downs1de Β· 2 months
Roman is already annoyed because Han gets to drive. It's salt in the wound when he peeks the red lace draped playfully around the gearshift. He's shocked, appalled even, but mostly green with envy. Jaw dropped, he points, or is it a reach? " Bruh, who left they panties in your car? "
Well, Han wasn't expecting the gift that awaited wrapped around his gearshift, let alone finding out about it with Roman in the carβ€”but that made it all the sweeter, didn't it?
"What? Girls don't leave their thongs in yours?"
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Han's smirk is wide as he reaches out faster than the other and grabs the panties, stuffing them in his jacket pocket before Roman can make contact with them: He is not getting his hands anywhere near his girl's undies, not on his watch.
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desalvar Β· 26 days
↕️ are they a sub, dom, or switch? top, bottom, or switch?
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to start off with, nikodemus is less of a rigid one bracket/role kind of guy and more of a fluid versatile. lots of wants, needs, indulgences, dalliances, curiosities in one man, why deny himself any of them
that said, it depends on the partner. he makes a phenomenal, confident dominant, if a little on the mean side, and enjoys toying with control over one's pleasure as far as their limit can go - sometimes even cleverly beyond it. but it's not exactly a role that necessitates his trust or affections so he can perform it without either of those. submission's where he genuinely always enjoys himself and lets restrictions fall to the wayside entirely - as well as control, something he has a tight, immovable grip on in every other aspect of his life. but it's also, by necessity, always a result of built respect, reliance, fondness and connection before he can take the leap of deference. a bit of a feral, unhinged submissive, it's often a little bit like taming a sly wild animal with him. hence, it's also difficultly earned.
in terms of roles though, he could care less about the giving/receiving part. flexible switch who makes zero connection between topping and domming, nor bottoming and subbing. really, no variable determines positions for him (height, weight, age, genitalia, etc) except partner's preference, desire and mood
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florencc Β· 4 months
@fatalhymnΒ liked for a starter (still accepting).
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"i'm starting over." words were said with a certainty these days –– she'd said it so many times, to countless strangers, that they had more conviction than they used to. it was the truth, after all. she was starting over, yet again, merely months after the last time she had started over. she didn't stay in places any longer than a year or so, too many questions came about if she did. and so, she'd rehearsed this act enough times to try and avoid any probing questions where she could.
"you know how it is." florence's shoulders lifted in a shrug, look of nonchalance dancing across her face. "you have a bad break up, so you go elsewhere to start fresh. total clichΓ©, aren't i?" eyes rolled playfully at herself as she continued her act, dropping just enough details that most strangers didn't dare ask more questions. at least, that was the plan. "nothing more exciting than that, i'm afraid." liar.
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endeavvor Β· 25 days
" You're not worried I'm going to sneak into your bed and kill you in your sleep? " Amelia smiles slowly, leaning in. " Or is that where you're hoping to find me? " ( is she flirting or threatening.... )
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"I'm not worried." He says flatly, not elaborating on why. Which would be a long drawn out explanation of how impeccable the security is on his quarters. Being the Captain had some perks.
As intelligent as he believes she is - despite playing otherwise - he does not believe she has the skills to bypass it.
Which means her only other way in, without an invitation, would be access to highly confidential records. Showing up unannounced would not only deeply unsettle him, but show her hand too soon.
Which left one possibility. Jim is obvious as his gaze dips towards her lips and back up again. His own turning upwards at the corner.
"Sinclair, if you want in my bed, all you have to do is ask."
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existentialflirt Β· 4 months
Harley was aiming for the dumpster. Cross her heart and hope...Well, she really didn't want to die, but the point remains. When she took her leap of faith off the roof, she missed her mark and instead landed on a human being. On one hand it was better than the cement, on the other, she really, really hoped that the person she'd landed on before rolling and crawling away was reasonable. Harley really didn't feel like making a new enemy tonight.
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"Sorry! Sorry! I was er β€” doing parkour?" She laughed awkwardly as she stood shakily, adrenaline starting to drain from her system. Harley was pretty sure she'd lost the Bat a few blocks back. If she was lucky, he was still picking confetti from his teeth. "Guess I should get back to the practice courses at the gym before I try the real thing again, huh?"
starter for @fatalhymn
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flamepledge Β· 2 months
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❝ Ah, just the person I was looking for. ❞ An easy smile surfaces the emperor's lips when she sees @fatalhymn. ❝ A shipment of sweets and tea blends just arrived. I was hoping you would be interested in having tea with me. ❞
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downs1de Β· 4 months
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@fatalhymn liked for a canon line starter
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"You know relative to its size, the barnacle has the largest penis of any animal?"
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mindsmade Β· 1 month
²⁡⁾ a kitchen counter whilst dinner’s being made. Perry and Damien ❀️
As happy as she is to cook, she's happier watching someone else do it for her. Sure, she'll help cut the veggies and wash the rice, but watching Damien juggle spices and herbs while sitting on the countertop a few meters off, scratches a particular itch she didn't even know she had.
❛  How does being domestic look so good on you?Β  ❜
Somewhere deep down, she feels a resentment towards herself for letting that question represent her acknowledgement of the obvious β€” that she's into him, how he does even the trivial things; from the way he handles the kitchen knife to how he takes care of the dishes.
There's liking having your work done for you, and liking being cared for β€” by just the right person, at that. Perry was always all about the former, not the latter ... until recently.
What she's also all about, is working with feelings, not against them. It doesn't particularly help her make sense of her urge to resist something that makes her feel so good ( safe, appreciated, respected ).
She resolves to think about it another time, when he inevitably leaves again. He's good like that; good about letting her have her space without argument.
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Maybe she should be the one treating him to a feast, actually ...
