#fanfic mha
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miyokurenai · 2 years ago
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••••••••[ Shoto x reader x Deku ]••••••••••
You have something on your palms, held tight with your fingers softly for it not to deform. But minutes have passed and you are still looking at what you hold. A thing that you put your heart on every knit, it's soft that you could cuddle if you're scared but you will give it to someone who is brave enough to face death. Now you wonder, shall I give it?
But you know you've spend all day and all nights to sew perfectly every part of it. The furry paws, head, ears and tummy made of cloth similar to a color of hazelnut brown or tree bark. Nose and eyes hand stiched from a blackish ink thread with added designs. Especially the cushion scarlet heart that the thing you made holds. Symbolizes of what you want to express but cannot tell.
"I hope he likes this teddy bear" you whispered to yourself with determination for you are ready of the possible outcomes.
You knocked at it gently but with a powerful sound for him to hear. You waited if he will open it.
You feel your heart beating faster while waiting. What would you say and do? What would he say and do? These questions made you gulp.
At last you heard a door knob ready to open and you saw it moving hinting that its already happening. Now you feel nervous even more but it is now or never.
You sighed and now you feel he's in front of you. Still not looking straight to his eyes afraid of saying different words if you did. So you looked at the floor. While holding the teddy you want to give him all this time.
"Please accept this..." Now you decided to look to him ready to tell the words only he can hear.
".... Deku?" You said out of confusion that made your tone a little pitched. He left a shocked expression for he doesn't know how to respond and you also don't know what to say.
"Oh! T-thanks I-"
"What I meant was accept this and give it to Shoto. Sorry I didn't mean to give the wrong idea. I'm truly sorry" you said and bowed waiting for his response.
I messed up! Your inner voice screamed.
"It's okay I'm just about to say thanks, I will surely give it to him" he said with a friendly tone that eased the regret you felt for the misunderstanding. He gave a smile to tell that there's no problem.
You noticed that smile was different so there's a stab of guilt inside you. Receiving something from someone to you is a different kind of happiness. Who wouldn't be hurt? He's your friend. You're consience whispered that made you even more feel guilty.
He's always there with you in times of crying and laughing. His cheerful and inspiring attitude made you get more close to him. A boy of blackish crow and a dark green grass strand of color in his hair. With it's childish face and dots at his cheeks that is a unique facial feature. Which you made his day bad.
"I'll make something for you--"
"It's okay I mean it. I want to be given from the heart not from guilt..." He cut out what I'm saying where he is a type of guy who would not do that. There was a silence after, that irritated my ear where the guilt before multiplied inside me.
"You want to come in? He's inside training. I just fetched the door, you know him. When it comes to training he doesn't hear anything" he said while laughing. Looks like they're enjoying not until you came. Your guilt's side said
There's a part of you that you want to come in to see Shoto but half of it is that you need to give space for Deku. You know that he has an attitude of always smiling even if he is hurt.
"I'm tired making that so I'll train with you tomorrow"
"Oh! You made this for him..." He mumbled but you heard it since where just face to face. He looked at the teddy bear and gave a slight smile. "He'll like it for sure" he cheerfully said.
"I hope so, I'm going. Good luck training and be sure not to out do yourselves guys!" You exclaimed as you waved good bye to him and he waved back. Then he came in then shut the door.
You started to walk but the feet that usually jumps or runs if you know Shoto is around seems gloomy now. Walking slow paced while thinking of what mistake you have done.
You slapped your forehead out of stupidity for doing stupid things earlier.
You were insensitive but you will make up to Deku tommorow, that cheered yourself.
"Hey! (You're name)"
You turned you're head to confirm if that's Deku's voice. Looks like you should do that now you thought when you recalled that you said to yourself you'll make up to him.
You ran to him for he is already panting, maybe he is exhausted after the training.
"What is it?"
"He..... Said...... He....."
Deku spoke but still catches his breath
"You should drink first before you faint" you advised as you gave him a water bottle from my shoulder bag.
He took it and drunk it fast, just in a second your bottle is already empty and let out a chuckle
"Is this so important that you need to run like a horse. You're almost looked like a horse" you teased him and he laughed while he wiped his sweat on his forehead.
"No time for teasing. I gave it already and he said... I don't want it" he said but lowered a Little his voice for he knows that would affect you badly while lending the teddy to you.
" He doesn't.... Want ... It.." you repeated aloud out of pain. Tears are formed at the edge of your eyes that slowly falled on you cheek.
"I'm really not good at sewing, I understand him. Thanks for telling" you said and gave a bitter smile trying to cover the ache.
