#fanfiction fan fic College CollegeHillBET BET
collegehillfanfic · 3 years
Season 1 Episode 7
It’s A Party, It’s A Party !
*Previously On College Hill*
The loud music filled the bottom half of the house. The guys were slightly impressed with the effort Panda put together. “Don’t get me wrong the girl is pretty but she just has that crazy vibe to her” Russell thought to himself. “Hey what’s up man” Drake greeted Laith and Russell. “What’s good” Russell replied back. “Looks like little miss Panda out did herself” Trey said as all the guys nodded their heads. “All I know is tonight is gonna pop” Laith said as he walked off into the party festivities out in the backyard. That nigga is crazy” Trey laughed as they followed Laith outside to the backyard.
- Confessional: Tae,Tonya, and Cece -
“Are y’all ready to party tonight!?” Cece yelled as she shimmed her shoulders from side to side and laughed in the camera. “Lawd help us tonight, it’s gonna be some shit tonight!” Tae laughed loudly. “Girl we are about to turn the damn heat up on this bitch” Tonya said as her thick accent came out. “Ouu H-Town Baby!” Tae exclaimed as her and Tonya high five each other. “Let’s party ladies” Cece said as they all walked out the confessional room plotting. 
The atmosphere of the entire house was thick filled with loud music and aroma of marijuana. Although this was a function ran by Panda. The entire house was going to participate in the festivities. There was all kinds of people outside in the backyard. Cece quickly scanned the sea of people that filled the backyard. Of course she was looking for Russell. If Cece knew any better, she knew Panda was trying to secure his attention as well. As the music was playing and everyone in the party was having a good time. If anything was going to happen, this would of been a perfect opportunity. 
“Excuse me miss” A deep voice said to Cece as she slowly was met with Russell’s tall frame. Cece immediately started smiling. “You looking for me?” Russell asked as his smile grew. “I was just looking around” Cece replied. Russell smiled as he knew the feeling of attraction was beyond mutual between them. Russ actually appreciated that Cece wasn’t making it too known that she was into him. Russ liked the chase. “Well do you want something to drink or anything?” Russ asked hoping Cece would want to hang out for a bit before someone else tried to pull his attention. “Sure. What are you drinking?” Cece asked as her accent crept in. That was Russell’s sweet spot, ever since he heard her speak he loved her Southern accent. 
As Russell and Cece walked off to get some drinks. Panda slightly noticed them together and grew irritated. She couldn’t understand why Russell wasn’t into her like she was into him. Her efforts to put together a party looked like it was all in vain. Fortunately she wasn’t going to give up the fight to win Russell over in the the end. 
The party was slowly dying down. It was slightly a success and everyone in the house was pleased except Panda. She was left outside cleaning up the mess everyone left. Tae, Tonya, Drake, Trey were in the living room relaxing on the couches. “So what did y’all think of the party?” Trey asked as he softly stroked Tonya’s hair. Tonya and Tae were slightly buzzed and taking every opportunity to just be under the guys. “It was okay or whatever” Tonya slurred as her accent came out. “Is that shade I detect?” Trey asked laughing as the others joined his laughing. “It ain’t nothing to get all excited over” Tonya said shrugging her shoulders. 
“Your girl over there sounds salty man” Drake chimed in as laughter continued to fill the room. “I said what I said” Tonya shrugged again. “No more Henny for my Houston Hottie” Tae said giggling. “Nothing wrong with a little Henny in your system” Tonya said then smirked. Tae instantly grinned knowing there was a small potential that the hormones were gonna kick in and get the best of the girls. “So ladies what are y’all trying to get into?” Trey asked and looked at Drake on the quickness.  Tonya slowly licked her lips and sat up from Trey’s lap. “What are you guys trying to do?” Tonya asked the guys in return. “Let’s watch a scary movie or something” Drake replied nonchalantly. “Okay” Tae and Tonya responded in unison. 
The girls didn’t know what they were getting themselves into. The night was still young with drunken hormones surging through the house. 
“I really couldn’t believe that these people that are suppose to be my roommates have me outside cleaning up” Panda thought to herself as she continued to pick up the empty Red Solo cups from the grass. “Who actually pulls a stunt like that! Ungrateful ass niggas” Panda continued thinking to her self. At this point Panda was fed up with the unwritten tension that the rest of the group was presenting. Panda finished up cleaning the rest of the scattered trash and start plotting her plan. 
As the night continued on, Panda continued on her mental rampage. She hopped onto her Twitter app. 
