#fck corporations
rebelcaptain4life · 1 year
I wish we could make a gofund me or something so that easy life could take easyGroup to court over their ridiculous trademark claim
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ramuelisms · 2 years
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hey did i post this yet. idc 
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theunemployedrogue · 2 years
I always forget how much work stresses me out until I'm inevitably unemployed again and it's like wow. I'm having normal bowel movements again. Wow I no longer feel the need to brew concoctions that will allow me to get through the day and I'm waking up naturally. Wow I'm pouring this alcohol down the drain with zero hesitation :)
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authorwithissues · 2 years
Tfw sleep is inconceivable because goddammit you're busy winning an imaginary argument with your boss
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laissezferre · 1 year
gaal: what i want is to slap you hari (has 0 fcks bc he's not corporeal): you tried that already
6 hours later
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skeptical-lynx · 2 years
oh lord, guys, send good vibes my way, since I am left with no new year bonus this year. I asked to be moved to another department at the beginning of December and now it seems all my accomplishments from 11 months prior are erased for the company
who are here with me for long knowns that I was neglected a raise, because I am moving to the new department and everyone treat me as apprentice now (despite me working for 5 years for this company) and I am even on probation in the new team
I am hardly in the mood for anything
but trying to stay positive somehow 🐈‍⬛🎄❄️
actually fck this. I am not in severe need and can still enjoy my holiday. I don’t want the corporate world to ruin me for myself. disappointed but not surprised
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Wait so the agust d who had no scar was in a tub filled with money is yoongi and the one with scar is actually holding a gun over his head is agust d, agust d tried to suffocate yoongi with money,,, which could mean that his ego was the one who tried to kill him with all them money and anger but before he could do that (becuz the ego thought he's so powerful and have everything in control that he forgot HE is just an EGO for the person who actually CREATED him) yoongi kills him.
This is such a great example of how we tend to chase for money and power most likely end up killing the human we were (happens with the underground dons or Mafias, maybe we can just use it for corporate sectors and everywhere in our lives where we work) the fact that yoongi killed somebody with chopsticks? Who maybe was because he wanted to fool the police?
He WANTED the police to get him only to ki// the police,,, who was corrupted himself?.
This might sound crazy but maybe this is rebirth type shit, idk what y'all say about blonde hair agust d, saw a few of my mutuals on twt saying maybe the black haired AGUST D with scar killed the blonde one,,, that is also possible I'm not denying it... But Then who is the black haired one?? SUGA?????????no way! He can't be Suga. Suga isn't somebody who.. wait a min... Suga was the one who wanted revenge, power and money, but couldn't do so because there were many things that held him back and to create a wall between his anger and his soft soul he created agust d?? And yoongi killed suga rn? Then what about the blonde head???? WHAT THE HELL😭 i tried to solve it but now I JUST- messed it all so much fck😭
No but agust d was revealed as blonde when the AGUST D mv came, in DAECHWITA black haired agust d (as y'all call him but i might consider him being suga) and blonde hair agust d had an encounter leaving us to the confusion if blonde one was dead or not and now in HAEGEUM we see them both black haired agust d? No. One is yoongi. (That's not Suga btw if y'all even think about the one with no scar being Suga then it'd be even more confusion)
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Anyways ~ it’s Tea Time 🍵🧋
I work internal IT for a company with a buncha different sections and job types and sht ok. On the retail end of it, the job site managers did so well this year or last year or something that the corporate side of the company bought them an all expense paid trip out of the country . I’m lucky enough to be best friends with a Job Site Manager who sadly couldn’t find child care so her hubby had to stay home and watch da baby. More than just Job Site Managers got to go on this trip, other job roles on the company got cute awards for being so great too. My manager was there too winning stuff. I got to meet his girlfriend, they are super cute together and she was really nice .
So all week we noticed this Corporate Sales Guy all over this Job Site Female. Helicoptering her hella. He would dance up on her and get her food and drinks, and from our perspective it looked like she was curving him and tolerating it.
On another part of an island my bestie and I were joking back and forth calling this guy “Captain America” because he was Mr. Hot Shot bro. Tattoos , fboi looking , late 30s early 40s? Talking about Trumpy stuff wearing American Flag swim trunks. Everything out of this man’s mouth is sarcasm or jokes. Looking back at it, I think he just did that so he wouldn’t have to converse with anyone outside his group? Like “I can’t get in trouble at this work trip if I don’t actually talk to anyone I don’t already know” but he was a real dickish looking sounding kinda guy ok. He legit commented on my white toe nail polish and called it a “nice touch” , he knew what I was going for there .
