#faoi makuhari 2022
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seafood-33 · 2 years ago
Yuzuru hanyu x Javier Fernandez special dialogue in FaOI 2022 pamphlets. Yuzuru asked current situation in Spain after Javier saying he didn't skate in ice show for almost 3 years, the difference between competion and profession, and thought he couldn't do Javier's style of comedy, like making audiences laughing. Javier talked about he like "Parisienne Walkways" in whole black costume and "Haru Yo, Koi".
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新型コロナウイルス感染拡大で、2年間中止になっていたファンタ ジー・オン・アイス。 3年ぶりに実現した今回の公演は、5月27日の幕張から始まってこの神戸が3公演目。 このファンタジーでは長年要出演者として参加し、選手としては2012年の夏からはチームメイ トとなり、切磋琢磨しながら世界で戦ってきた羽生結弦とハビエル・フェルナンデスに、アイスショーへの思いを語り合ってもらった。
取材・文/ 折山淑美。このインタビューは、6月2日に日本ガイシホールにて実施しました。
Fantasy on Ice had been canceled for 2 years due to the spread of the new coronavirus. This performance, which has been realized for the first time in 3 years, started in Makuhari on May 27th, and this Kobe is the 3rd performance. Yuzuru Hanyu and Javier Fernandez, who have participated in this fantasy as key performers for many years and have been teammates since the summer of 2012 as skaters, discussed their thoughts on the ice show.
Interview and text by Yoshimi Oriyama. This interview was held on June 2 at Nippon Gaishi Hall.
<Part I, pamphlet of Kobe>
——3年ぶりのファンタジー・オン・アイス。 すでに幕張公演を終えていますが、今回のショーのスタートはどんな印象でしたか。
-- Fantasy on Ice for the first time in 3 years. You have already finished the Makuhari show. What was your impression of the start of this show?
ファンタジー・オン・アイスは初演から最終日まで、 すごく日数もあってツアーという感じでやっていますが、今回は最初から「もう最終日?」 というくらいの熱量を感じられたのでそれが嬉しかったですね。 何か、僕の演技がどうのこうのとか、みんながどうのこうのではなくて、すごいファンタジーとしての・・・・ファンタジー・オン・アイスならで はの一体感みたいなものが、観客の皆さんとのコネクションの中で感じられたなと思いました。
From the premiere to the final day of Fantasy on Ice, we have a lot of days, so we are doing it like a tour, this time, from the very beginning, I was so happy that I was able to feel the intensity of "It's already the last day?" It was not about my performance, or about everyone else's, but about the connection with the audience that I could feel a sense of unity that is unique to... Fantasy on Ice as a great fantasy.
Fernandez (Javi hereafter)
ユヅルが言ってくれたことと同じことだけど、他のスケーター、そして観客の皆さんから 来るエネルギーというのは素晴らしいものがあったと思います。またこれまで長い間、お客さんの前で滑るチャンスがな かったのと、ファンタジー・オン・アイスも開催できていな かったということで、いつも以上のエキサイティングな気持 ちがみんなの中にあると思いました。そして本当に多くのス ケーターにとって、 今回はある意味チャレンジングなところもあると思います。 ほぼ3年間やっていなかったので、僕もな かなか感覚などが戻ってくるまで時間がかかっていて、 当然 疲れも出ます。 でもいい経験だと思うし、いいカムバックに なったなと思います。
I agree with what Yuzuru said, the energy from the other skaters and the audience was amazing. Also, we haven't had a chance to skate in front of an audience for a long time, and we haven't had Fantasy on Ice for a long time, so there was more excitement than usual in everyone's hearts. And for many skaters, this time will be a challenge in a sense. I have not skated in ice show for almost 3 years, so it has taken some time for me to get back to my senses, and of course I am tired. But I think it was a good experience and a good comeback for me.
I heard that the corona situation in Spain was very tough and difficult, how was life for Javi?
やっぱりスペインの状況はずっと良くなくて、スケート自体もなかなか出来なかったし、感染対策もいろんなことをしなければいけなくて・・・・。日常生活をすることや、練習 に行ったりする中でも非常に複雑なことをやっていかなけれ ばいけなかったので、すごく大変でした。 でも段々、世の中が普通の生活に戻りつつあるので非常に嬉しくて、今はエキサイティングな気持ちになっています。やっと自分の人生や生活が戻ってきたな、という感じになっています。
The situation in Spain was not good for a long time, and it was not easy to skate, and we had to do a lot of things to prevent infections. It was very difficult because we had to deal with very complicated things in our daily lives and even when we went to practice. However, I am very happy that life is gradually returning to normal, and I am now feeling excited.
