#fck the whole left side of my body man. you get in a severe car accident and forever ur body is like REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME? I DO!
imwritesometimes · 5 months
me: doing my stationary bike every day makes me feel good! I finally found a form of exercise I enjoy and I'm really happy! 11 miles let's goooo!
my left knee apparently: you're killing me
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wastedwishesandhope · 8 years
- Wonderwall
At the vague hour between dusk and dark, the roof of each house and buildings was deserted. The city doused in sleep, its buildings blackened, as if for a funeral. 
Park Jimin leaned his elbows against the window frame of the car they were boarding together with Kim Taehyung and his princess Anna who’s now drowsing behind their backs. He watched her through the rearview mirror lolling her head. She kept falling asleep and he can’t blame her for being so exhausted after the long day. 
The whole ride is silent and untroubled, even Kim Taehyung never risk to make any single sound. His full attention is on the road and he sometimes looked over at his friend on the bucket seat when he just asks something important. 
They all look tired. Tired of the pain inside the problems they’re trying to escape, and tired of pretending everything’s will be alright.
“Chim, it would take us a 3hrs drive before we reached my hometown. Do you want us to stop over to buy snacks or what?” Taehyung asked while his eyes were still on the road.
He heard his friend exhaled an exhausted breath first before he spoke.
“Yeah, I guess. You need rest too. Buy anything you want. This will be a long ride.” He answered with eyes watching the views they’re passing by. 
The breath escaped through his lips formed a cloud on the tinted glass window and he stared at it. He wishes that just like how the glass starts to blur, he also wishes the existence of him and Anna would start to blur so that it would less attract all the possible harm that would come into their way. He feels like a racehorse in a world without a race tracks.
He closes his eyes for awhile to take some rest, minutes passed when he felt Kim Taehyung pulled the car. He opened his eyes again and saw they were pulling for a rest stop. He sat comfortably on the passenger’s seat and turned his head at the back to check the sleeping girl.
Kim Taehyung opened the door and asked him first if he needs anything, when Park Jimin said he needs nothing, he gets off from the car and walked to the open convenient store. Meanwhile, the remaining man gets off from the car too just to open the door at the back seat to check Anna closely. She’s still sleeping soundlessly. Her head leaning against the headrest, mouth hung open and only the leather seat belt hugging her body to keep her from falling completely down on her seat.
Park Jimin leaned down and his half body went inside the car to unbuckle her seatbelt. He carefully holds her face frame with his left hand to keep it from lolling over while his other hand was fixing the red scarf wrapping around her neck. 
She’s still not moving. He thought she’s really a heavy sleeper. He grabbed the car pillow tied on the driver’s seat headrest and put it at the end of her seat to make it as her pillow. Gently, Park Jimin guided Anna to make herself lie down comfortably at the back seat. The car pillow supports her head securely. He grabbed his coat in the passenger’s seat to cover her body and keep her warm. When everything is settled down, Park Jimin stood up straight whilst still watching his princess sleeping comfortably and snuggling under his coat.
“It is really not obvious how you look at her with love in your eyes.” Kim Taehyung suddenly came in and starts teasing his friend with a bag of plastic on his hands. He fished out a can of coffee and offered him up. He didn’t object and grabbed it to take a sip. Taehyung leaned in against the side of the trunk and also guzzle the coffee he has on his hands. He’s only wearing a beanie to keep his head warm and a white baggy sweater. While the other guy changed his coat into a more comfy white hoodie.
“This would probably surprise your mom if we suddenly came into your house all of a sudden,” Jimin said. Kim Taehyung throws the can on the ground and it made a loud ‘pang’ sound when it hit the stones. He stepped into it until it flattens out.
“She loves surprises, though. What we need is to prepare what are we going to tell her about to who are we with.” He answered and chuckled then jerked his head to the side referring to her.
“No worries about that. Leave it to me.” Jimin said smirking.
Kim Taehyung took a deep breath and he glanced over his friend which he caught still watching over the sleeping girl in the back seat.
“Why do you like Anna so much? I guess the word ‘like’ wasn’t appropriate enough to use to describe your feelings for her. Obviously, it's supposed to be ‘love’,” Taehyung asked innocently,
“Why are you asking?”
