#fanny bob's burgers
tully-blue · 2 years
yall know what? we haven't thanked jordan peele enough for bringing fanny to life with his iconic girl voice. he even returned for the movie. 👏👏👏
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laz-kay · 10 months
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“Do you think we’re best friends in every universe?”
“Obviously, dumbass”
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drawthething · 7 months
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See More Seymour's Week - Day 5
Hard to stick to one option when it comes to fricking free space day but I chose to go for this suuuuuper random group shot. Just picked 5 of the muppet characters that I've criminally never drawn before and worked it 💀
Once again, shout out to @babsvibes for hosting another masterpiece of an event. Thank you for this amazing week, you are a nut and out of this world.
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salty-icecream · 6 months
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Dear god
If i missed any, lmk
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Helen’s greatest crime.
Making Louise a flower girl…
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fangomango · 2 months
Bought some stickers from @egosarchive 😗 in love ngl
Lowkey going bonkers because I love these sm
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Mrs. Norris, when asked to take in Fanny:
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“Me! never. I never spoke a syllable about it to Sir Thomas, nor he to me. Fanny live with me! the last thing in the world for me to think of, or for anybody to wish that really knows us both. Good heaven! what could I do with Fanny? Me! a poor, helpless, forlorn widow, unfit for anything, my spirits quite broke down; what could I do with a girl at her time of life? A girl of fifteen! the very age of all others to need most attention and care, and put the cheerfullest spirits to the test! Sure Sir Thomas could not seriously expect such a thing! Sir Thomas is too much my friend. Nobody that wishes me well, I am sure, would propose it. How came Sir Thomas to speak to you about it?”
Mansfield Park memes, Ch 3 (Part 2)
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micks-art · 2 years
Fanny & Fiona ♡♡♡ ft an annoyed Calvin
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Blank ver
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the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
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Talking to his Fanny-apple :3
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uncannybob · 10 months
One-Time Characters I Wish Would Return
Characters who only appeared in one episode that I think should return to the show.
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Samantha (S1E11. Weekend At Mort's)
Note: She had a fun personality & a good repore with Mort. I do think her character design could benefit from an upgrade thou where she ever to return which at this point is unlikley.
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Colton (S9E11. Bobby Drive)
Note: For what little screentime he had, he seemed like a cool guy. He was ready to sabotage his own party just to spare the other kids the boredom. I think he could make a good companion for any of the Belcher kids.
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Roger & Judy (S7E14. Aquatisism)
Note: So here's an idea; if you ever write a Zekina fic where Zeke takes Tina to the aquarium, include Roger & Judy as a side ship. I promise it will be super cute.
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Shelby (S3E5. An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal)
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Austin (S7E22. Into the Mild)
Note: I love this guy. He was like an even more excentric Tedy and his chemistry with Bob was perfect! Bob did say by episodes end that he kept in touch so I was hoping for his return and was a bit dissapointed when it didn't happen.
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Grandma Alice (S13E20. Radio No You Didn't)
Note: I know she already had an entire episode dedicate to her. I just want more lore, okay!
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Benj (S13E22. Amelia)
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Officer Large (S11E15: Sheshank Redemption)
Note: This character dosen't have a page on the Bob's Burgers wiki yet. I might take it on myself to write one cause this girl cracked me up everytime she spoke.
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Warren Fitzgerald (S6E15. Pro Tiki/Con Tiki)
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Captain Flarty (S3E4. Mutiny on the Windbreaker)
Note: I know he was arrested but if the show can bring back evicted bank robbers and would-be-murderers like Mickey and Fanny I think they could bring Captain Flarty back if they wanted to.
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Duval (S3E4. Mutiny on the Windbreaker)
Note: It would be fun if Duval settled down in Seymore Bay after the mutiny on The Windbreaker. Maybe he became chef at some small shak or deli.
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Derek Demotopolis (S4E6. Purple Rain-Union)
Note: I think one way to re-introduce Derek Demotopolis the dermatologist would be if one of the Belchers got some sort of skin condition and he just happens to be the doctor they go too. Either that or they could bring him back as Gayle's love interest.