——今回はアイスショーでの振り付けや、演技に対してのこだわりということを聞きたいのですが、お互いにどんなこ とを大切に考えてショーに臨んでいますか。
-- This time, I would like to ask you about the choreography for the ice show and your commitment to acting. What kind of things do you consider important to each other when you go to a show?
僕のこだわりはやっぱり音楽だったり・・・・。 もちろん 世界観も大事にしているんですけど、音楽との調和だったり。 あとは自分が、どういう風にその音楽に対して物語を持って いったり、どういうテーマだったりということを常に明確に していくことを大切にしています。
ただそれが、なにか「自分の中でこうやりたい」 みたいな感じで完結してしまうのではなくて、ちゃんと皆さんの中に、自自分の思っていたものが100%「ボン」と伝わるわけではなかっ たとしても、何かしらが伝わるような演技にしたいなという のはいつも思っています。
My focus is on the music and... of course, the worldview is important, but it is also important to be in harmony with the music. I also place importance on how I bring a story or theme to the music, and always make it clear.
I always want to make sure that the performance conveys something to the audience, even if it does not convey 100% of what I had in mind.
僕もユヅルと同じですが、 氷上でいろんな小さなストーリーを、もしくは音楽を表現することによってお客さん が自分たちのやっていることを・・・・、 そして氷上で繰り広げていることを少しでも感じてもらいたいなと思っています。 だから、できるだけお客さんをこちらに引き寄せたいなというように感じています。
今は神戸からの公演をすごく楽しみにしています。 そこでは、 非常に面白い時間が過ごせるのではないかなと期待している んです。 というのはこれまでの2公演とは違ってコラボレー ションプログラムを用意しているのですけど、それは五輪で メダルを獲った時の曲をアーティストの方に実際に歌っても らって滑るものです。 実はあの曲を生の歌で滑るのは自分にとっても初めてのことなのですごく楽しみですし、お客さんにも気に入ってもらい、それを観ることによって五輪のことを思い出してくれたら嬉しいなと思っているんです。
Like Yuzuru, I want the audience to feel what we are doing at... and what we are doing on the ice by expressing various small stories or music on the ice. That's why I feel like I want to attract customers here as much as possible.
I'm really looking forward to the performances from Kobe now. I'm looking forward a very interesting time there. That's because, unlike the previous two performances, we have prepared a collaboration program.
Actually, it's the first time for me to skate that song live, so I'm really looking forward to it, and I hope the audience will like it, where the artist actually sings the song that won the medal at the Olympics and skates.
I would like to ask you a question again. What do you feel is the difference between a competitive skater and a professional skater?
とてもいい質問だよね (笑)。 競技をやっていた時からプロになるというのは、1日で生活がガラッと変わってしま う感覚がありました。 「競技を辞める」と決めた瞬間から、「新しい人生が始まったな」と感じました。 毎日毎日、厳しいト レーニングをしなくてもよくなる。 もちろんアイスショーへ 向けての練習はするけど、 競技をやっている時とはまったく 違う世界です。 それまでは自分でスケジュールをきっちり決 めて、しっかり自分のことを管理してやり続けるのがとても 大変でした。 朝起きてトレーニングをして、 氷上練習をして 家に帰って休んでから寝て、という暮らしだったけど、それ がすべて違ってきました。 今ではもう、 本当にいろんなこと が1日のうちに起きています。 まるで扉を開けて、新しい世界 に一歩踏み出していく感覚です。 それはとても面白いけど、 それと同時にいろいろなことで、競技をやっていた時とは違 う忍耐力が必要かなとも思います。
That's a very good question (laughs). From the time I was competing, becoming a professional had the feeling that my life would completely change in a day. From the moment I decided to quit competing, I felt that a new life had begun. I don't have to train hard every day. Of course, I practice for the ice show, but it's a completely different world than when I'm competing. Until then, it was very difficult for me to set my own schedule, manage myself well, and keep going. I used to wake up in the morning, train, practice on the ice, go home to rest, and then go to bed. Now, so many things happen in a day. It is like opening a door and stepping into a new world. It is very interesting, but at the same time, I think it requires a different kind of patience than when I was competing.
——フェルナンデスさんがコラボのことを話しましたが、 アーティストとのコラボレーションはファンタジー・オン・アイスならではのものですが、その場合の選曲はどういう基準でしていますか。またコラボレーションの面白さ、難しさも教えてください。
-- Fernandez-san, you talked about collaborations, but collaborations with artists are unique to Fantasy on Ice. Also, please tell us about the fun and difficulty of collaboration.
