#farcryfuckmeup's tag list
farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
So I had kinda a shitty day but I came home to find that my mom made my favorite cookies to cheer me up and it meant the world to me. So I was wondering what each of the Seeds would do to cheer reader up after a bad day and also what would make them feel better after they had a bad day? Love you and thanks! 🙂✨💜
sorry this took so long! school started up and i have been working on a commission! i will slowly but surely work through them! i have a tag list if you’d like to be added to it so you know when i post content!
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Jacob would:
- give lots of bear hugs. y’know the tight crushing ones. you can feel your soul piecing itself back together again.
- a lot of small touches in general. he’ll run his fingers through your hair while you hug, place a firm hand on your shoulder, drag his hand across your hip as he walks by.
- if he has a busy day he’ll ask if you’ll be alright on your own for a little bit, and then he’ll plan to have a night in and spend a good chunk of the next day with you.
- if he doesn’t think you’re alright on your own he’ll either cancel everything he had going on or bring you along. there’s no way he’s leaving you on your own if you need him badly enough. he’ll give you small things to do so that you’re always close by.
- jacob puts on some music so that you’re not left alone with your thoughts if you’re not in a talkative mood.
Jacob likes:
- being in close proximity with you. nothing beats coming home after a shitty day and seeing you smile.
- he loves your cooking/baking. whether it’s sweets or dinner, hell even cocktails, it makes him feel better knowing that someone cares enough about him to take care of him.
- sex. jacob talks a lot, but not always about his emotions. instead of venting or discussing how shitty he feels, he’ll every so often start to get flirty and hint that he wants to have sex. you’ll hear a little sigh of relief from him when you take him up on the offer.
- jacob just needs to get his mind off what happened, and depending on the severity, sometimes bringing it up will only make it worse. any and all distractions are welcome. whether it’s chopping wood for the fireplace, helping clean the house, or curling up on the couch and watching a movie together.
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Joseph would: 
- try to give you physical comfort. a massage, rub this thumb on the back of your hand, finger comb your hair. he once asked faith to teach him how to braid so he could braid your hair.
- joseph will sit/stand and listen to you pace the house, ranting and waving your arms around as you get everything off your chest.
- he’s the one that will try to give you advice, which even though you love him, is sometimes a little irritating when you just need to get things out there. you don’t always want a solution, just a listening ear.
- if he catches you mid/pre/post breakdown, his face will drop. he’ll rush to you and sweep you into his arms and comfort you.
Joseph likes:
- quiet comfort. sitting in a room with your head is in his lap while you nap or read. cooking together with passing touches.
- even if he knows you’re not religious, little prayers or sitting with him while he prays. if you’re not religious he even just appreciates the thought that you’re willing to be there.
- activities. going for a swim in the lake behind the church, walking around the compound, visiting his brothers. getting out and doing things to clear his head helps.
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John would:
- try to comfort you with physical affection. whether it be distracting you with sex or holding you in his arms as you cry into his arms. he knows that feeling another person’s touch (romantic or not) makes him feel better and tends to project that onto you.
- will offer to take you shopping/out as an outlet. ya boy has deep pockets and has no problem overindulging you.
- john will very convincingly tell you everything you needed to hear and more. the best part is that he means every word.
- he’ll request a few days away from his responsibilities and orders his chosen to bother him only if something absolutely requires his attention.
John likes:
- to pace around the house, hands flailing as he goes on and on about why he’s in such a bad mood. will include swearing and lots of exasperated groans.
- being pet calms him down severely. running your fingers through his hair, over his arms, tracing odd shapes and patterns over his skin. just gentle, absent-minded touches help soothe him.
- he likes to try and cook fancy foods he had in his lawyer days. it’ll take him a few minutes to get into the groove, but eventually he’ll dance around the kitchen with you while the two of you cook.
- will totally atone for it later, but on especially shitty days he’s prone to drinking and using bliss. he’s not an ass while intoxicated so you don’t mind, he just tends to get clingy and emotional.
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Faith would:
- try and make sure that you have something nice to come home to when she finds out you had a bad day. whether it’s cookies, a new bouquet on the kitchen table.
