#faucet grunkle
pegafin · 5 months
4th of July McMansion Special: Full Sized Images!
And now, for your viewing pleasure, the full-sized images of my resplendent 4th of July Mcmansion! Read the original @mcmansionhell Discord conversation that spawned it here.
Presenting 🥁🥁🥁 If The Song “Stars and Stripes Forever” Blasted Directly into Your Earholes was a House: A Farmhouse Chic Colonial Symphony 🎺🇺🇸
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We enter the stately colonial foyer, and behold the ✨majesty✨of The 4th of July Tree (please cry now).
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Oops! Looks like there was a bit of a balustrade crash there lol 😅
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Close up of the non-euclidean side table.
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The living rooms, true Reflections of America.
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The kitchen boats a pair of elegant and patriotic live fish chandeliers. ✨
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Close up of the "faucet grunkle," a classic and normal part of any kitchen.
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Charming eat-in nook!
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Master Bedroom 1, which boasts a charming pair of 4th of July trees.
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Master Bedroom 2
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Child's Bedroom
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Spare Children's Bedroom
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Spare Spare Childrens' Bedroom
And now 🥁🥁🥁 🎆The grand bathroom finale!🎇
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🎼From the French stuff🎶
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🎶To the His and Hers🎶
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🎶to the Peeing is a Spectator Spooooort🎶
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🎵God bathe America!🎶
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Our home sweet home God bathe America!
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Our hooooome sweeeet hoooome! 🎆🎇🎉
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In the jungle you must wait
...Maybe “Jumanji” wasn’t the best choice for movie night.
"Flippin' through the movies, doodly-doo, lookin' for somethin' good to watch, doodly-doo…"
Stan Pines thumbed lazily through the pile of movies he'd scrounged up for the evening, singing to himself under his breath. It was a habit he knew annoyed the heck out of Ford, but he was still in the kitchen getting snacks with the kids, so he could get away with it a little longer.
And then a title finally caught his interest, and he put it into the player, quickly using the remote to skip through the previews to the name of the film appearing on the screen in ominous letters.
Just then Dipper entered the living room, and saw it too. Out of the corner of his eye, Stan saw the boy freeze up, and his hand twitch nervously.
"Um, Grunkle Stan," he said softly, "you might not want to pick this one."
Stan turned so he was looking at him full-on, gave him a quizzical stare. "Why not?"
Dipper struggled for a moment for the right words, before asking, "Have you ever watched Jumanji before?"
"Nope, but I know what happens. Some dumb kids play with a board game that turns out to be magical." As Mabel and Ford entered the living room, bearing popcorn and drinks, he accepted a Pitt and his own bowl. "Doesn't sound like anything to worry about. Besides, it's PG-you little gremlins are old enough for that, right?"
The kids rolled their eyes at him and made themselves comfortable against his legs, while Ford sat down in the chair next to Stan.
"I've actually visited a dimension with something like that," he began, before Stan shushed him because something interesting was finally happening.
This might have been a mistake.
It wasn't too bad at first; sure, the main kid's problems with bullies and his father brought back a few bad memories, but Stan thought he was handling it okay.
Then the boy and his father got in a fight, the argument ending with the boy saying that he was never talking to him again. The front door slammed, and for a second a different door was floating in front of him and he was on the sidewalk in front of the pawnshop-but then he tightened his grip on the soda can in his hand, grounding him back in reality.
Deep breath, Stan. Deep breath. Everything's fine.
Nobody seemed to have noticed, so he focused his attention back on the movie.
When the kids started playing the game, Ford's stomach started churning. Especially when he heard the stupid little rhyme: "In the jungle you must wait/Till the dice read five or eight." And then he saw the consequences of the boy's roll.
"Stanley! Help me!"
Floating up up up out of all control into the hellhole he'd built no no NO
Ford jumped almost a foot in the air at his brother's enraged exclamation, jerked out of the horrid memory at once. He whipped his head around to see Stanley pointing an accusing finger at the screen, still ranting, oblivious to the alarmed looks the rest of his family were giving him. "She didn't even try to grab him, she just watched him get sucked in-didn't she care about him at all?!"
