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heytbefanzin · 2 years ago
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We are now accepting applications for Fanzineist Vienna from artists, independent publishers, zinesters, bookstores, galleries, and art institutions from both Austria and abroad, to join us at the fair. The submission deadline is Sunday, April 23rd at 23:59. 
Join us on May 26-27-28 at Atelierhaus der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (Semperdepot) for a dynamic and inclusive celebration of the art of publishing. Spread the word and share this opportunity with your friends and communities. We can't wait to see your applications! Check out the link below to apply now. Don't miss out on this chance to showcase your works at Fanzineist Vienna 2023!
For more information and application:
Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair is an event that brings together small press and independent publishers from around the world. Our mission is to showcase the culture and accessibility of zine and art book making, and provide a platform for artists, publishers, and other creative individuals to share their stories, knowledge, and love for the craft.
Through a diverse lineup of workshops, performances, concerts, screenings, and talks, Fanzineist Vienna provides an opportunity for attendees to learn new skills, be inspired by the creativity and passion of others, and connect with like-minded individuals in the world of zine and art book publishing.
Fanzineist is a dynamic fair that celebrates the culture and creativity of small press and independent publishing.
We have two more open calls! Open call to participate in the art book and fanzine exhibition by mail, and open call for the online art book and fanzine exhibition.
If you are unable to attend the event in person, Fanzineist Vienna provides an opportunity for you to participate remotely. Fanzineist Vienna has an open call for publishers and artists who would like to contribute their art books and zines to the exhibition at Atelierhaus Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien between May 26-28, 2023. If you are interested, you can send your art books or zines to “Wohlmutstrasse 4, A-1020, Vienna, Austria” until 5th of May.
To ensure your publication is properly exhibited, don't forget to include the publication's name, title, medium and the year with your submission. The publications received by post will be displayed in international art book & zine exhibition.
If you want to be physically present in Fanzineist and have a table about your publications, you can apply via fanzineist.com. In order to participate by mail, you do not need to fill out any application form.
Our second open call for the Online International Art Book & Zine Exhibition, and we invite you to participate.
This virtual exhibition will take place in a 3D gallery, providing a platform for artists and publishers to showcase their original publications to a global audience. Visitors will have the chance to browse and purchase the publications directly from the exhibitors.
Whether you are an artist seeking to expand your reach or a publisher looking to promote your work, this exhibition offers a valuable opportunity to showcase your publications to a wide audience. Moreover, this virtual event offers artists the chance to exhibit their work even if a physical event is not possible in their country.
The virtual exhibition allows visitors to control their movements by keyboard or touch, zoom in, and receive additional information about the publications and artists. It offers a dynamic and interactive experience that will engage visitors and showcase your work in a unique and innovative way.
You can apply now to online exhibition.
Deadline: April 23, 2023
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souls-foreclosed · 10 months ago
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Chapter IX: De Civitate Dei
Second Verse: LOVE - “Here I Am Woman, Dare To Be” (173)
(MAY 08 - 2024)
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In which the developments of the last few weeks start to catch up with LaBelle. Maybe Madam Spitfire can be of aid to her, now that they've reached a truce. I'm going to be at Fanzineist this weekend and on vacation with a partner the week after, so there won't be an update next week. Persist in the void its absence will leave!
Archive No. 753
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loreleybooks · 1 year ago
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zine de arte correio
PostalZine nasce como um projeto ousado a partir das ações apresentadas nas aulas do grupo de estudos Encontros de Arte Postal e propõe ser o primeiro número de uma revista com periodicidade anual.
O grupo de estudos orientado por Marcia Rosenberger busca referências nas características da Arte Correio dos anos 70 e 80 para desenvolver a sua prática, ao lançar um olhar às publicações independentes de baixo orçamento, os zines, amplamente divulgados e compartilhados pelos artistas na época.
Neste processo, as artistas participantes escolheram o tema Liberdade como moto propulsor de suas criações artísticas, palavra-ideologia que reverbera em nossa mente após os últimos anos de tensão democrática em nosso país, quiçá em todo o mundo.