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Dillon (S7E13. The Grand Mama-Pest Hotel)
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ghostcashew · 1 year
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[image description: a digital drawing of gayle from bob's burgers as an elf druid. she's wearing a purple and green dress with a leather fanny-pack and standing among her three very very large cats. she's labeled "Gayle (Druid)" /end ID]
adding gayle to my bob's burgers dnd series! you can find everyone else in my "bobs burgers dnd" tag!
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koko-raccoon · 11 months
What are some of your favorite quotes from Bob’s Burgers? Can be a top five, can be from a specific character or episode, can be from the movie, anything you want!
Omg babes this was so fun but at the same time so hard 😭 I tried to limit myself to ones I quote on the daily but a few extra faves snuck in hahah
Linda: Here's the thing, Bob -
Linda: I hate this freaking Phone, Bobby!
Rudy: I can't have pasta but I'll have a bowl of sauce
Linda: I'll make sauce :)
Gene: they called me Pumpkin and I liked it! Everyone call me Pumpkin from now on!
Tina: She's a man-eater like Ms. Pac-Man, here.
Gene: Ms. Pac-Man eats ghosts and fruit! Don't bring her into this!
Andy: We'll try anything!
Ollie: I tried shrimp at my aunts house!
Jocelyn: She's in my math class and she makes me sad
Fanny: No! I'm sleepy!
Rudy: *jumps his bike off a tiny ramp* they should serve a meal on that flight
Rudy: It's ok. God saw.
Calvin: Just hurry up and get in the van we still need to find that dammed alpaca!
Louise: Seriously?! We've been on this thing for a freaking hour, and no one's barfed. Gene even had a snack.
Bob: I'm funny in the wall
Teddy: Bob, you're like an Ewok.
Teddy: Wait, why am I an
Teddy: No reason. Hairy. Excitable.
Bob: I'm going over there.
Teddy: You're a feisty little Ewok.
Frond: should it really be about poop or whatever the hell Rudy is doing?
Rudy: it's on my dad's "getting pumped for date night" mix
Bob: I'm Bruce Springsteen
Linda: Bruce Springsteen? Not really :/
Zeke: Footloose it!
Flips: I got my lips caught in my braces
Teddy: Shelly's your mom?
Flips: she's YOUR mom! nah, she's my mom.
Gene: Jingle in the Jungle is an American classic you'll thank me when you hear it!
Gene: why is there a dinosaur over your tar pit?
Bob: I hope your car doesn't run out of batteries!
Teddy: cars don't run on batteries, idiot! They run on gas! And batteries! Dammit!
Teddy: Now I got to build Trev a pretty intricate doghouse.
[Later on in the episode]
Jimmy Pesto: If I wanted weird, I'd listen to Trev talk about some crazy doghouse he's getting.
Gene: I thought that was his wiener.
Tina: Miyoko’s a girl.
Gene: Her wiener. Sorry.
Felix: I wonder if it's a giant squid trying to mate with us
Calvin: Well it can do alot worse
Louise: Hey, you woke us up.What gives, Teddy? We need our sleep. We're so little.