Whatever! The decision's been made: no more overthinking. She rolls her shoulders, craning her neck this way and that to be rid of any tension building up there. Then, with no further thought, she hops down from the counter, positions herself behind Damien, and slings her arms about his middle.
She can at least get a good laugh out of how ridiculous the gesture feels when her face hardly reaches above his shoulder blades. It loses some of its romanticism, she'd admit.
She'll content herself with resting her cheek against his back instead of looking over his shoulder.
❛  β€”β€” Stay after dinner?Β  ❜
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mastermicd-arch Β· 4 months
@fatalhymn ♑’d for a starterΒ (still accepting)Β !
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"amelia!" name came a as a shout as dexter's hand knocked hard on the door to her apartment. fist pounded against the wood, only pausing for a moment to allow him to shout once again. "come on, i know you're in there!" he didn't know that she was in there, but he hadn't seen her in a while and was more than a little but concerned. even more so when mambo had confirmed that he hadn't had a need for her in that time. so where was amelia? "come on, it's only me. it's dexter."
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filthystill Β· 5 days
@fatalhymn // digging holes.
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That voice was in his ear again. Look away, look away, look away. Don't listen to it. Disregard it. Do not look away. Commit it to memory. All the bad things you did. Make sure you dream about them. You wanted this. Finish the job.
Lord, can you hear me up there? Deliver me from this. Get me through this. I want to see the other side. I want to see my daughter again.
Do you, though? Is that what you want?
Silent car-ride, body in the trunk. He stands in half-dug hole, out in the woods, dazzled by the headlights of the car, sticks the shovel in the dirt, finally thinks to talk to her, his accomplice, "you realize you're involved now, right?" Ominous, spat in the mud, "you're an accessory. No going back."
He left it unsaid, just let his eyes do the talking; you're either with me, or you're against me.
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endeavvor Β· 2 months
❛  sometimes people just deserve to be stabbed. ❜
πŸŒ™ * ― π“π‡πˆππ†π’ π’π€πˆπƒ 𝐎𝐍 πƒπˆπ’π‚πŽπ‘πƒ
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Jim's response is a breathy laugh. He is doubled over slightly, hand pressed to his abdomen, low, just over the jutting of one hip bone. Blood is running through the tips of his fingers where he's failing to stem the bleeding as he's broken rule number one of any penetrative object: do not remove it.
McCoy can, and will, yell at him later.
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"I didn't mean me." He breathes out heavily, nostrils flaring, and he forces himself upright. "Though your commentary is absolutely fascinating on the subject, thank you."
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existentialflirt Β· 4 months
β€œi’m in love with you but i don’t want you to hurt me.” - Matt hee hee hoo hoo
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"That's not fair," Matt replied quietly, but without heat. He'd been in this conversation with many people before. Hell, he was pretty sure he'd said the same thing to a partner, so he knew it for what it was. Matt knew what was expected of him: Assurance. It wasn't as though he wasn't willing to echo the sentiment or even be fool enough to promise that he wouldn't intentionally hurt her, but it just felt like he was setting up an argument down the road, especially with someone as volatile as Amelia. "I love you, too, and I can promise that I won't hurt you intentionally or out of spite, but I can't promise that it'll never happen."
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apothekosm Β· 5 months
πŸ‘ please love me
Send πŸ‘ for a random headcanon I have about our muses
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POV: You got your ass beat for refusing to give up information. Nearly to the frayed edge of your life, but rather than let you die on a street somewhere, the assassin that beat you up (left) has brought you to the closest physician she knows (right) who just pulled your soul back from the underworld so the aforementioned assassin can continue interrogating you for the info she so rightly deserves.
Once it 'slipped' that Bea's healing abilities were a lot more 'cosmic universality' than 'columbia university', she feared that Amelia would treat her differently. Maybe become more withdrawn, or begin questioning aspects of their relationship that had never passed even the most strenuous 'vibe' checks.
What actually happened was that Amelia took it all in stride. Not so easily flapped, she actually relied on Beatrice for a bit more than her own booboos and emotional investiture. Now, while 'heal this guy so I can get back to fucking him up' isn't exactly the most wholesome use of her emotional healing gift, it's the nature of the request (a reliance, and a trust) that matters, and not its form.
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downs1de Β· 6 months
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@fatalhymn: "I've never lied, not even once."
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"What are you, a nun?"
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"Based on your looks, I'm sure you make good money dressing like oneβ€”you might need to give me your number."
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yes7erdays Β· 1 month
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❛⠀ i’ve dumped someone for less β€” like color coding their books.β € ❜
starter call. I @fatalhymn
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endeavvor Β· 14 days
sender draws a smiley face out of the blood they spilled :) - but instead it's a <3
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That was the thing about power, once you let it in, it consumed you. It ran through every muscle, every vein - replacing blood until you exuded it from every pore. It could be felt from a mile away in its approach, rolling in like a storm. Caressing your skin. Electric, dancing along, raising the flesh in its wake.
The bodies didn't surprise him.
Neither did the gore. It was everywhere, strewn about like a red carpet, regal; and as welcoming as the giant maw of a beast that resided in the forest. Jagged and crooked.
Welcoming him home.
She was crouched in the middle of it all, cloaked in black, offsetting the misleadingly delicate bone structure of her face. From this distance, he cannot tell what is freckle and what is splatter, until she blinks. It is slow, and languid, the dark lashes brushing cheek, streaking the color like paint.
Jim doesn't flinch when she reaches out, though he should, as countless have before. He doesn't even blink. If she wanted him dead, he'd have been struck down the second he crossed the threshold. But he does watch her draw the shape of something, trace it lovingly across the tile.
And that. That is what surprises him.
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"I'd say I love what you've done with the place," He drawls, canting his hips to place more weight on the left side than his right. A subtle, but defensive pose. "But reds not really my color."
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