#father Daryl
etclouie · 3 months
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where the heart is
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 summary: after a late night, you and Daryl overslept the next day, resulting in your children waking you both up (Daryl Dixon x !fem reader)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 setting: alexandria before the saviors
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 warnings: pure fluff, slight innuendo towards sex, father daryl, soft daryl, hints to daryl wanting another kid, lmk if i missed any!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 word count: 997
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 a/n: first post on here, this is nerve wracking😣
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 twd masterlist | main masterlist
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you and Daryl had been up later than usual the night prior, a glass of wine from a bottle he’d found on a previous run had both of you giggling throughout the night. 
putting your two children to bed shortly after dinner, while the bottle of wine sat on the kitchen counter, practically calling your names. 
it started by popping the bottles cork to have a glass each, and then it spiralled. half a bottle later and kiss swollen lips each, and you were both stumbling upstairs to your bedroom. 
clothes askew before being scattered around the room, covers thrown back while hands explored the others body. 
heavy breaths and fleeting touches, spurring into the early hours of the morning before cuddling up to the other. 
at some point throughout the night, you’d both cleaned up and put on clean clothes before cuddling up to each other liked before. 
your late night rendezvous caused you both to oversleep the next morning, still wrapped up in the others arms. 
Daryl’s head lay on your chest, and his right arm draped across your stomach. lips pressing aimless kisses across your skin while your fingers threaded through his hair, humming contentedly as he nestled his face into the crook of your neck. 
eyes growing tired once more as the morning sun pushed through the curtains, casting a golden shadow throughout the room. 
sleep beckoning you both into it’s grasp before low giggling sounded from the other side of your bedroom door, tilting your head to catch the rounded door knob twist open and in run your two children. 
hearing Daryl groan as your daughter climbed into bed and settled next to you both, while your younger son waddled in slowly after her and to your side of the bed. 
hands reaching out for him before lifting him up into bed with the three of you, holding the youngest Dixon in your lap while Daryl turned to lie on his back with an arm behind his head. 
your daughter sat between you and Daryl, watching her pull back the blankets and cuddle into Daryl’s side. her small head on his chest while he wrapped his right arm around her small frame, letting her cuddle in closer to him. 
watching with a tired smile while your son babbled away in your lap, just shy of being able to start forming coherent words. 
Daryl’s voice a gruff murmur in response to your current situation, the four of you in bed while the sounds of paws padded along the wooden floor of the hallway. 
“ya need to get them out, too early”
readying yourself to reply when Dog strolls into the room, hopping up into bed as well earning another groan of annoyance from Daryl. 
your daughter squinting through one of her eyes and giggling as her hand lifted from Daryl’s chest to pet Dog while he also lay atop of Daryl. 
“they’re just enjoying having you home, don’t blame them” 
you had shrugged, back against the headboard while your son continued babbling away on your lap. his eyes big and rounded as they flicked over to Daryl, his tiny hands making a grabbing motion towards the eldest Dixon. 
a huff coming from Daryl before holding his hands out to take your son too, holding him against his chest while he settled and making Dog move to get comfortable again. 
an amused chuckle leaving you at the sight of your little family, all huddled around Daryl as his grumbled protests died down. 
leaning in closer to press a kiss to Daryl’s temple before mimicking the act with your daughter, carefully climbing out of bed trying not to disturb them, your voice a soft whisper into the quiet room. 
“why don’t i take them and go make breakfast, hm?”
a pleading hum rumbled from Daryl’s chest while his right hand tapped at your daughters back to gather her attention, watching him nod in your direction while she crawled towards you.
hooking your left arm around her and sitting her on your hip, walking round the bed to pick up your son and set him on your other hip. 
watching as Daryl’s hands scratched at Dogs head while your daughter waved goodbye to them both. walking out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen, missing Daryl’s soft murmur of wanting to give you another baby. 
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once in your kitchen, you set your son down in his high chair and your daughter on an island stool, standing opposite them both and leaning against the counter. 
“what we thinking bubs?”
your daughter had giggled to herself, tapping at her chin as she thought of the different breakfast meals either you or Daryl had made previously. watching as she leaned closer excitedly before exclaiming her choice excitedly. 
chuckling to yourself before turning to the stove, grabbing the various different things you needed to make pancakes, the sound of her babbling to your son made you hum contentedly while Dogs paws padded down the wooden stairs followed by a groggy Daryl. 
reaching a hand down to scratch between Dog’s ears as he saddled by before he wandered off throughout the house, all while Daryl’s footsteps grew closer. 
an arm wrapping around your waist and a kiss being pressed to your temple, humming while tilting your head to press a chaste kiss to his lips before your daughters voice called you both out of your moment. 
a huffed chuckle leaving Daryl as he untangled himself from your arms, walking around the island to sit in the stool between your daughter and son in his high chair, placing a kiss to both of their heads as he sat down. 
this is what made mornings for you, even if it was deemed too early for Daryl. 
this is what both of you deserved, family is what you both needed. 
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requests are open here !
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
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“No, I don't really like that.”
“Mhm. Blaire, then?”
“Maybe. But I'm not so sure.”
“God, no. I'm not giving our child a hooker's name.”
“Jesus, woman. M'runnin' outta names 'ere. Everythin' I say is either “no” or “maybe”. Wha's a guy gotta do to get a “yeah” 'round 'ere?”
You laughed and placed a tender kiss to the top of Daryl's head, your fingers gently working through his hair. “I just don't know. Besides, what makes you so certain our baby will be a girl?”
Daryl hummed and nuzzled his face deeper into your chest. “M'not certain,” he began, his fingers lightly tapping against your bump to a rhythm you didn't know. “Jus' still ponderin' over boy names. None of 'em seem righ', y'know? If s'a boy, I want him to have a badass name.”
Daryl slightly raised his head to look at you, his eyebrows quirked in interest. “DJ?”
“Yup,” you told him. “Daryl Junior.”
Daryl scoffed and laid his head back down on your chest. “Nah, we ain't namin' our kid after me. S'where I put my foot down.”
You chuckled in amusement. “What? I think it's cute. Having a little you is a nice thing to think about.”
“Nah.” Despite his protest, Daryl couldn't help the small smile that spread over his face at the suggestion. He would never give in, but he appreciated the thought. A little him. It was both thrilling and terrifying to think about. “How 'bout Adam?”
It was your turn to scoff this time. “I thought you wanted our kid to have a badass name, not an I'm-about-to-do-your-taxes name.”
Daryl chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly. “I like it. S'not my fault yer so picky.”
You faked an offended gasp, lightly hitting him on the arm. “I'm not picky. I just don't wanna give our kid a name that we'll end up regretting.”