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Whump in Bob’s Burgers (Seasons 1-5)
S1:E2 - Hallucinations, mental breakdown (Bob) (Minor)
S1:E3 - Passing out (Bob) (Minor)
S1:E6 - Hangover (Bob) (Minor)
S1:E10 - Choking (Calvin Fischoeder) (Minor)
S1:E12 - Allergic reaction (Gene) (Minor)
S2:E2 - Hostage situation (Mickey>Bob, Frond, others), tear gas (Police>police) (Minor)
S2:E6 - Local painkiller via syringe, passing out via nitrous oxide, waking up. Waking up again, amnesia (Bob). Pinning each other down (Bob, Gayle). Medical procedure on a table, no pain relievers, intimate whumper (Dr. Yap>Bob). Passing out, waking up. (Bob) (Episode warning for sexual assault)
S2:E7 - Taking hostages (Bob, other restaurant owners>Moody Foody), attempted forced feeding (Everyone>Moody Foody)
S3:E1 - Threatening with a knife (Bikers>Logan) (Minor)
S3:E4 - Silenced and dragged away (Cruiseship workers), kidnapped (Cruise ship people>Belcher family) (Episode warning for emetophobia)
S3:E5 - Hallucinations, drunk (Bob) 
S3:E8 - Collapse, hospital visit (Courtney) (Minor)
S3:E10 - Fake death in laser tag (Louise) (Minor)
S3:E20 - Accidental cut, passing out, waking up with family beside him, assist in sitting up/standing, passing out multiple times, local painkiller via syringe, holding/distracting (Linda>Bob), passing out again, stitches done while unconscious, waking up in bed, wound reopening, bleeding, passing out again, wound reopening on purpose, half consciousness, bleeding, passing out for the last time
S3:E22 - Asthma (Rudy), rescue (Bob/Louise>Rudy)
S3:E23 - Threats, breaking objects to coerce a confession, dizziness, collapse, hallucination (Tina)
S4:E1 - Salmonella from undercooked fish (Bob), held hostage, wanted to agree to some sort of ritual (Camping couple>Bob/Linda), rescue (Tina>Bob/Linda)
S4:E5 - Punched down, given a black eye (Jen>Tina)
S4:E8 - Punched in the stomach, doubling over (Truck driver>Bob) (Minor)
S4:E17 - Drunk (Bob), held down, forcibly tattooed (Bob)
S4:E21 (Part 1) - Held hostage using a gun (Felix>Bob/Calvin)
S4:E22 (Part 2) - Tied up/together (Felix>Bob/Calvin), choking (Teddy>Random restaurant host), choking on water (Bob/Calvin), held hostage using a gun (Fanny>Everyone)
S5:E3 - Thrown through a fake glass window, pinned to the ground (Teddy>Bob), fighting, arm pinned behind his back, thrown out a glass window (Minor character>Bob) passing out, waking up, Teddy assisting, helping Bob up, carrying him into the restaurant. Waking up on the floor, being cared for
S5:E8 - Threatening, forcing a confession (Tina>Jimmy Pesto Jr)
S5:E19 - Pushed down to reenact a murder (Linda>Bob), helping up, putting him on the couch (Linda/Teddy>Bob), unintentional drugging (Helen>Bob), high/out of it (Bob)
S5:E21 - Trapped/threatened with being hit by a water balloon (Tina>Jimmy Jr and Zeke), sacrificing self for Bob (Linda)
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golden--doodler · 2 years
Hey there it's me :D! Just gotta ask you back your, hmm, favorite bobs burgers episodes?
Omg, thank you so muchhhhh this question is too good (and also too hard ahhhhhhhhhh there are just so many and too many good episodes). This show, I swear, so thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about it. I shall try to make a Top Ten or Top Eleven episodes, depending on how I feel right now:
--First of all, I gotta mention Season 3, Episode 7 "Tina-Rannosaurus Wrecks" because of that iconic opening scene alone, oh my lord, Tina (Tina, you're kinda gonna hit the only other car in the parking lot. TINA FOR THE LOVE OF GOD EITHER TURN AWAY OR STOP YOU'RE GONNA, HIT THE BRAKES--). Also, that freaking scene of Bob and Linda pretending their kids drowned because of the dark humor alone and Bob just ripping his shirt and shouting, I can't.
--Season 3, Episode 16 "Topsy" also keeps coming back as one of my favorites because Gene's song "Electric Love" is just so--how did he write this, it's such a beautiful masterpiece, it plays on repeat in my head, it's the best love song ever. Also, Louise just having beef with the teacher, Mr. Dinkler, is quite entertaining. And Gayle and Mr. Fischoeder having a romance that only lasts this episode is pretty great.
--Season 4, Episode 3 "Seaplane!" is great as well just because of how loyal Linda is to Bob ("Yeah, I'm married, you idiot!"). And also her headbutting Kurt and saying "I was gonna punch you, but I'm holding wine" is hilarious. Plus, it's great seeing Bob and Linda each have an awesome moment with Bob cutting the rope and Linda navigating the plane upwards at the last moment. And Tina having her moment fantasizing about kissing a bunch of people on the island, hahaha.
