#fasion magazine
vogues1ut · 9 months
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thierry mugler's nipple piercing dress, from the haute couture ss98 collection IM IN LOVE
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i1con4 · 28 days
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y2kmagazines · 1 year
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Busy Philipps featured in Teen Movieline’s Spring 2000 issue
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Ida Heiner photographed by Lachlan Bailey for Vogue UK January 2023
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katyluftwaaffe · 1 year
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Ph: Roni Ahn
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
Do you have any headcannons for adult (good timeline) Akkun? I think he'd be alot of fun to be around!
Yeah! Here's a few I have for him!
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He's actually the owner of his own hair salon.
He does all of the mizo mid's hair, Kazutora and a few others
The band still very occasionally meets up to play together.
He ended up driving the rest of the mizo mid to Takemichi's wedding.
A lot of girls actually like Akkun but he's totally oblivious to it and thinks he's not popular. 
Kazutora visits him at his salon often
Mizo middle hang out nights are still a thing, normally they plan them monthly.
When he's not cutting or styling hair, he's reading fasion magazines to stay up to date with the latest trends. 
His friend's like coming to him with their problems because he's such a good listener. 
He ends up hearing a lot of gossip while doing people's hair.
One time, Ran practically kicked the doors to the salon open and walked in, acting like it was a huge honour to do his hair and saying he was going to give Akkun a try because of old friends. Akkun was super confused but Ran seemed satisfied with the result.
He's the second member of the mizo mid to get married.
Talking of marriage, he ends up with that woman he married in another timeline. It's just coincidence they found each other again (gotta love soulmate au's).
Sometimes the others will bring up changing his style, Akkun always get's defensive saying his hair and style is still cool though.
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greenlittlegreen · 2 years
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Fasion magazine style :)
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lilacella · 2 months
I wrote a prongsfoot fashion AU based on this ask, because I am having issues, apparently.
I do in fact have limited insight into the fashion world so if any of this is inaccurate, please ignore.
Muggle Fashion AU, Designer!Sirius Black, Model!James Potter
James was buzzing with excitement as he entered the building trough the back door into the bustling fitting room. He had made it. He really had made it.
James hadn't planned to be a runway model. When he was a kid, he'd always imagined he'd be a firefighter or maybe a famous basketball player. But when his agent had chatted him up on the streets of London three years ago his life had taken a sharp turn.
Since then, he had been featured on a few strips in smaller magazines, he'd even been the face of a fitness supplement marketing campaign for a while but he'd quickly found out what he truly loved was the runway. The thrill of walking, between all these curious eyes, doing his best to present the fasion the designer had entrusted him with, that was what he liked most about his new job. And now a special kind of honor had been bestowed upon him: He was going to walk for Black Sheep at the upcoming London fashion week.
The head of the independent label was renowned designer Sirius Black, who was known for being a genius when it came to cuts and fabrics but also for being the most insufferable perfectionist. He was extremely particular about who was allowed to wear his fashion, on and off the runway. A bit arrogant but deservedly so, James thought. He was obsessed with Black Sheep garments and while they weren't out of his price range - Black Sheep was actually considerably cheap for a high fashion label - the only way to buy any of the clothes was if Sirius Black signed it off personally. And James had unsurprising not made it on the list yet. But maybe this was his chance.
"Name?" blurted a tired looking assistant at him.
"Potter, James. Uh...model."
The young man checked his list, nodded and then pointed at a long line of people forming at one of the walls of the hall.
"Queue up, Mr. Black will fit you once it's your turn." The man turned to the next person but James stopped him.
"Wait, he is fitting us personally?"
The assistant rolled his eyes.
"Yes of course! Is this your first time?" He didn't wait for an answer and started questioning the woman behind James. Reluctantly, James made his way over to the other models and got in line.
"Next!" a different asisstant yelled and James quickly entered the sectioned off area, where the clothes were assigned to the models. And there he was. Sirius Black, in the flesh. Up close he looked even more intimidating but James was simply too fascinated to care.
The tall man with the long black hair turned towards him and raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. His olive skin highlighted the intense grey of his eyes. He stepped closer and examined James from head to toe. Then he nodded approvingly.
"Give him the suit. He'll look good in it." Mr. Black snapped his long fingers at the assistant who hurrydly fetched the desired garment from the clothes rail.
The suit was gorgeous. Geometrically cut and oversized, fashioned from a thick red material, strategic parts covered in golden pailletes, which James would have found tacky on any other garment but here it worked.