Daryl chuckled again. “Yeah, I know.” Daryl placed a soft kiss to your cheek before settling back into your chest again. “'Sides, ya wouldn't be the woman I fell in love with if ya weren't jus' the slightest bit picky.”
You smiled at him fondly. “I love you, Dar.”
“Love ya too, Sunshine.” A few minutes of silence passed between the two of you, and you had started to think that he had fallen asleep, until he spoke up again. “How 'bout Leonard?” The sound of your groan had Daryl full-on laughing, a rare thing for the archer. “Wha'? S'a good name.”
“Sure, if you say so.”
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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You Get Me Closer to God
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: France
Warnings: Words & Actions that will damn me to hell; Poorly written smut; blasphemy
Summary: Father Daryl wasn’t an ordinary priest. He drew out your curiosity and curiosity killed the cat…but satisfaction brought it back.
A/N: I am going to hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200
gif by @mcbride
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The smoke stung your eyes a little as it wafted upward from the cigarette hanging between your lips. Your eyes narrowed as you watched the priest arrive with two sisters and a young boy. A strange combination, but not the strangest you had ever seen wander into the walls. 
You had been with this same group of nuns since just after the end of the old world. You had traveled from America just before the turn, backpacking and adventuring with your boyfriend and the friends you shared. Partying, sex, drugs, and copious amounts of alcohol and bad decisions. 
You were the only one left now. 
The sisters had taken you off the street, quite literally. Half dead, beaten, and left for the hungry ones who would eventually stumble upon you. Sister Catherine had ensured your stay, even when you balked against most of their beliefs and practices once you were well enough to attend sermons and lessons. 
Though Sister Catherine still tried to persuade you to join them, they had all but given up, Mother Superior only allowing you to remain because it would be nothing short of a sin to cast you out into the clutches of the sick that wandered in search of flesh. You did your chores and kept your nose clean, well enough. 
You plucked the cigarette from your mouth and crushed it beneath your boot heel, following the sisters and their guests further into the compound by way of the narrow trail in the small garden. 
The sisters carried weapons, which was odd enough, but the priest laden with them, his scrutinizing gaze taking in every inch of the area around him. You knew that look well. Memorizing entrances, exits, weaknesses. 
You fell in behind the group as they entered the makeshift sanctuary, keeping enough distance to not be detected. Something told you (the way he turned his head and angled it, listening) that the priest knew you were there regardless. 
Father Daryl, you learned, observing from one of the pews in the back. The four were passing through, on a mission of which they would not divulge the details. Sister Catherine was content enough with letting it go, leading the group to their quarters for the night. While the sisters and boy bowed their heads with the sign of the cross, Father Daryl did nothing more than observe. Your eyes narrowed, following them as they approached. 
“Ah, this is Y/N. Our resident non-believer.” Sister Catherine gave you a teasing smile as the strangers took you in, no doubt wondering about your outfit of a cut off tank top, leather jacket, and black distressed jeans that disappeared into well worn combat boots. 
“I believe, sister.” You shot back. “I just don’t go about it with a constant stick up my—” Sister Catherine cleared her throat sharply and pinned you down with a look. “Sorry.” You muttered, the grin you wore anything but. Risking a glance at Father Daryl found one corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk.
Curiouser and curiouser. 
You stood but remained inside as the group was led away. You didn’t miss Father Daryl sparing you one last glance over his shoulder. 
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After Compline, when the sisters had retired to their chambers for the Great Silence, you slipped out your door as you did most nights. A cigarette already hanging from your lips, you walked along the loggia, bringing your lighter up toward your mouth. You never lit the thing, eyes narrowed at the small cloud of smoke billowing up from the terrace below. 
You leaned over the thick banister, spotting Father Daryl easily. He was sitting on the back of one of the stone benches, his boots on the seat. Your first thought was to leave him be. It was late and engaging in conversation during the Great Silence was severely frowned upon. Even guests were asked to participate. 
But Father Daryl wasn’t just a guest. He was a priest. 
You kept your steps light as you descended the stairs and made your way outside. The tip of his cigarette glowed red before diminishing and he held the smoke in a little longer before exhaling. He was savoring it. 
He was flicking the ashes by the time you stood behind him, opening your mouth with snark on the end of your tongue. 
“Ain’t easy to sneak up on me.” He drawled, never turning to face you. 
You straightened, eyes blinking wide. “You’re American.”
“Get that a lot.” He mused in a low voice. Cigarette between his thumb and middle finger, he flicked it to disappear somewhere in the shadows. “Whaddaya want?”
“You’re a priest.” You stated plainly, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Appears so.” The way he grumbled out the remark was unexpected. You crossed the last few steps and climbed into the back of the bench next to him, leaving ample space in between. 
You could feel his eyes on you though he had yet to move. “You’re smoking. Didn’t you take a vow to refrain from voluntary destruction of your body or some shit?”
One corner of his mouth twitched into a smirk as he pointed toward the dark, starry sky. “We got a arrangement.”
“Uh huh. And what about the Great Silence?” You probed further. 
“Th’fuck’s that?” 
To your bewilderment, he didn’t bat an eye at what you initially presumed was a slip of the tongue, however unlikely. You were stunned into silence, mouth agape while continuing to stare at the man with eyes like saucers. When you never found words, he simply shrugged a shoulder and looked back to the stars. 
“S’diff’rent in America.”
You snapped your jaw shut with an audible click of your teeth. Something was definitely off here. You didn’t know much about the man in front of you but he was no priest. He didn’t seem to care much about hiding that fact either. You could sense he was dangerous. Anyone who would need a disguise yet care so little to keep it had to be. Still, you didn’t feel threatened. 
“I see.” You whispered, continuing to study him. He was an attractive man. Older than you, certainly. Your wandering gaze made it to his hand hanging off the end of his knee when you were struck with an idea. One that could benefit him but would definitely benefit you. 
After all, it had been a long, long time. 
“How different?” You asked, scooting close enough that your shoulders were nearly touching. He glanced down at the decreased space between the two of you and then looked at you from under his lashes. 
“Diff’rent. Why?”
“It’s just… we haven’t had a priest here in so long and…” you shifted to angle your knees toward him, giving him your best doe eyes, “would you take my confession, Father Daryl?”
His back went straight, jaw ticking with how hard he was clenching his teeth. “Nah. Don’t think that’s—”
“Please, Father! I don’t know how long I’ve got left in this world. None of us do. I’m so scared that if I don’t confess, I’ll—” You buried your face in your hands, shoulders trembling as small broken sobs escaped from between your fingers. 
“Okay, alright. Just… stop all that.” He made a gesture toward, well, you in general just as you lowered your hands to your lap. 
“Follow me. I’ll show you to the confessional.” You hopped down from the bench, adding a bit of extra sway to your hips the moment you heard his boots against the concrete behind you. “We really should wait until tomorrow for this, rules and all.” You whispered as you guided him into the chapel. “I’m sure the sisters would understand, though, given I haven’t been the most…devout during my stay.”