So the last night we are there, me and my bestie are like “fuck it up let’s get drunk actually instead of just a drink here or there” we went to sports bar looking this and were taking shots with people. I got to take a shot with my Manager and his girlfriend so that was cool. Job Site Manager Female and Corporate Sales Guy were there drinking and dancing with us, and we watched other sales guys and Captain America play pool. There was other random Tea Guests in there too we were kinda watching, some 19 year old just got married after dating a girl he used to date in high school for a few months and they were ALL OVER EACH OTHER. At once point she even looked around at everyone and then looked back at him and went “kiss me” 😂😭 girl calm down we don’t want your little mans .
Corporate Sales Guy was dancing all up on Job Site Manager Female so me and my bestie checked in with her like “you like this or you want us to curve him for you” . She was getting touchy feely on me so I was hugging on her back like thinking “I can curve him for her by being on her instead because she’s feeling me” but then we find out THEYVE BEEN FCKING ALL WEEK bro 🤣🤣 she’s just better at acting like nothings going on in front of people than him. They start drinking and he can’t keep his hands off her , but she’s over here looking like she’s simply tolerating this man 🤣. AND! Then she tells us that Captain America is Corporate Sales Guys manager! And that he found out they were fcking earlier that week and looked at her and said “make better choices” then took her phone and threw it in a pool! THREW IT IN A POOL! What the actual fck?! If anyone put hands on my phone or me like that I’d be getting fired bro. They’re had to send me home that night I would be putting my hands on that man and punching him as hard as I could , take her motherfcking phone?!
So we are all dancing and playing pool and stuff and as the night goes on more and more people leave until it’s just me, my bestie , Job Site Manager Female, Corporate Sales Guy, Captain America, and some other guy. Captain America wasn’t even playing with us, it really seemed like he was there to “baby sit” it was weird. Job Site Manager Female starts telling me how they been fcking but how she doesn’t want a man and how he’s 6 years younger than her and I’m like 😅 I’m legit fcking someone 8 years younger than me so I have no room to speak here on that . But I was telling her that I doubt he wants to be your man and it’s just fun for the trip and to just have fun for the last night and worry about the weird sht after. Captain America decides he is done drinking right next to us and goes to another part of the bar where he can def still see all of us and probably hear them too, and Job Site Female starts a fight with Corporate Sales guy by legit telling him that even though Captain America threw her phone in the pool, she still thinks he’s hot 🤦🏻‍♀️. And Corporate Sales Guy is like “some things are just better left unsaid like you know I don’t like him and don’t fck with him and your telling me you’d let him fck you?” And I’m like “chill guys he’s legit still here, right over there like shhh “ they start messy arguing in a bar drunk at like 1am . Captain America like fckes off somewhere ? He left with that other guy.
We start walking back to our rooms and my bestie and I are trying to help these too fck buddies chill out for the last night and just enjoy one more night fcking each other and then go separate. While we are trying to get them to fck each other, they are trying to get me to join 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ “3 some 3 some” “come join us? “ nah 🤣. Like it’s not cause we work for the same company either , she’s mid and he is not cute. I’m currently like causally dating a 20 year old 🤣 and like I’ve already been up front with him that I do not believe in monogamy anymore, and then I’ve seen how it destroys so many relationships because of how people lie to each other and jealousy and all that stuff, and he has been honest with me about not really feeling us messing around with other people at the same time . I am not about to risk losing my beautiful blonde hair blue eyed 6 foot tall , 7 inch thick dick boy toy over these two drunk not cute coworkers 🤣. I’m sorry but no thanks. I basically told them no because I’ve got a thing going on I don’t want to fck up and they went “he doesn’t have to know” which is such a gross thing to say and legit see!? See?! Those are the type of things said when you’re in a monogamous relationship that you don’t want to be in or in a monogamous relationship that you’re willing to break monogamy for and lie to your partner. (I told him about this and he thanked me for not lying to him and I think it’s really sad that is stuff that so many people lie about because of monogamy being the status quo )like at this point my ♑️ fcks me so good that I may even second guess an advance on ♉️ if the opportunity arose (.00002% likely so like let’s never count on that actually happening). I think the only reason I still would is because it’s like a rare candy you just HAVE to try. At this point I wouldn’t bet on him being better in bed than my ♑️ 😮‍💨.