"Put it on," Mr. Black commanded.
James obliged and carried the suit behind one of the changing curtains. When he stepped back out, Black mustered him skeptically.
"What's your name?"
"James Po..."
"Where are your glasses James? You wore glasses."
"Oh. I took them off so they wouldn't be..."
Black stepped over to the changing cabin, picked up James' glasses and placed them gently back on his nose. His fingers brushed lightly against his cheeks while he did it.
"Wear them. Wear them on the runway too. They are part of you. I want you to present my clothes with all you've got."
James was a bit taken aback by that statement and still somewhat stunned by the touch, but nodded, dumbly.
"Right, let's see." Black approached him with a handful of safety pins and a note pad. He thoughtfully plucked at the garment in different places, pulling it closer to James body, pinned here and there and mumbled something under his breath. Everytime his hands pressed against James' body trough the fabric he found himself holding his breath. Black looked so good. His lips looked so kissable...Black finally looked up at James, right into his eyes:
"Looks good. Now walk for me please."
James felt an unfamiliar tingle under Blacks intense gaze. Was he nervous? He was never nervous.
He grabbed his glasses and walked a couple lines for Black who nodded contentedly.
"Lovley. You will make a great show stopper. Look forward to seeing you walk tomorrow, James." He winked at him.
James eyes widened in surprise.
"Show stopper?" The final model to walk, the one to close the show, the ultimate final impression. He'd done this before but he hadn't expected to do it for Black Sheep.
"Did I speak italian? Now take the suit off and give it back to Martha. I'll see you tomorrow. Keep healthy!"
The show was a full success, at least for James. His walk went perfect, the suit felt as if it was made for him. He wore his glasses and was surprised that hair and makeup didn't complain about it with one word. Maybe Black had given them a memo about it. The whole time James was backstage, he couldn't take his eyes off the busy designer who was hurrying through the crammed space, yelling instructions, fixing garments and to James biggest surprise talked gently with every model that seemed just the slightest bit stessed.
One of the women for example, a curvy redhead that James would have sold his soul to date back in high-school, couldn't fit into her shoes and was worried she'd roll her ankles. After being roughly brushed off by the assistant who dressed her, she called out to Black as if he was an old friend.
"Sirius! My shoes don't fit!"
"Lily dear, what's the matter?"
"They're too small."
The asisstants head went bright red.
"I'm so sorry, I told her to shut up..."
Black glared at the other woman until she shut her mouth and then turned back to the model.
"I will find you some new shoes, love. I think someone over there looks like hers are too big." He sighed. "Do I have to do everything by myself?!" He grabbed the heels and wandered off into the crowd.
When it was James turn to walk down the runway, he felt a pat on his shoulder and a low voice wishing him good luck. He only realized after his walk, that it had been Sirius Black.
When the show was over and James took off the suit, the asisstant from the fitting, Martha, appeared.
"Take the suit."
"Excuse me?"
"Take the suit. Mr. Black said you should have it." She left before he could ask any questions. The redhead, who caught his questioning eyes just shrugged.
"You should wear the suit," Remus joked.
"Well mate, I'm not sure they'll let me in like that," James laughed at his roommates suggestion. They were planning to go to a club, something he rarely got Remus to take part in, and James was rummaging trough his wardrobe to find something to wear. But the Black Sheep suit was considerably to special to wear to the club. It could get ruined! Actually it might be to special to wear it anywhere.
Remus lifted up the dark red jacket and inspected it closely.
"I really can't get behind why someone would wear this. It looks a little ridiculous if you ask me."
James rolled his eyes.
"It's fashion, Remus. In fashion you have to take risks!"
"The risk to look like a twat?"
James grinned.
"For example."
Remus put the jacket back down but then suddenly frowned.
"Didn't know they put tags in these..."
James turned around to see what he meant and indeed. At the lining, someone had sown two lighter piece of fabric. Curiously James folded them apart and then stared at it for a moment, trying to comprehend what he was seeing.
"Who's number is that? Is that a fashion thing as well?"
It wasn't.
James contemplated the number for days. Who's number was it, indeed? Could it be Sirius Blacks? But why would he put it there? Did he maybe do that to all his garments, in case they got lost, the same way parents wrote their kids names into their stuff before sending them off to elementary school? Maybe it was a number of a dry cleaner, because Black was so particular, that only certian people were to be trusted with handling his garments?