Daryl simply nodded, shifting his weight from foot to foot under your gaze. “S’this the thing?” He motioned to the booth with a sweep of his hand, looking as if he might bolt at any given moment. 
“Mhm.” You nodded, opening the door for him to enter. The fact he didn’t yet realize he’d been busted was amusing, but you weren’t just out for a laugh. 
“Right.” He cleared his throat and stepped inside. With a sly grin, you followed right behind him and pulled the door closed with your back pressed against it. There was about enough room for him to turn and look at you with wide, blue eyes. “Pretty sure you’re s’posed to be on the other side.”
“Nah, I like this side.” You slipped off your jacket and pulled your shirt over your head, letting both fall to the small area by your feet. “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.” You purred as you pressed flush against him. Daryl held his hands out away from you as far as he could in the limited space. “What’s wrong, Father? Don’t you want me?”
“Ya know I ain’t no priest.”
“Mhm.” You ran your thumb over his bottom lip while your tongue traced your own. “If you don’t want me, I can go. Do you want me to go?” 
“Then sit down and let me tell you my sins.” He allowed you to grip his shoulders and push him onto the small bench. With hardly enough room to bend, you had to do some maneuvering to toe off your boots and shimmy your jeans down your legs to lift your feet out of them, pulling the rosary Sister Catherine had given you from the pocket first. 
Daryl was watching you silently. When you twisted an arm behind yourself and unclasped your bra, his hands moved to his belt buckle. You didn’t wait and straddled his lap wearing nothing but your modest cotton panties. He was still working at his zipper when your clothed cunt brushed the top of his knuckles. 
“Damn, woman, ain’t even touched ya yet.” His trousers were open but his cock was still held captive in the confines of his underwear. 
“I’ve been a bad girl, Father.” You purred, rolling your hips against his groin as your mouth slanted over his. He responded with equal fervor, licking your bottom lip before tugging it with his teeth. You couldn’t have stopped the full body shiver if you tried. A gloved hand palmed your breast, his bare fingertips warm as they rolled and pinched your nipples. “I’ve lusted after a man. A dangerous man.”
With a smile against his mouth, you worked a hand between your bodies and into his pants, stroking him languidly while you draped the rosary over his head, twisting it to press tightly against his throat. Daryl growled, his hips bucking into your hand when you pulled him free. 
Large hands drifted over your ribs and down to your hips, fingers dipping into the waistband of your panties. “Off.” He demanded leaning forward to capture your lips as he pulled the garment down over your ass, holding you steady while you lifted one leg and then the other, letting them dangle from your ankle. 
You didn’t wait, found that you didn’t want to; sinking onto him with your jaw slack and eyes closed. The initial stretch burned, it had been so long since you’d taken a lover. Daryl filled you perfectly, your dripping cunt molding around his length. 
“Fuck.” He breathed, his head falling back against the wall. Apparently it had been a while for him as well. “You’re fuckin’ tight.”
You smirked and rolled your hips, gasping when his fingertips pressed into the skin there. “Such language, Father. So unbecoming.” A moan punched out of you when he thrust upwards, jarring you suddenly but hitting that spot inside you that made your toes curl. 
“Shuddup.” He snapped. His hands slid around to cup your ass, kneading and spreading you open, digging in his fingertips to manage a firm hold. With his help, you set a brutal pace, moans and whimpers echoing in the empty chapel. 
You twisted the rosary again, the beads digging into his throat. Using it as a leash, you pulled him to you, licking inside his mouth. “Fuck, you feel amazing.” You keened, enjoying the painful grip digging into your ass that only tightened with your words. 
Daryl growled, the sound strained against the pressure on his throat. His face was slightly red from exertion and lack of oxygen, but the twitch of his cock within you didn’t lie. He liked it. 
You felt the scorching heat begin pooling in your belly, the frantic way you were riding him quickly coaxing your orgasm to the surface. The twitch and slow pulse moving against your velvety walls gave away that he was soon to follow. His jaw was set, grunts and breathy whimpers spilling out of him each time your ass slapped his clothed thighs. 
Biting your lip, you stared into his lust blown eyes before placing your mouth directly in front of his. “For Thee have I kept the purity of my body, and to Thee have I entrusted my soul; wherefore, preserve Thou Thy lamb, O good Shepherd.” Making a choked noise against the rosary constricting even tighter, Daryl used his hold on your ass to lift you, pounding up into you from below. Your words were jarred and fragmented, breaths coming faster as you neared the precipice. “Do not permit…the beast which seeketh to devour me…to consume me, and…grant me to prevail over the evil desires of my flesh!” The last word broke off into a shout of his name. Seconds later, you felt him pulsing within you, warmth spreading and coating your walls while your pussy milked him dry. 
Panting, you released your grip on the rosary and fell against his shoulder, your body moving back and forth with each heaving breath he managed. “Amen.” He croaked. You chuckled but remained as you were for a moment, relishing the feel of him softening inside you. Letting him cum in you was probably one of the worst decisions you’d ever made but you had a track record of those a mile long. “Don’t think ya can say enough’a them hail Mary’s or whatever for what just happened.”
This time you gave a hearty laugh, sitting up on his lap while he slipped out of you. You kept him pinned where he sat but he didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, he appeared to be quite content. Holding onto the silly scarf he wore, you leaned back to grab your jacket, smiling when his hands came up to ensure you didn’t fall. 
Plucking a cigarette from the coat pocket, you dropped it back to the floor and struck the lighter, inhaling as the paper lit up and burned down.  You even felt inclined to share, turning your hand to let him have a draw after every one of your own. 
“I hope you realize,” you paused to blow out the smoke, “that I’m coming with you when you leave.” His brow drew inward as he took the offered hit. 
“Ya don’t even know me or what we’re doing.”
You shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Sick of being cooped up here.” The man hummed, but didn’t exactly agree. “Look, you can let me go with you willingly, or I can sneak off and follow you afterward. Your pick.”
He stared for a moment, eyes narrowed behind the smoke that billowed from his mouth. “Don’t leave me much of a choice, does it?”
“Nope.” You grinned. “Besides, I may need to confess every once in a while.” 
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It must feel amazing to be fucked by a beefy guy with a huge cock. I mean Norman Reedus 😍
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fathersonholygore · 1 year
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon 1x02 "Alouette"
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon 1×02: “Alouette” Directed by Daniel Percival Written by David Zabel & Jason Richman * For a recap & review of the premiere, click here. * For a recap & review of 1×03, click here. A flashback of Isabelle in better times, before the world collapsed in a mess of blood and violence and zombies. She was in a club having while New Order blasted through the speakers. She…
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dilfhouseofhorror · 3 months
Daryl in season 3 episode 5 is probably the hottest he's ever looked omg. him caring for Judith and feeding her and giving her a nickname. rocking her and shushing her 😭😭😭😭 he's so amazing bro.
