#fd: durarara
pocketramblr · 2 years
No, FD mask is a simple mask. Link got it at the festival that was taking place at the time so random people wouldn't recognise him when he confronts Majora. The only people who could know it was him are Majora themself and the ones Link has helped out of Majora's scemes. Who obviously won't sell him out. (Btw, I would like to include a Durarara reference but Link isn't able to easily throw vending machines in this AU)
So Link went and pulled a Blue Spirit, nice
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mrsfullbuster500 · 2 years
Ok, so random post time. I just finally finished the anime Durarara recently, and kinda felt the need to talk about it a little bit here.
Can we just address how bonkers the show actually gets? I mean, I knew the finale was going to be chaotic, this is Durarara we’re talking about after all, but damn did it getting that bonkers towards the end catch me off guard. I honestly wouldn’t even know where to start if I were to do an in depth review.
It made me realise how much I love this show precisely because of how unapologetically chaotic it is. It knows what it is and it doesn’t even care, it just keeps on dialling, and that’s what makes the show so damn good.
Won’t lie, probably would’ve been nice to know for sure what ultimately happens to Izaya, he is one of my favourite characters in the show, but I’ll happily just headcanon that he lives since we don’t get a concrete answer.
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mrsfullbuster500 · 2 years
OC Introduction & Outfit Showcase - Kazue Heiwajima
Name: Kazue Heiwajima
Chatroom Name: Kitsune
Gender: Female
Age: 22-23 (Durarara)
        24 (Durarara x2)
Birthday: 10th April
Family: Kichirou Heiwajima (Adoptive Father)
              Namiko Heiwajima (Adoptive Mother)
              Atsuko Heiwajima (Twin Sister)
              Shizuo Heiwajima (Adoptive Older Brother)
              Kasuka Heiwajima (Adoptive Younger Brother)
Outfit Showcase
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Hot Weather
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Cold Weather
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Teenager ( Raijin Academy/Raira Academy Uniform)
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mrsfullbuster500 · 2 years
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And we have another Durarara post since I’m absolutely obsessed with the show atm. Remembering stuff I’d forgotten about is just giving me more excuses to do some more showcases of my OCs Atsuko and Kazue.
I will do introduction and outfit showcase posts for these two. This time I decided to go into the past and do some designs of their younger selves. 
Might do more eventually, but for now I settled on doing their school uniforms for when they attended Raira Academy when they were teenagers. I also tried a few poses, but couldn’t decide on which one I liked more so I used them both.
When I was putting these outfits together, I had a look at the uniforms in the show and the general rules in Japanese schools when it came to what students are allowed to wear. With that in mind, I did end up changing Kazue’s hair colour back to blonde, at least for her teen self while she was still in school.
So on the left we have Atsuko and on the right we have Kazue, felt the need to mention who is who since they had the same hair colour at this point.
I absolutely love how the uniforms turned out though. Tbh I’ve always loved that Realm of Magic top, but never saw an opportunity to use it until now. I hope you guys like how the uniforms turned out looking too.
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mrsfullbuster500 · 2 years
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Yet another Durarara post. The freeze frames on the characters in the openings for the show gave me some picture ideas for my OCs, so that’s what I’ve been up to all day.
Of course I used the sims of Atsuko and Kazue I did in Sims 4, most of the time and effort went into removing the background from the screenshots I took of the sims for the pictures I wanted to do.
Then I had use filters to try and get close to the effects in the Durarara openings. It’s not a perfect match, but I feel it’s pretty close. It was the freeze frames from x2 in particular that I drew inspiration from. The kanji is their names in surname then first name order, figured it appropriate since all the openings, aside from the second one, had the characters’ names like that.
I’m super happy with how the pictures turned out, and I hope you guys like them as much as I do.
Of course, if any of you guys want on the taglist for Durarara, then just let me know and I’ll get you on there.
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mrsfullbuster500 · 2 years
OC Introduction & Outfit Showcase - Atsuko Heiwajima
Name: Atsuko Heiwajima
Chatroom Name: Koneko
Gender: Female
Age: 22-23 (Durarara)
         24 (Durarara x2)
Birthday: 10th April
Family:  Kichirou Heiwajima (Adoptive Father)
               Namiko Heiwajima (Adoptive Mother)
               Kazue Heiwajima (Twin Sister)
               Shizuo Heiwajima (Adoptive Older Brother)
               Kasuka Heiwajima (Adoptive Younger Brother)
Outfit Showcase
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Hot Weather
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Cold Weather
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Teenager ( Raijin Academy/Raira Academy Uniform)
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mrsfullbuster500 · 2 years
New/Old OCs - Durarara!!
Alright, back with another new OC post for a new fandom. Long story short, I decided to commit to getting properly back into anime again, and have been actually kinda obsessed with Durarara specifically.
So with that being said, here are yet more OCs that I’m bring over from Deviantart, although these particular characters aren’t as fleshed out as some of my others. Though I did do a little bit of that for said characters back when I had some RP for the show going over on Deviantart
Anyway, down to the OCs themselves. I had two to bring over to Tumblr, but I’m especially happy with the redesigns for them.
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Meet twins Atsuko (front) and Kazue (back) Heiwajima. They’re of course biologically related to each other, but the adoptive sisters of Shizuo and Kasuka. They’re 22 years old, making them the middle siblings in their adoptive family.
They’re both on pretty good terms with Shizuo, his reputation in Ikebukuro often providing sometimes much needed protection for them. I’ve also been debating the idea of pairing Atsuko with Izaya, but not quite sure how I’d make it work yet considering their personality differences.
Atsuko is the more introverted of the twins and is easily flustered, but is generally pretty friendly whenever she does socialise. Kazue is a little more extroverted. While she can be friendly to people she likes, she has more of an attitude towards people she doesn’t like.
As they’re twins, I used the same faceclaim for both of them, my chosen one being Kathryn Newton. I also did solo pictures of them as well.
Atsuko Heiwajima
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Kazue Heiwajima
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I do still need to come up with online names for them for the chatroom, but I’ll be doing a proper introduction post for them once I have more details down. Ideas are welcome, and highly encouraged.
If you want on the taglist that I’m putting together for Durarara, just let me know and I’ll get you on it.
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