"Stanley." Ford managed to reach over and grab his arm. "Hey, ssh, it's okay."
His twin blinked a few times, and then lowered his hand. "Sorry."
"...Do you want us to turn it off?" Mabel asked, twisting around and reaching for the remote-but Stan brought his hand down on it hard, pulling it out of reach.
"I'm fine."
I'm not, Ford thought, but he couldn't get the words out. He just squeezed Stan's arm once before releasing it. And both children gave them slightly worried looks, but turned back to the screen.
The movie got a little better again, until the boy-a man now, played by Robin Williams (Ford had not been very invested in the world of film in the years pre-portal, but Fiddleford had enjoyed them, and he'd been a big fan of the comedian), returned to this world to find out that everything he'd known and loved was gone.
Ford felt a lump rising in his throat, and his vision started to blur; it took him a few rapid blinks to clear it, and he discreetly wiped his eyes on his sweater sleeve. And then he heard a loud sniffle-coming from right next to him, instead of from him.
Ford glanced over at his brother, and blinked in surprise. As bad as he probably looked, Stan was a mess. I mean, he was being quiet about it, but his eyes were running like a faucet, and his shoulders and mouth trembled with pent-up emotion.
Ford cleared his throat, but still sounded hoarse when he whispered, "Stanley, let's just watch something else."
"You don't have to watch if it's bugging you," Stan growled, voice sounding even gruffer than usual.
Ford decided it was time to pull the 'authoritative older twin' card. "Stanley-"
"I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life avoiding everything that gives me bad memories!" Stan snarled, whirling to glare at him through angry, tearful eyes. "I do that, I'll never do anything again!"
For a moment, despite the show still playing, the room felt hushed, as everyone (even Waddles, who was lying next to Mabel) turned to stare at him. He glared defiantly back. Then, quick as a wink, Ford grabbed the remote-and hit the pause button.
"Ford!" Stan lunged for the remote, but Ford held it out of reach.
"There's no shame in at least taking a break from the thing that gives you bad memories!" he said quickly.
Stan lowered his arms after a second, and began to rub his face on a corner of his undershirt before Dipper preemptively pushed some tissues into his hand. Mabel, looking far less than her usual exuberant self, climbed up into her grunkle's lap, hugging him around the middle. After a hesitant moment, since he probably thought the fact that they were both teenagers now meant they were maybe getting a little old/big to do this, Dipper followed suit except with Ford.
After a few minutes of just being comforted by their niece and nephew, Stan looked over at Ford.
"Sorry, I shoulda thought about what this is like for you. You wanna watch something else?"
Ford was tempted to say yes...but finally shook his head.
"No, you're right. It's not healthy to just avoid triggering things, because that will make them all the worse when they do show up."
Stan wiped his eyes again. "Whatever, smarty-pants." Since neither kid seemed inclined to move, he just picked up the remote again and hit play.
Quite a few moments still stung-namely the part where Robin Williams found out his careless action had cost his former friend his job at the shoe factory (Ford had to squeeze Stan's shoulder during most of the scene), the part where the two original players claimed that the game had ruined their lives, and even the happy ending where father and son were able to reconcile their differences (because both older Pines twins knew such things were not as simple in real life). By the end when the game washed up on an obscure shore, they were almost out of tissues, and Stan was sure he and Ford looked like they'd just been at a funeral (and possibly the kids looked a little like that too). But even though he felt raw inside from all the old pain and hurt that had been dredged up, he also felt oddly cleansed. And a little triumphant inside for not letting his memories control his decision to watch this thing. Of course, he couldn't say he'd enjoyed the movie, exactly...but he told himself stubbornly that it had been worth it.
"Next time," Ford said aloud, "I get to pick the movie." He pulled off his tear-stained glasses and began cleaning them on his sweater.
"...Yeah, that's fair," Stan agreed.
If only Ford had thought to look into the actual plot of Secondhand Lions...