僕はそうですね、 自分の得意な曲調でやることももち ろんありますし、 逆に何か、「あっ、こういうものもやりたい な」とか、「こういうこともできるよな」 みたいな、 自分の幅を広げるという意味でも曲を選んだりしてきました。 だから何 というか、今までやったことがないようなジャンルをやって ・みたり・・・・、というのももちろんあります。
ただ、コラボレーションというのはやっぱり、アーティスト の方がそこにいらっしゃって、それで自分が演技をするので、 通常よりもプレッシャーがかかるんです。 アーティストさん に迷惑をかけたくないというか、一緒にやってより完璧なも のを作りたいというプレッシャーはすごく強くあります。そ ういう意味ではすごく冒険でもあるし、また逆にそのプレッ シ��ーがすごくいいパフォーマンスを生み出してくれること もあったりもするので。毎回すごい勉強をしながらやってい るという感じは強いですね。
For me, of course, there are times when I do songs that I'm good at, but on the other hand, I'm like, "Oh, I want to do something like this," or, "I can do this, too." I've been choosing songs in a meaningful way. That's why, of course, there's also the fact that I try and try genres that I've never tried before...
However, in a collaboration, the artist is there, and I act with them, so there is more pressure than usual. I don't want to bother the artist, or rather, the pressure to create something more perfect by working together is very strong. In that sense, it's a great adventure, and on the other hand, there are times when the pressure gives a very good performance. I have a strong feeling that I am studying hard every time.
ユヅルの言う通りだと思いますね。 やはりプレッシャー は、他の自分のプログラムを滑る時より多くかかるというの は同じ感覚ですけど、共演者の方とのチームワークというも のも必要になってくるというのは強く感じます。ただ自分た ちにとっては、いつもと違ったことを、 新しいことをやると いう面では非常にいい機会だとも思います。 より���別な瞬間 というか、特別な時間を過ごすことができると思います。
やはり生の歌というのはすごく美しいですし・・・。 普通に練習をしている時には同じ曲をただ繰り返してかけるだけだったのですが、アーティストが生で歌う曲に合わせて滑るというのは貴重なことだし、とても新鮮でいいことだと思います。 だから、そのために使う曲を選ぶときには、僕はまず自分に合う曲調のイメージというものを考えています。
I think Yuzuru is right. I feel the same pressure as when I skate my own programs, but I also strongly feel that I need to work as a team with my co-stars. However, I think it is a great opportunity for us to do something new and different from what we usually do. I think we will be able to spend more special moments, or rather special time.
After all, live singing is so beautiful... When I was practicing normally, I would just play the same song over and over, but skating to the song that the artist sings live is a precious thing, and I think it's a very fresh and good thing. So, when I choose the songs to use for that purpose, I first think about the image of the tune that suits me.
——ふたりはこのファンタジー・オン・アイスでも長年共 演していますし、他のアイスショーや大会後のエキシビショ ンにも一緒に出演していると思いますが、これまでお互いに 相手のプログラムや演技を見て「すごいな」と思ったものは ありますか。 それとともに、 「自分にはできないな」と思っ たこともありますか。
-- The two of you have worked together for many years in Fantasy on Ice, and I believe you have also performed together in other ice shows and post-competition exhibitions. Have there been any programs or performances that you have seen each other do that you thought "wow" and "I can't do that"?
何だろう、やっぱり彼にしかできないコミカルなプログラムというのはあるんですね。 僕にはそういった、ちょっと力が抜けた感じというか・・・・。ただそれは、単に笑いを取りにいっているわけではなくて。チャップリンもそうだけど、 お客さんに対して気持ちを飛ばしつつ、 でも何か自然体でありながら、でもちょっとコミカルな感じ。そのバランスというのは、お笑いになってはいけないからすごく難しいと思うんです。だから彼のやっている、 お客さんたちとコネクトしながら「クスッ」と笑えるようなところとか、なにか気持ちがほぐれてくるようなものというのは、僕にはできない彼ならではの演技や動きだなと思います。
その理由となるとすごく表現が難しいんですけど、僕のス ケートってなにかフワッとしているタイプじゃなくて、もつ とガッチリお客さんの気持ちをつかみにいったりとか、逆に すごく美しく見せたりとかはできるんですけど、そういうな にかは・・・・。ちょっと技術的に詳しく言うと、ブレードを前後に揺らした感じとか、動きの止め感などというのは、彼な らではのものでもあるんです。 そういったものがやっぱりうまいなと思います。
I guess there is a kind of comical program that only he can do. For me, it's that kind of relaxed feeling, or... But I am not just trying to get laughs. Like Chaplin, I want to be able to express my feelings to the audience, but at the same time be naturalistic, but still a little comical. I think it is very difficult to find a balance between these two, because it should not become a comedy. So, I think that the way he connects with the audience and makes them laugh or relax is something that only he can do, something that I cannot.
