#farah simping hours
eowynstwin · 5 months
u know my biggest gripe with reboot mw3?? the fact that both shepherd AND graves came back for literally no reason... the "jokes on you... i was never there to begin with!!!" trope they pulled with graves is already annoying but then he didn't really do anything LMAO (the most he did was create tension between farah and price and they didn't delve into that like at all other than one conversation that lasted all of three minutes if that)
at least shepherd had potential to be an interesting party in this game but then again they goofed up his part in the story too because he isn't integrated into anything worthwhile
just. man. they goofed this story up HARD there was so much potential for the story to be good but then they shoved three games worth of story into a 3 hour campaign
Yeah Graves and Shepherd were dummy grenades at best. Neither of them paid off as secondary antagonists. This game desperately needed to be two separate games, each twice the length, in which first Shepherd and the Shadows could be dealt with and then Makarov and the Ultranationalists.
IF I were rewriting mw3. Which I am not. But IF.
Makarov would show up once or twice as a prison transfer of some sort at most, MAYBE with a flashback mission to demonstrate what he was capable of at the height of his power. He was not alluded to enough in mw2 to present a credible threat—the reboot relies far too much on the original trilogy to foreshadow its plot. Why the fuck should I care about this squirrely frat bro I've never heard of? I know fuck all about the OG Makarov and I am not going to waste more of my precious time on this green earth watching three more games stuffed even more full of anti-Arab prejudice and pro-US imperialist propaganda.
I digress. Makarov's face would be shown in my mw3, but he would not be as active as he is in "canon". Instead, Shadow company, Graves, and Shepherd would take center stage as antagonists—I would utilize their alliance with the ULF to heighten the tension between Price and Farah. Shadow company would be taking advantage of the ULF's need for its support, perhaps, and meanwhile antagonizing Russian outfits on the outskirts of Urzikstan which are meant to serve as either surveillance or reconnaissance for a second invasion.
I imagine, coincidentally, those Russian outfits would be Ultranationalist in nature, because as mw3 suggests, Makarov has been scheming even in the gulag. Graves, of course, is poking the bear because war is good business for him. An Urzikstan at peace does not need a PMC for an ally. Shepherd will have been allowing it because, as has been established in 2 and 3, he's a glory-obsessed war dog whose primary priority is his own military legacy.
Interspersed would be plenty of moments for the characters to comment on what the hell is going on. Farah could reckon with Price's grudge against Graves. Gaz could further develop as Price's right hand man. Soap and Ghost could make out nasty style with tongue. Alex could continue to be the simp we all know he is. (I'd love to shoehorn Alejandro and Rudy into the plot but let's be honest, there's no room for them here. RIP vaqueros, we love you.)
All of this would CULMINATE with Makarov's escape from prison. Probably after Soap finally gets to set Graves on fire for real he would roll up with his hundred dollar haircut, call everyone stupid, and then Urzikstan would go right back to war because that's how this shit works. Russia and the US get into constant pissing matches and the Middle East serves as the convenient battleground.
All of the antagonizing Graves and Shadow Company have done would serve to galvanize a Russian public against the US, positioning Makarov as its very own Churchill and imbuing him with phenomenal cosmic power. Bada bing, bada boom, WWIII. Perfect scene-setting for MW4.
I maintain that if anyone has to die it will be Price. Price is the only one with the charisma to go toe-to-toe with Makarov from a leadership standpoint, so he has to go if we really want the stakes to feel high. In the VERY end, after 4 and whatever games follow it, Gaz would be the only man left standing of the 141. Having finally learned the kind of price that must be paid when the gloves come off.
Again. Blizzard-Activision. Pay me eight billion dollars and I will fix your games.
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ironvandyne · 4 years
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Just watched Kimi to Sekai ga Owari hi ni today and MAN I LOVE HIBIKI (i can't believe this quote above is giving me many references to Symphogear's Hibiki)
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
Do you think FTWS would benefit more from 10 episodes? For me personally I wish it was 10 because waiting almost 2 years for only 7 episodes seems kind of ridiculous. What are your thoughts?
I think you're absolutely correct, not only it is ridiculous, but it's just so incredibly TIRING.
I'm deeply, severely exhausted of Netflix's business model of taking nearly 2 years to drop something, only to be 6 hours and all the story is crammed in and there's no breather and then you have to binge all of it in one night if you even want to have hopes of getting another season and then rinse repeat.
There are so many moments and storylines this season that could've benefited from better pacing and just having time to exist:
Silva's entire arch.
Bloom being in stasis? I'm saying this as the biggest Bloom simp there is, she should've stayed there longer. I should've missed her, I should've seen the characters miss her, Sky being in a prison bc he tried to see her should've made an impact, it should've HURT more and then we get that brief moment of euphoria when she breaks through and there's Farah and then bam- suicide ending. That would've murdered me and I want it that. In my head we got that.