If you haven’t seen Secondhand Lions, starring Michael Caine, Robert Duvall and Haley Joel Osmont, you have my pity and you should watch it.  It’s a healthy blend of humor and ruthlessly tearing at your heartstrings-my favorite.
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redwoodwrites · 5 years
Bad Dreams
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13339278
A/N: This story takes place after Dipper and Mabel have returned home. They've started their own paranormal investigation club, the Haunt Hunters, and are doing pretty well...except for the occasional nightmare...  A touch of angst, a hint of Billdip, and a whole lotta Mabel. Enjoy the fluff!
Dipper woke up sweating. His shoulders were shaking and those little stabby fork scars on his arms were burning. He sat up. His scalp felt like it was trying to crawl off his head.
Well. Obviously not going back to sleep tonight.
He swung his legs over the bed. Ew, so much sweat. If he showered now, he'd wake everybody up, but at least he could at least change his clothes. Maybe wipe off his face.
He got up slowly so his bed wouldn't creak. Mabel was flopped over the top bunk bed and one foot hung over the rail, covered in a bright pink heart-patterned sock that literally glowed in the dark. He avoided it carefully, grabbed a semi-clean change of clothes off the floor, and felt his way out of the room to the bathroom.
He reached the bathroom and shut the door, so the light wouldn't bother anyone. He flicked it on, wincing at the sudden glare. He had to stand with his eyes squeezed shut until they adjusted. He cracked them open, a little at a time. When his eyes stopped throbbing, he shucked off his clothes and threw them on the hamper. He put on the clean ones and then stepped to the sink to wash his face. He turned on the hot water faucet at full blast, to make it heat up faster, and glanced at himself in the mirror.
His reflection grinned horribly, and its eyes burned yellow with slitted pupils.
 Mabel startled so badly she nearly fell out of bed. She gripped the rail, her heart pounding, her ears ringing from the scream.
Dipper didn't answer.
Oh, boy. She quickly swung over the rail and dropped to the floor. Her brother was sitting up, grabbing at the blankets, doing that funny breathing thing he did when he was trying not to panic. His hair stuck out in all directions, hiding his face, but his mouth was open as he gasped for breath.
Before Mabel could move or speak, their parents ran into the room. “What happened?” their mother asked, panting. “Who screamed?”
“I just woke up,” Mabel said truthfully, stalling for time. Sometimes Dipper was too freaked to talk, which freaked out their parents, which freaked out Mabel, which freaked out Dipper. It was not a good cycle.
“Are you kid alright?” their father asked. “Mabel, what on earth are you doing out of bed? Tell me you didn't sleep walk! If you fell off the top bunk –”
“No, no, I promise, I was awake when I fell. Kidding!” she said with a laugh. “I didn't fall. Seriously, I'm okay.”
Their mother stepped closer, peering behind Mabel, who was blocking the view to Dipper's bed. “Dipper? Are you alright?”
“I'm okay.” She heard Dipper scoot back so his mom could see his face. Mabel glanced at him. He looked pale and pasty and haggard, but he was an internet addict so that was a typical look for him. At least he wasn't breathing funny anymore. “I just had a nightmare," he said. "Sorry I woke you.”
“Some nightmare,” said their father. “You want a glass of water?”
“No, no, I'm fine.”
Their mother insisted on tucking them both back in and fussed over Dipper's blankets until she'd practically cocooned him.
“Aw, look at him!” Mabel squealed. “He's gonna metamorphose into a beautiful nerd!”
“Well, he's got the 'nerd' part down,” their father grumbled, and he grinned and ruffled their hair.
Finally their parents were gone. Mabel waited a little while before she poked her head down over the railing.
“So,” she said, and he knew what she meant.
“I'm really okay,” Dipper said, keeping his eyes closed. “Honest.”
“I hate when that happens,” Mabel said conversationally. “Like, you know you're okay but your brain insists on making horror movies in your sleep. You can't even eat popcorn to make it a worthwhile experience!”
“I didn't know nightmares could be a – you have nightmares?”