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like him looking out for Rick and Carl and being a father to Judith when Rick was too out of his mind to do anything. LIKE he found out Jude needed formula and IMMEDIATELY!!!! he was like "nope. not her. we're losing daylight people let's go." LIKE UGHHEHSHSHDJD I LOVE YOU
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apascalypse · 3 months
Happy Father's Day, Daryl Dixon 🖤 💙
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Family's more than just - DNA. It's about... people who care and take care of each other.
Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS)
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darylsdeadboy · 5 months
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daryl's sweet little boy 🧸
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Daryl woke up to the sound of clinking in the bathroom. It was early in the morning, the sun just starting to rise and shine through the curtains. Nobody was usually up this early.
He shuffled out of bed with a grunt and sauntered to the bathroom, placing his hand on the cold metal knob, twisting it open. There he found his 'girl', face scrunched up, tears running down her chubby baby cheeks, clippers in her hand. Her hair was clumpy and shorter, pieces of it on the floor from where she attempted to cut it.
"Whatcha' doin?" he said out loud, pulling his girl closer by the shoulder, using his thumb to wipe the tears from her eyes.
She sniffled, trying to speak through her tears. "Dada, I don' wanna be a girl," she whimpered, clinging onto Daryl like her life depended on it.
Daryl hummed deeply, pulling him into his chest, stroking his hair to calm him. There was a long string of silence before he spoke. "Here, gimme tha', baby."
He took his face out of Daryl's chest with a sniffle and handed him the clippers, still on and vibrating in his hand.
Daryl took him by his forearm and gently pulled him further into the bathroom, so the mirror was in front of them.
"Stay still, 'kay?" he uttered, putting the clippers up to his boy's hair and starting to shave, chunks of it falling to the tile ground, each stroke making the once nonexistent joy grow bigger in his boy's heart.
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Daryl switched the clippers off, the buzzing sound that once fulfilled the room coming to an end. The tears on his boy's face were dry by now, a big smile spread across his baby face.
Daryl smiled back, looking into the mirror and running a hand through his now short hair. "Ya like it?"
"Thought ya would, sweet boy."
He was Daryl's boy, and Daryl's boy forever.
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inspo: @norman-fucking-reedus
it changes from she to he because you know TRANS, just incase your confused
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wife-of-all-dilfs · 1 year
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i want him to teach me everything he knows; to tell me all his stories and experiences he's ever had, even the most unnecessary and pointless ones.
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betyloca · 7 months
twd characters with a silent s/o
daryl dixon
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• He noticed at camp that you were very quiet or shy.
• When you sat down to eat around the fire with the camp, everyone was talking but you just watched without making a sound.
• until one day you were sitting next to him while he was telling you random things.
until I asked you why you never spoke
- Hey, why don't you talk, are you shy or something?
when I noticed that you took out a notebook and wrote in it
-* showing what it says* I am mute due to an accident that damaged my vocal cords but I am not deaf
• Since then he has been more attached to you, teaching you how to use weapons.
• since you are mute you have the advantages of being more agile without being heard
• teaches you how to use his crossbow
• he starts to get attached to you and always asks to go with you when you have to go get supplies
Rick grimmes
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• He was an officer so he realized when he arrived at the camp that you weren't talking.
• By noticing that behavior more, I understood that you were mute.
• He would come to you if you needed help with something, which you always responded with a simple nod of the head.
• I started practicing sign language to communicate with you.
- If you need anything, let me know* communicating in signs*
- * while smiling * I am mute, not deaf, how do you think I can hear others when they talk to me * making signs *
- *signing* well the intention is what counts
• well this way they have an advantage when they have to make an ambush
• he likes how well you get along with carl
• whenever they go to look for supplies he has you by the hand so you don't get lost
Gabriel stokes
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• this man thought you were shy
• when he sat with you and talked to you you never spoke
• He thought you didn't like him until Carol told him you were mute.
• He started to get closer to you by asking if you didn't mind, you just answered no with your head.
• likes to spend time with you at church
• reads the Bible to you when you have nothing to do
- Are you sure you won't get bored?
- *Shaking his head*
- okay where was I?
• he likes to walk with you in Alexandria when it's night because he's so quiet
• gives you his bible when he goes to get supplies
• He worries when you leave but when you return he is very happy and hugs you.
Merle dixon
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• at first he didn't realize how quiet you were and he didn't even care
• Until I started flirting with you I noticed that you never complained but you did blush.
• so I started doing it more often until I made some jokes
• one night when the others were sleeping you were outside your tents while he was talking
• until he told something funny that he saw that you were laughing but you didn't make a sound
- Hey sugar, you're mute, aren't you?
- ohh I see that doesn't stop me from making you smile, don't you believe, sweetheart?
• He thinks it's an advantage that you're mute, so just like Daryln, he teaches you to be agile without being seen.
• teaches you how to use weapons while whispering double meanings in your ear
• he thinks it's better for you to sleep in his tent than in yours in case something happens and he can't hear you and why does he worry?
• fights with anyone who makes fun of your condition
• whenever they go by car to get supplies he has a hand on your thigh to calm you down
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etclouie · 2 months
hi your story about daryl x reader and their kids in the morning was so cute!!! can you write some more about what domestic life is like with daryl???
