#fav one is when all makoto asks is if she know how to cook
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roseluwakcoffee · 1 year ago
Apparently I have autism so now Kyoko has autism. Sorry I don't make the rules, I just enforce them
Assorted Kyoko headcanons below:
(Sorry for the double-bullet point formatting. Tumblr refuses to put Regular spaces between bullet points and it would be hard to read otherwise)
First of all Kyoko has no idea she has autism until she's an adult. I don't think her grandfather even considered it when she was younger
Since she lived with him since she was 6, her special interest is in detective work. She also genuinely loves mystery stories outside of that
Also she says she’s secretly passionate about coffee, which she must’ve picked up from her grandfather. She probably has particular brands she prefers and has her own coffee maker because it’s her lifeblood, and can give a full analysis on whatever cup she tries if you ask
I can’t confirm but it seems like Kyoko doesn't have any friends at the all-girls school outside of Yui in DRK when she's 13, so yeah. Probably kept to herself for most of her time in school as a kid because she wasn't encouraged to make friends, and her main focus was on becoming a detective
This definitely leads to her talking to everyone like they're an adult coworker, regardless of age
When she first joins Hope’s Peak she barely speaks to anyone unless prompted to. Multiple students probably think Kyoko dislikes them because of that and how direct her responses can be, but she warms up to the rest of the class over the course of the months and some mandatory group activities
And she doesn’t like small talk, like she says in-game. I feel like she was raised thinking there had to be a clear point to conversations, and gets actively frustrated/confused when people try to talk to her about meaningless things
Even though she came to Hope’s Peak just to settle things with Jin, she avoids him like the plague and barely speaks to him the whole first year. Every time she considers it she realizes that’s a lot of emotional baggage and does not know how to deal with it, so avoids it entirely instead. During the break she has more time to think and over the course of the second year, they're on speaking terms
She stims without really knowing it. When her hands are free she's either fiddling with her braid, her sleeves, or thumbing over the studs on her gloves. She also bounces her leg sometimes if she's working at her desk
And her hands. First of all in DRK it does say her nerves weren't damaged, luckily. But look with how scarred they still visibly are in DR1 and the fact that she was caught in a literal explosion I call BS. I imagine there's some permanent damage and the gloves help deal with the sensitivity
She probably deals with random pains and involuntary movements that get better over the years, but still deal with occasionally dropping/knocking over things
She can do most things fine, but writing can be difficult/painful. She still feels the need to take notes on anything important, so that doesn't stop her, but her handwriting is slightly hard to read unless she writes slowly. When she's older she probably figures out it's easier to use a computer
She hates any sort of loud or sudden noise. Just in general I think she loves being in silence and finds it comforting, but usually uses quiet music when she’s working. (Once she gets her hands on some noise-canceling headphones tho… she’ll never take them off and you might never hear from her again)
She really likes the dark too. Like in her own house she would hardly have the lights on when she isn’t reading or working bc she loves sitting in the void, it’s just relaxing
And she gets real attached to her personal belongings. She doesn’t own much but keeps the things she gets forever. Gifts are like prized possessions to her. And even with things like her work shirts, she will be personally hurt if one of them gets stained or torn. As soon as she can fix it she’ll calm down but she’s very protective of her stuff
She takes getting hurt or betrayed very seriously too. Even just opening up to someone is a big step, so if she trusts you and you break it the rejection sensitivity hurts bad. She’ll get very upset and shut down emotionally, completely avoiding you until she can process her feelings (Like did u see how she treated Makoto for keeping one thing to himself once she didn’t even wanna eat in the same room with him at breakfast)
She hates crowds and loud spaces, she finds them both overwhelming and irritating and will not hesitate to find a way to leave or step out for a while if she can. If she needs to she’ll endure them anyway but anyone who knows her does not expect her to stay long at most events