James had searched the internet for the number, of course, but nothing had come up. So one evening, after a couple beers, he decided he'd just call it. What was the worst that could happen?
He typed in the number and hit call. It rang. The periodical beeping seemed to go on forever, until he finally hung up. Weird. But he wouldn't give up so easily. His curiosity had been stirred and he wouldn't let go until he had an answer, no matter how disappointing it may be. So he opened his messenger and texted:
You: Hey. This is James. I found this number in my suit. Could you tell me what it's for?
He didn't really expect an answer, though he really hoped for one, but just a few minutes later his phone dinged.
Unknown: Hello James. I am glad you texted me, I had begun to worry if I had been too forward. Please don't feel compelled to interact with me, if you don't want to.
Unknown: Also, I'm sorry I didn't pick up earlier. I didn't know it was you.
James stared at the text in confusion. Could it really be...he squashed his hopes immediately. It was probably someone else who worked with Sirius, trying to get with him.
You: No worries 😄 Who is this though?
Unknown: This is Sirius black.
James stared again. His heart was beating faster. This had to be some sort of prank.
Unknown: the designer from fasion week?
You: I know.
You: I know who you are. Why did you give me your number though.
The other took a couple minutes to answer this time.
Unknown: I felt like we had a connection.
James frowned.
You: we barely talked.
Unknown: sorry. I guess I misunderstood.
You: misunderstood what.
Unknown: it's fine, you don't have to keep texting with me. Don't worry i am not easily offended by being turned down.
Turned down? So he actually was flirting with him. James hands had become sweaty. He ruffled his hair. What should he do?
"So do I get this right: You think that guy is hot and you have been crushing on him from afar for ages and now he texts you, and you are not sure what to do?" Remus looked at him puzzled. "James, since when do you get nervous when it comes to flirting?"
"I'm not nervous!" James protested. "I just wonder what he wants from me."
Remus raised his eyebrows.
"Isn't that obvious?"
James rolled his eyes.
"So what do you think? What should I do?"
"I think you should meet him and shag him, that's what I think."
James snorted, blushing a little bit. The thought of sleeping with Sirius Black was more than exciting. But maybe he was - a little - nervous.
Sirius had made a reservation at a fancy restaurant for 6pm on Friday. So on 6pm on friday, James climbed out of his taxi, in front of the fancy restaurant. He usually would have taken the tube but he was wearing the suit. If there had ever been an occasion for it then it was a date with Sirius Black himself.
They had texted back and forth for a couple days and - after his initial reaction - James had had to do some serious convincing that he was indeed interested in meeting Sirius and not just in a job opportunity. Finally they had agreed on meeting today.
James could no longer deny his nervousness. Eventhough Sirius seemed pretty nice and easy going over text, in James mind he was still the bitchy, aloof designer that the fashion world loved and feared to equal parts.
And there he was. Clad entirely in black, looking incredibly handsome and sleek. James swallowed hard and approached him.
Sirius turned and smiled when he saw him.
"Hi. You showed up."
"Yeah sure I did. Wouldn't miss out on that." James grinned.
"You wore the suit."
"Yep. Looks good doesn't it?"
Sirius laughed.
"Let's go inside shall we?"
The restaurant was one of those that made you feel incredibly out of place no matter how much money you had. James had been here before and hadn't cared much for this type of cuisine, but he would pull himself together for Sirius. This was a first date after all.
They were seated and when the waiter had taken their drink orders and vanished, Sirius sank into his chair with a sigh observing the people around them with a bored disdain.
"Not your crowd?" James asked.
Sirius looked surprised.
"That obvious?"
"Kind of, yes. You don't really look like you want to be here."
"I do, actually," Sirius said and leaned towards him looking right into his eyes now. Goddammit. He was so attractive. "I wanted to see you. You really impressed me. You've got an interesting attitude. I like it."
James laughed, taken aback by the blatant compliment.
"Well, glad to hear that. You have impressed me way before we met, so I say I come out on top."
Sirius smirked.
"We shall see."
James blushed hard but grinned. He hadn't intended the innuendo but he also didn't mind it. Sirius brushed a strand of his silky hair behind his ear. God, he was gorgeous.
"So, James, is modelling your only occupation?" He crossed his slender arms in front of his chest.
"Currently yes. I used to study engineering but I had to put it on hold. Just too many modeling jobs."
"You are sought after then?"
