zekcs · 8 years
┗ ✘。   VOICEMAIL  01.    —    ft. TAMSIN !
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( @tcmsins )  
✘。—      the automatic woman’s voice that appears following a voicemail transforms itself into a monotonous hum, NUMBING out into the distance, as ezekiel steadily lowers his cell phone away from his ear in disturbing SHOCK. frozen solid with misplaced reflection and lost words, he is suddenly unable to retain or hear anything around him, too utterly absorbed with the revelations that tamsin had just left in his voicemail box. ‘ PARENTS ’ — the torrid word nips at the defensive threads of his cognition, ezekiel haphazardly reassessing her message in his mind, his hand violently clenching his phone. ‘ KID, FAMILY ’ — they all come with a jolt, smacking the charcoal-dressed man again and again with such a force that the broken pieces already intoxicating his insides plead for a stop, for an explanation, for SOMETHING. a dense fog of disorientation and hurt asphyxiates the atmosphere cradling him, betrayal turning into sorrow, and sorrow turning into OUTRAGE. and before he even realizes it, he’s dialling the injurious brunette’s number back, an unstoppable, emotional fury of exposed F E R V O U R possesses him, thirsting for a confrontation. however, a few beeps later, no luck. ezekiel finds himself being greeted by the tone of her answering machine, her voice in the recording a beautiful evil against his eardrum. 
       once prompted, he unlatches the gate of frustration building up within him. “ parents, huh ? ” zeke cracks sharply into the nothingness of the phone, firmly holding his breath in vexation before exhaling. “ a fuckin’ KID, tamsin ? a motherfucking BABY and you didn’t even tell me ? ” his temper comes across as fearsome and BURNING through the phone line, as he expressively shakes his head in distaste and fidgets with the ebony strands on his head. “ i know i was never a fucking SAINT when we were together, but who do you think i am ? seriously ? some fucking monster ? ” ezekiel howls with an offended expression, his words becoming even more sour with every second, brows curled downward in anger. “ what, my ‘ SUFFOCATING HATRED ’ wouldn’t have been able handle it ? or no, maybe my dick that apparently can’t keep itself in my pants, right ? i’m the end all and be all of a fucking ASSHOLE, i get it. ” his aggravation becomes laced with mockery in his last statement, shaken legs dramatically pushing themselves up from his couch, unable to contain his frustration by sitting down any longer. all the BETRAYED sentiments fly out of ezekiel in the form of linguistic stings and evocative body motions. “ but THIS ? what the fuck, tamsin ? don’t act like your some helpless victim here. we’ve both done some bullshit. we’re both in the wrong for our fucked up relationship. ” the feelings of betrayal and despair stir up a FOUL cocktail in ezekiel’s chest, one that forms fire in his eyes and disheartens his strength, causing him to pace around the room. “ i - i can’t even — ” zeke hesitates before being periodically cut off by a BEEP, signalling the end of the voicemail. 
      returning to the sofa, he takes deep breaths in an attempt to subside his ill temper, visions of PAST moments with tamsin blinking behind squeezed eyelids. everything from the arguments to the pleasures — carmine, wine-stained kisses and late-night laughs in the haziness of his car BLUSH his heart, while flamboyant lies and TOXIC disputes place choking hands around his neck. fervidly, the phone is lashed from his palm to the other side of the cushions, his two hands pulling back to stroke his face in exasperation. however, a vivid A N G U I S H begins to blanket his irritability as he finally starts to calm down and reevaluate himself. with a slight change of heart, ezekiel grabs the phone and calls back. voicemail answering his ring once again, he speaks, a lower tone to his words, “ alright, i’m sorry, okay ? i’m sorry i fuck up and DESTROY everything in my life. i have no excuses, but you think i want that ? ” he pauses, creasing his lips into a firm line,  “ obviously fucking not, but that’s just how my life is. not all of us can just blurt out how we fucking feel every minute and have everything work out. ” the news of tamsin’s lost pregnancy has ezekiel feeling vulnerable, a tension knocking in his throat, fighting to be released. “ so what do you want from me exactly, tamsin ? you want me to say that i got scared ? okay, fine, i got scared. i’ll admit that. you and i were a good thing, and that freaked me the fuck out. ” a buried sigh can be heard over the speaker as zeke’s fingers rub at the tired lines on his forehead. “ fuck those commitment issues though. who i am, how i learnt to be, i can’t help it. but don’t think it doesn’t fuck me up that i cheated on you and hurt you, because it DOES, ” ezekiel exposes dryly, repressed emotions getting the best of him, “ i hate that suffocation, but i deal with it. i fucking deal with it. ” 