“Oh sure! Mostly about Waddles getting turned into Bacon Bits, or accidentally pressing the red button so Grunkle Ford never comes back, or that Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford get killed at sea and we never hear from them again and we spend the rest of our lives searching forever and never find them until we die.”
“I feel like that got progressively worse.”
Mabel shrugged, which, since she was hanging upside down, meant moving her shoulders up towards the ceiling and then back again, like an opposite-shrug. “You wanna know what I do when I get a nightmare?”
He cracked open one eye. “Eat ice cream?”
“Eat ice cream with popcorn?”
“Throw literally everything in the fridge into the blender and make the worst possible version of Mabel Juice ever?”
“No, but now I definitely want to try that tomorrow. No, what I do is think of a real thing that really happened, something just as good as the nightmare was bad, and I focus on that.”
“What do you do for a Grunkles-Lost-Forever dream?”
She paused. Dipper's nightmare must've been really bad. What would cheer up a nerd?
“I think, if I were you...I'd remember that one time you found an alien saucer with Grunkle Ford. You did say it was, and I quote, 'the best day of your life.'”
“Ah, yes, the day I accidentally pushed you into accidentally starting Weirdmaggedon.”
“Work with me here, Dip-Dop. Before that you know you were having a great time. Actually...” She pulled herself back up and climbed down the ladder. All that hanging upside down was starting to give her a Grenda-sized headrush. She scooted onto Dipper's bed and sat cross-legged at the foot of it. “You never did tell me what happened. You wanna tell me now?”
He picked his head up and looked at her for a minute. “I really am okay,” he said.
“If you don't tell me, I will tickle you,” she said, raising a finger threateningly and touching his big toe through the blankets.
“Mabel, I'm tired. I just want to –”
He squealed with laughter as she grabbed his feet and started tickling with all her Mabel powers. He was so tightly wrapped up he couldn't even fight back. And when it looked like he was about to get his arms free, she body-slammed him and started tickling his neck.
“Mabel, Mabel, stop!” he gasped, laughing so hard tears rolled down his cheeks. “Seriously! I'm gonna pee!”
She sat up, grinning from ear to ear. “Alright, Count Dorkulus, story time! Stor-y time! Stor-y time!”
“You are the worst,” he said, but he was still laughing as he sat up. He told the story, starting with how Ford blew up his face every morning to get rid of five o' clock shadow all the way through staring down a big alien security droid with a rail gun the size of a Maserati.
“Wow, Dipper, that sounds amazing,” Mabel said admiringly. “You're like a hero from a science fiction movie!”
“Yeah, well...” He grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. “It was really cool, that's for sure. I wish we could have more adventures like that, but I guess not every place is as weird as Gravity Falls.”
“I dunno, bro, with you here I think we give the Falls some decent competition.”
He threw a pillow at her.
“And we did just fight off a buttload of gremlins at school,” Mabel said. “Who knows what other wild stuff the Haunt Hunters will face? I bet we'll get world-famous and have to travel to all the weirdest, most haunted places in the world!”
“Yeah! Like that forest in the Rockies with all the Bigfoot sightings! Or that one house in Colorado with the baby hands on the window!”
“Oooh! I bet the Hand Witch would love it there!”
They talked and planned until it started getting light outside. Luckily it was the weekend, so they knew they'd get to sleep in. Mabel was too tired to climb back to her own bed. She crawled up next to Dipper and stole the top blanket. The fell asleep facing each other, their foreheads just touching, their faces gilded with the soft gold of the rising sun.
A/N: So I know the whole “bad dreams” idea has been done to death, but the idea WOULD NOT leave me alone until I put it down on paper. Digitally, anyway. MENTAL SYSTEM PURGED!  Also, for more Dipper and Mabel after the Falls, please check out my work “Haunt Hunters,” where the twins have started the Haunt Hunters club and investigate paranormal events.
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30 Day A to Z Challenge “Hunkle Grunkle Edition”
Day 2 - B is for Bath  Pair: Stanford Pines x Winifred Davis (My OC)  Warning: Slightly mentions nudity, but not in great detail. 