"Can't complain. Since I walked for you I've been getting a lot of calls."
"Glad to be of assistance. So engineering then? What did you engineer?"
James was surprised. Usually people weren't particularly interested in his boring uni past.
"I was specializing in air and space craft."
"So, real rocket science?" Sirius tone sounded like mocking arrogance but James could see how his eyes glimmered with genuine interest.
"Sort of, yes."
"Did you ever see a rocket up close? Have you been in one?"
"Once, on an excursion, yes."
"That's so cool," Sirius mumbled under his breath, then looking a little startled. "Did I say that out loud?"
"You did. It's alright many people find me cool," James joked.
Sirius snorted a laugh but relaxed visibly. His expression had changed from cold cockiness to something a lot friendlier.
"During the show I saw how you got one of the girls different shoes. That's not something that happens often. Never actually. Are you always this nice to your models?"
"I am nice to everyone!"
James raised an amused eyebrow and Sirius chuckled in defeat.
"Well, to everyone who deserves it anyways. You need to have elbows in this industry."
The waiter turned up with their drinks.
James noticed a couple people staring at them from other tables. Sirius didn't seem to notice.
"So what do you do when you don't design the clothes of the year?"
"Pretty busy with that, to be honest. I don't get out much." His eyes met James' again and he could feel the tension between them as they both raised their glasses to their lips. Gorgeous lips. The dim light of the restaurant made Sirius' fine features appear even more ethereal. His slender hand was resting elegantly on the table.
James couldn't hold back any longer, he had to touch him.
His hand reached out and covered Sirius' before he could make a conscious decision against it. He should have been worried about Sirius' reaction but found that he wasn't. This felt right.
Sirius didn't break eye contact, just his lips twitched lightly at the touch. His fingers brushed up against James' palm. James smirked.
"I told you, I'd come out on top," he said lowly and watched with satisfaction how Sirius cheekes reddened just the tiniest bit. It looked good on him.
Sirius had just opened his mouth to respond something, the air between them sizzeling with attraction, when they were rudely interrupted by the posh looking woman who had stared at them earlier.
"Mr. Black? Is it really you? I am sorry for interrupting but I am a great fan of your work. Sadly, I've never been able to buy anything, so I thought..."
"No," Sirius interrupted her harshly. His eyes narrowed and his face had become icy and unattainable again. "I decide who is granted access to my clothing and when, and you certainly didn't heighten your chances by interrupting my private dinner." His voice was sharp. Nothing compared to the mild snarkyness that James knew from him.
The woman recoiled. "I am terribly sorry, but..."
"You should be," Sirius replied coldly and turned back to his drink. As the woman took off he rolled his eyes.
"God, I hate this."
James bumped his foot against Sirius' underneath the table.
"I know we haven't eaten yet but...do you want to go anywhere else," James asked, already spotting other people eying Sirius with interest. Sirius laughed in surprise.
"Oh you think I'm that easy? Not even started dinner and you already want to take me home?"
James felt hot. That had not been what he'd meant, but he also wasn't complaining if that's what they'd end up doing.
"I...No I just thought that you might want to get out of here specifically. To get some peace?"
Sirius contemplated his proposal for a second, then decidedly signalled the waiter, asking for the check.
They were sitting on the rooftop balcony of Sirius apartment and enjoyed the sunset. After leaving the restaurant, Sirius had called them a cab and directed the driver here, only stopping once to pick up take away. Now they were both unceremoniously munching on their kebabs. (James had changed into a sweat suit, Sirius had given him. No need to risk his fancy clothes.)
"I hope you're not too disappointed that you don't get a fancy dinner out of this."
James laughed.
"I didn't want to say anything earlier, but I actually hate this kind off fancy food. There is never enough on the plate!"
"Right!? Finally someone understands me! Everyone always raves about the 'exciting' and 'creative' flavour combinations, that it's basically like an art experience but noone ever considers that you leave these places still hungry! I mean what's the point of going to a restaurant when you have to get a full 'nother meal afterwards."
James laughed.
"Then why did you suggest it?"
"I thought that was what you expected," Sirius said. James frowned.
"I don't expect anything from you. I just hoped we'd have a good time."
Sirius looked at him with genuine surprise, his gaze suddenly so soft and vulnerable that James almost felt like he could see right into his head, to read his thoughts.
Kiss me. He didn't think much about it and leaned in.
