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adreciclarte5 · 4 months ago
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by Aldo Favini, 1949
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frenchcurious · 2 years ago
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Station-service Aquila située à Sesto San Giovanni, Milan, Italie conçue par l'architecte Aldo Favini en 1949. Photo fondazionefavini.it. - source MCM Daily.
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herederosdelkaos · 1 year ago
Arte y literatura : 'Se llamaba John', cuento de Alejandra Ruth Favini
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Cuando escuchó el chirrido de la puerta de entrada, el dueño del motel en Esterbrook, ubicado cerca de la carretera, se levantó con dificultad de su torcida silla de madera y paja.
—No tengo más habitaciones, le dijo al hombre de sombrero de huaso pita que acababa entrar.
—Busco a John Taylor. Quizás esté alojado aquí.
—Nadie con ese nombre está parando acá.
—¿Podría fijarse si estuvo durante estos últimos tiempos?
Ante la mirada renuente del viejo, agregó:
—Por favor
—¿Quién lo busca?
—Un antiguo amigo
El hombre tomó un cuaderno de abajo del mostrador, lo abrió y leyó:
—Nadie con ese nombre ha estado acá. Y si hubiera estado, lo recordaría. Pasa muy poca gente por este lugar.
—¿Está seguro que …?
—Tres huéspedes, ninguno con ese nombre.
—Solo hay tres habitaciones.
John Taylor, que estaba saliendo de su habitación próxima a la entrada, permaneció inmóvil, al escuchar que alguien preguntaba por él. El no registrarse con su nombre era algo a lo que estaba acostumbrado.
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darquitectura · 1 year ago
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Bruno Morassutti y Angelo Mangiarotti. Ingeniero: Aldo Favini. Iglesia Madre Misericordia en Baranzate di Bollate (Milán, 1956).
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loll3 · 7 months ago
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✷ blessed Litha ✷ wish you all a magical Summer Solstice 🌞🌻✨
I'm not really a Summer person…but I'm trying to find something good in each season…and I've to say that Summertime is perfect for woodland adventures! so, let's take the best of this season, trying to spend very good time in nature! 🌿
✧ "Litha" ~ original illustration from #wheeloftheyear ©Lolle (2023) || you can find this illu included on my big Wheel of the Year art print 🍃 still available on my shop
media : pilot hi-tecpoint 0.5 and pilot g-tec 0.4 on light sketchbook paper (favini) || ©please, don’t use/modify without permission • don’t repost without credits ♡
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garadinervi · 24 days ago
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Ceda Parkinson, Threadworks, Illustrations by Martha Harris, Guillemot Press, Cornwall, 2024, made with Arena, Favini Stardream and Wibalin Natural papers
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Plus: Threadworks – Ceda Parkinson speaks to Elliot Ruff, Journal, December 15, 2024
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supersimetria · 1 year ago
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(vía Morassutti Warehouse | Fondazione Aldo Favini)
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years ago
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Green Soul
Caroline Gavazzi
Poems by Chris Greenhalgh 
Texts Roberto Mutti, Chris Greenhalgh
M&FD, Segrate June 2021, 154 pages, 24,3 x 32 cm, ISBN 9788894428292
Published in an edition of 300 copies + 5 A.P
Printed on 6 different Fedrigoni’s papers (texts) and 1 Favini paper (images)
euro 250,00     copy number 90
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Through her work, Caroline Gavazzi advocates and strengthens the importance of caring for the environment, the ecosystem, and its natural equilibrium. In a poetic, metaphoric, and aesthetic way Caroline Gavazzi has created two artistic books which are the synthesis of this reflection where substance, images, and poetry organically fuse with the natural world. Blue Soul & Green Soul.