- she’ll make your favorite thing for dinner along with your favorite drink (alcoholic or otherwise).
- she’d make you a cup of bliss tea to calm your nerves. its a small enough dose that you don’t feel anything other than a slight calm.
- she’ll sit and talk with you about what’s going on, and if you ask she’ll help you try to solve the problem. otherwise she’ll show you her sympathies and love for you.
Faith likes:
- after being neglected for so long by her family, faith needs her emotions validated. whether it’s through your verbal reassurances or the physical comfort you give her.
- hugs. lots of hugs. tiny ones, long ones, tight ones, ect. all the hugs. she feels safer in your arms and isn’t shy about that fact. she’ll also settle for some hand holding and soft touches if hugs aren’t available.
- she’ll offer to go out and do things, but she’ll only do it with you. faith doesn’t trust herself and other people to go walking the streets of hope county at night. she also just enjoys the hell out of your company.
- if she’s having a breakdown, she needs space to realign her thoughts and figure out whats going on. once she feels she’s stable enough, faith will be back at your side and ready to kick some resistance ass!
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englass · 3 years
WIP Game - List of Shame
Tagged by: @fadedjacket - thanks hun! 
Tagging (forgive me if you’ve already been tagged, and as alwasy there’s no pressure to respond; feel free to ignore me): @chyrstis @unclefungusthegoat @foofygoldfish @ofravensandgenesis @weekend-writer @teamhawkeye @grumpyhedgehogs @geronimo-11 @farcryfuckmeup - and anyone else that wants to do this!
Ngl I’m so out of touch I don’t even know who’s still around and is cool with being tagged... oof, that makes me feel old.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
List of shame indeed...
Bloodborne Drabble 4
Bloodborne Drabble
FC5 - Collab, SeedlingSinner
FC5 - Hello Sister
FC5 - No Escape V2
FC5 - Sanctuary
FC5 - Sink 3, Drown
FC5 - Whiskey Tango
Lucifer - It’s Not All About You
Lucifer - Nosebleed
Original Pendulum Idea
Origami Drabble
They Whisper
In Bliss They Lie
Where The Stray Dog Roams
Here I lie
Smile for the Camera~
In Each Others Arms (Working Title)
Yandere Poly-Seed Idea
Rusty Wires - Edits
Threadbare sequel
A Feast for the Slothful
The Mouth That Bites
Wrong Word
2. In The Water You Breath
Black Butler Idea
Prayer In The Dark(?)
Hear The Wet (Stranger By The Water)
Yandere Dragon x Reader
Ruined Cage
FF14 Wounds of the Heart
No Matter What
Fun fact: I actually have a fic that SeedlingSinner wrote for me in my docs, as well as a commission that YandereDad wanted me to beta. Oh the memories...
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jacobsknifeplay · 4 years
Tag Game
5 Male Characters I Love
Tagged by: @veinereastath .... How long ago did you tag me on this? Lmfao 😂😂 I'm so sorry but I'm here. \(•v•)/
1. Jacob Seed (Duh lol)
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2. Megatron (sigh.. he's always on the list when it comes to these games "OTL)
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3. .... Bakura... (I'm... ashamed 🤡)
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4. Sephiroth
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5. Roadhog (I hardly mention the dude but I find him funny)
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Tagging: @ja-crispea @farcryfuckmeup @whatsinsideofmybrain @v-i-d-e-n-o-i-r @mr-arainai @mdyaoi and anyone else!
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deputy-sarah-sux · 4 years
The OC Interview
I got tagged for this three times so I’m gonna do it three times as three separate characters (in separate posts obviously).
Thank you so much for the tag @returnofthepd3​ 💖💖💖 This was so much fun to do!
Answering as Sarah Lamb
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Name: Sarah Ophelia Lamb. Wait did you want my middle name? Only Joseph uses that name to talk to me and even then it’s not often.
Are you single: Haha, no, far from it. I’ve got my fingers in— shit no that’s gross I’m not saying that. Uh, yeah I’m dating all three of the Seed brothers actually.
Are you happy: To be doing this interview? Sure, I guess. In general? Depends. If I’m alone then odds are I’m drinking so we can safely say I am not happy but if I’m with friends thing are usually pretty great.