The reason for this is very difficult to express, but my skating isn't the type that is kind of airy, I try to grasp the audience's feelings more firmly, and on the contrary, I can make it look very beautiful. But that kind of thing is... Technically speaking, the feeling of swinging the blade back and forth, the feeling of stopping the movement, etc. is something that is unique to him. I think that kind of thing is really good.
ユヅルのプログラムで「すごいな!」と思ったものは いっぱいあるから、選ぶのは大変ですね(笑)。 でも強いて言えば、ひとつ思い出したのは、名前は出てこないのですけど、 黒い衣装でロック調の曲ですごくかっこいいやつ。 僕の 『ブラック・ベティ』 にちょっと似た感じのプログラムですね。
There are a lot of Yuzuru's programs that made me think, "That's amazing!", so it's hard to choose one (laughs). But if I had to say it, I remember one that I can't name it, but it was a very cool one with a black costume and rock music. It's a bit like my "Black Betty" program.
What is it, "Masquerade"?
No, it was an earlier program.
それなら、ドアーズの「ハロー・アイ・ラブ・ユー」かな。 それとも、 ゲイリー・ムーアの「パリの散歩道」かな?
Then it's "Hello I Love You" by The Doors. Or maybe Gary Moore's "Parisienne Walkways"?
アッ、ゲイリームーアだ。 『Parisienne Walkways」 だね。 ロック調ですごくかっこよかったんだ。 それにもうひ とつよく覚えていて印象的だったのは、 「春よ、来い」 ですね。 日本の曲というので 『Parisienne Walkways」 とはまった く違ったスタイルの演技だけど、 スケーターとして自分の国 の曲で演技をするのは特別な思いがあると思っています。 あ のプログラムはすごく滑りが素晴らしいだけではなくて、ユ ヅルのプログラムに込めている気持ちが伝わって来るよう な演技だったので、もう芸術作品だと思って見ていました。
Ah, Gary Moore. 'Parisienne Walkways'. It was rock-style and really cool. Another thing I remembered very well was "Haru Yo, Koi" It's a Japanese song, so it's style is completely different from "Parisienne Walkways", but as a skater, I think it's a special feeling to perform to your own country's song. Ah, his program was not only amazingly slick, but it was his acting that conveyed the feelings that Yuzuru put into his program, so I thought it was a work of art when I was watching it.
Ps. Yuzuru black-top costume Parisienne Walkways 2012 video and photos.
<Part II, pamphlet of Shizuoka>
——そんな状況も経験しているからこそ、3年ぶりのファンタジー・オン・アイスはふたりともすごく楽しみにしていた と思いますが、今回はアイスショーに対する思いを聞いてみ たいと思います。 おふたりともこのファンタジーに限らず、 初めてアイスショーに出演した時に、 競技会との違いをどう感じましたか。 そして経験を積んできた中で、 その印象はどう変化し、 どう自分の成長につながってきたと感じていますか。
--I think that's why both of you were really looking forward to the first Fantasy on Ice show in 3 years, and I would like to ask you about your thoughts on ice shows. How did you both feel the difference from competitions when you performed in ice shows for the first time, not only this fantasy show? How have your impressions changed as you have gained experience, and how do you feel they have led to your personal growth?
僕は正直、最初から競技会よりアイスショーの方が好きだったので、「見てもらえる!」という嬉しさが強かったですね。やっぱり僕自身の中でもアイスショーに憧れていた気持ちが強かったので、自分が初めてスポットライトを浴びて滑った時は緊張感などよりも、 楽しかった思い出の方が強烈に記憶に残っています。
ただ、段々、段々経験を積むにつれて、やっぱり「いい演技をしなければいけない」とか、コラボレーションだったら「完璧 にしなくてはいけない」などという気持ちがドンドン湧いてくるので。 そういう意味では、昔より楽しめなくなっているなとも思います。 でもそれがいい演技につながったというの もあるし。ただ楽しんで、自分のために滑っているのではな くちゃんとお客さんとコネクティングしたり、また自分の表現したいものにちゃんと責任を持ってスケートをしなくて はいけないとか。 今では何か、自分がアイスショーに出演すあるスケーターとしての責任みたいなものを、しっかり感じながら滑れているなと感じます。
To be honest, I liked the ice show more than the competition from the beginning, "You can see it!" I was very happy to be able to do this. After all, I had a strong desire to go to an ice show myself, so when I skated in the spotlight for the first time, I remember the fun memories more than the nervousness.
However, as I gain more and more experience, I feel that I have to give a good performance, or if it is a collaboration, I feel that I have to make it perfect. In that sense, I think I don't enjoy it as much as I used to. But that also leads to good performances. I have to skate not only for my own sake, but also to connect with the audience, and to be responsible for what I want to express. Now I feel that I can skate with a sense of responsibility as a skater who performs in ice shows.
