#fanfiction infinite woollim hoya eunji hojicouple myungsoo woohyun dongwoo sunggyu sungyeol sungjong apink naeun bomi namjoo hayoung chorong
h0senpai-blog · 6 years
You are Pretty/ Casts
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h0senpai-blog · 6 years
You are Pretty / ep1 : Goodbye!
By : h0senpai
I wont ever leave your side again,
You can hate me, who hurt you once,
I'll remember it all,
I'll be in pain,
Just for you.
“Beep, Beep..”
Eunji quickly grabbed her phone as it rings. A message from Jisoo Oppa  . She smiled :)
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She jumped happily as she read the message. She misses her boyfriend so much. She walks towards her wardrobe and starts picking clothes to wear.
"Oppa loves blue,so let's wear blue!" said Eunji with a sweet smile written on her face.
"Oppa, thank you for treating me and I am super happy today. It has been a while since we last met a month ago. It seems like you're so busy lately, so i don't dare to disturb you." Eunji hugged Jisoo's arms and waiting for him to respond.
" Eunji –ah, oppa have something important to tell you.So let sit there first." Said Jisoo. They walked towards the nearest bench and sat comfortably.
They usually come to this park on weekend and spent times together , doing things they want that they had no opportunity to  do in school. They rarely meet at school because Jisoo was not in the same department with her, he's a rookie actor. Plus, he seemed a bit busy lately with the school theater project.
"What it is? I would like to hear that." She smiled. Jisoo sighed and avoided her eyes for seconds.
He suddenly hugged her tightly. 
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"Oppa wanjeonhi mianhada .Jeongmal mianhada" He started the conversation .He didn't looked into her face at all because all he felt was half guilty and half relieved. At least, he doesn't have to lie her anymore. At least...
" Wae,suddenly apologizing to me? Did you do something wrong,oppa? Wait, I know! You ate chicken and soju without me right? Isn't it true? Waaa, you're so cruel oppa."Eunji replied to Jisoo and laughed. All she was expecting was a normal joke from her boyfriend like he used to before.
But Jisoo seems not to be so happy with that. With a dark expression,he glanced at Eunji and gives her a bitter smile.
"Eunji,-ah, Let's break up." He tried his best to look at Eunji face. He felt very guilty but he had nothing to do with it. He already made the decision. He knows what he always wanted!
"Oppa , did you realized what you were saying? Don't make fun with it oppa, please. If it was a silly joke of yours, I don't buy it." Tears started streaming down from her eyes ,turning her face into red as she was really sad and mad at the same time. Jisoo did nothing but silently watched her crying. Pat her shoulder and comfort her? He doesn't have the right to do it anymore. He's just a stupid boyfriend!
After 10 minutes of silence, Eunji got her strength back and realized one thing...Why should I cry because of him? The one who cheated, the one who threw me away from his life?  You go,girl!
She took a deep breath and swept the tears over with her hand. She pretended that she was okay, while her inside was completely hurt. Hurted by the person she loved the most.
" I really mean it,Eunji. I can't stand with this kind of relationship anymore. I,,, I .. actually falling in love with someone else. I think, it's better to confess to you the truth  than cheating. We are just not meant to be together.,Eunji." She starred at Jisoo with such sardonic smile on her face. What a good man with words!
" So, who's the girl? Do I know her?" She suddenly asked.
"My junior ,taking the same course with me." He replied with a lower voice which made Eunji chuckled.
"Oh, I see. So, that's mean that all rumors that have been brought up about you and Hyunjoo are all true?" Jisoo didn't replied, admitting all the truth that he's been hiding for almost six months.
" Okay then, Let's not meet again." She got up from the chair and about to leave...leaving Jisoo with mixed feelings.
After taking a few steps away, she turned back.
" Oppa, When I said 'let's not meet again'  I do mean it forever."
A year has passed,
"Eunji hurry up ! We are late! Come on." Someone yelled outside Eunji's house.
" Wait for me Bomi. I need to tie up my shoelaces. " Eunji yelled back as a response.
Bomi is one of her best friends ever since they were 7 years old. They both are a part of a group called A-pink which was so famous
"Make it faster Eunji. 16 minutes left before they close the gate. I don't want to get into trouble this time,I swear!."
" Okay done. Let's go ! Eomma, I got to go now. Bye." Eunji grabbed her school bag and kiss her mother's cheeks.
"Wait, Eunji. How about your breakfast ?" Said Mdm Jung.
"It's okay. I'll take it at school. Najung-e boja eomma ( See you later Mom)." Said Eunji before she ran to Bomi who was waiting her for almost 8 minutes.
"Ppalli,Ppalli ! " Bomi shouted to Eunji.
They ran as quick as they could to reach at their school before the prefects closed the gate or else they'll get punished by their super weird discipline teacher, Mr Im Wohee.
[During recess]
"What a relief ,Eunji ! We almost get caught by Mr Im this morning. Hyaa, this is your fault. How come you woke up late? What did you do last night? You better tell me right now!"
