cedarrockfarmgirl · 5 years
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Today's theme was mirror image. First the almost identical heifers lying on the green grass behind their brother. Then later I caught a couple of goat kids in almost identical poses. #fatcalves #texasspring #fullbellies #greenerpastures #mirrorimage #bookends https://www.instagram.com/p/BwS7vFJD84B/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9voachdyj8at
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mattyear · 7 years
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Boots made for walking #fatcalves #boots #cognac #fashion #waiting #traveling #philadelphia #citylife #gaylife #fatgayboy #30thstreetstation (at 30th Street Station)
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iisuperwomanii · 12 years
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THIS. is what life is about LOL. useless to a whole new level #superwoman #fatcalves (Taken with Instagram)
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