——そういう気持ちや技術、 表現などは、 競技会にも還元 できているのではないですか。
-- I think that such feelings, techniques, and expressions are also being reflected in the competitions.
それはもちろんあります。 でもなにか、やっぱり競技の時の緊張感とアイスショーの時の緊張感はけっこう違うんですよね。 リンクが狭かったり、 という制約ももちろんあるんですけど、それよりも「お客さんたちにどう伝えるか」というのが大切なので。競技会だと���ャッジに向けてどう伝える かというのがメインなので、その違いは大きいですね。 だからバー��と360度、 全方向に対して気持ちを飛ばすということは意識しています。 もちろん昔は、そこまで考えていませんでしたけど(笑)。
Of course there is. But the tension during a competition is quite different from the tension during an ice show. Of course, there are restrictions, such as the narrowness of the rink, but more important is "how to communicate to the audience". In competitions, the main focus is on how to communicate to the judges, so there is a big difference. So, I am conscious of flying my feelings 360 degrees in all directions. Of course, in the past, I didn't think that far ahead (laughs).
僕は最初のアイスショーのことは覚えていないんで す。スペインの小さなショーだったかもしれないな もしかしたら初めてのアイスショーは、今もスケートクラブの子供たちが小さなショーをやっているからそれだったかもしれ ない。でも今、ユヅルが言ったことに付け加えると、やっぱりショーは試合とは違う雰囲気だったので、それがすごく楽しみでした。照明もあったりして特別感もあるから、それを楽しめるのがいいかなと思います。
ただ、どうしてもショーになると照明がチカチカしたりする ので、それに慣れなければいけないこともあったり、自分が学んでいかなければいけないこともたくさんあります。でもすべてのスケーターにとって、ショーに出るということはすごくいい経験になることだと思います。 誰でもみんな、たくさんのお客さんに観てもらいたいと思っている。世界のお客さんたちに見てもらって、 フィギュアスケートを好きになってもらいたいと思います。
I don't remember my first ice show. Maybe it was a small show in Spain. Maybe it was my first ice show, because the kids in my skating club still do small shows. But to add to what Yuzuru just said, I knew the show had a different atmosphere from the competition, so I was really looking forward to that. There were lights and a special atmosphere, so I thought it would be good to enjoy it.
However, when it comes to shows, the lights flicker, so there are things I have to get used to, and there are many things I have to learn. But I think for all skaters, going to a show is a great experience. Everyone wants to see as many people as possible. I hope that people from all over the world will see it and fall in love with figure skating.
あとは、アイスショーだと自分のオリジナリティを出さなければいけないと思いますね。 自分が滑るからこそ喜んでもらえるものだったり、 自分にしか滑れないものだったり。 そういうものがすごく必要になるのがアイスショーだなと思っています。 僕はそういうことを、アイスショーを通じて学んだなと思っているけどハビはどう思っている?
Also, in an ice show, I think I have to show my originality. I can be happy because I can skate, or something that only I can skate. I think ice shows require such things. I think I have learned that through ice shows, but what does Javi think?
僕がアイスショーのいい部分だと思うところは、いろんな遊び心を持って自分たちの演技ができるというところだと思っています。 例えば音楽の選曲だったり、 どういうスタイルのプログラムを選ぶかというところでも、普段ではできない色々なことを試すこともできます。そのうえに競技会とは違い、すごく難しいテクニカルなことをやる必要も無い。 ステップを複雑にする必要も無いし、すごいスピンを入れる必要も無くて、本当にオープンに「お客さんを楽しませる」ということに重きを置いてやることができる。
I think one of the best parts of ice shows is that we can perform with a playful spirit. For example, we can try various things that we normally cannot do, such as music selection or what style of program to choose. Moreover, unlike competitions, we don't have to do very difficult technical things. We don't have to complicate our steps or put in amazing spins, and we can really focus on "entertaining the audience" in an open manner.
And then, as for the music, we can choose songs that we "want to skate to," or songs that we "get really excited when we do this" . Of course, a show is for the audience, but it is also "useful for us" in other ways.
-- Hanyu, you have said in the past that you are "pushing hard in practice" for such ice shows, but is the way you push yourself differently from competitions, in that you push your mind or raise your spirits?