Are you angry: Shit who wouldn’t be in this place? I came to Hope County looking for a close-knit quiet country town and now I’m fighting a fucking cult. I’ve got cultists shooting at me and my friends on one side and the Resistance crawling up my ass on the other. I’m this close to going on a rampage in the middle of Fall’s End, I swear to God.
Are your parents still married: Well, my dad is dead so that’s a definite no. My mum remarried at some point but we haven’t talked in years so no clue what’s going on with that.
Nine Facts
Birthplace: San Francisco, California baby! I’m a West Coast girl through and through!
Hair color: Brown, but I like to color it blonde so right now it’s both.
Eye color: Blue, but not as blue as John’s
Birth date: April 19, 1988
Mood: Is exhausted a mood? Because if so, then that’s my current mood.
Gender: Female
Summer or winter: Winter, always winter. Honestly fuck summer, it gets so hot and the AC in my house barely works. In the winter I get snow and sweaters and Christmas.
Morning or afternoon:  Tough question honestly, I love mornings but under normal circumstances I’m not usually awake before the afternoon. How about I just choose neither and I pick night instead?
Eight things about your love life
Are you in love: Uh, bit personal but... yeah.. Honestly I’ve never loved anyone more. And now I love three people. Three? Don’t, uh, tell anyone in the Resistance though, they definitely won’t approve of this thing and I’m not quite ready to deal with everyone hating me.
Do you believe in love at first sight: Not really, I believe in attraction at first sight which is what I had with John, but love comes later. You gotta know someone before you can love them, at least I do. (Didn’t stop me from jumping into bed with that yes-kink loser though.)
Who ended your last relationship: Me, I think. Honestly, neither of us were happy, it was sort of a mutual thing. Plus I was moving out here so it only made sense.
Have you ever broken someones heart: Yeah and honestly I’d rather not talk about it.
Are you afraid of commitment: I want to say no, but based off all of my previous relationships and everything my friends, ex-family, co-workers and department-appointed shrink say yes, yes I am. I think it stems from how shit went down with my parents and then my first few relationships were shit shows too. But who needs commitment when you have vodka right (I wonder if they have AA meetings in the middle of holy wars because I should probably attend one).
Have you hugged someone in the last week: Of course! Sharky, Adie, Nick, Staci, Rook, my baby boy Boomer, John, Joseph, and, uh, oh yeah Wheaty. That kid deserves some hugs he’s too good for this world. I tried to hug Jacob but he just glared at me until I sat back down.
Have you ever had a secret admirer: Hell if I know, aren’t they secret for a reason?
Have you ever broken your own heart: Yeah, John and I, well things weren’t always sunshine and daisies, hell they still aren’t. But I caused a lot of my own problems. Almost destroyed myself a few times with him.
Six Choices
Love or Lust: Both, definitely both.
Lemonade or Iced Tea: Iced tea, but not the sweetened kind. Lemonade is too sweet for me, it makes me gag.
Cats or Dogs: Both! My cat, Finny, is the light of my life, but Boomer is my best boy and I don’t know what I’d do without him. I used to have another dog named Sadie, but she died a few months after I got here.
A few Best friends or Regular Friends: Best friends, I need people who I can actually trust.
Wild night out or romantic night in: Well you can’t get very “wild” in Hope County unless you wanna break some laws (which I’m technically not supposed to do). Honestly though, I prefer romantic nights in. Not too gushy though, just cook me dinner, light the fireplace and let me snuggle you on the couch, then when the time is right throw me over your shoulder and take me to bed.
Day or night: Night. Day is so... boring. At night the world is mysterious and you feel like you can hide from everything, you can’t hide in the day. I love sitting outside on one of the lounge chairs at the ranch with a mug of tea and just falling asleep looking at the stars. And don’t even get me started in the pure joy I get from swimming in the rivers at night, once your extremities go numb it’s amazing.
Five Have You Evers
Been caught sneaking out: Many times, after Dad died my mom became an even bigger control freak. She wouldn’t let me go anywhere so I was constantly sneaking out.