You were waiting for his response, a gesture or anything that could cheer me up but he did nothing. Is he still the Deku I used to know? You asked yourself inside you're mind but you just think of ridiculous thinks because you're hurt. Maybe that's what you are experiencing.
He just stood there, watching you cry like a weakling. You started to turn for you to get out of this place, head home, and let it all out under my pillow. But instead of a wide hallway, you bumped on to someone.
You thought it's his fault since, why would you?
The hall is fairly wide and not crowded unable to bump easily to people. It depends if it's blind or pretending to.
You breathed out to release the frustration you felt for things might get worse if your temper hit you and hitted to someone.
"I'm sorry for bumping-" you apologized even if it's not you're fault for things to run smoothly. When you looked who you bumped at, you almost exploded heat if you can. You Don't know if it comes from anger or fluster.
"I should be the one to apologize." He replied then sighed as if he is saying some words he normally doesn't tell or just lazy to tell it. " I don't want it " he said and held the teddy you we're holding and lifted up at the level of our faces. Now our hands are wrapped at the teddy bear.
"I know that already" you sarcastically said and put down your hands for him to get out of your sight. But he gripped tightly that resulted of you not able to let go.
He sighed again that annoyed you a little for not only you are close to his his half whitish snow hair and half flaming red hair, pair of attracting eyes; one blackish grey graphite hue and the other oceanic green pupil, proportionate jawline and fair right tanned skin. But you can also smell the minty air from his breath.
"I don't want it...... I want you..." he sincerely said. A guy who appears emotionless that always prioritize what's practical can say these words out of him.
You were speechless of what would you say and what should you even believe.
"To personally give that to me" he continued that almost made you melt at the floor for expecting other meaning of what he said.
Both of you released at wrapping each other's arms on the teddy bear and then you made a move for you to get home already.
"Oh sure, here" you calmly said still leaving a hint of anger in your tone. You gave him that teddy but the feelings of enthusiasm was not like before.
"Giving gifts personally is a different situation. It allows you to hear and see only you can understand and the receiver can only tell. Let's get back Deku" After telling that he walked beside me and straight back to the training room while hearing two feet's walking away leaving you standing alone.
You looked down and wiped your tears for no one to notice you and categorize as weak. While doing it you saw a heart laying on the floor.
You took it immediately for this heart is familiar, a creator know it's own work.
You concluded that you didn't stiched it nicely that's why the heart cushion of the teddy bear dropped.
But you're jaw also dropped for there's a stiched letters in white color where you can read it clearly.
My heart belongs to you,
as always
- S.T.
Hope you enjoyed reading it. This is my first time trying to make a one shot focusing on fanfic so I hope I did fine.
Every heart and comment is really appreciated thank you. You can say what you want to say. Don't let others stop you from saying what you want.
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arieeag · 2 years ago
Hijos del este
El libro perdido
Capítulo 10: El primer retorno y los vientos del sur.
Los cuervos vuelan sobre la espiga seca en los campos al Sur del castillo Deika, mientras los campesinos eran desechados al foso de dos en dos o de diez en diez con carretas. En polvo quedaron las promesas de protección cuando un señor del Norte se presentó con 1 corazón de carbón impregnado con la sangre y la carne del primer hijo del Rey Moribundo…
De pronto, las flechas vuelan desde los parapetos hacia un caballo que galopa por el puente, montado por dos personas. Los soldados luchan por reparar las cadenas rotas del mecanismo que abre la puerta de la fortaleza. Casi los pierden de vista cuando los silentes logran cruzar las puertas a pleno galope, sobre caballos briosos rumbo al bosque caníbal.
La espesura frondosa apenas les sirve para ocultarse, tan densa y mezquina que los únicos caminos disponibles son aquellos que los mismos campesinos hicieron a fuerza de hachazos y machetazos.
Los troncos delgados crecen tan cerca uno de otro, que parecen una muralla mientras las copas tupidas se entrelazan formando cúpulas casi perfectas, con nidos de aves colgando como racimos, en comunidades más grandes que una cabeza.
El caballo corre desesperado través del túnel de árboles, con el peso de un ingeniero espía y el secretario dagobés del maestre. El ingeniero militar, apenas se mantiene despierto, con la herida fresca cruzando el pecho, la cabeza le cuelga contra el hombro del omega que está sentado detrás.
Tras ellos, van dos jinetes negros siguiendo sus pasos de cerca, pero a Tenia Lyda le queda la última trampa hecha por Hatsume.