“It's just— I’ve never seen you before like that. Yes, it’s given that you told me before that she reminds you of someone. Someone’s important from the past. And till now, I’m still wondering if you’re just acting like this because she’s reminding you of someone, or because you already like her? Love her? As Anna. Just Anna.”
Park Jimin was taken aback with what he asked. He can’t avoid these questions. He breathes in first and looked up at the dark sky. His bright facial expression turned bleak and melancholic.
“I admit, at first, I was just curious about her. I just want to see her because she keeps reminding me of the burned past which I thought will stay as a nightmare. But as time goes by, as soon as I let myself disturb her life, meddle and cause troubles, it's just that—I feel like— I fell deeper than what I expected,” he smiled more to himself as those words flashed back with those days how she called him stalker and how he unintentionally saved her life from death, “She create her own identity that I used to get attracted with. And then I found myself swooning over with it.”
The innocent boy listening just left astonished with his mouth hung open.
“I realized, I am not going to compare her to anything, even to a garden or sunset, because she’s never just something pretty to look at, she was already the blood that ran through my veins that kept me alive.”
He continued.
“She is water. Powerful enough to drown you. Soft enough to cleanse you. Deep enough to save you.”
With that, he looked at the confused face of Kim Taehyung. His lips pouting upward in confusion.
“Have you never seen that kind of beauty before? I mean, there’s so many pretty girls we always encounter! Like the girl groups! Models! Actresses! You get me right? Because honestly Chim, for me, I would just be blunt, but she looks like an average girl. That kind we always see during our fansign or concerts or just any average girl you’ve always met everywhere. Yeah, she’s pretty but she looks no special, she’s just an average college girl for me. Wait! I don’t mean to upset you but I’m just being real here!” he explains and suddenly lifted his arms up to surrender. He knows enough he can’t dwell to a Park Jimin.
Jimin snorts with his friend's expression and the way he tries to convey his thoughts. He looked so innocent like a grade school kid especially with those puppy eyes staring at him.
“I understand you. Don’t worry! I will never hurt you! We need someone to drive for us and get our asses to Daegu.” Park Jimin said still laughing.
“Good to hear that, Chim.” He felt relieved and dropped his arms on his side. He watched him turning around to lean against the car door. He put his arms on the top of a window frame to rest and resume what he was doing before- staring her sleeping.
“There are two types of beauty, Taehyung” he starts and Kim Taehyung listened intently. “The one that smacks you across the face and is plastered on magazine covers.”
“And the other one?” he asked keenly.
Smiles formed on Jimin’s lips before he continued speaking, “And then there’s type that grows on you. The one you don’t expect. The one that poet and authors write about, the eternal kind.”
—  —  —
She bolted up right from a bed as soon as she woke up from her deep sleep. Anna’s eyes adjusted in a girl’s room filled with messy clothes scattered everywhere. Its dark outside and only with the little help from a lamp shade on the side table giving her enough light to make the whole rooms visible to her eyes. She looked around the place and assured she really woke up in a girl’s room with its floral wallpaper, girly stuffs like teddy bear lining up on the wood track against the wall, several picture frames and a boy group poster of EXO. 
She suddenly stopped to remember what was the last thing happened before she drifted to sleep.
“Wait? I am with Jimin & Taehyung! Yes, I remember! Then where in the world I am right now?” she murmured to herself. 
She climbed off from the bed and made her way through the door. When she opened it, another dark hallway appeared before her eyes. She’s sure she’s in somebody’s house.
She’s certain of that. 
She walked through the hallway until she saw a slightly open door. She quietly walked towards it and found out the light of that unidentified room switch is on. She peeked in through the door frame only to find it’s a kitchen. She went inside and started to travel her eyes all around the corner. 
She suddenly heard a scratch not too close to where she at, she looked over at the side of a refrigerator and realized there’s another door leading outside the house. She saw a figure of a buffy back of a guy sitting on a chair alone. She tried to walk closely to him to ask or to figure out who it was but while she was focused on him she has never noticed the used plastic of bread scattered on the floor. She stepped into it and it made a noise. She quickly looked down to sweep it off using her feet but when she looked up to check the guy, he suddenly disappeared.