これは今回のファンタジーへ向けてのことですけど。 今回もかなり追い込んだ練習をやってきて、 実際に体重が3 キログラムくらい減って、すごく体力もついたと思っていま す。でも、練習している時は・・・ 普通の競技会へ向けた練習 だったら、さっき「ジャッジに向けてどう伝えるかを考える」 と話したように、いつも同じパターンでしかやらないんです ね。 同じ方向を正面にしてしかやらないんです。
でも今回のファンタジーに向けて練習をした時には裏側で やってみて、それが本当にどういう風に見えているかという のもちょっと考えながらやっていました。 その時に、「本当にこれがちゃんと表現できているかな?」と考えて。 正面から見た時に表現できているのは当たり前なんですけど、そうじゃなくて裏側から見た時にカッコいいかどうか。ちゃんとシルエットがきれいかどうか、というのはすごく考えてやました。そういう意味では、一つひとつのディテールを、細かく、細かく砕いていって練習をするというのがアイスショーには必要だと思うので、それだけ時間はかかります。
それにもちろんジャンプもしっかり跳ばないと意味が無いので、そういう面では競技会の時に学んだ、 「ジャンプをどれだけ正確に跳んでいけるか」という練習をしつつ、それにプラスアルファで、 反対側の位置でやってみたりとか、細かいディ テールをやっているという感じですね。
This is for this fantasy. This time too, I practiced quite hard, and I actually lost about 3 kilograms, and I think I gained a lot of physical strength. But when I'm practicing... When I'm practicing for a normal competition, I always follow the same pattern, just like I said before, "I think about how to tell the judges." . I only do it with the same direction facing the front.
However, when I practiced for this fantasy, I tried to do it on the back side and thought about how it would really look like. I was thinking, "Am I really expressing this properly? I wondered if I was really expressing it correctly. It is a given that it is expressed when seen from the front, but I also wondered if it looked cool when seen from the back. I really thought about whether or not the silhouette is beautiful. In that sense, I think it is necessary for an ice show to practice each and every detail in detail, so it takes a lot of time.
And of course, there's no meaning in jumping unless you do it well, so in that respect, while practicing "how accurately you can jump", which I learned at the competition, I also added something to the position on the other side. It feels like I'm doing fine details, such as trying it out.
We were talking about a training program for the show, right?
Yes, it is.
ユヅルは試合の時もアイスショーの時も、とにかく周到に準備をするタイプなんですよね (笑)。 僕はそこまでではないですけど、ただショーというのは試合よりお客さんたち が近くにいて、そのお客さんの目の前で演技をします。その点で非常にいい面としては、自分のキャラクターであったり、 自分自身をお客さんに売り込めるというか、わかってもらう ことができることです。 ただそれはいいんですけど、ひとつ 怖いというかマイナス点というのは、目の前にいるので逆にお客さんの反応がしっかり見えてしまうことです。もしそこでお客さんたちの反応があまり良くないときには、非常に怖いというのがあります(笑)。 試合もアイスショーもとにかく全力でやるだけですけど、そういう点は違っているので、 楽しくもあり怖くもあるのは、 アイスショー独特のものなんです。
Yuzuru is the type of skater who prepares very carefully for both competitions and ice shows (laughs). I am not that much, but in a show, I am closer to the audience than in a competition, and I perform in front of them. The good thing about this is that I can sell my character and myself to the audience, or at least have them understand me. The downside is that I an right in front of the audience, so I can see their reactions. If the reaction of the audience is not so good, I am very scared (laugh). I just do my best in competition and ice shows, but that's the difference, so it's fun and scary, It is unique to ice shows.
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Full list from 2011 to present
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yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years ago
FaOI Makuhari Day 3 (live) - Impressions
The long-awaited live stream. After a sleepless night because there was no way to contain my excitement for 'pro athlete Hanyu Yuzuru' back in the public eye, I finally got everything under control when the guy sneakily showed up in the middle of the skaters.
It was odd not to hear him being introduced right away and it was even odder to him being introduced BEFORE his trademark opening 4T. Luckily, I had the satisfying moment of hearing 'Yuzuru-4T-Hanyu' in FaOI Makuhari 2022.
I said I wouldn't judge the OP and Finale costumes until I've seen them in motion. Well, now I have. The OP costume is definitely acceptable on Yuzu and I already expressed my love for those weird-ish pants last year. I can't say I'm overly fond of the OP music, but it is what it is and there are definitely some fun choreography parts. The green parts of the costume glow in the dark, so I guess for the audience in the venue it's a pretty cool visual.
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Once the OP was out of the way, more than 2 hours I had to struggle to stay awake. One criticism about the show as a whole, it should have more female skaters, some of the men are cool, but some are really not up to it anymore, so, please, just get more women for FaOI next year. And put them also on the poster.
It should be noted that this year's announcer, you know, the guy that introduces the skaters, was not the usual one. This guy was much blander, but damn, Yuzu's intro was spot on. Double Olympic gold medalist, super slam achiever AND solo-ice-show holder and producer who filled out the Tokyo Dome. Of course I couldn't understand the entire thing, but Tokyo Dome I could hear loud and clear.