No sabe de dónde saca la fuerza, pero logra maniobrar el cuerpo inconsciente, para tomar una esfera de cerámica. Es pesada para su tamaño, sin orificios, pero sabe que tiene que lanzarla al piso para quebrarla. El punto es que el soldado fue muy claro al respecto: la trampa una vez rota, liberará chispas de luz y fuego con esquirlas que mataran a quien se encuentre a menos de 8 pies de distancia. Tiene que decidir entre dejarla caer suavemente para ver si las pisadas de los caballos que los persiguen la revientan o intenta quebrarla directamente el mismo.
Finalmente opta por la segunda, porque si ellos los atrapan de todas formas los matarán inmediatamente. En silencio, le reza a alguno de los dioses en que él soldado creía para que salgan vivos de esta.
Con fuerza tira la trampa hacia el piso, pero la vasija rebota un palmo. Sus ojos se cierran mientras la espalda se pone rígida esperando el impacto, pero nada ocurre. Para su mala o buena suerte el artefacto no se rompe hasta que el caballo del segundo de sus perseguidores pasa por encima, pisándola con los cascos.
Es estruendo es tan abrumador que el caballo se encabrita mientras choca con las ramas de los árboles al tiempo que una luz abrumadora ilumina todo el sendero 10 metros a la redonda. La yegua los tira al suelo y se caen ambos al piso, mientras el jinete que iba justo detrás se desploma con la capa negra incendiada y esquirlas enterradas en la nuca.
Mas atrás el fuego se propagaba por el camino y las copas de los árboles, las aves huyen despavoridas e incendiadas. La yegua que iba con ellos escapa lejos de las llamas y Tenya apenas logra levantarse antes de que una rama quemada le caiga encima. La herida en el pecho de Hatsume vuelve a sangrar, y el intenta despertarla, pero, aunque abre sus ojos, la fiebre ya ha tomado mucho del Beta, no le quedan fuerzas para levantarse y escapar.
- Déjame aquí Tenya y llévate la medalla – le dice acariciando su rostro mientras el hombre comienza a llorar.
Tenya se muerde los labios, pero la expectativa de quedarse solo en el mundo de nuevo no es algo que esté dispuesto a vivir de nuevo, no después de ver como mataban a su hermano y su familia. Tosiendo, hace lo mismo que vio a los reclutas hacer incontables veces en los campos de entrenamiento. Flexiona las piernas del soldado, luego lo agarra por los brazos y de un tirón lo sube al hombro.
El beta jadea con fuerza por el aumento de presión sobre la herida y luego vuelve a insistir que lo deje ahí, más el omega resopla con fuerza negando con la cabeza mientras los ojos se le llenan de lágrimas. Entonces el humo y el calor los envuelve. Sus pies avanzan lento, uno por delante del otro con gran tensión al tanto que el corazón late rápido contra su pecho, la desesperación entorpeciendo sus pensamientos, pero se aferra a las palabras de Hatsume. “No existe la histeria omega, Tenya“
Sus pies toman un ritmo desgarbado, que tarda en ponerse firme y luego son un trote a medida que se convence de las palabras que el Beta le enseño. Sin darse cuenta, ya está encarrera limpia, desviada, a veces torpe cuando las raíces traicioneras se interponen, pero el viento acaricia su rostro, acusando su empeño y rapidez. El humo que se había acumulado rápidamente con la explosión y el espacio cerrado, se diluye o más bien Tenya logra superarlo. La salida poco a poco se dibuja en su mente como un lienzo morado tapizado de estrellas.
Se cae de rodillas sobre la hierba alta, mientras las aves incendiadas caen como estrellas por el campo y a lo lejos, la sombra de la yegua fugitiva contrasta con la luz plateada de la luna llena.
- ¿Al sur? – jadea Tenya pero el soldado nunca le responde.
En su inconciencia, él se pierde en la orilla del mar azul, la arena blanca que trae consigo conchas de formas puntiagudas y espinosas, las voces de una pareja parecidos a ella…no a él, lo llaman al agua que se mece con calma reflejando destellos de arcoíris.
- ¡Mei, Mei! – llama alguien y ella se queja antes de abrir los ojos cansados.
A su alrededor, se alza un cielo de piel y tela, mientras circulan gentes vestidos de colores y armaduras de cuero. Asustada se incorpora, pero no tiene idea de donde está, ni quienes son, pero una voz dentro de su cabeza le susurra que en realidad si lo sabe. Paso mucho tiempo…Pero era verdad, lo sabe, ellos son su gente, la tribu que abandonó hace tantos años para protegerlos aún si en ese entonces era una niña.