--The Wharf Horse Season 4 two-part finale is a masterpiece and no one can tell me otherwise, God, why does this two-part finale continuously live rent-free in my bed (it has ever since I watched it for the first time, and I vividly remember watching it for the first time). "Nice Things Are Nice" and "Bad Things Are Bad" are a couple of my absolute FAVORITE numbers of the show, they're just structured so perfectly and satisfyingly, it's almost hard to put into words why I love them so much ("Ooh, I love this dress, does it come in size three?"). And the outro for part one is incredible, shout out to John Roberts because yes. I just love the little things in this episode--in my opinion, this two-parter is a better introduction to Felix Fischoeder than his actual introduction (yes, I do enjoy that episode, and I'm sorry if I offended anyone, and I do love how he changes up the bathroom and the new design is kept for the rest of the series) but he's just so deliciously malicious in this two-parter before eventually having a change of heart, only for Fanny to swoop in. These were definitely the biggest stakes the show had before the movie swooped in with Grover Fischoeder and Cotton Candy Dan's murder, and I love the family reaffirming their love for each other when they think they're gonna die. And the detail that Bob was told about Linda being pregnant with Louise on the Ferris Wheel and screaming. Also shoutout to Tina for at least trying to save Mr. Goiter and being absolutely adorable as a toddler.
--I also really like Season 5, Episode 5 "Best Burger" and I don't know if that's an unpopular opinion or not. I love that it's one of the first big Gene and Bob moments we get, with Bob telling Gene that he loves Gene, faults and all, it's adorable (I could talk all day about why I love Bob and Gene's relationship in particular). Also the gag with the kids telling the storeowner they ban him when he tries to ban them, hahahahah. And then the judges hating Jimmy Pesto Sr.'s burger at the end is so satisfying.
--Also love Season 6, Episode 1 "Sliding Bobs" simply because it told the story of how Bob and Linda met (Boblin forever--I could also talk all day about why I love them). The rest of the episode I might not rank as high, only because it mainly just consists of the kids telling random "What-If" stories, but Tina's "What-If" story with Linda marrying Hugo instead is actually hilarious, especially Louise calling Tina a monster for making Charlize so sweet.
--Season 7, Episode 5 "Large Brother, Where Fart Thou?" because Gene actually being a big brother and standing up for Louise is just the best and sweetest thing ever. Also, Bob and Linda tripping out on weed cookies together is amazing ("We're old! We have kids!" :O).
--Season 7, Episode 18 "The Laser-Inth" because Bob is at his best in this episode as a Father. His comforting Gene after Gene has sensory overload while watching the show is incredible, poor Gene, honestly, just because of how excited he was before they got there. And then Gene actually enjoying the song when Bob just plays it in the car, and then them figuring out a way to sneak back in. Oh yes, this episode also contains one of my favorite inappropriate Gene lines (still have no idea if he knew what he was doing or not with this line): "Just imagine being in there, having an incredible climax!" And also when Bob mishears Gene at the end "I love you too son! :D" awwwwwwww. The side plot is kinda fun, too, but admittedly not as memorable as the main plot. I do love seeing Gretchen again, and Louise actually getting attached to her dinner doll, and Tina, despite her fear of the dolls, wants to give Louise a chance to sneak it out and keep it. It's nice but pretty simple.
--Season 8, Episode 21 "Something Old, Something New, Something Bob Caters For You" just has my whole heart because of how freaking sweet it is the entire time, it's almost like a cupcake in episode form. Linda comforting Bob and trying to remind him that he does make a difference making burgers, and then her realization that the couple they're catering for DO care about each other and lot and WILL make it after all is just great, and the fact that a couple fell in love in the restaurant in the first place is so, so heartwarming. The kids' subplot is pretty simple, but actually pretty sweet as well because they're just hanging out and having a contest to photobomb as many pictures as they can, it's great. And Louise actually upholds her word at the end when she loses. Also good lord, what was Bob looking up that had Linda so impressed and even slightly turned on? Hahaha.