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PostalZine artistas: Marcia Rosenberger (editora), Ana Paula Barros, Fernanda Matos, Lourdes Sakotani, Luciana Maria Cassettari, Maura Takemiya, Renata Danicek, Suely Castro Mello, Virgínia Magalhães ano: 2023 técnica: impressão digital dimensão: 21x14,8 cm edição limitada: 100 exemplares numerados páginas: 32 projeto: encadernação tipo canoa com grampo. Miolo Offset 120g e capa em Cartão 300g. selo editorial: Loreley Books INBN: 978-65-981591-0-8
PORTFÓLIO - ações, exposições, feiras de artes gráficas e incorporação em acervos nacionais e internacionais:
integra o arquivo BIG Bienal Internacional de Guarulhos de Pequenos Formatos do Ateliê Coletivo 308, Guarulhos/ BRASIL, 2024
participou da exposição Zine Pavillion no ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition, San Diego-CA/ EUA, 2024
integra o acervo da Palisades Library, Pacific Palisades-CA/ EUA, 2024
participou da versão online da Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair, Atelierhaus der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (Semperdepot), Vienna/ ÁUSTRIA, 2024
participou da exposição Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Exhibition, Atelierhaus der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (Semperdepot), Vienna/ ÁUSTRIA, 2024
integra o acervo da Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair, Vienna/ ÁUSTRIA, 2024
participou da exposição 9ª Edição da FANZINOTECA Expo, Calafia Art Store, Porto Alegre-RS/ BRASIL, 2024
integra o acervo da FANZINOTECA Expo, org. Priscila Moreira, Porto Alegre-RS, 2024
lançamento na Casa Âmbar de Cultura / Santo André, 2023
lançamento na Edições Motim / Brasília-DF, com Virgínia Magalhães, 2023
participou da exposição Arte Postal no Século XXI / Casa Âmbar de Cultura, Santo André, 2023
integra o acervo da Fanzinoteca itinerante do Grupo de Pesquisa CRIA_CIBER, da Faculdade de Artes Visuais da Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023
participou da III Expozine – Exposição Internacional de Fanzines / Goiânia, 2023
concorreu ao I Prêmio Nacional Ciberpajelanças de Fanzines e Artezines / Goiânia, 2023
doado ao acervo da Seção de Obras Raras e Especiais da Biblioteca Mário de Andrade / São Paulo, 2023
lançamento na Feira Miolo(s) / São Paulo, 2023
Um zine - derivado de revista - é um livreto publicado de forma independente ou autopublicada, geralmente criado por uma única pessoa. Os zines são normalmente criados cortando e colando fisicamente texto e imagens em uma superfície master para fotocópia, mas também é comum produzir o master digitando e formatando páginas em um computador. O produto final geralmente é dobrado e grampeado. Os zines podem ser impressos e encadernados de qualquer maneira. A impressão offset é uma alternativa relativamente comum à fotocópia, embora haja alguma controvérsia entre os redatores de zines sobre se os produtos impressos profissionalmente podem ser definidos como zines.
Fonte: https://zinewiki.com/wiki/Zine
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ivolederer · 9 months ago
Toss me a coin at @fanzineistvienna and get this Linocut Zine (FREE for all previous workshop participants who haven't got one yet!☺️💕) We'll be at Semperdepot again, check out the pinned post for more info!
#linocut #linocutzine #linocutzineguide #linoguide #linolove #linolover #printmaker #printmaking #druckgrafiker #Druckgrafik #fanzineist2024 #fanzineist #viennaartist #viennafanzineist #handmade #handmadezine
Hmu if you want a physical copy (pay as you wish + shipping).💕 They're also yours to take if you come to one of my lino workshops.☺️🫶
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drawdownbooks · 3 years ago
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Starting this Thursday, August 11, and running for two weeks: Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair!
And don't worry if you're not in Austria, the fair is fully online. With virtual exhibitions, programs, talks, and everything in-between: https://fanzineist.com/ We're really excited to participate in this incredible fair again, and we'll be giving a talk live on Instagram on Friday about the latest Draw Down title I Got Something to Say: Poster Inventory, 2013-2021.
It's fun to peruse the exhibitor's list and get a feel for the different publishers and their practices! If you've never been to an art book fair before, let me recommend them. The fairs, which are generally free and open to all ages, are wonderful for meeting people who love art and books and for finding inspiration (or at the very least, an interesting title or two.)
