did not occur to them in the slightest. Whoops. This is why Sharena is an indispensable part of the Order. Thank you and good night!
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dazzle-art · 7 months ago
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I started keeping a journal of all my theories about unexplained things in games and this is the doodle included on the "Kronya is a Construct" page
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jebbeesketches · 1 year ago
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Peri/Kronya Murder gfs :3
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possessedbyadisease · 3 months ago
Every time I play Monica's paralogue in Three Hopes, I switch her class to assassin and equip Athame+Lorenz's merch whistle, so that when she confronts Kronya she can beat the shit out of her with her own weapon, lmaoooo
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theeeveetamer · 2 years ago
Kinda the 3H MILFs but not really (give us more MILFs, Intsys)
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Remember I don't want the one you like the most. I want the one you'd fuck
As always feel free to drop your justifications in the tags or comments
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fehnix · 4 months ago
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rosecelebi · 2 years ago
Posting my favorite FEH Meet the Heroes art every day
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wispisstillverybored67 · 1 month ago
give us all the Kronya headcanons
Oho? It's about time! Let's see...
She can be quite irreverent with others in TWSITD. Since she's well aware she's not well-regarded because she's not good at magic, the one person she seems to respect is Chilon. This irreverence among say, Solon or Thales, is reciprocated.
Those 3 tails on her outfit aren't part of her outfit, they're actually her tails. The disguise spell had a hard time replicating that as Monica, but there seem to be some tassels around her skirt that probably weren't there before...
Speaking of Monica, I always presumed that she was dead. The real Monica. Hearing that she was alive in Warriors made me think that she was killed in some timelines... like 3 Houses.
She's the type to remember the faces of her victims just so she can reminisce on the kills later on. Names, though? Why does she have to remember the names of beasts? Strangely, she seems fond of Monica??? Fondly reminiscing about hanging out with her????
Loves sweet and spicy food, hates fish with a passion.
Due to her height and personality, she's often mistaken for being younger then she actually is. She's been looking into something to make her taller once she gets back to Agartha. Call her short at your own risk.
Her lack of magic is a sour spot for her, and outwardly, she'll pretend that it's the weapon for weaklings, but in private, she's sometimes studying to improve. Now, if she became playable, would she have a flat weakness in both magic, or would Reason be a Budding Talent? Decisions, decisions...
You know the thing where someone will join the military to avoid jail time? That's Kronya, she got in trouble for petty crimes and joined those who slither in the dark to avoid punishment. You know she's 18? Unused stuff.
Due to her deep love for chaos and all things exciting, she would have really enjoyed the War Phase to the fullest, and was horrified and sincerely confused when her life ended before the good things happened.
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beetlebane · 9 months ago
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Furry emblem part 5
Flame emperor is a Pheonix
Monica is a red-ruffed lemur
Kronya is a ring-tailed lemur
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azelfandquilava · 10 months ago
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(Art by @1017yanagi)
Unfun fact: The first time Cleobulus and Kronya interact is during Arlen's Forging Bond event in FEH. 3H writers were sleeping on them clearly.
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juliakeyoto · 1 month ago
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The official boobs/ass chart for all the ladies in Fodlan (not my chart for context, just thought this was all interesting)
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dazzle-art · 2 years ago
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"Did you say something? I wasn't paying attention. I was thinking of worms slowly eating you to death."
Feh shenanigans part 1 (?): Kronya gets angry I put a hat on her and now she wants to kill me
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jebbeesketches · 2 years ago
"I guess we're both the same"
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givemeallyourpenny · 2 years ago
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Fe3h as some of the silly posts that have crossed my dash
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