Fallen Down/Up the Stairs: Both, *laughs* I have the tendency to try to sprint up stairs for some reason which usually means I end up tripping. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fallen down the stairs when I was drunk.
Wanted someone/something so badly it hurt: Fuck yes, who hasn’t.
Wanted to disappear: Yeah, a lot when I was a kid after Dad died, not so much once I hit adulthood but lately... fighting a holy war is hard man, sometimes you just wanna fade away for a bit.
Four preferences
Smile or eyes: Eyes.
Shorter or taller: Taller, or the same height (no shade to John). I’m 5’10” so it’s not always EASY to find someone as tall or taller than me. I lucked out with my boys though, John and I are the same height, Joseph’s a few inches taller and Jacob is a fucking giant.
Intelligence or Attraction: Both. I want my men attractive but if they don’t have a fucking brain I’ll blow my own.
Hook up or Relationship: Relationship. I love hook ups, (I mean that’s how John and I started) but I can never keep my feelings out of it.
Do you and your family get along: I got along great with my dad before he passed. My mom and I never got along and after dad we got worse, constantly screaming at each other and shit. I moved out on my 18th birthday and I haven’t really talked to her since.
Would you say you have a messed up life: From an outsider’s point of view: yeah. But I don’t really think so. This is just my life, it’s pretty normal to me at this point, which I guess is kinda messed up in its own way. I had the stereotypical rough childhood, immediately went to the academy, was a cop in SF for a while, came out here 2 years ago, and now I’m fighting in a war and in love with my enemies. It could be worse.
Have you ever ran away from home: Twice. I never made it very far. First time I was 8 and got all the way to the end of the block before I crashed my bike, my dad found me crying in a bush five minutes later. Second time I was 17, made it halfway to Monterey before realizing I was making a huge mistake and turning around.
Have you ever got kicked out: Yeah, Mom kicked me out once but she let me come back a month later. I just went and stayed with my grandparents down in Pismo Beach while I waited for her to cool off.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends: Kind of? We’re not really friends so that’s where I’m fuzzy. It’s Jess. We hang out because of Rook, but she and I will never be friends. It’s not secret we don’t like each other, but we do our best to hide it around Rook, she hates that shit.
Do you consider all of your friends good friends: Most of them yeah. All of the ones I normally spend time with at least.
Who is your best friend: Staci, Nick, and Sharky, I literally can’t choose just. Rook and Kim are pretty high up on that list too.
Who knows everything about you: No one knows EVERYTHING. Nick and Joseph probably know the most. John and Jacob know a lot too but not as much. I’m not someone who likes to share about my past, I do my best not to actively think about it honestly.
Tagging @fluttyseed @farcryfuckmeup @onl-you @minilev​ @goodboiboomer-fc5​ @deputy-janai​ and anyone else who wants to do it!!!
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deputyash · 5 years
Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day 2019
I’m pretty late to do my list for Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day, but I wanted to post something still. Most everyone has been tagged at this point, but I wanted to include a few writers that I recently found, have recently enjoyed, or I just don’t see tagged a lot. I appreciate all of you though! I love the work you do whether its fandom work, or stuff for your OCs! Remember that you are all unique and I love every different style and genre that ya’ll write! Keep being amazing!! <3 <3 <3
@w0lfx @john-seed-please @onl-you @polarbaroness @outranks @seedlingsinner @farcryfuckmeup @fanficsforheartandsoul @far-cry-all-the-time @foofygoldfish @glowwormsmith @words-and-seeds @sleepydaydreamz
💗💗💗 I adore you all!!! 💗💗💗
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pompouspigeon · 5 years
You list 10 songs you’ve been listening to the most and then you tag 10 people!