orders to:     [email protected]
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contextualstudiesy2 · 25 days ago
Exhibition Report
The Tate modern exhibition was a wonderful show showing contemporary works of modern. The piece which stood out to me the most was Mark Bradford’s Los Moscos, 2004 [1] as it had an abstract presentation of modernity. The havoc of the piece relates to the globalization of today's society. The rush of movement and the constant noise of transport and people. The work is presented in an aerial view showing the audience the full picture. Bradford seems to have captured his vision very well, as just upon looking at the piece as a whole, you get the gist of it. However, if you look closer, you can see details of graffiti and marks that resemble neon street signs and club lights. Such detail is key with showing the current time. The piece was created in 2004 when city life was still very much alive but now 20 years later it has advanced even more. One might say that many cannot live without the technological advancements which have taken over our daily lives. Humans have become so reliant on technology and this is not a new discovery. It has been happening since the industrialization period of the Victorian era, where machinery has become the new fuss, one might say. Bradford’s use of blur in his piece signifies that there is so much happening in today's world it's hard to follow. Every day there are new things being introduced to us, from computers in the 90s to AI systems in 2024. Many are amazed by these advancements, but for some, they are a concern. These are also issues, as with this, many forget life without them. Addiction to Phones and iPads, anything technological, is a real issue. As many cannot live without them and a slight buzz of a phone can take away their whole concentration.
There are many studies which have been taken out to investigate the effects of technology on people, especially the younger generation which has not experienced life without technology has “Findings suggest that attachment dimensions exert not only a direct but also an indirect effect on technology addiction through self-esteem and persistence” [2] This is rather important as it signifies that technology is a big impact on peoples personality. Through his art piece I believe that Bradford tries to bring this thinking to light and it's quite interesting to see that even though this piece is 20 years old it still has the same significance today as it did back then.
As an illustrator, I think relativity is a big factor in today's art, especially modern art. Pieces that are easy to understand help bring to light today’s issues. However, it's not always a negative. It may also be the admiration of industrialization and how far we as a community and as people have managed to go. As a human being living in the world, I believe such artworks give the power of imagination whether it makes you think whether the artist is trying to be negative or positive. I think that’s important, as today we are fed what is right or what is wrong through social media, and we rarely stop to think about such matters ourselves. Visiting Tate Modern was definitely eye-opening to me as for an artist as there were many amazing pieces, however los Moscos 2004 was definitely the centerpiece of the exhibition.
1.Tate, 2024. *Andy Warhol and Mark Bradford*. [online] Available at: <https://www.tate.org.uk/visit/tate-modern/display/media-networks/andy-warhol-and-mark-bradford> [Accessed 10 December 2024].
2.Remondi, C., Compare, A., Tasca, G.A., Lo Coco, G., Chiozza, V., Favini, A., Carrara, S., Greco, A., Poletti, B., Zarbo, C. and Brugnera, A., 2022. The effects of attachment, temperament, and self-esteem on technology addiction: A mediation model among young adults. *Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking*, 25(4), pp.258-263.
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sardies · 7 months ago
Forum Agenti Sardegna, ci sarà anche la Federagenti Cisal
Giulio Favini, segretario regionale Federagenti Cisal Cagliari. Giovedì 6 giugno in occasione del Forum Agenti Sardegna (fiera dedicata alla ricerca degli agenti di Commercio) che si svolgerà a Cagliari al Centro Congressi dell’hotel Regina Margherita, l’associazione sindacale Federagenti Cisal sarà presente con un proprio sportello per fornire gratuitamente consulenze legali, fiscali e…
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months ago
Verona ospita gli intarsiatori lignei di tutta Italia