ᯓ★ fem!reader
ᯓ★ written headcanon style
ᯓ★ also started writing a complete diff thing for this at first, so excuse the amount of time it's took me
ᯓ★ main masterlist | reference post here
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 i think daryl would be really protective of his family, so when anyone new shows up at alexandria he wants to sheild his little family until he deems that the new people are safe
ᯓᡣ𐭩 personally, i pin daryl as a girl dad (mostly), so his little girl has him wrapped around her finger. but he doesn't complain, because she's also a daddy's girl. they're best friends, and inseparable
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if daryl has some time when he's not out on runs or scouting for people with aaron, i think he'd be at home playing with your kids. has them giggling at whever it is, no hesitation. their laughter is one noise he loves hearing, especially throughout your house
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he for sure is always on bedtime duty, loves reading his kids books and letting them cuddle up to him as he does. occasionally stutters over a word but they're there helping him figure it out, no judgment from them
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if you go out on a run, either with or without him, and find matching pjs for your whole family, he'll most definitely wear them. he loves it, even if he doesn't show it verbally, his actions show it
ᯓᡣ𐭩 with alexandria's solar panels and the electricity, daryl makes it his mission to show his kids movies. purposefully looks for dvds when out on runs, even more so, looks for movies he knows his kids will like
ᯓᡣ𐭩 firm believer that daryl would've found all of the scooby doo dvds and turns his kids into fans of the franchise, hates to admit it but daryl also has a favourite scooby doo movie (it's the goblin king)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he's not one for cooking, but will happily make breakfast if you're asleep still and your kids are up, even though i feel as if he's not a breakfast person himself. but he doesn't want his kids thinking breakfast is skippable, will always eat something with them, even if it's just toast
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if he's in alexandria and his kids need him, he's there. no doubt. whatever it is, he'll always be there, even if they just want a hug or to show him a drawing. he'll drop anything for his babies
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i feel as if daryl is a big cuddler, will steal as much time as he can in the morning to simply just cuddle with you. at home, if the kids are occupied, he's glued to you. arms around your waist and chin on your shoulder, he'll follow you around as if he never wants to let you go
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he'll try and quit smoking when you first have kids, but with the habit and stress of the fallen world he always ends up having a smoke to calm down, but he'll never ever smoke in front of your kids. doesn't want to teach them that habit in case they inhabit it from him
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i think daryl's always liked watching the sun rise and set, so when you both started dating wherever the group was he'd want to watch it with you. so when you started a family, i feel as if he implimneted that into your routine. he dedicates a day that he isn't out doing stuff, you're all sat watching the sun set before he makes dinner with you and then you're all cuddled up on the couch under a blanket watching a movie. it's the simplest things he needs in life
ᯓᡣ𐭩 having a family is singlehandedly one of the best things for daryl, it gives him the stability he needs and gives him a new purpose in life. he wouldn't change his little family for the world.
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emodaryls · 6 months
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Little one
Summary: teen reader! Daryl finds you lost in a shopping center, he decides to take you back to Alexandria. You find Daryl to be a potential father figure!!
Word count: 2216
warnings: slight cursing, mentions of blood
A/n: this isn’t cg Daryl but more of father figure Daryl? I’m thinking of making a second part cus it feels unfinished… anyway this is my second fic umm I still don’t know everything abt writing so it might be bad ?!?!? Ok enjoy ❤️
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Daryl was riding his motorcycle to an abandoned shopping center, desperate to find medical supplies. He parks his bike near a tree a short distance away from the shopping center, getting leaves and fallen tree branches to cover and hide it. He takes his crossbow off his shoulder, double checking it to make sure its loaded with a bolt. Upon entering the building, he immediately heads towards the pharmacy. He makes sure to be quiet in order to not attract any of the undead that may be wandering around. As he arrives, he rummaged through cabinets, drawers, and boxes.
"Dammit, already raided." He grumbles to himself in a low, hushed voice. He turns around with a quiet sigh, getting ready to leave. Just as he heads towards the exit of the pharmacy he hears a small crunch. Quickly turning around, he heads towards the sound to investigate, his crossbow at the ready.
"In the corner of the pharmacy, there you are. Covered in what might be a mix of walker blood and your blood. Dirt covers your worn and torn clothing, and you look up at him with wide, terrified eyes. Daryl senses your fear and his eyes soften a bit.
"Hey... who are ya? Are ya alright?" He speaks in a calmer tone, his voice still having his gruff charm. He lowers his crossbow slightly, but still keeps it ready. You don't respond, you just continue to look up at him in fear. Daryl sighs and lowers his crossbow completely. He feels bad for pointing it at you, a lost teenager who's probably scared out of your mind. You likely mean no harm.
"Are ya... lost? Do ya need any help?" He continues. "Look, I uh, I got a group... they can help ya. They're good people." He's always been weary when revealing something like that to someone he just met, but come on, you're just a kid who probably needs help.
You fidget with your hands out of nervousness, fingers twiddling around. You take a deep breath and speak with a shaking voice.
"I'm lost.. I-I lost everyone.. I'm so scared..."
Poor kid.
"I don't know where I am, I just want my parents back!”
You start to cry, tears running down your dirty and blood stained cheeks. Daryl feels terrible. Shifting from one foot to the other, he thinks about taking you back to Alexandria to meet the rest of the group and probably live there. He thinks a little while longer, then makes his decision.
"I'll take ya back with me. I got a real nice place I stay at... there's food, clean water," He gets down to one knee to get to your level. "There's uh, nice housing, nice people. There's also other kiddos yer age too, Ya could make some friends." He looks up at you, chewing on the inside of his cheek. You stare right back at him, a look on your face as if you're considering it. You then nod your head as you wipe your nose on your sleeve, sniffling. "I wanna go with you..."
Daryl's slightly taken aback, but he recomposes himself.
"Are ya sure?" He asks, and you nod. "I'm sure... I wanna go with you."
After a few moments of silence, Daryl nods and stands up. He reaches out a hand to you which you take, and he helps you up. "Alright then," he sighs. "Let's go." You two begin to walk outside the pharmacy and to the exit of the shopping center. The dirt and debris crunch under your feet and the setting sun shines brightly. It’s almost nighttime, and the night chill is already slowly starting to settle in.
You follow him to where he had parked his motorcycle, standing behind him as he moves aside all the leaves and branches he hid it with. Daryl stands up the bike and gets on it, kicking back the stand. You get on behind him, wrapping your eyes around him. After he makes sure you're ready, Daryl revs the engine and the bike begins to move, gradually getting faster.
You both ride through the streets surrounded by woods, the wind whipping through your hair. You rest your head on Daryl's back, finding the wind and high speeds oddly soothing.
Time flies by fast and before you know it, you're at the gates of 'Alexandria Safe-Zone'. The guard at the gates lets Daryl in, and he can feel all the eyes on himself and you. Daryl ignores it, not wanting to deal with anything at the moment. He slowly rides the bike to the house he stays at. He knows he'll be questioned sooner or later about who he brought back with him, but he'll do it with it eventually.
He parks the motorcycle in front of the house and kicks the stand into place, getting off. He helps you get off the bike as well.
"Hey, uh, kid," he starts, scratching the back of his head as you two walk up his porch steps. "Ya can stay with me if ya want, for as long as ya want. I have a spare room ya can stay in. It's got a nice bed and everythin'." He unlocks the door and pushes it open. The house has a warm and cozy atmosphere. It's nicely furnished, but he didn't furnish it himself. All of the houses in Alexandria are pre-furnished as it was originally a quarantine safe zone for politicians when the outbreak first started.
Daryl puts down his crossbow and slips off his boots, leaving them by the front door. You copy him, not wanting to break any unspoken 'no shoes' rule that he may have. Daryl walks over to the couch, plopping down on it and sighing. You do the same, sitting at the corner of it. You bring your legs to your chest, making yourself feel small.
It's a new environment for you, you've pretty much gotten used to being in the woods all alone, having to be stealthy and dodge walkers left to right. But the change is nice, feels a little like how the world was before. It'll just take a bit to get used to.