I was tagged by @scarlettkat86 ❤️ thank you lovely
1. “Church” by Alison Wonderland
2. “dead yet” by Gabriel Black and Phem
3. “Keeping Your Head Up” by Birdy
4. “Heavy Metal” by Bring Me The Horizon
5. “Sing To Me” by MISSIO
6. “How Do You Sleep” by Sam Smith
7. “Born In The Slumber” by Flora Cash
8. “Dance Monkey” by Tones and I
9. “i apologise if you feel something” by Bring Me The Horizon
I can’t think of a 10th song so... oh well lol
I’m gonna tag @redemptionbaby @outlawers @gentle-outlaw @fkingpeggies @elenafishersps1 @etherealidiot @i-love-charles @queendemonfangirl @farcryfuckmeup and @reddeadrevival
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thirstyforjohnseed · 5 years
Playlist Raid
Tagged by @johnathot-seed and @how-blissful thank you for tagging me!! 🤗 💕💕💕
Tagging @jacobsknifeplay @its-the-deputy @too-much-john-seed @fkingpeggies @pinch-of-pride @xeliza-rosex @uncommonly-average @farcryfuckmeup @fluttyseed @espada-iv and anyone else who wants to do this. Sorry if I missed you or you’ve already done this ^^;;;
Rules: List 10 songs you’ve been playing and tag 10 people.
Blow - Kesha
Never Be The Same - Camila Cabello
Fuck You - Lily Allen
The Night - Voltaire
Black Widow - Iggy Azalea
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
The Silent - The Tragic Tantrum
Red Like Roses, Pt. II - Jeff Williams
Hold Me Down - Halsey
Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
My taste in music is all over the place :D I’ve been in the mood for more upbeat stuff. Whatever gets me moving XP
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space-unicorn-dot · 5 years
Playlist Raid!
Shuffle your playlist and put down the first ten songs! I was tagged by @farcryfuckmeup!
Also, thank god for play queue because I’m an impatient bastard.
1. The Other Side by Ruelle
2. Heart of the Darkness by Tommee Profitt feat. Sam Tinnesz
3. Little Boy by Barns Courtney
4. Fire by Barns Courtney
5. Maps by Maroon 5
6. New Divide by Linkin Park
7. Demons by Imagine Dragons
8. Mission: Impossible Theme
9. Little Toy Guns by Carrie Underwood
10. The Heat by The Score
And this is after days of being obsessed with playing all the game soundtracks I have on this playlist. Okay, I see how it is.
I’m glad at least a sliver of the bs variety on this dump of a playlist managed to show through towards the bottom. Because this is from my General Playlist, which is basically “anything I like that I want to listen to at any unspecified time.”
Annddd let’s tagggg @dainethegay @sso-emotree uhhhh... any of you other people hiding in my follow list that wanna do this :eyes emoji: Anyone who wants to do it tbh
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
The Rookie
this is a short poem i wrote for my creative writing class! i hope ya’ll enjoy!
There was always the Rookie.
A savior.
She was just a Rookie.
She didn’t want to be The Rookie.
She was no longer a Rookie.
i have a masterlist here!
tag list: @schafal @elizabethlynn99 @noviiko @fiendinthenight @thecreepypeeper @caminante-no-hay-camino90 @thecultofedensgate @talkingshitpost @atomic-bomn @sharkybabe9 @hollymelissawrites @argetlam007 @thirstyforjohnseed @jacobseedcullstheherd @villainfuckers-world
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
“Are we on a date right now?” with Sharky Boshaw? Doesnt matter if its male dep or not!
Party On, Amigo!
wc: ~917
check out my masterlist and tag list here!
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Bullets whizzed past her head as he scrambled behind the cult truck, trying to find as much cover as he could. 
The heat from the flames was causing sweat to drip down Rook’s back and made his shirt stick to his skin. Everything was itchy and uncomfortable. What he would do for a glass of cold water right now was unspeakable. He’d probably give The Father an aneurysm.
This night had started out just fine. Rook and Sharky had decided to go driving around the Henbane River in search for any citizens that needed assistance. Sharky had brought a case of beer and Rook had brought a plastic bag labeled ‘Oregano’.
They had taken turns driving, though Rook refused to let Sharky drive as soon as he finished his first beer. Rook adored his best friend but everybody knew that Sharky was a terrible driver and that it was a miracle the man had ever acquired a license.
Then a few cultists on ATVs had started following their truck after they rescued a civilian that was being forced to haul the cross of Eden’s Gate across the road.
Now here they were, fighting off a small group of cultists as the flora on either side of the road caught fire.
Rook leaned out from behind the hood of the truck and fired his AKM a few times before shifting back into his original position as bullets ricocheted off the steel.