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fanzineist · 4 years ago
Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair welcomes artists, publishers, and other creative people on July 26th to share their stories, knowledge, and love of zines and art books. For one month, 117 exhibitors from 34 countries will present their publications in the virtual exhibition. Fanzineist Vienna takes place as an online fair this year to attract the attention of a wider, global audience. Online visitors have the opportunity to see more than 600 publications in a 3D Gallery. The virtual exhibitions continue till 26th August on fanzineist.com
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kudlawerkstatt · 6 years ago
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I'm looking forward to this weekend which i'll spend in one of my favourite cities Vienna to present our zines, books and other printed matter. Come to visit @fanzineistvienna 24-26 May #kudlawerkstatt #kudlapress #fanzineist #fanzineistvienna #artbookfair #fanzines #zines #artbooks #risography #selfpublishing #diy (na mieste Nordbahnhalle) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxy_PgICAIC/?igshid=91j1qj2ksb8l
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509nullsetinterventions · 6 years ago
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manyetikbant · 8 years ago
Etkinlik Rehberi: 17-23 Nisan
Etkinlik Rehberi: 17-23 Nisan
“Her şeye rağmen”lere gerek yok. Buradayız, yaşıyoruz. Hafta bayram tadında konserli, yer yer açılışlı ve söyleşili. Record Store Day’i de kutlayacağız, fanzin kültürünü de; kolektif hafızamıza kazınmış fotoğraflara dalıp gideceğiz, mekanları dönüştüren ve yeniden yorumlayan işlerden ilham alacağız, hayallerinin peşinden gidenlerle bir araya geleceğiz. Etkinlik rehberi “an”ı mesken edinerek…
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heytbefanzin · 4 years ago
Heyt be! Fanzin is one of the exhibitors at Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair. —>  Visit fanzineist.com to see all the virtual art book and zine exhibitions. We are at Hall 1. —–> https://fanzineist.com/ve-hall1/  and that’s our page in the fair—->  https://fanzineist.com/exhibition-2021/heyt-be-fanzin/
Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair welcomes artists, publishers, and other creative people on July 26th to share their stories, knowledge, and love of zines and art books. For one month, 117 exhibitors from 34 countries will present their publications in the virtual exhibition. Fanzineist Vienna takes place as an online fair this year to attract the attention of a wider, global audience. Online visitors have the opportunity to see more than 600 publications in a 3D Gallery. The virtual exhibitions continue till 26th August on fanzineist.com
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kolajart · 8 years ago
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FANZINEIST 2017 ‘Zine Fest of Istanbul’ // Açık Çağrı, (21-22-23 Nisan 2017) http://kolajart.com/wp/2017/03/28/fanzineist-2017-zine-fest-of-istanbul-acik-cagri-21-22-23-nisan-2017/ #fanzin #fanzineist #fest #festival #istanbul
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loreleybooks · 6 months ago
The Zine Pavilion
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Nosso PostalZine participou em junho do ALA (American Library Association) Annual Conference & Exhibition San Diego, no stand The Zine Pavillion, organizado pela Palisades Library (California/EUA)!
A conferência anual promove ações e mesas para bibliotecários e incentiva a formação de um catálogo diversificado, que inclui a literatura de zines!!
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Mais uma conquista para nosso grupo de estudos Encontros de Arte Postal, orientado por Marcia Rosenberger.
O zine coletivo sobre Arte Correio, PostalZine, foi desenvolvido pelas artistas participantes dos Encontros: Ana Paula Barros, Fernanda Matos, Luciana Maria Cassettari, Lourdes Sakotani, Maura Takemiya, Renata Danicek, Suely Castro Melllo, Virgínia Magalhães e Marcia Rosenberger.
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Esta é a nossa segunda participação internacional. No mês de maio último, participamos da exposição física e da feira virtual da Fanzineist Vienna, na Áustria.
Além do zine coletivo PostalZine, o zine de poesia e colagem Poetry.Zine, de Marcia Rosenberger também foi incluído no acervo da Palisades Library.
ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition
local: San Diego Convention Center / EUA
quando: 27 de junho a 2 de julho de 2024 
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samheydt · 5 years ago
Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair 2020
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daskunstbuch · 6 years ago
Open Call! Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair, 24-26 May, 2019 at Nordbahnhalle - Vienna, Austria
Open Call! Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair, 24-26 May, 2019 at Nordbahnhalle – Vienna, Austria
Finally! This year, two major Art Book Fairs will take place in Vienna. In spring the Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair take place from 24-26 May 2019 at Nordbahnhalle and in autumn the Vienna Art Book Fair #1 take place from 04-06 October 2019 at University of Applied Arts Vienna. 
Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair
Date: 24-26 May 2019
Venue: Nordbahnhal…
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pubcrawl · 8 years ago
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From April 21-23, Tasarım Atölyesi Kadıköy, Tight Aggressive, and Arkaoda will host Fanzineist… https://t.co/14i6V3OYVP #pubcrawl #istanbu…
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fanzineist · 7 years ago
Fanzineist 2017 . 1 Gün /Day 1 ‘’Zine Fest of Istanbul’’ @Tasarım Atölyesi Kadıköy
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