Anna squeals in horror when a voice suddenly appeared right behind her back. She heard a laugh and when she turned around, she found it was just him.
“What the fck you scared the shit out of me!” she yelled while gasping for air and holding her chest. Her heartbeat was so fast that it feels like it’ll burst out from her rib cage.
“I don’t mean to scare you! Glad you woke up! You probably feel energetic after that power nap. How do you feel?” he asked, it’s already late when she realize he was holding a cup of coffee in his right hand.
“I still feel slug.” She answered with heavy shoulders. He chuckled watching his Anna with bed hair and bloated face from sleeping and cold weather. 
“Probably because you’re hungry. It’s past 1AM already, baby,” he said then put the coffee down on the kitchen counter. The endearment made her cheeks flushed again but she somehow prefers the other one so she scowled at him and Park Jimin stared at her. Confused.
“You can figure it out without asking me, though,” she answered sarcastically.
“There’s nothing wrong with calling you baby? I think it's cute. Why? You still prefer being called as princess?” he asked then on a teasing note.
Anna glared at him and she walked away from him to turn around and to go outside the house. The air was cold and wet, and if you would stood still for a moment the chilling damp would creep into your bones, and she could tell the temperature was taking a dive.
“It’s too cold here, go inside, I’ll prepare you a food. You skipped dinner.” Jimin said as he followed Anna and just caught her looking and checking the house yard. He grabbed her hand and hauled her over.
“Whose house are we? You told me we’re going for just a drive, not for a vacation.” She asked him while the boy’s busy locking the door of the kitchen. “And where’s Taehyung?”
He left her and went to the stove to re- heat the meal they just had for dinner a while ago. He turned around and he saw her now sitting on a high stool while leaning her elbows against the kitchen island counter waiting for his answer.
“Okay, we’re here in Taehyung’s house.”
“In Daegu?!”
“But why?”
“I want a break from the city,” he simply said and she nodded.
“You should’ve told me.”
“Sorry, it’s an unplanned trip, to be honest.” 
“No worries. Glad Bighit’s gave you time for an off,” she said while smiling so widely at him.
“Yep, it’s really helping now.”
Park Jimin puckered his lips for lying again at her. This trip wasn’t a break from the company. He just used his ability to compel the management to approve him and Taehyung to leave the dorm and get an exclusive excuse from the dance practices. They’ll just catch up when they’re back.
“But where’s Taehyungie’s family? Where is he too?”
“Taehyung’s in his room now. Sleeping. He’s so tired from driving for the both of us who had just slept all throughout the ride.” She smiled sheepishly when she felt guilty. “And his mom, Mrs. Kim is sleeping too. You gotta meet her tomorrow. The rest of the family was on an out of the town trip. His Dad together with his little brothers went for a school trip while his sister is in Jeju with her friends,” Jimin explained.
Anna just nods her head and realized the room where she woke up belongs to Kim Taehyung’s sister. But she thought if it wasn’t that awkward that her brother is a BTS member and yet she stan EXO?
“Well, Taehyung’s got a very supportive sister,” she joke.
Jimin sat at the high stool too across her.
“What do you mean?” he asked laughing.
“Well, her room filled in with EXO’s poster. Can’t blame her, that group is one hell of a bunch of handsome & hot guys,”
“What?” he asked in a serious tone that sends shivers through her spine.
In just one blink of an eye, Park Jimin suddenly disappeared on his seat and popped up next to her standing with his brooding eyes staring at her now. She almost had a mini heart attack and she just gave him a look.
“Come at it again?” he still asked leaning forward till their faces are too close now. Her breath hitched and her heart thumping. She gulped for what she thought is to calm her down. She tried not to show any awful reactions of her cheeks but it’s inevitable when it comes to time like this.
He stared at her eyes. The smirks on his lips were enough to prompt Anna that he’s just teasing her.
“Would you please keep distant?” she said leaning away to avoid him, but the man pulled her seat onto him completely. She felt his hands trailing against her waist.
“Answer my question first princess.”
She gulped, “W- What?”
“What group consists of one hell of a bunch of handsome & hot guys again?” he asked leaning forward till she can feel his breath touching her cheeks already.