And she finds the heat unbearable. She will complain internally if it's anything above 80 degrees, and it probably makes wearing her gloves uncomfortable. (Also when Makoto mentions how humid it is in the garden room she immediately says it's pretty uncomfortable and leaves)
She loves the cold tho, like she actively enjoys snowy weather and looks forward to it every year. And in general she keeps her room at like icebox temperatures
She admits she likes plain cereal for breakfast already so… I don’t need to elaborate. Kyoko probably has like five meal options she cycles between but basically still eats the same thing everyday. Especially if she lives on her own I think she has no idea how to cook beyond anything w basic instructions so she’ll buy 20 packs of something premade or microwaveable and hope it’ll last her some weeks
Also Kyoko gets so offended when you ask if she likes cup ramen and she says the thought of it makes her ill so… probably certain kinds of tastes and smells she cannot handle(Edit: Like coriander. Whether that's cilantro or the spice is up to your imagination!). Like she mentions being sensitive to fragrances so perfumes probably give her a headache if they’re too strong
And I think she does the thing of always looking like she frowning slightly about something, but not because she’s upset, just because there’s always some slightly uncomfortable sensation outside the comfort of her room. Either that or a blank stare, depending on her mood
Thats it. If you somehow made it to the end of the post, congrats and thank you for listening to my kyoko thoughts!
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wonderfulchaos69-blog · 8 years ago
@mikoe24 - this looked interesting, so I stayed up a bit later than intended working on it xD Thanks for the tag, love, and I’ll be having some Mikuni and Misono headcanons for you after my hiatus is up! (which will be a week ahead of time, woohoo!)
Rules: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write eleven new ones. Tag eleven people to answer your questions as well as the person who tagged you.
Pokki’s Questions
1. Do you have any OCs? If so, what are their name(s)?
I have quite a few, yes. I have an entire next gen cast for Natsume's Book of Friends, for a story I have been working on for two years. It recently hit 100k and I am still dead sure this will never see the light of day, lol. It's so self indulgent. For right now it has the working title of Elegy for the Lost One and it takes place in a future where Natsume disappeared under strange circumstances. Thrillers are what I like writing the most - suspense, the build-up to it, and then the inevitable fall as you start putting the pieces together.
Now to give you the run-down on the OCS, haha. So first up is Shiori, who I decided would be a daughter to Natori and Hiiragi. I am always curious about youkai/human relations and how they work in the Book of Friends universe, and I chose to play around with that using Shiori. She takes after her father a lot - flashy, bold, a real show stopper. But she has her mother's sensibility and loyalty. And since I'm mentioning Natori, I might as well bring up Matoba. I ended up giving him a son that develops an unparalleled obsession with the Book of Friends. Then there's Takahiro, Hiromi and Haruki who are the main cast and the ones that the story focuses on the most. They're the ones trying to solve the mystery. Meanwhile, there's Makoto, who is the would-be inherited of the Book of Friends. She is a relative to Natsume, distantly, through Natsume's cousin (Yuuto, if the drama cds are to be believed~).
Then, for an original story I'm working on, I have a few solid characters so far. Annabel, a steadfast young woman who is independant to a fault and doesn't know to ask others for help. She's thrown into a situation where she has no choice but to lean on others - or in this case, on one person in particular. A mentor, a friend, a guiding hand in a world that seems so foreign even though she's been living in it for years. Suddenly, things fail to make sense. What she thought she knew turns out to be different from the underlying reality. The Lore Keeper, her mentor, is the one to help her through it. For his own reasons, but who doesn't have an ulterior motive or two? His is simply ensuring that the future Keeper is an upstanding one. As you can see, he doesn't have a name yet. But that's both intentional and my own laziness lol. So yeah, choosing names is always the last step for me. Developing their personalities is what I tend to focus on the most when creating an OC. The name always comes last to me.
2. What’s your favorite eye color?
I love blue eyes! They're so pretty. Especially light blue.