You can finally get a good look at the man who rescued you. He has a rugged appearance, but for some of reason you don't find him very intimidating. You feel safe around him, like he has a calming fatherly presence.
Then, you break the silence, speaking in a shy voice. "Um, what's your name? I don't think you ever told me."
Daryl looks over to you, eyes softening once more. "Daryl." he responds. "Daryl Dixon." You nod and go back to looking around the house from where you are. You stare into space for a little while before another thought comes up.
"Could you show me where the spare room that you mentioned earlier is?"
Daryl turns his head to you once again and nods. He gets off the couch with a slight grunt. You stand up as well, following him as he leads you up the stairs. He stops in front of a door and opens it, holding it open for you. You walk in and take a look around the room. It's nothing super fancy, but it's well furnished and simple. The moon shines through the window at a perfect angle, dimly lighting up the room in a soft and dreamy glow.
You walk over to the bed that's placed beside the window and sit on the edge of it. "I'm tired..." you murmur sleepily, laying down on the bed. You untuck the blanket and pull it up to your chest. You snuggle into the covers, curling into an almost fetal position. Daryl chuckles to himself, watching you get comfortable. Daryl feels this weird, fatherly urge to protect you, to make sure you're cared for and loved. He has a feeling you two will get along pretty well.
You soon fall asleep, and he walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. He goes over to his own room, getting ready for bed himself. It's been a long day, riding out to an abandoned shopping center for medical supplies and instead coming back with a lost, orphaned teenager in need of care. He settles into bed, pulling the blankets over himself and falling asleep.
In the morning, Daryl goes downstairs to make his breakfast. You've beaten him to it, already eating orange slices on the couch. You hear his steps and turn your head around, looking up at him.
"Hey..." You mutter, then going back to eating your orange. "Hey." Daryl responds, brushing his hair back a bit and going over to the kitchen. He grabs a glass of water and makes himself some oatmeal that he found during his last supply run. Once its ready, he pours half of it into a separate bowl to share with you. Daryl walks over to the couch and sits beside you, placing the bowl on the coffee table in front of you.
"Ya should eat some more," he starts, grabbing a spoonful of oatmeal and eating it. He waits to finish until continuing. "Getting some oatmeal in ya is good, especially if ya haven't eaten in a while."
You look over at him and then to the bowl in front of you. You set down your orange slices on a napkin and grab the bowl.
"Thanks..." you responded, eating a spoonful. You finish it up pretty quickly, which makes sense. You haven't eaten a proper meal in who knows how long. You eventually finish eating both the oatmeal and orange slices, and you settle back onto the couch. Suddenly, you remember that you're still dirty and need to clean up. Your face flushes out of embarrassment. Have you really been looking like that this whole time?
"Do you have a shower that I could, uh, use?" You asked Daryl in a timid voice, now feeling hyper aware of your dirty appearance.
"Yeah, to the right of yer room." He replied, nodding his head towards the stairs. You nod your head in gratitude, getting up from the couch and going to the bathroom.
That shower was possibly the most refreshing one you've had in a while. There was warm water, soaps, and possibly the fluffiest towels you’ve ever seen. But now you have another problem, clothes. The only ones you have were the torn, dirt covered ones you've been living in for the past few months or maybe even over a year. You wrap a towel around yourself and crack open the bathroom door just enough to peek your head out. "Daryl?" You call out, face flushing from embarrassment once again. "Could I borrow some clothes?" There's a moment of silence before you hear him shout back a "yeah", and you close the door, waiting. You wait for a few minutes until you hear the sound of his heavy footsteps, cloth falling on the floor, and then a knock. After that, he walks away. You wait a few seconds before cracking open the door and taking the clothes he left for you. It's a black shirt with a faded metal band logo printed in white, the pants are dark blue and denim. They're definitely going to be too big and baggy for you, but you wear it anyway.
You tighten the waistband of the jeans to fit you better, and you come out, hair wrapped in a towel. You walk down the stairs, damp feet pattering against the wooden floor. Daryl's still sitting on the couch, but in a more lounged position. You sit close to him and take a breath.
You begin to speak. “Um... this might be a little weird, but to me, you feel like a father." You tell him, and his eyes widen. But he looks touched. "We just met yesterday, but it feels really comforting to be around you." You twiddle your fingers, looking a little embarrassed. But Daryl smiles. It’s subtle, but there’s still a smile on his face.
"Tha's awfully sweet." His voice is softer than you've ever heard before. "I've never had a little one of my own, always kind of wanted to, though. I just don't think i'd be a good dad."
You smile at him, chuckling. "I think you would. You sort of have this really fatherly presence. It was unusually easy for me to warm up to you." You shift close to him, resting your head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close. You smile more. "Maybe I could be your little one. You can like... adopt me, or something."
Daryl chuckles again. "We'll see, kid. We'll see."
You look up at him and then go back to snuggling. You curl up beside him, getting so very comfortable. You feel safe in his embrace, you never want to leave.
“Can we see maybe… now?” You ask in a playful way, looking up at him again. Daryl looks down at you with a slightly wider smile, shaking his head.
“Well, I-… yeah,” he sighs. “Alright, yer gonna be my little one. I’m never gonna let anything happen to ya.” He holds you a little tighter. “I might not be the best daddy, but I’m sure as hell gonna try.”
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I am at an impasse with both Father Daryl and sub!Daryl one shots. Struggling to decide on the ideas I have for both.
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junipes-world · 14 days
Unseen Bonds
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Daughter Reader
(this is my first time writing please don’t hate but I’ll take any tips! hope you enjoy, xx)
The afternoon sun dipped behind the hills of Hershel’s farm, casting long shadows across the field. Daryl leaned against the porch railing, his eyes fixed on the treeline, though his mind wasn’t on walkers. It was on the girl he’d barely known how to raise.
Harley sat a few feet away, perched on the edge of the steps, her blonde hair tangled in the wind. She stared down at the ground, tracing patterns in the dirt with the toe of her boot. She was silent, as she often was, except when she was with Carl Grimes. Daryl watched as Carl approached her, carrying a small rock he’d found by the creek.
“Hey, Harley,” Carl said, a grin breaking across his face. “Look what I found. It’s got this weird shape, kinda like a dinosaur tooth, maybe.”
Harley looked up, her blue eyes brightening just a bit. “That’s not a dinosaur tooth, Carl,” she replied, a small smile tugging at her lips. “It’s a piece of quartz. Probably got chipped off from one of the bigger rocks by the river.”
Carl’s face flushed a little, embarrassed, but he shrugged. “Well, maybe you can teach me about rocks sometime,” he said.
“Maybe,” Harley replied with a shrug, but there was a playful glint in her eyes.