“Hey Dep?” Sharky’s voice caught his attention and Rook looked over at the man with an eyebrow raised. Sharky was crouched behind the bed of the truck with his shotgun pulled against his chest, but his head was turned toward the deputy.
“You alright, Boshaw?” Rook called back before leaning into the open and killing off a few more Peggies. He pressed his back against the cold metal of the car and focused on taking a few deep breaths to try and slow his heart rate.
“Are we on a date right now?” For a second Rook thought he had just fabricated what he’d heard, but he knew he hadn’t by the way Sharky watched him before darting out in front of the truck. A few gunshots were heard before a flurry of ARC rounds were fired. 
Rook looked down at the ground with his eyebrows scrunched together as he quietly repeated what Sharky had asked him, then he followed suit and took off in a run from behind the car. He slid behind the nearest compact car for cover once he’d located Sharky, who was safe and sound behind a new truck.
“What in the hell did you just say?” Rook’s words were interrupted by small bursts of laughter at the absurdity of it all. He’d known that Sharky was bisexual for a while, but Rook hadn’t imagined in a thousand years that Sharky would’ve let himself fall for law enforcement types such as Rook.
“I mean, I’m just askin’ cause, well y’know Dep, we been hangin’ out a while, I guess!” Sharky’s voice cracked as he raised his voice again, but before Rook could answer, Sharky disappeared to dispatch a few more Peggies with his shotgun. He could tell that he’d landed his shots as they started screaming in pain, presumably from being set on fire.
Rook and Sharky stayed put, their eyes locked on each other as they waited for the commotion to die out. Had something shifted in their relationship that poor Sharky had been trying to convey and Rook was too stupid to figure it out?
When all was quiet except for the crackling of the flames Sharky had sparked, the two of them came out from their respective hiding places, and carefully walked over to each other and met in the middle. 
The fire cast a soft glow on Sharky’s face, causing Rook’s heart to skip a beat.
“Do you want it to be a date?” Rook asked as he held his breath so that Sharky couldn’t hear him panting like a dog from all the commotion, not that Sharky would care.
Rook had thought of Sharky as a best friend for the longest time, but the day he found out he saw Sharky as more than that was terrifying for multiple reasons. 
Sharky had been knocked unconscious and Rook was worried that every little thing was wrong with him, but Rook had also been scared because he never thought that Sharky would like him back.
“Shit Rook, I don’t think I’d be askin’ otherwise. You know me, I don’t give a fuck, and if I don’t give a fuck-” “-You don’t even think about it, I know Boshaw,” Rook cut off the man in front of him with a soft laugh and a nod of his head. “Then I guess this is a date.”
“Is? You mean the date’s still on? Like you’re totally cool with this turning into a flambé cultist party?” Sharky shifted his grip on his shotgun and Rook noticed that his feet starting kicking at little rocks on the ground…or maybe that was a charred hand. It was hard to tell with such discolored light.
“Sharky, I wouldn’t expect a date with you to end any other way.” Rook laughed heartily and slung an arm around his partner’s shoulders before leading him back towards the truck they’d been in.
“You still ain’t gonna arrest me for all this shit, right Popo?”
“Not a chance Sharky. Besides, we still have my marijuana to smoke don’t we?”
tag list: @villainfuckers-world  @thecultofedensgate  @talkingshitpost  @fiendinthenight  @atomic-bomn  @caminante-no-hay-camino90  @sharkybabe9  @hollymelissawrites  @elizabethlynn99  @argetlam007  @thirstyforjohnseed  @jacobseedcullstheherd @deputyhope @thecreepypeeper
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Tag List
if people want to be on a tag-list for my drabbles and fic postings, reblog or like this and i’ll tag your user at the end of posts so you get notified ^-^
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
If you're still doing matchups can I have one? :) I'm a straight female who's 5'7" and I have fair skin and blonde hair. Im also supper skinny. I'm not super outgoing but when I'm in small groups I'm super talkative. I'm also very sarcastic and a lot of people say I'm funny. And my absolute favorite hobby is going to the beach.
I pair you with...