Alguien grita en su dirección y otros le hablan con voz gruesa, pero ha pasado tanto tiempo desde que escucho o tuvo que emplear la lengua nativa que le cuesta trabajo hilar las oraciones.
- La gran Khan viene, quiere hablar contigo…
Mei los mira y se palpa el cuerpo, trae vendas en todos lados y nada de ropa debajo. Las cartas y el plano que robo de la oficina del Maestre estaban en sus ropas. Todo lo que necesitaba estaba ahí.
- Ella tiene las cartas. - le dice un hombre de cabello castaño, no sabe quién es, pero el hombre tiene el rostro amable y solemne, toma asiento en su cama y la impregna con feromonas calmantes. - Tuvieron suerte de que los vigías no los asesinaran…
- ¿…Tenya?… ¿Esta aquí? Necesito verlo
- Está, no te preocupes. Ya dijo su parte y ahora tú tienes que decir la tuya.
Así regresa el primer Hijo del este, para contarles sobre la guerra civil, que Redestro es un hombre peligroso y traidor y que Deika se prepara con la mayor arma de guerra del imperio, los magos.
Izuku suspira contra la jaula tras ser el noveno día desde que los salvajes partieron armados otra vez, hacia el norte. Esta vez le explica a Kota que los temblores del suelo son por las pisadas de todos los hombres que se mueven a la vez y que otra batalla se librará para quedarse con la tierra de la región sur. Y es claro y sentencioso, advirtiendo que es muy probable que nunca regresen a casa.
Por el frente ya no tienen visión de las carpas luego de que se construyera una empalizada con madera.Todavía no está terminada, pero al paso que van no les queda mucho más, sin embargo, aún sospecha que tienen una forma de salir rápido y escapar en caso de que las cosas se torcieran en su contra.
Con el paso de los días también llegaron más rehenes, provenientes de los pueblos situados al este, ubicados cerca de la meseta lunar, una planicie elevada con forma de medialuna, tapizada por el bosque Guyot. Los distribuyen en las jaulas separando a los que vienen del mismo lugar para que no puedan organizarse.
Sin embargo, en este punto, Izuku ya memorizó la frecuencia con que cambian los vigilantes de las jaulas y cada cuando tiempo pasan las patrullas de Betas. Incluso sabe que las betas no se intercambian entre compañías, porque siempre se presentan acompañados por los mismos salvajes, incluyendo al imbécil rubio llamado Goto.
El hombre siempre está vigilando en su dirección, incluso se detiene a buscarlo cuando Izuku deliberadamente se queda en medio de la jaula para camuflarse con los cuerpos de los demás. Se la tiene jurada, pero no puede hacer nada para herirlo de nuevo. No de momento.
Los alimentos también llegan con mayor variedad, aunque esto es solo porque los pueblos han entregado muchos recursos a fin de que los salvajes no quemen sus casas. Esto podría considerarse traición razona, pero no los culpa. El rey había fallado estrepitosamente en proteger la región sur, aunque algo de esperanza deben tener todos, porque si han tardado tanto en regresar es que entonces la fortaleza Muzan y Deika tuvieron tiempo de prepararse mejor.
Los ojos de Izuku nunca dejan el norte, atento al cielo y los mensajeros que podrían llegar para anunciar el resultado de la batalla. Y mientras espera que cualquier cosa pase, por la noche le cuenta a Kota historias del abuelo sobre los campamentos militares y los viaje de Hisashi por la región, con la esperanza de que algo aprenda con ellos.
Pero su postura vigilante comienza a llamar la atención de más gente que Goto. A veces, rodean las jaulas salvajes curiosos que se han quedado atrás, pero no son cualquiera sino alfas y omegas jóvenes. Uno de ellos es alto y ruidoso. Izuku detesta a ese porque siempre está paseando caballos, ríe fuerte con las manos en la cadera cuando se para frente a las jaulas y los huele como si quisiera tasarlos de ante mano.
Es un mocoso y ni siquiera tiene preguntar para saberlo. Los alfas mayores no tienen tantos problemas para controlar sus feromonas y su estupidez hace que los caballos bufen enojados y agiten la cola. Si no tiene cuidado, podrían patearlo o uno con más carácter lo derribará sin contemplaciones.
Dicho y hecho, esa mañana un caballo enorme y negro pasa corriendo, mientras las betas se apartan de su camino. La bestia Bufa y relincha pateando con los cascos negros de las patas traseras. Izuku se ríe con las demás omegas cuando ve salvajes corriendo de un lado a otro, lejos del semental enojado y uno se cae de una torre de vigilancia con un grito, cuando la bestia hizo amago de una tacleada.