“I- I m-mean… t- they’re handsome and— and hot? BUT! B-but that d- doesn’t mean you’re not! I- I mean BTS is perfect on your way a- and— “ she stutters while trying to stop her lips from shaking.
“A-and— you- all of you are— are gorgeous and hot and— !!!“ she stopped and yelped closing her eyes involuntarily when he suddenly closes their remaining gaps. 
She expects any contacts on their lips but she was taken aback when his warm lips touch her forehead instead. When she opened her eyes he’s already walking towards the stove to get the meal he re- heat while grinning secretly.
He prepared her food and sat across to her again. It’s like nothing happened. Her heart still beating insanely and she didn’t know why she feels disappointed all of a sudden. The warm meal calmed her tense body and she eats all of it till she burped while Park Jimin just watching her devouring all the food.
“Wasn’t obvious how hungry you are.” He said while staring at the empty bowls in front of them. She just smiled sheepishly.
“Can’t help it. I didn’t have lunch today. I’m starving to death.” Her excuse. He starts picking up the dishes when Anna hopped off from her seat and helped him to bring them into the kitchen’s sink.
“You’ve made my dinner, well, not exactly like you cook them for me but still it’s my turn to do this thing,” she said while trying to pull him away from the dishes.
“You’re speaking so much sense now unlike when you’re hungry and saying stupid things,” Jimin answered.
After washing all the used dishes, she dries her hands with the tissue cloth and followed Park Jimin who’s now back on his seat outside the house. She took a seat next to him and wrapped her sweater tightly around her body to keep her warm.
“Aren’t you going to sleep?” she asked. Instead of getting an answer Park Jimin’s leaned his head to rest on her shoulder. She felt him taking a deep breath while crossing his arms on his chest.
“This is the peace I’m looking forward,” he whispered but she heard it all so a smile crept on her lips.
“Princess?” he called and she hummed.
“How’d you know that you like me? I need an answer excluding of being an idol. Like, your answer referring to me as your angel Park Jimin, not BTS Park Jimin. Like how’d you fall for me despite being a vampire..?” the last words turned into a whisper.
She heaved a euphoric sigh and grabbed his hand from his arms on his chest to hold it and rest on her lap. She’s pressing it with her both palms, it feels warm. She traced her long fingers on the word ‘Angel’ tattooed on his right wrist.
Park Jimin leaned away from her shoulder to look at her face while her eyes are on their hands. She opened her mouth to speak without looking at him. Anna just can’t handle the feelings and she knows she’ll just break down if she tries of risking staring at his eyes.
“I knew I liked you when you made me nervous, and my heart would beat faster when I saw you. I knew I loved you when I felt calmer with you than without you,”
She smiled more to herself.
"I don't know how am I going to differentiate my feelings to my angel Park Jimin or to the BTS Park Jimin or even to..." she trailed off and finally got the courage to stare back at his eyes, "or even to my vampire Park Jimin."
He grinned over that possessive pronoun she used. She was throwing stars at him. It was hard to listen. It was hard to look at her. He feels like he was stealing something.
"Why are you smiling so much?" she asked.  He just shook his head while his grin turned into a snort. Park Jimin made himself look at her face, at her wide- open eyes and earnest forehead. At her unbearably sweet mouth.
"You make me happier than words can express, Anna." he said that makes her cheeks warm.
Her breath caught in her throat like a sore hiccup. And then it was too much not to kiss her.
She came readily into his arms. There it was again, that impossible-to-describe-kiss.
The first time Anna pulled away, he pulled her back. The second time, her bit her lip.
When he finally pulled away from their intense kiss, he laughed when he saw how Anna’s face turned red. He cupped her face with his palms and kiss her nose, instead. She just pouts.
"Wait, just wait here. I'll just get my earphones." Park Jimin suddenly said that made her eyebrows furrowed. He disappeared again and with a count of two seconds, he came back and quickly sat back to his seat. He put the ear speakers into her left ear while the other one was in his right ear so they can share the earphones.
"I know you're probably familiar with this song already but I still want you to listen to this," he said while tapping his fingers on his phone screen. She's still clueless.
After a short minute, a song played on their earphones that made Anna look straight at his face.