It seemed like she couldn’t even catch her breath as she ran through the forest, the sound of squishing footsteps behind her. There was so much on her mind right now. Some very distinct and colorful words she wanted to throw at her boyfriend for dragging her into this whole mess and getting her covered in the thick, gooey slime of the creature they were getting slime specimens from was one of them.
Finally, with the familiar Mystery Shack in view and the sound of the roar of the creature’s mother further off in the distance, she slowed her step so that she could finally catch her breath. A few minutes into catching her breath she collapsed on the ground in a gooey, muddy, and smelly heap of woman. She closed her eyes for a moment, but immediately when she heard his heavy boots come up beside her so let out a low and angry sounding groan. “Just collecting a little slime specimen, he says, it’ll be fun he says” She cries out into the ground beneath her face.
Stanford gently knelt next to her; his own body covered from head to toe in the gooey slime as well. He kind of felt horrible for dragging Winifred into the danger of the slug den, but he really needed the specimen, especially if it helped them ward off faeries from the shack. “Winnie I’m sorry, honestly I didn’t think it was going to be that difficult. Usually those slugs aren’t that violent” Ford says apologetically to her.
Winifred slowly rolled over onto her back and glared icy daggers up at her boyfriend. “Did you ever think that the mother would be violent in protecting her kids Stanford? It’s a law of nature that is never ignored” Winifred huffed and then she found that she really couldn’t stay mad at the scientist, especially with his glasses still askew on his face, his hair sticking up in every direction due to the slime. After a moment Winifred’s deep frown turned into goofy smile and her giggles escaped her.
Ford looked at her with a guilty and concerned look for a moment, but then it turned to confusion as she started giggling. “What? Winnie what’s so funny?” He asked her as a hint of a smile played on his lips and he leaned over her so that his soft amber eyes met her two different colored ones.
Winifred couldn’t stop herself from the giggles turning into laughs. She then softly reached up and righted Ford’s glasses at least. “You, you brilliant knucklehead. You look so funny with your glasses skewed and your hair being all over the place” Winifred said in between laughs causing Ford to blush and give her a small, playful pout.
“Who me? No of course not! I’m as handsome as Nikola Tesla!” He declared proudly and then he slowly got up off the ground and collected some of the slime out of his hair into a little specimen jar. Once he was done, he held a slime covered, six fingered hand out for Winifred to take to help her up off the ground. “Does this mean I’m off the hook my dear?” Ford asks her, giving her his sweetest smile now.
Winifred felt her heart flutter at seeing his sweet smile, but she would not let him get away with them being covered in slime and almost eaten by a giant slug creature. “Well I’m a bit biased myself and can’t correctly give the best conclusion” She says playfully and then she gives him a little wink. She then thankfully takes the hand that he offers her and gets herself up off the ground with his help. She then raised a brow and shook her head. “Oh no Mr. Pines, I’m not letting you off that easy. You’re going to have to make up for it as soon as your done putting that specimen away” She says poking a finger at his sweater clad chest. “Go do what you need to do with that slime and then meet me in our bathroom” Winifred whispered and then without further warning she quickly kissed his cheek and ran off towards the shack.
Ford watched her leave and was slightly confused at what she meant until he was reminded on his current situation by the gross feeling of slime crawling down his back. He shivered and then a few minutes later he was following her towards the Mystery Shack.
 Once Winifred had gotten to the room that the two now happily shared together she was quick to shed all of her stinky, slime covered clothes. Once she was down to her underwear she placed all of her slimy clothes into the hamper to be washed later and then she headed off to the bathroom. She then turned on the warm water and corrected the faucet so that the shower had come on. She then slipped off her panties and slipped into the shower.