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Verona ospita gli intarsiatori lignei di tutta Italia L'evento, organizzato dall'Associazione Culturale Quinta Parete in collaborazione della 1^ Circoscrizione di Verona – Centro Storico è curato da Federico Martinelli. Diciannove gli intarsiatori (Carlo Alfarano, Arturo Biasato, Alberto Bernardi, Marcello Buccolieri, Carletto Cantoni, Sereno Cordani, Carlo Favini, Bruno De Pellegrin, Nino Gambino, Lino Giussani, Francesco Lazzar, Giuseppe Mazo, Massimo Milli, Duilio Negroni, Carlo Nicoletti, Daniele Parasecolo, Fabio Tamburi, Aldo Tomelleri, Pino Valenti) che prendono parte a questa edizione consolidando sempre più l'idea di far diventare questa fucina culturale ed espositiva un progetto continuativo con la necessità di consolidare quest'arte nella sua proiezione moderna e contemporanea. La mostra, presentata oggi dal consigliere della Circoscrizione 1^ Andrea Trombini e dal presidente di Quinta Parete Federico Martinelli- nasce dal desiderio di recuperare l'edizione 2020 interrotta a causa dell'emergenza sanitaria. Nel frattempo, giunta alla decima edizione, la Rassegna ha allargato l'interesse espositivo anche ad artisti emergenti e allievi incrementando il valore divulgativo che essa si prefigge. Una mostra che vuole altresì sdoganare l'accostamento di quest'arte al solo artigianato: le opere esposte sono pezzi unici dall'alto valore artistico. "Accanto alle forme e alle immagini più classiche – spiega Martinelli-, ricordiamo i celebri lavori di fra Giovanni da Verona che hanno ispirato alcuni degli artisti presenti. Nel corso dei secoli, e in particolare nel Novecento, si è assistito a un vero e proprio avvicinamento di quest'arte alla raffigurazione e alla rappresentazione iconografica delle Avanguardie. L'intarsio è anche questo: è racconto libero, energico, vitale. Troviamo, accanto a vedute classiche di solidi, paesaggi, soggetti sacri e nature morte, immagini e linee oblique, diagonali e ossimori prospettici. Troviamo, eccellente, il desiderio di raccontare tanto l'esperienza del passato quanto lo slancio del futuro". La necessità di dare un segnale ha mosso l'entusiasmo dei partecipanti che, riuniti in questa grande esposizione, intendono mostrare come l'arte dell'intarsio sia in grado di rinnovarsi sia nella tecnica che nella raffigurazione dei soggetti allo stesso modo di come accade in pittura, scultura, incisione e fotografia. In occasione dell'inaugurazione, il 23 marzo alle 17, saranno presenti, oltre al curatore Federico Martinelli, gli esponenti della 1^ Circoscrizione e alcuni dei maestri intarsiatori. Alle 18 seguirà la conferenza dal titolo 'Dall' intarsio rinascimentale a quello moderno' tenuta dal prof. Francesco Lazzar e da Federico Martinelli. L'esposizione, a ingresso gratuito, è aperta tutti i giorni dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 16 alle 19, il sabato e domenica dalle 10 alle 19. La domenica di Pasqua dalle 16 alle 19. Durante le giornate di mostra si terranno laboratori gratuiti di intarsio la cui partecipazione è vincolata alla prenotazione: [email protected]... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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marketinsight1234 · 10 months ago
The global market for Synthetic Leather estimated to reach a revised size of USD 51210 Million by 2030
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The global market for Synthetic Leather estimated at USD 38978.9 Million in 2023 is projected to reach a revised size of USD 51210 Million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.61% over the period 2023-2030.
Synthetic leather, also known as faux leather or artificial leather, is a man-made material designed to look and feel like real leather. It is a type of fabric that is made by applying a coating of plastic or polymer to a base material such as fabric or paper. The base material is then treated with various chemicals to make it more durable, flexible, and resistant to wear and tear.
The most common types of synthetic leather are polyurethane (PU) leather and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) leather. PU leather is made by coating a fabric or paper base material with a layer of polyurethane, while PVC leather is made by coating a fabric or paper base material with a layer of PVC. Other types of synthetic leather include bio-based leather, which is made from natural materials such as pineapple leaves or mushrooms, and other innovative materials such as silicone leather.
This Synthetic Leather Market Report includes information on the manufacturer, such as shipping, pricing, revenue, interview records, gross profit, and company distribution, among other things. These details assist consumers to learn more about their rivals. Likewise, the report outlines the significant difficulties that would have an influence market growth. They also give extensive facts about the industry's potential to key stakeholders, allowing them to expand their industries and increase sales in certain industries. The research will assist companies who are already in or want to enter this market in analysing the many facets of this domain before investing in or growing their industry in the Synthetic Leather markets.