Butterfly of BTS is playing.
She shut her eyes, and the music broke over her like a rainstorm.
Don’t think of anything Don’t say anything, not even a word Just give me a smile
She opened her eyes and watched him smiling while her angel was just chuckling and can't even stand to look at her. She found him cute when he's shy.
I still can’t believe it All of this seems like a dream Don’t try to disappear
She knows this song lyrics even before but this was just the first time she stayed focus in absorbing each word of it. She realized how heart warming the message was.
Is it true~ You’re so beautiful, that I’m scared
Park Jimin finally looked back at her with still smiles on his lips and he nods like he's approving with the lyrics.
Will you stay by my side Will you promise me If I let go of your hand, you’ll fly away and break I’m scared scared scared of that
Anna was studying his face.
Will you stop time If this moment passes As though it hadn’t happened I’m scared scared scared I’ll lose you
She felt how those lyrics struck a chord in her heart. The beautiful song suddenly turned painful when she assumes this is what he really wanted to tell her.
Butterfly like a butterfly Just like a Butterfly
She had never noticed she was crying already when Park Jimin thumbed her tears away from her cheeks.
You’re just like a Butterfly From afar, I steal glances; if we touch hands, will I lose you? You shine in this pitch darkness that is the butterfly effect Your light touches, I forget the reality at once
She sobbed back a blissful choke and wiped the snot with her sweater paws.
It’s like a wind that gently strokes me It’s like a dust that gently drifts along You’re there but for some reason, I can’t reach you, stop You, who’s like a dream is a butterfly high to me
She couldn't hold it for any longer that Anna started sobbing in mess while Park Jimin tucked her hairs behind her ears. A heavy, wet tear fell on her laps. He kissed her temple.
When the song is over, he took off the earphones from her ear and she's still laughing from crying like a baby.
"I won't forgive you for making me cry like that," she said.
Park Jimin tugged her arms to make her sit sideways so she can look at him directly.
"Princess.." he started and she just listens to him. "I know I've been telling you for how many times to trust me, to just believe on me and to have faith in me. I know sometimes I sound cryptic but I just want to tell you how much I want you to just love me.”
She didn't budge from her seat.
"Anna, we both know how our relationship both works weirdly. We're not a normal couple. We are different in so many ways. I'm sorry if you had to adjust for me, to always understand me.. to accept me for being different. I'm sorry if you have to love a vampire like me. It is totally not normal for a normal girl like you."
A lump starting to form in her throat and she's fighting back.
"Like that song, I am actually always afraid, that one day you might fly away like a butterfly. That one day I woke up and you've already left me, alone. I am always afraid I might hurt you or I might wouldn't be able to give you the normal life that truly deserves you."
Anna bit her lips to stop it from shaking. She knows she'll cry again anytime soon.
"My princess... I love you so much that I'm always afraid to wake up each morning to find out you're gone. I am always afraid that you have already realized how insane you are for accepting me into your life despite being different. I love you so much Anna that I just want to keep you always close to me."
And with that, the lump she's trying to prevent from exploding finally found its way to rush on her eyes.
"Why are you telling me that I might leave you? You dumb-ass boy! I love you!" she said between her sobs.
"I love you more." he just answers while smiling at her. He wiped her tears soaking her cheeks. "When I say I love you more, I just don't mean I love you more than you love me. I mean I love you more than the bad days ahead of us. I love you more than any fight we will ever have. I love you more than the distance between us. I love you more than any obstacle that could ever try and come between us. I love you the most."
He pulled her close, as close as he could. Like he didn't care for the moment whether she couldn’t breath. Like there were two of them and only a parachute."
"Anna," he barely said, pressing his face against hers until their lashes brushed, pressing his hand into the small of her back. "Please promise me, you'll stay as my princess, and never a butterfly,"
Anna laughed at what he said, "I prefer being a princess than a butterfly. I've already fallen so deep, I don't think I can find any way out of you. I love you so that. . ."
He kissed her then. There. In the middle of the sentence.
His lips were like chocolate; sweet and addictive His hands were like sheets; soft and warm His eyes were like stars; beautiful and bright But his love was like a loaded pistol; dangerous and deadly.
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