Daryl turned his gaze back to the woods. He wasn’t sure how to reach her, how to fix what Merle had broken in her. He’d tried to shield her from his brother’s rough ways, but she’d seen too much, heard too much, for him to ever pretend things were normal. She was smart, street-smart, like he was, and maybe that was part of the problem. She’d grown up too fast.
He saw Carl whisper something to her, and she laughed — a soft, sweet sound he rarely heard from her. His heart clenched in his chest. He wondered if he’d ever hear her laugh like that with him.
He grunted, turning away, but Harley’s voice stopped him.
“Daddy?” she called, her voice soft but clear.
Daryl turned back, surprised. She rarely addressed him so directly.
“Can I help you with something? Maybe... go hunting later?” she asked, her tone hesitant, like she was testing the waters.
Daryl blinked, taken aback. He scratched the back of his neck, trying to hide the small flicker of hope rising in his chest. “Yeah… yeah, alright. Could use another set of eyes out there. You gotta be quiet, though.”
Harley smiled, just a little. “I can be quiet.”
Carl grinned. “She’s better than anyone,” he added proudly.
Daryl gave a short nod, trying to act casual, but inside, he felt something shift — a small crack in the walls between them. Maybe, just maybe, they could find a way to bridge the gap that had always been there. He’d never been good with words, but maybe he didn’t need to be. Maybe showing her how much he cared in his own way was enough.
“Come on, then,” Daryl said, turning toward the woods. Harley stood, handing Carl the rock with a grin before trotting down the steps to join her father. She fell into step beside him, quiet but close.
For now, it was enough. They walked side by side into the thickening shadows, knowing that in this broken world, they’d face whatever came together, one step at a time.
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could you do one where daryl and rick are like father figures to the reader? she goes to try to kill negan instead of carl and when she gets back rick and daryl are really mad and she gets into an argument with them?
that’s it!!🩷
Hi! Thank you so much for the request!!! 🖤🧟‍♀️💕
A/N: it’s been like MONTHS since I’ve written so sorry for literally disappearing, but thank you all for the love! Love you all. Sorry for how long this took to get out… but I’m finally finishing it at like 1am after so many weeks… so please excuse any spelling errors! Tysm. I adore all of you xx
Rick + daryl x fem! Reader (reader is 19)
Trigger warnings: argument, zombie stuff, gore, usual twd stuff. If any of it discomforts you please read at your own discretion!
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Pinky promise
You knew it was a dangerous mistake. You shouldn’t of been so ambitious. But Negan deserved death and you believed you could kill him… but it all became clear that it was a mistake. You had made a dangerous and incredibly stupid decision and you knew as soon as you got home Rick and Daryl would certainly have a go at you if not kill you then and there for being so reckless. You knew you were absolutely insane for doing something so unthinkable but Negan had to die. Rick was taking his sweet time and Negan was just going to get stronger, and that scared you, so you wanted to take it into your own hands and kill the man yourself…
And so here you were gun in hand, pointing it at the clear sheet covering the back of the truck your finger trembling slightly as you waited for the voices to get closer. “There isn’t enough in the truck, we’ll have to go out again. Get more supplies and shit. Alexandria is so big yet they can’t even supply us enough shit.” “Yeah… don’t know why Negan won’t just kill them all. That way we can actually have a good home…” the voices spoke back and forth and you tightened your hold on the gun jaw clenched tightly watching as the blurry figures got closer and as a hand poked in through the clear sheet you pulled the trigger bullets spitting out as the men began shouting, followed by multiple ‘thuds’ proving you had killed a few of the bastards, you continued shooting, even as you jumped out of the truck the bullets flying around mercilessly- some saviours dropping to the floor, dead, and others just falling for the sake of their lives. Your eyes were narrowed as you breathed heavily your teeth slightly gritted together before suddenly a body shoved against yours, Dwight knocking you down onto your back, your gun falling from your hand as you groaned out glaring at the man. “Y/n….” A voice sung out, mockingly and your eyes snapped to meet with Negans. His hazel eyes gleamed with amusement, Lucille lightly hung over his shoulder as he grinned at you “didn’t I get my point across to you before that I really do not appreciate my people being killed…” he spoke your eyes narrowing as you scowled at him. He was a rotten bastard and deserved to be knocked down a peg or two, and so that’s why you abruptly tried to grab your gun again only for Dwight to kick it out of the way “not so fast” he muttered glaring down at you, Negan staring at you the amusement seemingly growing further and further before he exhaled
“I like you, you don’t mess around do you? You just do… I like that…” he smirked before stopping just in front of you holding his hand out for you to take “you’ve actually got balls… unlike someone else we know.” He spoke that stupid fucking grin remaining on his face and you just glared hoping to punch his teeth in, but instead you reached out, grabbing his outstretched hand before he leaned back pulling you up with his movement as you got onto your feet your eyes boring into his with anger “we were planning on heading to Alexandria today so you’re in luck. I’ll get you home safely.” “Rick isn’t home. He’s out.” You spoke, that wasn’t the truth, rick was at home but you didn’t want to see him… not when you know he will indefinitely be beyond mad at you. “Oh isn’t he? How disappointing. Guess I’ll have to wait around with you then huh?” And that’s when you realised just how much you had screwed up… Negan wasn’t going to kill you because he knew that Rick was going to get angry at you… “god dammit…” you whispered under your breath, Negan smiling still before he turned around “c’mon. Follow me. I’ll give you a tour of the sanctuary…” and so that’s exactly what happened, you were shown around, introduced to a few scary people and then given some food much to your surprise… it was odd. Being looked after for by your friends’ killer. It made you feel sick but what made you feel even sicker was what was happening right now… you were sat in the truck beside Negan, driving down the familiar road leading to Alexandria. Your heart was drumming in your chest your face pale and lips slightly parted… you were in deep shit and you knew it.
Breathing soon became nonexistent, your lips slightly parted eyes wide as you watched multiple people on outpost begin to shout… oh dear god. Heavy breaths slowly left your lips your eyes filled with complete fear… sure Daryl being angry at you was enough but Rick too- you couldn’t handle both of their wrath’s. You didn’t even want to experience it but you knew you were going to experience it. “Are you coming into to talk to them?” You soon asked glancing at the man, his hands which were warmed by the leather gloves he wore squeezed at the steering wheel and he grinned at you soon shoving his foot onto the brakes the truck coming to a screeching halt just in front of the gates leading into Alexandria “nah, kid. That isn’t my shit to do. You pulled a stupid fuckin’ decision and now you’re gonna face the consequences. I told you I don’t ap-“ “appreciate you killing my men I know.” You cut him off glaring into his eyes the man looking somewhat impressed before he raised his brows “at least you can learn.” He chuckled out looking forwards as the gate was slowly pulled open “go on then, your friends are waiting.” He spoke and you looked to the gate as well seeing Rick, hands on his hips, jaw tightly clenched and eyes a sea of worry. You glanced back to Negan knowing he wasn’t going to help before you pushed the door open only for the asshole to grab your wrist forcing you to stop “you not gonna thank me for bringing you home safe and sound?” He asked with a cocky grin and you glared at him “thank. you.” You spat out through gritted teeth and he smirked “you’re welcome.”