"hmm, I...i just.. err. i... ju..just..." Eunji voice suddenly turned stutter.
" I...I What?? Please talk clearly because i can't understand your words,weirdo." Bomi showed her fed up face.
" Well, it's just under controlled. I slept at 4 am, watching Super Junior's new show. Wow, they were seriously JJang!! I couldn't get my eyes off from Donghae's new hairstyle. I'm so in love!" Eunji showed her thumbs up to Bomi who was about to explode.
"Waa, You're seriously..Come here," Bomi started grabbing Eunji's hair but she kept refusing and tried to run away. Lol,she was still laughing anyway...
"Hyaaa, what are you both doing? Seriously a wrestling show ? Waa, that must be very pain Eunji, isn't it?" Sungyeol and Minseok approached them and tried to loosen the little fight that had just began.
"Oh, look! Isn't that Jisoo? What the heck he is doing here? " asked Minseok. They looked at the spot that just mentioned by Minseok. Bomi's hands automatically stopped pulling Eunji's hair and let her go.
Obviously, it seemed that Jisoo was looking for something or someone in Music department.
"i don't know and don't even want to know.. Maybe he has something to do here. Whatever, I'm hungry. Let's go to the cafe." Bomi tried to cut the conversation as she spotted Eunji's somber face.She knew that Eunji must not really happy with the topic. It's because she had gone through a lot, trying to erase things between her and Jisoo. Dealing with the past isn't a good idea ,sometimes..
"Okay." They said simultaneously and left to the school cafe.
[Physical Education Class]
"Okay, it's wrap for today. Please take care of your health and eat well but make sure , don't take junk foods and beverages such as Soju or beer even a single glass. They'll make your body weak .Arasso?" Asked Mr Jongkook, the most hottest teacher after Ms G.Na.
"Ye,seonsaeng-nim." The gym was filled with their spirited voice.
"Okay, Good job everyone. You can dismiss now." ordered Mr Jongkook.
"Hey guys. I'm thinking about going to karaoke, anybody wants to follow?" Asked Eunji to her friends.
"Why so sudden?" Bomi answered her question with a question.
"Well, I feel a lil bit stressed out with tons of homeworks we've  got today. So, why not ?" She explained and convinced them to join.
"I'm so sorry,Eunji. Actually, Sungyeol and I have a date tonight. We had planned this since last month, so it's not just an excuse. So, I'm not really sure if I can go for accompany.Sorry. Let's meet tomorrow. Bye" Bomi pulled Sungyeol's shirt sleeves and left Eunji with Minseok.Eunji sighed.
"What about you?" asked Eunji to Minseok.
" It's a great idea but sorry. I need to meet someone at 3 p.m.  I got to go now. Hwaiting !" said Minseok before he left.
" Waaaa, how can I called them my best friends? ." She clapped her hand , so sarcastic!
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h0senpai-blog · 6 years
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This story is about a high school girl named Jung Eunji who failed in her relationship with her boyfriend Jisoo that was caused by the third person.
One day, Eunji walked besides their school field on her way home in the evening. One of the players at the field accidentally kicked a ball and almost hits her. However , a mysterious guy who wore mask suddenly grabbed her hands and hugged her to protect.She waits for the mysterious guy every day to thank but he never showing up himself after that day.She become even more curious to know about him.
Soon after, a transferred student from Busan came to her school and was noticed by the girls at the school because of his manly looks and perfect figure.
People called him, Hoya...
Hoya was placed by the teacher to sit besides Eunji. Whats make Eunji dislike him more , is because his fans will mistook her place as Hoya's and placed gifts on her table. Because of that Eunji treated him bad which made him become impatient and the war between them finally starts.
In the end of the year, they decided to build up a new band to compete in a school audition for their End-Year-Prom-Night.
They need to hire more people and befriend with them.At the same time, Hoya and Eunji suddenly realized that they were fallin in love with each other.
When they're about to confess their feeling to one other, Eunji found out that Hoya was dating another girl. Jisoo took this opportunity to get over Eunji back. Without any hesitation , Eunji accepted him and both Eunji and Hoya became strangers back.
What will happened to them ? Who are their destiny? Or they're born to be together????
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h0senpai-blog · 6 years
You are Pretty! (hoji couple)
 Oh hey , hi there !
This is my very first fanfic about Infinite. I've started writing this since 2014. But still, i didn't manage to complete it after a few years has passed.
Hmmn, I'm so sorry because my English ain't good enough to write this kind of story.  I mean, translate the story from the original one ( In Bahasa Melayu) wasn’t as easy as i thought.
So, i really hope that all of you can  perfectly understand my story line, the expression and the feeling i had put into this story.
Sorry again, you may leave some comments for good & improvement for me to refer next time.
I repeat, My English is not very  smooth at all. Hahaha ( Everyone deserves a try ,right?)
Hahaha. okay, thats all. Keep reading and follow me for my next chap and stories.
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