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Damn it! Hello? It’s Nick Rye!
nick isn’t necessarily a shy person, he just saves his more enthusiastic and crazy conversations for people he’s close to.
the two of you have been friends for a while, meeting when he overheard you say you’ve never been for a plane ride. well now you have.
let’s be real here, he offered about a thousand times, but damn if his face didn’t light up when you finally relented. it made him look 500x cuter than he already is.
your guys’ humor blends together really well. he makes a lot of dad jokes and puns, whereas you use sarcasm. 
your friend group includes but isn’t limited to: nick (pre-dating), kim, mary may, and grace. every now and then jerome will tag along on your outings.
there aren’t any beaches around hope county besides the river and lake beds in the henbane, but that doesn’t stop you guys from going a few times a month and camping there overnight.
nick is an easy guy to make laugh, so when he has bad days you try to be there for him and cheer him up.
when you have bad days, it takes the man a second to figure out what’s going on and how he should handle it. he’s not super in touch with his emotional side, so he kind of flops about like a fish until he gets a feel for what he’s doing right and wrong.
you know he tries, so when he doesn’t get it 100%, you smiled and give him a kiss on the cheek anyway. its the thought that counts and it warms both your hearts.
here it is! i hope you enjoy it! if you like my content you can join my tag list or commission me!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Hi there! May I get a match up please? I’m 4’11 with long blonde hair and big blue doe eyes. I do have some thickness on me (tummy and thighs). I’m rather quiet around new people and usually at pretty introverted. I can be really talkative with the right people or topic. I also can be childish (like with pouting and excitement) about things (not a dd/lg kink) I love just sitting outside when it’s nice out and I love animals! Thanks so much! (It’s okay if you can’t do this!)
You’d be great with…
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Jess Black!
the first time you and jess are introduced its very civil. not rude, but not warm either. she didn’t say much and neither did you.
overtime you guys started to hang out more via other people, and the thing that got you talking was a conversation about-
“deer! fuckin’ bambi! then boshaw here had to go and scare him off.” it sparked a conversation about cute animals and your friendship spiraled from there.
neither of you feel the need to constantly be having a conversation or text each other (jess tends to forget she even has a phone tbh) but you’re always captivated by each other when you do.
jess loves the outdoors. she loves to go camping and will often ask you to come along with. 
she isn’t a massive cuddler, but she does love physical affection when it’s not overwhelming.
every now and then she’ll “forget” to pack two sleeping bags or something that causes you guys to sleep in close proximity, if not next to each other.
jess knows a lot about animals and she’s a decent hunter, but she’ll ask you questions just to see those big blue eyes of yours widen and light up with excitement.
she sits on a log with her elbow on her knee, chin in her palm as she listens to you animatedly talk about birds, mammals, reptiles, all of it. her eyes never leave your face, the corner of her lips upturned in a smile.
jess thinks your height is fucking adorable and yes she purposefully puts things where you can’t reach them so you either a) blush when you ask for help or b) she can stare at your ass and nice legs when you climb onto a chair/ladder/counter
i hope you like it! i have more stuff on my masterlist and if you want to be notified when i post more content, reblog or like this post!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
May I request a matchup? I’m a straight female with tan skin, hazel eyes, and on the chubbier side. I’m also a gremlin in both size (4’11) and personality! Although I’m kinda shy when it comes to new folks, I LOVE to drag my friends to places we shouldn’t be and it also doesn’t help that chaos seems to follow me everywhere. I do suffer from depression though so it might take me a while to talk about my own feelings. I love to sing and dance in my free time and love anything paranormal and wierd!
I ship you with…
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Charlemagne Victor Boshaw!
sharky LOVES your body type. he loves physical affection so the more he has to hold the better.
man has a weakness for thick thighs. but will also worship literally any aspect of your body. freckle? you got it? stretch mark? kissin’ it.
sharky’s the one that initiates your friendship with that big ass mouth of his. he and hurk had been talking about area 51 when he looked over at 8-bit and saw your alien t-shirt.
this man would 210% ask you to go to the fucking raid with him.
the two of you raise so much hell together, but he doesn’t want you to get in trouble so he usually takes the rap for it.
you call him sharky BROshaw and he fucking grins whenever you say it.