Captain America was at the bottom of the elevators of our hotel talking to that guy, I think he was waiting to see if Corporate Sales Guy came back to our hotel or went with Job Site Manager Female to hers 🤣. The next day we all find out that Captain America is denying throwing her phone in the pool, but we know he’s lying because Job Site Managers store already found out this happened because other people who work for the same company were in or around the pool when he did that and saw him! He’s burnt bro, caught in 4k . If anyone’s getting in trouble for anything this trip it’s him doing that. Job Site Manager Female and Corporate Sales Guy work in different departments and them sleeping together isn’t a conflict of interest. If it’s consensual, HR won’t care. So many people in our company fck each other and are married to each other in different job roles 🤣😭 like legit 1/30 people in this large company are fcking someone else who also works for this company . HR will give no fcks , but I’m sure they will care that a high up manager took another coworkers property and threw in a pool 😅🥴. He tried so hard to not talk to anyone and look bad just to get drunk and touch someone else’s property because he’s mad that someone he manages is fcking a Job Site Manager on a holiday trip . Captain America started telling people too that Job Site Manager Female and Corporate Sales Guy slept with each other, so who knows how many people know this now and now how he threw her phone in the pool.
Hella messy 🤣 everyone is so messy.
And the last get together with my team/job role people , there was a party and we got fcked up and in the car ride back to the hotel ♉️ said “I wouldn’t want either of us to do anything that would fck up our jobs” and when I questioned what he meant by that he backtracked to the moon and back twice and tried to say he meant the whole team. I respected that weird slip he made and I didn’t ask him to walk me back to my hotel room and I didn’t try to be cheeky and ask for a hug at the end of the elevator ride. The last thing I want is to be as messy as Job Site Manager Female and Corporate Sales Guy in front of anyone we work with. 😘
My little thing with ♑️ hasn’t blown up into a messy situation yet, but it isn’t as contained as I initially wanted it to be. Which is understandable at this point because we are doing way more than just fcking each other on the weekends . It’s been pretty intimate the last 2 months 😅 we are basically dating but without me wanting to sign that monogamy contract . I don’t know how he feels fully on his end, but I with I could give him a proper experience if that’s what he is even wanting from me, but i can’t right now and I don’t know if I will ever want to again . Relationships are just easier when you’re not jealous if your partner wants to touch and taste or talk to other people just enjoy the moments you have with your partner and the moments that they’re talking to or touching you. I don’t look at his phone when he’s at my house. It’s none of my business. I’m honest with him about anything I can be, because it’s up to him what he does or feels about that information. 

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Some of you may remember me scamming my way into getting food stamps a while ago.
Those @ssholes didn’t renew me for the last two months. After I sent them a few letters, they finally called me last Friday. Today, they filled my account with $600. I’m about to blow a load at Whole Foods. 😆
If you’re interested in why and how I’m getting food stamps, let me know. I mean, the “why” is obvious (because fck the government and these greedy corporations) but I can give my more personal reasons if you’re interested.
As you all know, I love getting free sht. 😎
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deblala · 9 months
Ramaswamy Slams Corporate Media, Tells CNN Host to 'Shut the F*ck Up' - Slay News
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ien-as-the-iend · 1 year
What's the point? Part two
Leave this post alone, this contains a lot of bullsh1ts
Sometimes, I wonder why my classmate want to take pictures and videos of our college life when the day will come that it will be gone. Imagine the history we are making right now, one day like the dinosaurs, we are going to be wiped away and those objects you hold dear is also included.
It makes me think that things are one of the factors that give us an opportunity to waste our time to while still alive because at the end of the day, we will be buried. It's sad to see that our destinies are all scheduled and we don't have a fcking choice. One example would be the artists who deserve to be big but they have been conditioned by the Universe ro whatever you believe jn to be small because its not theirs and it will never be their time to have something big as the other artist experienced. It's unfair right? Karma is really our shadow eh? Oh Include the past lives contracts and other spiritual factors. We're all glasses scheduled to be shattered? Hahaha. Memories, Will those memories solved everything? No, at this point I also don't know what am I even vaying? Hahaha. Fck life, Fck everything! Hahaha, insanity is all I have left I guess... or the pain of neverending limit.
I'm sorry, I don't want to be a slave to the Corporations, I don't want to do your fcking standards or plans to your dirty crafted life model. Can I just be transparent and fade away from this world who demand's useless and pointless things? If only jumping to de3@th was not a sin, I'd already do that long ago.