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The Report Will Include A Major Chapter
Patent Analysis
Regulatory Framework
Technology Roadmap
BCG Matrix
Heat Map Analysis
Price Trend Analysis
Investment Analysis
Company Profiling and Competitive Positioning
Industry Value Chain Analysis
Market Dynamics and Factors
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Pestle Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Leading players involved in the Synthetic Leather Market include:
"Kuraray Co. Ltd. (Japan), San Fang Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. (Taiwan), Mayur Uniquoters Ltd. (India), NAN YA PLASTICS CORPORATION (Taiwan), Teijin Limited (Japan), Filwel Co. Ltd. (Japan), Alfatex (Italy), Zhejiang Hexin Industry Group Co. Ltd. (China), DuPont de Nemours Inc. (USA), Yantai Wanhua Synthetic Leather Group Co.Ltd. (China), Toray Industries Inc. (Japan), H.R. Polycoats Pvt. Ltd. (India), Archilles Corporation (Japan), Favini S.r.l. (Italy), AICA Kogyo Co.Ltd. (Japan), and Other key players."
Knowing market share in the base year provides you an idea of the competition and size of the suppliers. It reflects the market's fragmentation, accumulation, dominance, and amalgamation features. The Competitive Scenario provides an outlook study of the suppliers' various industry growth plans. This section's news provides vital insights at various stages while keeping up with the industry and engaging players in the economic discussion. Merger & Acquisition, Collaboration, Partnership, Agreement, Investment & Funding, New Product Launch & Enhancement, Recognition, Rewards & Expansion are the categories that the competitive scenario represents. All of the research data collected helps the vendor identify market gaps as well as competitor weaknesses and strengths, helping them to better their service and product.
If You Have Any Query Synthetic Leather Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Synthetic Leather Market:
By Type
Polyurethane (PU)
Polyvinylchloride (PVC)
By Application
An in-depth study of the Synthetic Leather industry for the years 2023–2030 is provided in the latest research. North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, the Middle East, and Africa are only some of the regions included in the report's segmented and regional analyses. The research also includes key insights including market trends and potential opportunities based on these major insights. All these quantitative data, such as market size and revenue forecasts, and qualitative data, such as customers' values, needs, and buying inclinations, are integral parts of any thorough market analysis.
Market Segment by Regions: -
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
Effective Points Covered in Synthetic Leather Market Report: -
Details Competitor analysis with accurate, up-to-date demand-side dynamics information.
Standard performance against major competitors.
Identify the growth segment of your investment.
Understanding most recent innovative development and supply chain pattern.
Establish regional / national strategy based on statistics.
Develop strategies based on future development possibilities.��
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We are technocratic market research and consulting company that provides comprehensive and data-driven market insights. We hold the expertise in demand analysis and estimation of multidomain industries with encyclopedic competitive and landscape analysis. Also, our in-depth macro-economic analysis gives a bird's eye view of a market to our esteemed client. Our team at Pristine Intelligence focuses on result-oriented methodologies which are based on historic and present data to produce authentic foretelling about the industry. Pristine Intelligence's extensive studies help our clients to make righteous decisions that make a positive impact on their business. Our customer-oriented business model firmly follows satisfactory service through which our brand name is recognized in the market.
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swapmuseum · 1 year ago
Opere parlanti da Kora - Contemporary Art Center con l'Adelfia
In un caldissimo settembre, dopo le ferie estive, Swapmuseum ha ripreso le sue attività di 14 beneficiari della comunità terapeutica della Cooperativa Sociale l’Adelfia di Alessano nella call “Opere parlanti” presso Kora - Contemporary Art Center a Castrignano de' Greci (LE).