@PandaPandaPanda It’s funny how those underestimate me. Don’t sleep on me PERIODT 
Panda closed the app and chuckled to herself. She knew she could be crazy but justified in her actions. Achieving Russell as her prize was going have to wait. There was bigger business that needed to be handled. No one could see what Panda was creating. 
It was like the party was the perfect transition for Cece and I to talk and vibe together Russell thought to himself. The liquor helped set the mood and the flowing of thoughts of confidence. The weather wasn’t too chilly but just right with off beat breezes touching both Russell and Cece. “So what’s on your mind?” Russell asked out loud. Cece quietly let out a sigh. “Honestly, I’m really grateful to have the opportunity to live a semester with a group of cool ass people” Cece replied. Russell leaned up from the bed and smirked at Cece. “What?” She said laughing and sitting up. “Okay okay maybe not Panda but you know what I’m saying Negro” She said laughing as her southern accent flowed to Russell’s ears. 
“You know that accent is like gold right” Russell said looking deep into Cece’s eyes. Just the eye contact was enough for Cece to blush hard. “So I’ve been told” Cece replied as she moved some hair out of her face. “By me of course” Russell replied confidentially. Cece just laughed and enjoyed the moment that was unfolding between them. Cece couldn’t help and think what it would be like to with a man such as Russell. Russell was a confident but complex type of young man. Those qualities alone attracted Cece to Russell. “So Miss Cece I was thinking if you’re free it would be cool if you’d come to my game tomorrow night” Russell said as he held a small hope that Cece would agree. “I’d love to. I’ll ask if the others want to come to support” Cece said smiling back at Russell. 
“Sounds like a plan.”
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collegehillfanfic · 3 years
Season 1 Episode 8
Previously on College Hill
“You know that accent is like gold right” Russell said looking deep into Cece’s eyes. Just the eye contact was enough for Cece to blush hard. “So I’ve been told” Cece replied as she moved some hair out of her face. “By me of course” Russell replied confidentially. Cece just laughed and enjoyed the moment that was unfolding between them. Cece couldn’t help and think what it would be like to with a man such as Russell. Russell was a confident but complex type of young man. Those qualities alone attracted Cece to Russell. “So Miss Cece I was thinking if you’re free it would be cool if you’d come to my game tomorrow night” Russell said as he held a small hope that Cece would agree. “I’d love to. I’ll ask if the others want to come to support” Cece said smiling back at Russell. 
“Sounds like a plan.”
- The Next Morning - 
After last night’s activities the bonds between the students were growing and growing. It was bound to cause friction in no time. No one address the fact that Panda threw herself a party in efforts to gain Russell’s attention. It was almost a lost cause Russell and Cece’s bond was growing into something interesting and potentially serious. Everyone swore they weren’t coming into the house to find anything but the events of hormones and emotions was changing that. 
Cece was on cloud 9 with last night’s festivities and her conversation with Russell. She couldn’t stop smiling and humming to herself. “I think you’re in love with the boy” Tae said interrupting Cece’s inner thoughts and smiling at her. Cece didn’t argue with Tae. “I think I really like him Tae” Cece admitted as the smile on her face grew. “About time you admit the shit, at least to me!” Tae said laughing and pulling Cece into a hug. The girls just laughed and embraced each other. The bond that Tae and Cece shared was tighter than tight almost like long lost sisters. 
“So what you doing tonight?” Cece asked as they parted. “Nothing, I’m kinda burnt out on going out. I wanna lay low at the house if anything” Tae responded as the girls started walking to the lecture hall for their class. “Well if you change your mind. Russell invited me to come out and watch his game tonight” Cece said smiling hard. “Oh scratch what I said. We’re up in that !” Tae exclaimed excitedly. The girls continued on their way towards their class. 
- Back at The Study Lounge in the House -
“So how’s your classes been?” Tonya asked Laith as they studied for their different classes. “It’s going okay but there’s a fine ass girl in my Art Lit class” Laith said grinning at the mention of this mysterious girl. Tonya instantly rolled her eyes. “Is there ever a moment when your light skinned ass isn’t talking or thinking about a girl” Tonya asked as Laith laughed and shook his head. “Baby I’m the player type. Of course I’m always thinking of the next fine honey” He boasted loudly and laughed. “You’re too much you know that” Tonya said shaking her head at his foolishness. “And that’s why you’re my friend. You love me for me” He joked as Tonya cracked a small smile. 