There's nothing left for me to do personally but to suck the digusting foods that life wants me to do. Kinda fun to experience? Hahaha, I cant- I don't wanna be here anymore Hahah
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productsreviewings · 1 year
All good issues should come to an finish. HBO's Succession, which has slowly developed from a cult favourite into an Emmys juggernaut, is wrapping up with Season 4, again as much as 10 episodes after Season 3 was barely shortened (telling its story in solely 9 episodes). Anybody who's been alongside for the experience with the Roy household—together with Logan, Kendall, Roman, Shiv, Connor, Tom, and Cousin Greg—will lastly get a little bit of closure as we see how the darkly hilarious (and at all times compelling) saga of Waystar/Royco performs out. We have made it by means of three years of Logan Roy (Brian Cox) psychologically abusing and manipulating his kids (Jeremy Sturdy, Sarah Snook, Kieran Culkin, and Alan Ruck), and now that the present is coming to an in depth, everybody should be questioning the identical query: will Logan lastly lose? The reply, sadly, might be not. However as sports activities followers say, that is why we play the sport. Season 3 noticed a large shift in Succession's story. After the season started with what in the end amounted to a failed firm coup (and character assassination of Logan) by Kendall, it ended with the Roy kids coming collectively in settlement that they wanted to "kill" their father. Besides there was one tiny drawback—bored with being abused by Shiv, Tom (Shiv's husband, performed in an Emmy-winning flip by Matthew MacFadyen) ratted their plan out to Logan. Logan then acquired the soar on his children, promoting the corporate to the eccentric Lukas Matsson (Alexander Skarsgård), and sending the present into completely uncharted waters for its remaining go-around. How will this all finish? Properly, fortunately, we have got a full 10-episode season to seek out out. When is the following episode of Succession Season 4 popping out?Every episode of Succession Season 4 will air on HBO on Sunday nights at 9:00 PM EST, and can be obtainable to stream on HBO Max on the similar time. So meaning the following episode will air on Sunday, Could 21, 2023, at 9:00 EST. What number of episodes of Succession Season 4 are left?Season 4 of Succession is 10 episodes in complete, and eight of these ten have now aired. Meaning there are solely two episodes—and two weeks of Roy household backstabbing insanity—remaining till the tip of the present.Stream Succession Season 4 Right hereHere is the whole launch schedule for HBO's Succession, Season 4.Episode 1 - Now streaming as of March 26Episode 2 - Now streaming as of April 2 Episode 3 - Now streaming as of April 9 Episode 4 - Now streaming as of April 16Episode 5 - Now streaming as of April 23Episode 6 - Now streaming as of April 30 Episode 7 - Now streaming as of Could 7Episode 8 - Now streaming as of Could 14Episode 9 - Streaming on Could 21Episode 10 - Streaming on Could 28play iconThe triangle icon that signifies to playEvan is the tradition editor for Males’s Well being, with bylines in The New York Occasions, MTV Information, Brooklyn Journal, and VICE. He loves bizarre motion pictures, watches an excessive amount of TV, and listens to music extra typically than he doesn’t. #Succession #Giving #Episodes #Telling #Fck HBO's Emmy-winning present Succession is wrapping up with its fourth season, consisting of 10 episodes. The present follows the story of the Roy household and the Waystar/Royco empire as they navigate energy struggles and household drama. The ultimate season sees the household making an attempt to "kill" patriarch Logan, however issues do not go as deliberate. The present's remaining episodes will air on Sunday nights at 9:00 PM EST, with the finale airing on Could 28, 2023. 1. When is the following episode of Succession Season 4 popping out? The subsequent episode of Succession Season 4 will air on Sunday, Could 21, 2023, at 9:00 EST. 2. What number of episodes of Succession Season 4 are left? There are two episodes and two weeks of Roy household backstabbing insanity remaining till the tip of the present. 3. Will Logan lastly lose in Succession Season 4?
The reply might be not, however as sports activities followers say, that is why we play the sport.
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suchagallabitch · 3 years
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westzane · 3 years
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kiutotakulady · 4 years
How to escape reality 2.0:
Mod games & watch YouTube about life crisis so that I can move on with my life a.k.a.
Shits happened but fuck it
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kokonoisgf · 6 years
Levi Ackerman is a qt and needs to be protected at all cost
Reblog if u agree
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