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I partecipanti hanno visitato le mostre “Riarborescenze” di Luigi Coppola e “La terra nostra è un mostro di mare” (collettiva di artisti internazionali) grazie al supporto degli operatori culturali di Kora – Contemporary Art Center e alla tutor di Swap Elena Carluccio. 
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Successivamente hanno preso parte al laboratorio per la creazione delle didascalie emozionali ispirate alle opere. 
Ecco quello che è venuto fuori dalle loro didascalie emozionali <3
LUIGI COPPOLA - Riarborescenze impressioni di Kira Grazie a questa mostra ho conosciuto diverse specie di piante dell’Africa. I colori naturali e molto intensi che l’artista ha utilizzato rendevano le piante uniche e particolari. In particolare il mais e il girasole mi hanno subito fatto pensare alla mia infanzia in Ungheria, dove c’erano immense distese di campi con queste piante.
impressioni di Massimo Una pianta in particolare dipinta dall’artista mi ha colpito e mi ha ricordato un periodo della mia vita, di parecchi anni fa, non bello. Ma non posso raccontarvelo…
impressioni di Francesco La mostra è bellissima perché parla della biodiversità e della speranza di riappropiarsi di un territorio da parte della natura. Anche io amo le piante come l’artista: da piccolo avevo un’enciclopedia delle piante e adoro ancora oggi sfogliare le pagine e osservare i disegni delle varie specie.
ETTORE FAVINI - Au revoir impressioni Roberta Che bello vedere tante bandiere con la parola arrivederci in varie lingue del Mediterraneo: anche la mia famiglia è originaria di paesi diversi. Amo la storia di questi paesi, per alcuni è piena di emozione, per altri è piena di dolore. In particolare la lingua spagnola e quella francese mi hanno ricordato i miei genitori.
RUNO LAGOMARSINO - Sea grammar impressioni di Benedetta Di quest’opera ho amato i colori, mi ricordano quelli del tramonto e ho subito ripensato ai giorni in cui vado al mare con la mamma e papà, osserviamo insieme il tramonto, e sono felice.
FLATFORM - Storia di un albero impressioni di Francesco Quest’opera mi è piaciuta in modo particolare perché ha suscitato in me sensazioni profonde legate al senso dell’immensità, della rigogliosità (dell’albero in questo caso) e il senso della vita, della rinascita. Mi hanno colpito molto i suoni e le voci, come anche l’inquadratura. impressioni di Enrico Di quest’opera mi ha colpito molto la vista dall’alto dell’albero e la sua imponenza. Mi ha poi ricordato un fatto particolare: dieci anni prima che si parlasse di xylella per i nostri ulivi io avevo già notato che c’era qualcosa di strano, che usciva resina dagli alberi e in quel punto morivano. Gli alberi, come questa secolare quercia e gli ulivi, hanno solo bisogno di essere ascoltati…
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guncelkal · 1 year ago
Printer Paper Favini White A4 (Refurbished C)
Return to the office without forgetting a single thing! Buy Printer Paper Favini White A4 (Refurbished C) and be the envy of your colleagues! Number of Poles: 100 Sheets Colour: White Size: A4 Weight: 100 g REFURBISHED: These are products that have been returned within their return period or display products that have occasionally been used for demonstrations some are sold with some damage to…
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loll3 · 8 months ago
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✷ Blessed Beltane 🌸 with this original illustration I made for the "Wheel of the Year" 🌿✨
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👉🏻 Wheel of the Year art print is still available on my shop ✧ shop now 🗝️ 
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"Beltane" from "Wheel of the Year" ©Lolle (2023) || original ink illustration made with pilot hi-tecpoint 0.5 and pilot g-tec 0.4 on light sketchbook paper (favini) || ©please, don’t use/modify without permission / don’t repost without credits ♡
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garadinervi · 6 months ago
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Genevieve Carver, Birds / Humans / Machines / Dolphins, ​Illustrated by Antonia Glücksman, Guillemot Press, Cornwall, 2024, printed on Favini Crush Kiwi, Colorplan and Arena papers
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