There's not one bit of If's choreography that I don't like. It's such a complex, perfectly balanced skating-dancing program, emotions could've been a bit clearer, but I'll take what I can get. I re-watched this program countless times before I finally made up my mind to GIF it. It was such a cool thing to do because I could pin-point so many small, on-beat, perfect moves. And, also, I could see that jewelry has a knack of leaving Yuzu.
Last year, it was the bracelet flying off when the holy paper cup was yeeted, now, the Phiten gold-winged necklace abandoned Yuzu. Although it tried its best to hold on, Yuzu's insane hip-hop on ice moves were too strong for the poor wing.
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Apart from this small incident which Yuzu himself appeared not to have noticed, the performance was such a success. Yuzu catches every beat of the music, he uses the melodic line for ample moves and the rapping parts for short, fast, precise moves. I strongly encourage you to check out the entire program and every time there's the beat, watch Yuzu's feet and/or arms. Those are the ones skillfully used either together or separately to get that flow going.
I haven't yet found the right words to properly describe how much I admire Yuzu's commitment to further improving himself and creating programs that are very unusual for figure skating. I just can't get over him starting If with a camel spin and ending with a full split AND with the torso bent forward. The audacity of this man to show off his flexibility like that...
One thing I don't particularly like about If... the music. But even that is growing on me now.
The Finale left me a bit disappointed. The song really doesn't do anything for me, the choreography is so weird - and yes, I understand it's a choreo that's been popular in Japan some years ago, but it's still iffy. Nevertheless, you have to appreciate how hard it is to hop on ice one-footed - lots of skaters seem to struggle with it, but Yuzu's doing fine (as if that's a surprise). The solo part is cute, Yuzu's usual intricate footwork that I can only marvel at. I miss the layback spin, though, that was done on Day 1 and shared via TvAsahi's figure skating tiktok account.
Now about that costume... I really don't have much to say about it, but I've learnt to appreciate it makes it easy to count abs. In any case, the finale was okayish, but not the grand finale I'd have expected. Oh, let me mention the wardrobe malfunction: Yuzu's top was unzipped in the back and appeared to be held with a safety pin. Did he break the zipper while changing in 2.12 minutes?
Anyway, there were several cute moments and a very high-tension one. I have no words for the latter, so I'll just post the video.
4T3A-Eu-3S-3Lo (step out) - unhinged combination that was done after a very long preparation time. Yuzu was checking his axis, skating around the rink, approximating distance, the usual math he does on the spot.
And the cute moments - Yuzu cutely shushing the crowd before encouraging them to cheer for the artists, Yuzu finally realizing he lost the wing necklace when Shizuka gave it back, Yuzu trolling everyone with his 'little soldier' walk (as if he'd leave without ARIGATO-ing)...
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Ah, Fantasy on Ice 2023 Makuhari. A gem.
This will have to be sustenance enough because the next broadcast is the Kobe Day 3 live which is the very last show of the tour. I'm mad at this and Fuji TV is to blame.
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yuzuangel · 3 years ago
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Yuzu is back on the ice! Fantasy on Ice has started! 😃 💖 🥳
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chupenguin · 3 years ago
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moon-soo-ah · 3 years ago
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FaOI 2022 in Makuhari Day 2
Download/Stream link
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shampooneko · 3 years ago
YUZUUUUUU!!!!! 🥰😍💗❤️💝💖🥰😍💗❤️💝
Yuzu and Nobu FAoI 2022 (from Nobu's Instagram)
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yuzu-all-the-way · 3 years ago
How does he look so cool while squatting like that?
Maybe I should do this every morning?
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 3 years ago
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Yuzuru Hanyu @ FaoI 2022 Makuhari Day 1
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tokiwa05311 · 3 years ago
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Real Face
Yuzuru Hanyu
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yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years ago
FaOI 2023 Makuhari Day 1 - Impressions
The first show day of Fantasy on Ice 2023 has come to an end. Besides me having a terrible headache throughout most of the day, it was a pretty good start to the A tour - chaotic, scary and... dangerous (from multiple points of view).
Within the first hour of the show*, there was nothing - no photos from the media, no reports from the audience in the venue, no news reporting on anything... just us, international Fanyus, camping on Twitter, waiting for someone to say something. Personally, I used that time to close my eyes and try to make the headache go away (yeah, no such luck).
Then the breaktime came and Japanese people were reporting left and right about Yuzu doing something in the OP, but no one knew quiet exactly what - apparently the usual FaOI choreo changed a bit because the number of skaters is less, so Yuzu blended in with the skaters before his name was called out - the trademark 4T happened, although wobbly. Not that it matters.
At this point, it's not really relevant what HAPPENED in the OP, but what was shown. Arms, bare arms, but those were sort of overshadowed by the 'interesting' design of the OP costume. I'm not going to judge it too hard because I haven't seen it in motion yet, so I'll have to wait for Sunday for that.