Almost immediately the warm water greeted her and flushed away some of the horrible events that had taken place in the day. Her thoughts then moved to Ford. She began to sort of feel bad for being mad at him, but at the same time, after playing rodeo clown for a baby slug and then being chased by the mother she really hoped that it was all worth it. Her thoughts grew even more intense at the thought of possibly sharing a shower with him. The closest they had been to seeing each other naked was seeing each other in underwear, but that was normal since that was normally how they slept. Half of her hoped he was brave enough to join her here in the shower and the other half was extremely nervous. She was nervous because she didn’t really want to worry him with her scars let alone be crying over the scars that she knew he most likely had. She was also just nervous because this would be a new level in their relationship, but she also knew that she trusted him more than anything else in the world.
Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by the familiar deep voice that she loved so much. “Winnie? Are you alright dear?” Ford called to her from the bathroom. Winifred nearly dropped the soap on her foot in surprise.
“Y-Yeah my darling I’m in the shower, C-come and join me…w-we both really need it after the rough day we’ve had” Winifred says trying to make sure her voice didn’t shake or show how nervous she was.
Now it was Ford’s turn to be a blushing mess, he was kind of happy that she couldn’t see his face. He gulped in a deep breath of air before he asked her the next question. “A-are you sure my dear?” He asks shyly as he leaned against the door frame of the bathroom.
“YES!” Winifred squeaks immediately and then she quickly clears her throat to calm herself down. “I-I uh… I mean yes I’m sure Ford, besides you owe me” She says trying to sound flirty, but failing. After a moment she finally lets out a breath and pops her head out of the curtain. “I-is it normal to be nervous? I-I really want this…I-I’ve been wanting this since we were young and dumb and in college…b-but I’ve never done anything like this before” Winifred explains shyly.
She finally noticed just how red Ford’s face was so it did make her feel a little better, maybe he was just as shy about this as she was… “I-I think that it’s normal to feel nervous when it’s your first time doing something Winifred…I-I want this to, I’ve also been desiring to do this with you for a while, but I’m not the kind of man to just outwardly ask…I just don’t want to ruin anything if…well you know…” Ford replies coming a bit closer to her, the last part he sort of mumbles, but Winifred knew what he meant and it was already breaking her heart.
Winifred gives him a sad look and then looks at the floor for a moment. “Are you afraid that I’ll be scared off by your body because if that’s the case then please don’t think that Stanford. I love you just the way you are, scars and all, I just want to be together…b-but if you’re not ready for this then I complete-“ Winifred started, but was immediately cut off by the feeling of Ford’s lips pressing against her own in a sweet, but searing kiss.
Winifred’s cheeks heated up, but she softly began kissing him back, her tongue gently swiping against his bottom lip and begging for entrance. Ford slowly and hesitantly broke the kiss, his cheeks still almost as red as his sweater. “Heh…hold on my dear I think I’m a bit overdressed don’t you think?” He asks her making a shiver run down her spine.
Winifred chuckled a little and nodded shyly, she then disappeared once again behind the shower curtain and waited for him. “Take your time my darling” She says shyly as she cleans the rest of the goopy slime off her body.
About a minute later the curtain was temporarily drawn back to reveal Stanford. Winifred unconsciously crossed an arm over her chest, but then it dropped as she finally got to see some of the scars that showed themselves on his chest. Winifred was silent for a moment, but then looked up at him with teary eyes.
Ford was somehow able to tell that she was crying even with the wetness of the shower going around them because he softly wiped away her tears. “Winnie are you alright? My dear why are you crying?” He asks her, but his only reply was a tight hug and her face burying itself in his shoulder. Ford gently held her close to him and brushed one of his six fingered hands through her silver hair.
After a moment of holding her in his arms she calmed herself down enough to speak. “I-I just see your scars Stanford and it reminds me of all of the pain that you’ve been through…having to fight for your life for over thirty years alone…I wish I could have found you so that you wouldn’t have had to be alone” Winifred whispers to him and then she shyly runs one of her fingers along a particularly long scar that started from one of his broad shoulders to the other.