The kiss was a little messy, since their hands were greasy and they both smelled of garlic but it was still the best kiss James had ever had. They snapped together like puzzle pieces, long separated and now finally back in place. His hands found their way easily around Sirius body, as if he'd known him for years and Sirius melted against him, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck like he had nothing left to loose.
When they laid in bed after, bodies only covered by Sirius silken sheet, looking into each others eyes, hands gently playing with each other, James knew that this was more than just a hook up. This was more than anything he'd ever had and he knew Sirius felt the same. This was more than love. This was fate.
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sexy-rakun-2000 · 6 months
i saw someone on twt ask if there was anything we would like to see Nora write in aftg universe after Sunshine court and it got me thinking.
i like the story as is and dont need more info on side characters and backstories because theres extra content and enough to imagine things myself.
HOWEVER i would absolutely eat up a Haikyuu style magazine with information about the characters in present day. Like in 2024. Where does Andrew store his medals? (in the garage like the Doctor in cars). Allison fasion week review. Kevins house in architectural digest (andreils house is pretty too, they just wouldnt let cameras inside). Nicky launching Neils tiktok career. How do their reunions look like? Jean puppy interview. the possibilities are endless and i would like all the happy ones.
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sweetestofbelles · 6 months
I was wondering if you fix some old scout stuff then! Just the other day it got torn pretty bad! By the way, what's in fasion nowadays? - Pip
". . . ah, things in a magazine?"
"I could fix them, but. . . can you come back in a week? Things are. . . bad right now."
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vogues1ut · 11 months
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VOGUE US, September 1993
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legofilmen · 9 months
hi tumblr! here is my first fairy tail fanfic my gf comissioned me to do. i havnt watched the show but hope you like it!
A fairytail-blayde
"hi how can i help you? " says the receptionist at the fairy tail hospital
"hi, can you help my dumbass of a boyfriend to get a blayed blayed out off his ass? " says lucy
"oh thats, unfortunat… you can take a seat in the waiting room."
they go to the waiting room. Lucy takes a magazine and starts to midlessly look through it. natsu slowly follows her to the waiting room.
"sigh if you are about to tell me that you cant sit bcause of the blayblayed i will personally make sure to take it out right here and now" says lucy and give him her "you wont win this" look. Only loosers have blydblayds in their ass, but also awsome winners like natsu.
Natsu decides to stand silently and looks like a person who has something up his ass (because he has). Natsu is not feeling well but it doesnt take many milliseconds before he becomes board of looking at fasion interveiws over lucies shoulder. he walks up to the receptionist. Lucy is not stopping him. (she wanna see where this goes)
"you know what im gonna say to the docter when they take out the bleiblaied?" says natsu and aticipatingly taps his hands on the counter.
"umh no sir…" say the now a bit worried receptionist
" im gonna say smthlike- something something LET IT RIP!!" he says triumphly as lucy makes one loud unvolontairy laugh.
right then a doctor comes into the room and says
"Mr fairy tail, you can come in".
"come on sweetie, lets get that homemade butt plug out of you" Lucy says as she stands up gets natsu. they walk through the door the doctor is holding up.
the door closes and the waitning room is once again silent.
except for a distant "LET IT RIP"
the ned.
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adesolaakinsanya · 4 months
jaden smith in a skirt
magazine in the 90s on denis rodin fasion style
80s blackmen in croptops
usher fashion
prince fashion 80s
dennis rodman 90s fashion
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feelsgoodletsgo · 2 years
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VALOROUS for MALVIE Magazine ∘ ∘ Magazine // @malviemag Model // @lizzieannshumway HMUA // @xlukelondon Photographer // @feelsgoodletsgo Studio // @pinkstudiostl ∘ ∘ ∘ #malviemagazine #malviemag #doports #fashionistas #portraitkillers #under3kyo #fashionoftheday #fashionlove #portraitsnyc #explorersofphotography #conquer_models #outfitstyle #tags4likesapp #fasionable #supermodels #fashionforward #outfitshare #portraitshoot #portrait_planet #collectingportraits #fashionstatement #fashiondaily #kavyar #officialkavyar https://www.instagram.com/p/CqV71CRu5Ng/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lookoneworld · 2 years
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hestiasroom · 2 years
i can’t believe Vivienne Westwood died! i remember so much of the fasion-centered magazines and books i would read would mention or show her designs. I always wanted a necklace with her little logo on it. now i’m gonna try and buy one but it won’t matter because sis is dead! :(
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