      at this point, the gloomy-eyed man’s cold, secluded feelings lie torn apart, naked edges revealed, and exhaustion from getting angry WASTING away his bones. his choleric emotions toward the situation still persist, but something inside of him persuades him to suddenly go easy on his ex-girlfriend. they are both VICTIMS of being mangled by melancholic misfortunes, so who was he to push that any further ? he was just so TIRED, tired of it all.  “ so yeah, i fucking get it. i failed you. i realize that, okay ? i’m just a big, fucking failure, right ? ” he hushes drearily, the scale of his voice becoming increasingly quieter, foggy orbs lowering to the floor, “ fuck, tami . . . i just mi— ” his tattered speech trails off, ezekiel taking a moment to sigh before expressing his last statement with a huff. “ anyway, you should have told me. that kid was a part of ME too. i could have fucking helped, that’s ALL i’m saying. ” 
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aurvas · 8 years
•¨☁ . VOICEMAIL 001, 9:30pm
adrianna amari / to one you haven’t spoken to
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•﹡¨¸☁ . --       soft fingers filled with BITTERNESS idly tap at her phone, the endless list of names through her contacts until she stumbles by one that would always bring a morose pang of harshness to her clouded soul, adrianna amari. her only sister and one that she wished wasn’t. nothing but acidity filled her veins as she feels every word that she had cursed her sister with seep through her consciousness. the amari family was riddled with corruption following the passing of their patriarch & with an electric rage, the sandy-haired girl distanced herself from the duplicity that engulfed her family. her breath hitching into her throat, it took everything in her to IGNORE her sister’s missed calls, to sourly erase her texts. sullen memories cradle her hazy consciousness, as once again, she feels the remorse from her harrowing clash with her so-called sister. the blonde had an everlasting crusade against ever meeting her sister face-to-face again. to reconnect with her similar blue hues and to let her eyes dance against her similar blonde tendrils. to feel the inferiority that came along with being inches shorter than her, but yet -- her fingers drew themselves towards the name in her contacts, as the bland ramblings of the automated voicemail tone hums in the back of her mind.
‘ you called me THREE times, adri -- ’ she starts, the sharp prick from the lump in her throat that she is harboring becomes harder and harder to suppress. her mind is enveloped in the joyless tangle that is longing for her sister. ‘ i thought i made it clear from the last time we talked that i don’t want ANYTHING to do with you anymore, ’ she hisses, her words are laced with venom as all her resentment resurfaces through her veins. ‘ unless you’re calling to tell me that mom is dead, don’t bother sending me an invite for her drab funeral -- have fun inheriting everything our father ever worked for, ’ she pauses for a moment, the cruel ache that accompanys grief starting to mix with her bitterness to form a chaotic concoction of rage, ‘ look -- whatever. i’m sorry, i didn’t mean that -- ’ she continues, her heart aching for a normal interaction with her sister. like they once had before, their talks about racing together seemed so blurry now, tangled in a foggy haze that the racer had tried so willfully to erase from her memory, ‘ but if you're calling because you or mom need money, then delete my number. mom should have enough from LEECHING off of her other family members. ’ she snaps. she harbored nothing but a hostile resentment for her mother and sister, something that she had once tried to overcome, but however -- she felt as if she were doomed to a long and wretched life where she would never be able to reconcile with her former family members.
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fasterhq · 8 years
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hey gang ! we thought it was about time for a task for y’all, and so here it is ! it’s a pretty simple one that we feel could help spark your creative muse as you can go anywhere you want with it. take this as an opportunity for your muses to explore their relationships as well as a way to keep track of your character progression. without further ado, we now present to you your first official task: voice notes !
basically, all you have to do is post three voice notes to three different people ( one note each ). this is all in character; they are meant to be voicemails, the context, content and length of which is left to your creative decision. it is also up to you if your character sends these notes or deletes them entirely. we’re also not picky with the format—you may post them separately or individually, as a transcript of your muse’s speech or as a third person paragraph. all we ask is that you follow the themes below:
voice note #1: to one you miss terribly
voice note #2: to one you haven’t spoken with
voice note #3: to one of your choice
feel free to make more than three voice notes if you’d like, and they may be directed to non-playable characters ( such as your muse’s mother or estranged sibling or what have you ), as long as at least one of the recipients is a character in this roleplay. the deadline for this task will be on the 4th of february. if you’d like an extension kindly let us know ! also, please don’t forget to tag your posts accordingly with faster:task1 so we can see who has finished them !
with that, if you have any questions or concerns regarding this task or any issue in the roleplay feel free to hit us up via the askbox ! goodluck and have fun with this, we can’t wait to see what you all come up with !
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