--Season 3, Episode 10 "Mother Daughter Laser Razor", because Louise affirming the fact that she does, in fact, care about Linda is just very nice. Also, the flashback with Linda and Louise as a baby had me in stitches. Also, that scene where Louise punches Logan for liking "Freaky Friday". Ooh, ooh, and the "Where is Harry Truman" song. Wonderful. Plus, I love how much Gene wants to get his legs shaved like Tina and Bob.
--And finally, after a lot of deliberation, the last episode on the main list is Season 5, Episode 17 "The Itty Bitty Ditty Committee". I love seeing how Gene's band came to be and just learning that he only knows one chord is hilarious. It was interesting seeing him question if music was the right path for him, only for Tina and Louise to sweep in and remind him why he loves it so much in the first place.
Here are some Honorable Mentions (episodes I also love but didn't quite make the full cut):
--I gotta mention Season 4 Episode 17 "The Equestranauts" real quick for giving Bob a tattoo which they kept for the rest of the series, and the lengths he went to for Tina in this episode. Also, her wanting to stop playing with toys after everything Bob went through and him getting super mad and forcing her to play with Chariot at the end pffffffffft.
--I have to mention Season 4, Episode 5 "Turkey in a Can" because of Bob's line "I'm straight. I mean... I'm mostly straight". Yes. Perfection. One of the best lines. And him remembering potty-training Tina is just so sweet, I love it.
--Season 7, Episode 9 "Bob Actually" because it's adorable all around, I love the Louise/Rudy kiss in particular and Louise slapping him, hahaha. Also, Bob learning breakdancing for Linda is incredible, he needs to do it more in the show.
--Season 10, Episode 1 "The Ring (But Not Scary)" deserves a mention because it seriously shows just how dedicated Bob is to Linda, getting her the engagement ring for her that he was never able to when they actually got engaged (made me very emotional). Also, Linda's speech to Bob about their love not being in a ring but in everything they built together is one of the most beautiful things ever. It just loses a few points because of the fact that dang it, I just wanted Linda to get the darn ring because even though she doesn't need it, she does deserve it. At least the kids were genuinely remorseful about losing it and seeing Nat the Limo Driver is always a treat.
--Season 11, Episode 6 "Bob Belcher and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Kids" is one I'm mentioning literally just because of the song in this episode. God, why do I love it so much??? Why is it so catchy??? I particularly love when Louise is just like "It's nice to get to blame someone else" when it's revealed Hugo started the fire. Is it kind of a copout having Hugo start it? Eh, maybe, but I still like the reveal because it absolves the kids from guilt after they've been completely wracked with it the entire episode. Also, it's just kinda funny, because he acts like an angry kid when Ron forces him to confess.
--I gotta mention Season 11, Episode 11 "Romancing the Beef" because of Hugo finally finding love (I have to admit I was convinced the entire episode that he didn't have anyone coming to meet up with him, but he actually did--good for him) and Bob and Linda saying some of the things they love about each other is the softest, most domestic thing ever, God, everything they do during the Valentine's Day episodes is the best. Also, the outro is hilarious and wonderful.
--Season 11, Episode 12 "Die Card, or Card Trying". Am I just mentioning this because of the outro? Yes. Yes, I am. "Candy Cane Moose" is a masterpiece. And it's always lovely seeing the kids when they were younger in family photos. Plus, I loved seeing Bob get so excited about a juicer Linda got him.
--The "Some Like it Bot" two-parter, Season 12, Episodes 21-22. I really, really dig the musical numbers in both of these episodes that make up the two-parter, especially the one in the second part ("This JPEG is amazing!"). It really does hurt seeing Tina be made fun of so harshly, and her trying to get revenge in such a harsh manner is almost hard to watch. But I love it for that. Also, the fantasy sequences that take place in the "Blade Runner"-inspired world Tina makes up are super fun as well. Also poor Bob--glad they never showed who wrote the graffiti, but I also can't help but be super curious as to who did. It's also interesting seeing Tina actually making some peace with Tammy, even though it doesn't last for that long.