3. How would you name your kids? Or, if you don’t want kids, what are your favorite names?
Fun fact: I was actually terrified of having children for a long time. I met someone who changed that for me, but eh. I have not given it much thought. I think naming children should be the act of both parents, something I'd want to talk over with my partner, but as for some of my favorite names ... I like short and sweet, so: Iris and Jay.
4. What’s your favorite quote?
I tend to go with Dr. Seuss a lot, heh, so I'll go with Roald Dahl this time: "A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest of men."
5. What’s the last anime you watched?
... it's been a while, uhhh. Dragon Maid probably. :3
6. Do you like cosplays?
I never personally wore any, but I deeply admire those who do. They put a lot of work into every costume and that takes skill, dedication, and sacrificing their own personal time to make it. They have my respect.
7. Do you have a crush on someone? (A real person or a fictional character, it doesn’t matter~)
Well then, just delve right into my deep, dark secrets why don't you? Hmmm, I guess if I'm being honest: I do. It was sort of an "oh shit" moment for me, but identifying the problem is the first step to finding a solution. In this case, getting my heart to agree with my mind that this is Not Allowed.
Fictional-wise ... idk, man. It's hard enough on me having real life crushes. I suppose Lily and Natori would be my type, though.
8. How many siblings do you have?
I have - had - two older half-brothers. It's complicated, too, so nope. I will not be explaining.
9. What would your ideal date be like?
Probably either a candlelit dinner and snuggling on the couch or doing something we both loved together. With my ex, that used to be hiking at the Cliffs, putting our feet in the water and play fighting with said water, and then collapsing together in the sand. It was sweet while it lasted.
10. Do you like your handwriting? Why?
I do, because why not? It's not perfect, but I've been learning that striving for perfection is a fruitless endeavor. It's also the coward's way out.
11. Now, say something positive about yourself!~  c:
Hmmm. Something positive ... my mind always goes blank when asked this sort of question. I guess, it's my persistence? Even when I play the role my own worst critic, I still keep going because sitting idle has never suited me. I have to constantly be doing something. Whether it's writing, reading, etc. If my mind is happy, so am I.
Avi’s Questions
1: What is you’re favorite series and why? (Could be anything from TV shows, books, anime, ect..)
For books, probably ... the Artemis Fowl series? That writing style is one of my favs :'D
For manga, definitely Natsume's Book of Friends. Gorgeous short stories on their own and a sprinkling of plot that's not too much, so it doesn’t take away from each story and they can all stand on their own. I admire that, since I'm primarily a short story writer more often than not.
2: What is your favorite weather and time of day?
My favorite type of weather is rain, no doubt about it. And for time of day ... night. Definitely night. I am a night owl, ha.
3: Favorite Fictional character? Why?
Why must you do this to me?! At the moment, it's Mikuni. Save me.
4: Favorite video game? Why?
The World Ends With You. Lots of reasons, and since they are personal ... I will instead just gush about how much I loved the storyline and the characters, and how I can proudly proclaim that this is one of the few games I have ever completed 100%.
5: What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, watching anime, video games, fishing, hiking, cooking/baking, and learning new things.
6: If you could pick one fictional world to live in, what world would you pick and why?
Oh gosh, I think the Hunter x Hunter world would be cool, too, but I'd die so quickly ... I'm going to go the safer route and say Tales of the Abyss. Make me one of those NPCs chilling in the background. Just, you know, not in the town that gets completely destroyed (gdi Luke).
7: Favorite animal?
CATS. I have always been a cat person and I will definitely continue to be one looooong into the future.
8: Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names and what are they?
Snow White, my eskimo doggie. And Goldie, my orange and white tabby cat.
9: Do you have any original stories? Tell me something about them!