Riven/Dane/Bea love triangle should've had more time. Dane trying to make Riven jealous, Riven and Dane sitting down and talking, Riven and Dane mourning Beatrix. Beatrix trying to reach out once she's alone, but by then it's too late. It should've been longer!!
Andreas. Andreas should've lasted so much more. I have not a single complaint on his storyline, only that I didn't wanna watch that crammed in 5 episodes, I wanted to watch that in 10! 15 even! goddammit. I wanted to ROOT for Sky/Andreas to be dad/son and for then Sky have to kill him anyway!!!
I just- yes they needed more episodes. Netflix get a motherf**** hint challenge.
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tarathorntonstan · 4 years
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i like museums too, a nate sewell romance playlist (x)
tracklist under the cut
honestly i was bored over the holiday and this was fun to spend some time on! i did a little write-up for a few tracks because i’ve lost control over my life~ PLEASE DM ME WITH YOUR NAT/E SEWELL FEELINGS I AM HERE 2 SIMP xoxo
sonata in g minor for cello & piano op. 65/frédéric chopin
i know n comes from the baroque era of music but they seem more romantic era in attitude. i am thinking about nate in a white shirt with the collar open writing unrequited love notes with a quill and ink while staring out at some sort of foggy countryscape....
waiting to know you/fiery furnaces
and when i'm about to give up hope but note with my telescope i’m standing guard the navy yard to see could there one for me be
fingerprints/hiatus kaiyote
like the wind without her whisperings and the colours wept from all her tapestries would be left nothing but sullen imagery
soraya definitely had a “not quite lucky or unlucky” childhood, but i think both she and nate can relate to feeling bittersweet about even fond memories of their youth and eventually are able to move on from the sadness and loss together
constant surprises/little dragon
the higher forces want to connect last night in my dream, i was talking to you you know who you are, were you dreaming too?
honeycomb/kadhja bonet
honeycomb, drip amber rays of sun the sweetness that is you and i the humble bee that brings the pollen to your gilded lips
i am always thinking about sensual metaphors re: nate
sunlight on your back you were dreaming
honestly, everything about this song....the guitar and drums, the soft vocals, the blurred lines of dream and awake...it’s just so sultry and romantic 
no plan/hozier
why would you make out of words a cage for your own bird? when it sings so sweet [...] there's no plan, there's no kingdom to come i'll be your man if you got love to get done
for soraya, with immortality comes immorality, or at least in regards to divine judgement. no afterlife means she and n can focus on the here and now!
the whole idea of caging the bird/hiding who they are...soraya and n are both kind of bad at sharing about themselves (although this relationship is what helps soraya get better at opening up bc n is so easy to be vulnerable around). it takes n a little longer to be as open as she so quickly becomes which is fine with her she gets it but she feels connected in a profound way
colouour/moses sumney
why don’t you try some earth tones? since you claim you wanna die the color of compost might make you feel revived
hot knife/fiona apple
he excites me must be like the genesis of rhythm i get feisty whenever i’m with him
maar dala/devdas ost
this song is too beautiful!!!!! (lyrics here) madhuri dixit invented longing! i like the idea of soraya who is normally reserved just leaning into the feeling of falling for someone. and nate does make her go starry-eyed and swoon just like a bollywood romantic lead should :)c
[i also have an inkling of a hc that soraya introduces farah to bollywood and naturally she falls in LOVE with romantic musical movies over 3 hours  long with elaborate costumes and choreography! also naturally morgan never knows peace from that moment on...]
lest we forget (blood)/esperanza spalding
blood is ignited engine here at the core of all creation with your key to our mystery's spark bursting just beneath the surface
i love this song for all the romances but especially for n bc of their internal struggle with their nature. the interplay of the sensual and the sexual in vampire/human relationships feels very present in the rhythm. i love the temptation of the detective’s blood....just n being overwhelmed hearing her pulse and the increasing movement of the thing that holds life for vampires and humans alike and how there it rushes through her body (always but esp any time she gets excited over n’s presence....👀)
soraya is also a scientist and thus very clinical about and aware of 1. her human anatomy and 2. the needs of a supernatural like n, but she’s also very trusting/comfortable with n and everything they are....(yes she would offer n her blood in dire circumstances without a question but i am not ready to write about it yet)
green papaya/lianne la havas
this river of doubt, help me to swim my way out i'm greedy with love, but my hunger to give is strong enough [...] take me home, let’s make real love
this was hard bc just about every single lyric of this song perfectly encapsulates the nate romance experience! it is lush, it is sensual, it is gentle, it is needy...but mostly it’s about happily giving into the feeling of falling and being in love
you’ll never walk alone/nina simone
the lyrics of the original song are perfect (x) but i just adore this instrumental and think n would too
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ironvandyne · 4 years
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I'm a Shinnosuke kin now 😳😳😳
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ironvandyne · 4 years
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If you haven't seen my Twitter thread from last night I've started watching Sumika Sumire because Ryoma and Mahiro were in this.
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