everything usually ends up in a comical disaster though. last time you tried baking together sharky knocked over the bag of flour. you accidentally broke the coffee table last time you guys played video games.
don’t forget your ex-lawn that sharky burned when he tried to barbeque.
despite how wild and rambunctious sharky is, he’s very soft. he’s not attuned to feelings in general, but rather behavior. he notices very quickly when something is wrong.
he won’t pressure you to talk about it, but rather will crack open two beers and sit with you on the sofa and hold you.
oh yeah this man loves to be touching you. whether its holding your hand or lounging an arm around your shoulders. he loves affection.
if you try to play music other than disco, sharky compromises that you alternate picking songs. the two of you more often than not have music blasting.
you joke and promise to get him hearing aids with flames on them when his hearing finally goes. he’s just pumped he’ll be 70 and have cool hearing aids.
i hope you like this! i have a tag list and my commissions are open!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Hello, are you still doing some match ups? I'd like to participate. I'm 5'6, bi 20 yr old female. I have long wavy almost curly black hair that reaches my lower back. I keep my bangs pushed back. I like to have wine with my food and I love the ocean. I also love to have music in the background depending on what I'm doing. I can be very active but just as relaxed too. Who would you pair me with??
I’d pair you with...
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John Seed!
john’s used to being towered over by his brothers, so he adores your height. 
thinks you’re the cutest fucking thing because of it and is liable to call you all sorts of sickeningly sweet nicknames related to height.
even though you’re average height, he calls you short just because he can.
he never had the desire to learn how to braid hair but hot shit if he doesn’t now. he loves to play with your head while your head’s in his lap.
john volunteers to finger comb it whenever he sees the slightest sign of a tangle. it’s an excuse. he just wants to touch it.
he’s used to seeing your bangs out of your face. so when you don’t have them brushed back he makes a big deal out of it. showers you with compliments.
john will use any excuse to break out his fancy-ass wine collection. a nice steak dinner for date night? boom. wine. snacking on a salad? boom. somehow he’ll find a reason to bring out wine.
long walks on the beach remind john of when he worked in washington and had to take trips to the coast.
very liable to have an elaborate set-up involving a beach for a proposal. trail of flower petals, the whole shebang.
it brings a smile to his face when he sees you cooking or putting a puzzle together with and the project’s music pops up in your playlist.
john likes to stay fit, but he doesn’t work out nearly as much as jacob. light runs, maybe some torso stuff. he does it to look and feel good.
i hope you enjoy! check out my tag list and commissions!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Hi! Could i get a match with one of the Seeds? I'm a 5'7 ace Latin woman and not curvy at all. I am studying chemistry and i enjoy talking about science, religion and history. On my free time i like drawing, reading and swimming. Despite wanting to learn archery and how to use guns, i would never have the heart to kill animals. And i wish i could go on camping trips way more often. Thanks!
I pair you with…
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Jacob Seed!
as the oldest of the seed brothers, he got the farthest in the school system before the three were homeschooled.
he took a fascination in most things science and factual to counteract all the religious things old man seed enforced upon them.
he loves to learn new things about the way the world works.
when he finds out you’re into chemistry, the suppressed childish part comes out and he wants to showboat all his knowledge of chem to impress you.
he doesn’t like talking about religion in the sense of what he should believe in, but he enjoys conversation about the religion itself and the aspects of it. especially because of how your eyes light up when you really get into it.
this man’s a fucking history buff and he will die on that hill. 10/10 makes historical references in any of his arguments. he will get very animated when he talks about this subject.
watching you draw is something he likes to do when you guys go camping together. he’s never been very artistic outside of photography slides for his training.
he always asks to see your drawings. anything you trash he takes out and keeps in a drawer to look at when he misses you.
jacob likes to practice archery and shooting with you, and every now and then he’ll try to convince you to go hunting with him.
he’ll settle for camping with you instead, leaving you to sketch nature or read while he goes off hunting.
would totally pick you up and jump into a lake with you in his arms. if your clothes get drenched its even better because he loves seeing you in his things.
i hope you enjoy it nonny! check out my masterlist and hop on my tag list if you wanna get notified when i post longer content!
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