The door in the foyer slammed as an enraged Panda rushed through with a major attitude. Laith and Tonya looked at each other and just shook their heads in sync. “Why-” Laith began but was silenced by Tonya’s look of keep your mouth closed. Panda was pissed that she was being put on suspension before the big game that was tonight. She knew her actions were wrong but she wasn’t aware that she was going to be snitched out. “How could he snitch on me!” She said fuming to herself. Panda believed she was so slick that no one could see through her plots. Even though she was suspended for the next two games, she wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to see Russell in his element so she could spark conversation between them. The game continued within Panda’s mind which was to secure Russell as prize. No matter what !
- Music Department: Studio A - 
Since the past Music Showcase Trey performed in, He wanted to showcase more of his songwriter side. He wanted to make a song that was gonna be meaningful and something that he could express himself to Tonya. The fact this girl had him so wrapped up in his head was beginning to become something serious for him. “Hey bro, you ready to step in the booth to record that part?” The student engineer asked as Trey opened the recording booth to step in. “Let’s do this shit” Trey responded as he grabbed the headphones and positioned himself in front of the microphone. 
The music started filling Trey’s headphones. And He began to sing.  
Shawty, where you at? Shawty, where you at? Shawty, where you at?
Yeah, yeah It gets lonely in this business, need a homie, who's the realest Someone who wants to find out all that I have to give Who can bring me, what is missin' when I talk, she want to listen Sittin' patient, steady waitin' for the day when I can face it The one that can love me for who I am and so much more
Is it you? You're my bond, say that I, I found the one I ain’t goin' to rest till I know for sure so Baby, please me believe me when I tell you that I need a girl So come on pretty lady won't you holla back? I need a girl I'ma tell you what I need, I need a girl that's gon' be my baby So if you love me, say I'm your baby, so fine I go that's my baby So if you need me, say you're my baby
Trey finished singing and deeply sighed with contentment with what he just recorded. This song was precious to him due to the fact Tonya was inspiration for it. The next step was to finish the track and present the song at the next Singer/Songwriter Showcase that was coming up soon. This might have been the moment Trey was gonna shoot his shot with Tonya. 
- Game Night : The Mighty Bison Bills Arena - 
The entire housemates ended up coming out to support their boy Russell at his game versus Clark Atlanta. The game was already active and live with energy from both sides. “Aye this lit!” Tonya exclaimed as the game continued on. The Howard Bison were up by 10 points due to Russell executing all the plays with assists and quick movements down the court. The home team exploded with cheers as one of the teammates attempted a steal and dashed down the court to secure the basket. Immediately Russell speed down to deliver the basket. Russell leaped mid air to dunk the ball into the basket. The entire arena erupted with noise. “Russell Westbrooks with a massive dunk for the Howard Bison!” The announcer roared over the speakers. 
“Girl he’s out there killing it” Tae whispered to Cece who was watching how explosive Russell was in his art of his sport. Cece was beyond amazed at how good Russell was and the fact he wanted to share the experience with her. “Yeah he’s really good like NBA good” Cece replied. The third quarter was ending and the cheering continued as both teams returned into the locker rooms. 
“Well girl if they win we at least have to do something for the man or you could give him celebratory coochie” Tae said teasing Cece. They both laughing knowing that if the opportunity presented itself it would be no question. “Well I don’t know about all that but its a good idea” Cece said giggling. 
The game was a successful win. Howard ended up sweeping up the win and Russell ended the game with the 40 points, 6 assists, and 5 rebounds. He was beyond content with how he played tonight. The team wanted to hit a kick back and celebrate since the head coach announced that there was no practice the next day. Russell had other plans that including picking Cece’s brain about what she thought and other things. Russell couldn’t rush quick enough to shower and get dressed. As the the locker room was emptying, Russell grabbed his gym bag and headed to the exit. He had hoped that Cece was still in the vicinity so they could at least walk together to the van with everyone. 
Cece separated herself so she could at least be the first one to congratulate Russell on his big win. Her nerves were taking over and she was trying her best to calm herself down so she wouldn’t look foolish. As Cece lifted her head, she instantly saw his tall frame in the crowd. The smile growing on her face said it all. As Russell and Cece’s eyes met, they shared the same excitement. “Hey you” She said shyly blushing. “Hey Cecret” He said then pulling her into a big hug. Cece naturally wrapped her arms around Russell’s neck as he hugged her small little frame tight enough for his cologne to fill her nose. They both slowly released their embrace. The chemistry between the two of them was undeniably evident. “You ready to head home?” Russell asked Cece. She nodded and smiled. Instantly with no hesitation, Russell grabbed Cece’s hand intertwining their fingers together. Everything between them felt so natural and it was getting real very quickly. 
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