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After the flood of reports (translation thread of Japanese live reports), there was a pause and then... way before the show should've ended, more reports started flooding. This time not about the show itself, but about the earthquake that happened. A 6.2 magnitude earthquake with the epicenter in Chiba happened while the show was in full swing and, for safety reasons, the performances were suspended for a while. The staff made sure the audience was seated and not panicking, confirmation of no tsunami danger came, and the staff ran a safety check of the venue. The earthquake was bad enough for the rods holding the lights to shake, so it was extremely important to make sure everything was in order and properly fixed.
Maybe 15 minutes later, the show resumed. And then came the anxiety because we just knew Yuzu was close if not already performing his new program. And since we knew that the opening 4T was messed up, we also thought that a mad combo must happen at the end. It just had to.
Once the show ended (and my headache was still as strong as ever), more reports started coming in - and Yuzu's program turned out to be a performance to IF by DA PUMP. The costume was still a mystery, though, the best description being something like "white open jacket, black and white sleeves, vest, chains". It obviously sounded like a very cool J-rock outfit. And boy, oh boy, THAT did not disappoint.
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As for the finale, I really don't remember anything about it from the reports because the costume got my entire attention. What I can remember is that no report came about any unhinged jump combination done by Yuzu.
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This was supposed to be me reflecting on what I've learnt about the show, not summarizing it, but it is what it is. So about the actual impressions:
-> FaOI's costume designer for sure has a knack of finding ways to make the most questionable costumes look decent if not good on Yuzu. Seriously, though, what's the point of tops at this point, since they barely hold any material?
-> there isn't FaOI Makuhari if an earthquake doesn't happen (2019, 2022 specifically). I sure was scared to learn about the earthquake. The people in the venue were shaken, and I can only imagine what Yuzu and the skaters must've felt. Once the danger had passed, I'm sure they gave their 100% in the finale to conclude the show on a high note
-> I'm not fond of the music for Yuzu's program, but I wasn't fond of Real Face and Raison either, but they grew on me (especially Raison), so it might happen again this year, too
-> camping on twitter is nerve-wracking, there's no news then there's too many news in an unknown language, and the automatic translation sometimes messes up so bad you can't tell anything but "Yuzu, teeth, stomach" - I still have no clue what that meant
-> but the gratification comes in the flood of photos from the media and saving AS MANY AS POSSIBLE without saving doubles (or triple, quadruple, quintuple copies)... I think I made a decent job
I don't really have a platform where I could share all the photos I've saved (they are quite a lot), but I posted some OP, EX, and Finale photos as a way of 'summarizing' the show through them
*The photos were released about 1h after the show, though
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yuzu-all-the-way · 3 years ago
I love his smile, it's so real!
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Yuzuru Hanyu Interview ~ FAOI 2022 in Makuhari Day 2
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yuzu-all-the-way · 3 years ago
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Fantasy on Ice Makuhari 2022 || Day 1 - Yuzu EX Real Face (Part 3)
Part 1 | Part 2
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yuzu-all-the-way · 3 years ago
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Fantasy on Ice Makuhari 2022 || Day 1 - Finale
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yuzu-all-the-way · 3 years ago
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yuzu-all-the-way · 3 years ago
Master post for FaOI 2022 Makuhari
Nobu & Yuzu
FaOI cast (partly)
FaOI cast (partly, but Yuzu too)
Deniss+ Kaori & Keiji
Yuzu kisses
Yuzu interview + practice news (video) + translation + Video Eng Sub (1) + Video Eng Sub (2)
More practice news + Yuzu + translation
Nobu & Mai
Yuzu message before FaOI
Yuzu Opening number photos (1) + (2)
Yuzu EX photos (1) + (2) + (3)
Yuzu Finale photos
News videos/snippets (1) + (2) + (3)
Additional photos released (03/06/2022)
2 more photos (18/06/2022)
Kao Miura, Mana Kawabe & Rino Mitsuike
News videos/snippets (1 + short interview translation) + (2) + (3) - same translation
Behind the scenes: Warm-ups (WU1 & WU2)
Yuzu Opening photos *
Yuzu EX photos *
Yuzu Finale photos *
Yuzu Interview
*- Some photos may be from Day 3
29/05/2022 - live broadcast
FaOI opening - Yuzu cut
Afternoon Parade
Yuzu EX - Real Face
Finale (1) + (2)
News videos/snippets (1) + (2 + translation) + (3.1 ; 3.2)
30/05/2022 - Multiple Days photos
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yuzu-all-the-way · 3 years ago
6 new photos from Fantasy on Ice Makuhari Day 1 (?)
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