This action caused Ford to shiver a little, but he didn’t mind her touch, it was actually comforting. “Winifred if you would have found me then the scars on your body would be worse, I was a dangerous person to be with while in the multiverse, a wanted criminal even. Please my dear, don’t cry, they don’t hurt anymore. If anything they remind me of my mistakes that I made…I still blame myself for you even having to end up like you did” He said softly and then he rested his chin atop her head and continued to stroke her hair.
Winifred slowly looked up at him, her fingers gently tracing along another scar that ran close to his neck, she now sort of understood why her beloved wore high collared sweaters now, even in the summer heat. “Stanford Filbrick Pines how many times do I have to remind you that what happened that night was not your fault! I was an idiot for not securing myself down before going after McGucket, that was not your fault” She scolds softly and then she leans in and places a kiss on the scar on his clavicle. “Further more, call me selfish, but I hate to even know that you’re in pain. No one should have to face that kind of thing alone…Y-you know I would do anything for you, even if it means getting hurt so you don’t have to” Winifred added after a moment, her brown and her blue eyes looking up at his again, sincerity filling them easily.
Ford places a soft kiss to her forehead and then he gently leans his against hers. “You’re not selfish for that, the worst part is I think that’s a dangerous thing that we both have in common my dear. I would never want harm to come to you if I could help it” He replies and then he places a shy kiss on the scar that she has around her brown eye.
For a moment the two just stayed in each other’s arms as the warm shower continued to spray over their tired and worn bodies. It was nice really, even though they both worried over each other’s scars, it was still nice. Winifred sort of understood it this way now, the two of them would never stop worrying over each other. It was yet another dynamic that made their relationship so special, heck it was like that when they were best friends.
Suddenly the two were startled by the shouting of yet another familiar voice. “DAMN IT POINDEXTER WHAT IS GROSS SLIMEY SHIT ALL OVER THE FLOOR???” It was Stan. This caused both of the paranormal hunters to almost lose it in a fit of chuckles.
Ford blushes and presses one last kiss to her forehead. “We best be getting the rest of this slime cleaned off my dear, it seems that Stanley calls us” Ford chuckled and then he reached behind her for the shampoo bottle so that they could wash each other’s hair.
“It seems like it Sixer, looks like we’ll have some explaining to do” She says playfully and then she gently puts some soap on a rag and gently she leans up and cleans his face from the gross slime.
Ford gives her a thankful smile and then he puts some shampoo on his hand. “May I my darling?” He asks gesturing to her medium length silver hair. Winifred nodded eagerly and then leaned her head so that he had better access.
It didn’t take long for the two to finish cleaning the slime from their bodies and by then the water began to run colder. Once they stepped out of the shower the two bundled up like little penguins in fluffy towels and then they proceeded to dry off. “Am I finally off the hook now my dear?” Ford asked playfully as he handed Winifred her glasses and then slid his onto his face.
Winifred teasingly acted like she had to think about it and then she laughed and nodded. “Yes Stanford, you’re off the hook” She says lovingly and then she leans up on her tippy toes and kisses his cheek. “Now c’mon darlin’ let’s get dressed and face an angry Pines together” Winifred adds and then she scoots out of the bathroom to change.
“Right behind you darling” Ford called and then he followed her. Needless to say, for a rough day that had taken place, it didn’t end so badly. This might be the first time that Ford and Winifred would take a shower together, but certainly not their last time.
A/N: Hey there guys, sorry that this one is a little late, I’m also sorry if it seems at all out of character for Ford at all, I’m still gaining my confidence to write for both the Grunkles. Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoyed this prompt! Tomorrow’s is C for Commitment. 
This prompt challenge was created by @uhmmmsweetie and you can find the list of prompts for each day here: https://uhmmmsweetie.tumblr.com/post/172330329580/30-day-otp-alphabet-challenge
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pegafin · 5 months
4th of July McMansion Special! 🤩🇺🇸
Last 4th of July, the @mcmansionhell Discord chat joined me on the most magical 4th of July journey I ever experienced. Now, today, in honor of the day after American Tax Day, I will share that journey with you...✨
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To see the resplendent, full sized images of this patirotic 4th of July home, click here.
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