--Season 13, Episode 10 "The Plight Before Christmas" simply because the ending of this episode was EVERYTHING, easily one of the best in the series. It might even be my favorite Christmas episode. I love seeing Louise show her softer side again, her poem legitimately had me in tears. Also, Gene saving the show the sixth graders are putting on was absolutely glorious, and showing him telling Ms. Merkin the entire story during the dialogue-less montage was so sweet. Plus, the outro is just really nice, another one of my favorite outros I didn't mention in my ask to you.
--I gotta mention Season 3, Episode 14 "Lindapendent Woman", because of Linda and Bob's song together and their meeting up again in the store only to get interrupted by a shrimp, I can't with these two. Also, Teddy saying that Linda controls the thermostat masterfully is hilarious, and getting upset that Bob can't do it right. Also, it's extremely impressive that Linda has such a complex monetary system to keep the restaurant from going under. She's so dedicated, it's amazing.
--Season 9, Episode 16 "Roamin' Bobiday", literally just because that ending musical number made me cry, it's so freaking beautiful. Bob's passion is so palpable. Also, seeing the flashback to when he first got burnout is terrifying and hilarious.
--Season 11, Episode 7 "Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid", because I love "Turkey I Need You Beside Me" with all of my heart, and Bob's whole speech about loving to feed Gene is adorable, and just them bonding over turkey/other food during the outro, I love. The stories everyone tells are fun, but unfortunately not nearly memorable enough to be put on the regular list. Plus, I just have to say it's not an actual Thanksgiving episode like all the others.
--Finally, I must mention Season 5, Episode 1 "Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl" because that song is so glorious. Gene is somehow so incredible at writing music in this universe. Also love seeing Courtney back, and her and Gene working together.
I could list so many more episodes (tbh, I want to list them all, but that would defeat the purpose). I'm sure there were so many more I wanted to mention but these were all the definite highlights (also, the initial list wasn't in any particular order, I just wrote them as I remembered them). Did I put more episodes in the Honorable Mentions than in the actual list? Yes, yes I did.
I really loved doing this, actually!
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yahoo201027 · 2 years
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February 21: Happy 44th Birthday to Actor and Comedian turned Director and Filmmaker Jordan Peele, who provides the voice of the secondary/recurring character who is the 29-year-old girlfriend to Felix Fischoeder who was in prison at the end of Season 4 before being released as of the movie as the Bob’s Burgers character of Fanny.
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sailoreuterpe · 2 years
2. What’s your favorite episode and why?
This is such a hard question! I always second-guess myself but I'll do my best to be decisive. If I have to choose, I'll say "Glued, Where's My Bob?"
It's cliche, I'm sure, but the scene where Bob frees himself from the toilet is perfect. "Glued" is just so good and so quintessential "Bob's Burgers." The music is perfect, the ending is perfect, the characterizations are perfect.
Bob freeing himself and everyone--even his enemies--cheering is a beautiful show of the series's heart. Even at their lowest, the Belchers don't give up on each other or themselves. The core conceit of the show is that love (in all forms, but especially familial) can overcome almost anything and that love can soothe even the worst hurts.
Bob "fails" in that he doesn't get his perfect interview. However, he still wins because he frees himself and the whole town celebrates. Everyone loves a good underdog story and the Belchers are beloved citizens, both in-universe and out.
Yeah, I think that "Glued" is my favorite episode. It's both heartwarming and hilarious. Special mentions go to "Dawn of the Peck," "Friends with Burger-fits," and "Thanks-Hoarding."
14. What are your favorite ships?
I have so many now! Alex/Courtney/Gene (and all pairings within) Bob/Linda/Teddy (and all pairings within without any cheating) Calvin/Shelby Critter/Mudflap Fanny/Felix Gayle/Gretchen (they're both terrible; let them be terrible together) Gayle/Mr. Frond (if he apologizes for cheating) Gene/Zeke Jessica/Louise/Megan (and all pairings within) Jimmy Junior/Tina/Zeke (and all pairings within) Kaylee/Louise/Rudy (and all pairings within) Logan/Louise Louise/Zeke Mort/Kathleen/Teddy (and all pairings within without any cheating)
I'm so sure that I have many more. However, these are the first that come to mind. As for my OTP, it's actually an OT3 of Bob/Linda/Teddy!
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