You then jumped out of the truck before storming towards the gate of Alexandria your eyes landing on Rick and a very infuriated yet terrified looking Daryl but you ignored them- you didn’t want to deal with their anger right now. “Y/n where the hell have you been?” Rick asked, hands remaining on his hips his eyes practically piercing into your soul yet you refused to speak or even look at him because well… let’s face it… he was terrifying. “Y/n where the hell do ya think you’re goin’ huh?” Daryl soon asked gruffly and you glanced at him “home. You wanna give me a lecture. Fine. But not in front of everyone.” You snapped, both men sharing a look, as if questioning whether you had really just used that tone with them but nonetheless they followed after you, you attempted to slam the front door but Rick was quick to catch it before it could latch “cut that attitude out right now, y/n.” Rick spoke calmly his body language however far from calm “I don’t understand why you’re both so unhappy! Jesus Christ can’t I try and help out!” Rick and Daryl stood side by side shoulders brushing against each other and Rick tilted his head slightly “do you realise how incredibly foolish it was to go out there and do… whatever you did… do you?” He raised his brows his blue eyes piercing into your soul and you rolled your eyes “ah ah, no, y/n, eyes on me.” He demanded and you looked at him “you aren’t hearing me- you could’ve been killed. What you did was very stupid. Irresponsible.” He spoke and you glared into his eyes “well I wasn’t! I’m here- am I not? I’m fine!” Daryl then took a step forwards “enough. It doesn’t matter whether you’re fine or not. What matters is the fact that you pulled some stupid death wish shit…” his eyes searched yours before he shook his head “it was stupid. You might’ve been helping or thinking you were helping… but what would we do if Negan brought back your dead body huh?” Daryl asked and you looked away, uncomfortable at that question, because you knew there was no right answer to such a question
“What did you do?” He soon asked and you looked back at him “machine gunned down a bunch of his men.” You murmured shamefully as you looked down, Daryl almost unresponsive whereas Rick was immediately pinching the bridge of his nose his eyes squeezed shut before he exhaled loudly showing his pure discomfort of the entire situation “oh my god…” he squeezed his eyes shut even more before looking at you “how irresponsible are you? Are you unaware of the fact that Negan has killed many people from this community?” Ricks tone was dangerous, frustrated, bordering on the line of anger and protectiveness “what do I have to do to get it through to you that we’re working together to make this safe! We’re doing everything we can y/n,” “no we aren’t! What about the lives we promised we’d get justice for! Have they just all gone down the drain?! We can’t just keep up this bullshit! Either he dies or we die! He’s overpowering us Rick! We need to do som-“ Rick soon held his hand up at you “no! Don’t you-“ “y/n. You’re getting ahead of yourself.” The man reminded you and you breathed heavily your eyes rage full Daryl moving behind you as he slowly rubbed up and down your back trying to sooth you yet your whole body felt as if it was on fire “we get that you want to protect us and this community but-“ “no! It isn’t just that Rick! It isn’t! I want to get- I- I want…” your voice cracked as your heart began to slowly split into pieces ricks expression softening, sure he had seen you open up before but not like this… he hadn’t seen you like this often… nor had Daryl- it surprised both men. “Tell me.” Rick spoke taking a step forwards this time, as he slowly reached a hand out resting his hand atop of your shoulder “I-…. I…” Rick remained silent searching your eyes allowing you to take your time watching as your face contorted in all ways imaginable the anguish, pain and fear slowly creeping up on you “he killed Glenn! He killed Abraham! He killed our friends! Shouldn’t we be trying to kill him! He killed Glenn! He killed-… he killed the guy who saved your dumbass!” You yelled shoving his hand off of your shoulder, ricks expression showing the pain, he hadn’t fully healed- in fact he hadn’t healed at all. He hadn’t allowed himself to grieve anyone’s deaths but especially Glenn’s. Or Abraham’s. He was too busy being a leader. Too busy taking care of his people.
“Y/n we can’t change that… I’m sorry… but we can’t… but what we can’t change either is the fact that if you died we would’ve lost a key part of Alexandria…-“ “we’ve already lost a key part!” Your voice cracked and Daryl stared at you “you’re both bullshit! I can take care of myself! Why don’t you think I can’t take care of myself?!” Your voice grew angrier before you ran off upstairs Rick running a hand over his face and Daryl just watching you run off “don’t go after her…” he shook his head “let her cool off. And you cool off too” Rick spoke and Daryl nodded knowing he was right. He needed to calm down… if he didn’t he would’ve said something he regretted.
A couple of minutes passed- maybe five, or even ten, before Daryl was sent up to console you. You didn’t even hear him come in but you felt the bed dip down before you heard his soft breathing “I did what I thought was best.” You spoke more softly and Daryl nodded “I know… but it was also…” “stupid I know… don’t need to tell me again…” you murmured softly and Daryl exhaled softly “you know we just care about you. That’s why we’re so worried about you… you matter to us.” His hand rubbed up and down your back slowly and gently as you remained curled up in a ball arms wrapped around yourself weakly his touch soft and caring, his rough calloused hands rough against your skin but you didn’t care. He was comforting you… that’s all that really mattered.
“I just-… why do you keep treating me like a damn child?” You asked clearly upset about that and Daryl frowned slightly his stern features growing more soft as he saw the true confusion and frustration in your eyes “because we’ve lost people, Y/n…. Glenn, Abraham, Sophia, Dale, Hershel, Merle, Olivia… too many people to count..” he fell silent before speaking again not allowing you to say anything “and we can’t lose someone else. The stakes are set high. I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost you, Y/n. Rick wouldn’t either… today was stupid… sure you did what you thought was best but it was a little bit silly… but there’s always room for improvement” your head slowly turned to look at him a small smile tugging at your lips before you laughed softly “who knew you could be so sentimental, Dixon” you murmured and he stared at you unamused “I’m being serious,”
You smiled softly “I know… but I promise I won’t do this again alright? It was stupid… I know but it won’t happen again…” Daryl stared at you with a ‘yeah, sure’ look before you rolled your eyes soon holding your hand out towards him sticking your pinky out at him “fine. Pinky promise…” you raised your brows the older man staring a softness soon consuming his eyes before a little smile tugged at his lips, shaking his head but nonetheless he locked his pinky with yours
“Pinky promise.”
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