#fdhsdfh im still trying to get to my inbox bare with me guys ; ;
threshprince · 6 years
3, 9, 10, 19 and 20! For Bad day self ship ask c:
3. How does your partner cheer you up?
Eddie notices when I’m feeling down really easily and can read it super easy. It’ll depend on the situation but if I am wanting physical attention he’ll draw a bath for me and after he’ll go out of his way to give me a super nice backrub (dang is he ever good with those) and lots of snuggling afterwards. It usually eases any stress that I have. If I’m anxious he talks to me, makes sure I’m grounded and listens to me. He reassures me of all the anxiety I’m having and is calm about it since he himself has it he knows how it is. We both have anxiety together so we both take the time to get through it together. If I’m not feeling physical and want to be left alone for a while he will go out and pick up something to eat and lets me sleep if I need it. The Symbiote helps throughout all of these processes and will envelop me if I am not feeling good. They sense when I’m not the best and usually are the first to really point it out. They are very physical contact based and are very warm and soothing so it’s a plus for them to always be that way. Venom however loves to actually get me out and about if I’m feeling not so good. He’ll go webswinging with me and it’s usually calming to me now that I know he has me secure at all times. The rise and fall of his motions are relaxing once you get used to it as I rest on his back secured by his tendrils… oh yeah, and he feeds me chocolate. Always.
9. Who’s more likely to cry on a bad day?
Me. Always me. Though, it takes a bit of prompting for me to cry. If I’m in the presence of them it’s hard for me to cry because I get embarrassed when I cry around people. I don’t want them to worry about me.
10. How does your partner react to you crying?
Part 2 to the other question but when they do catch me crying they try not to get too invasive. They do however come to comfort me and dry my tears. They give me time to explain what made me cry and just hold me as long as it takes for me to stop crying. Venom is especially protective and will always wonder if it was someone who made me cry or just me crying from something out of my control. Eddie, The Symbiote, and Venom always make sure I’m taken care of when I am crying if I don’t try to hide it. Not on purpose however it’s just how I’m kind of programmed with having to hide things from my parents which Eddie can relate with very well.
19. How long does it actually take your partner to tell you what’s wrong?
It takes a bit of coaxing on Eddie’s end considering he’s still getting used to explaining stuff to someone physically there for him. Besides The Symbiote of course, but just, an actual human being to interact with. I’m always patient with him and hold his hands and let him know that I’m there for him when he does decide to tell me what is wrong. He eventually does but it’s not always immediate. He usually thinks about things mentally before actually speaking aloud and that’s okay because I know how it is. I can’t immediately speak out my feelings easily either. They all have their bad days and I just, try my best to do what I can for them too no matter how long it takes.
20. How long does it take you to tell them what’s wrong?
Pretty much depends on how bad I’m feeling and the subject. It’s usually immediate if they do approach me and I’m upset since I do trust them but sometimes I can’t get out what is making me upset. Sometimes I don’t even know why I’m feeling bad but I just am. Eddie and the Symbiote + Venom are super understanding of this and I appreciate that a ton.
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