Since I already talked about my current story alongside the OC question, I'll instead gush about a collab story with a good friend of mine. We've been working on this story for close to ... god, eight years now? It's one of those self indulgent things. It's fun to come home to and work on. It has a super hero setting, wherein she writes the heroes and I write the villains. My alliance is called, wait for it - SASSI. Super Assholes Seeking Suitable Income. They're real particular about the destruction they cause, let me tell ya. It's sort of a goofy series that we put together to hash out why people do the things they do and put a satire spin on it. (The villains are not the only ones we poke fun at, just saying.)
10: If you have any ocs, who was your first? If you don’t have any, who was your first favorite character and why?
Oh wow, that's so long ago. My first OC was a nameless young lady from a story about black cats bringing good omens. I wrote it for English class, because I was interested in myths and old legends in regards to cats. It was around the time I discovered what a Cat Sith is.
11: You have three wishes, what would you wish for?
Is this like one of those genies that twists what we want and we have to be reaaaally careful? You know, Monkey Paw style? If so, then I would hand off the wishes to someone else. They can have them; I'mma strive for what I want with my own dedication and patience. If this is a no strings attached sort of deal, then: 1. for good things to happen to my friends and family, 2. to live by the ocean, and 3. to be able to speak more than one language. As I said, all things I can work towards on my own.
Mikoe's Questions
1. Do you draw? If yes, how many years has it been since you’ve started?
Oh gods, no. I used to be big into drawing animals, but I can't draw people and shit for the life of me. I have a few wolf pictures, still, I think. My spirit animal <3
2. Do you write? If yes, could you copy paste a line from your latest work?
Since I was 11~ And sure, I'll use fanfic: "Do I have to go?" The cat's sleepy yawn gave away its apathy to the whole thing. "Can't I just stay here and nap? You'll be fine on your own."
"Well, they did send us two tickets. It'd be rude if you didn't use it, Kuro. Not to mention," and here Mahiru flicked the cat on the forehead, "I'd kind of die if you didn't come along, you lazy cat. Or did you forget we have a contract?"
3. What is/are your nickname(s)? If you don’t have any, can I give you one?
I joke about having nicknames, because kids call me Apple (or god help me, Cabbage, from A FRIEND UGH), but nah. Not really. You can't really make a nickname out of April, lol. As for receiving a nickname, go for it. Good luck, pffft.
4. When is your birthday? If you’re not comfortable with it, then what is your favorite day of the whole year and why?
August 27th
5. What are the 5 things that never fail to brighten up your day or put a smile on your face?
My pets!!! My friends and family. Really cute pics of animal in general. Reading something sweet. Being out in the fresh air.
6. Why did you join Tumblr?
To reconnect with old friends, mainly. Then I fell into the Servamp fandom, enough said.
7. IOS or Android?
8. In the scale of 1 to 10, how much do you love yourself?
5, it's half and half.
9. Are you the type who pours the cereal before the milk or the milk before the cereal?
Cereal before the milk xD I don't want to get splashed.
10. How is 2017 treating you so far?
My internal thoughts are just incoherent screaming atm.
11. Do you like pigeons? XD
Depends. I like the pretty ones that are small and colorful and land on your fingertips.
My Questions~
1. Where do you see yourself in five years?
2. If you draw and/or write, what programs are your favorite to use?
3. Do you have any phobias?
4. Have you ever traveled? If so, where?
5. Do you have someone you admire or strive to be like?
6. What is your ideal vacation?
7. Do you have a favorite candle scent?
8. What genre is your favorite? (For movies, books, anime/manga, games, etc.)
9. Do you have something you use as a crutch/safety net? Something you couldn't live without?
10. What is a series you used to enjoy as a child? Do you still enjoy it?
11. List five things you want to improve in and make a little time for those things every day.
I tag: @crazyanime3, @stirlingphoenix, @choc0bunnyqueen, @pleasantdreamsart, @saltykarkat, @mikunialicein .... man, it’s hard to pick 11. Anyone else who wishes to do so! And of course, if you’re tagged and do not want to do it, that’s cool too.
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