Sin embargo, pese al carácter, es un animal magnifico, tiene el pelaje brillante y la crin igual de sedosa con trenzas tejidas en hilo rojo. Izuku piensa que un ejemplar tan hermoso y fuerte tiene todo el derecho de ofenderse si cualquiera quiere domarlo, un animal así debe ser domado por una personalidad incluso más beligerante y explosiva.
Cuando se queda quieto para pastar, rápidamente un grupo se acerca con cuerdas desde atrás e Izuku le cubre los ojos a Kota para que no vea lo mal que lo van a pasar. Porque así no capturas a un semental enojado.
Son bestias orgullosas y solo aceptan dos cosas: fuerza o servicio. Y ya que no parece que haya alfas fuertes por el momento Izuku extiende sus brazos a través de los orificios de la jaula ante la expresión atónita de Kota.
-Pon atención. – dice Izuku usando un pie para impedir que se mueva de su lado.
El semental mira en su dirección cuando la brisa atrae el olor de Izuku. Entonces se acerca trotando un corto tramo, oliendo con desconfianza hacia la jaula, luego corre a toda velocidad para embestirlos, pero Izuku no se mueve ni un centímetro a pesar de los gritos de los demás que se apiñan contra la muralla contraria.
Justo antes de estrellarse la bestia se detiene mirándolo con ojos negros y profundos, pero hunde la nariz en las glándulas de olor en las muñecas de Izuku. Entonces lame sus manos y se queda quieto, la cola suave y calmada.
- ¡¿Co-Como?! ¡Qué hiciste! – le grita el alfa joven de cabello negro y ojos rasgados. Tiene la boca abierta al igual que todos los demás. Antes de que el caballo se encabritara ya había intentado todo para calmarlo y nada funcionó.
Izuku eleva la barbilla orgulloso, disimulando una sonrisa cuando Kota le dirige una mirada llena de admiración.
-Pueden acercarse ahora, pero por el frente no de espaldas o esta vez sí matara a alguien…- dice Izuku y una beta hace eso casi temblando. Porque este era uno de los malditos caballos demonios del Hijo Bakugo.
- Soy Inasa Yoyoarashi. Ahora dime como lo hiciste -insiste el alfa caminando hacia la jaula luego de que se llevaran al semental.
Izuku mira al alfa joven y sus brazos desnudos y ahora que está cerca se da cuenta que debe tener la misma edad que él. Seguramente un aspirante, o una especie de escudero si es que los salvajes tienen algo parecido.
- Los sementales solo aprecian dos tipos de olor: el de un alfa fuerte o el de un omega complacido. – confiesa, sin ocultar que está muy contento de ver el desastre que causó el hermoso semental.
La sonrisa de Inasa se abre todavía más y ríe con fuerza- Me gustan los omegas valientes…-dice mientras se despide meneando la cabeza. A medio camino sus pies disminuyen la velocidad hasta detenerse completamente.
- ¡Sáquenlo de la Jaula! – ordena de pronto.
Las betas escuchan lo que dice, pero se demoran en acatar la orden. Cuando la puerta se abre, Izuku retrocede y Kota se pone por delante con los pies firmes.
-Aléjate de él – grita Kota entre enojado y aterrado.
- ¡Cierra la boca! tú también vienes - y sin más se echa a Kota encima de hombro mientras otras dos betas agarran a Izuku por los brazos y lo sacan de la jaula.
-Muchachos, muchachos – dice Inasa con una sonrisa burlona- Es un pobre omega Dagobes, no sean tan enérgicos
-Dile eso a Goto, a ver si está de acuerdo contigo – espeta el beta bajando al niño para agarrarlo del cuello de su chaleco.
Inasa mira en dirección de Izuku y este niega con la cabeza, pálido como un fantasma, pero el niño se cruza de brazos con una sonrisa. El alfa de pronto sospecha que la versión de Goto es dudosa, todos saben que fue el omega quien lo golpeo, pero el niño parece demasiado orgulloso de algo que no hizo…
-Omega, ya que eres tan experto y yo un alfa débil, vas a ayudarme con los caballos Bakugo…-sentencia y se los lleva a las caballerizas.
Izuku traga saliva y suda mucho de camino ahí, de haber sabido que este alfa era tan importante no habría dicho una palabra. Por otro lado, no sabe que falló en su análisis, los capitanes o jefes de cuadrilla como Tokoyami, y el alfa rubio portaban todos unos brazaletes con filigranas de plata, formando figuras de distintos animales…A no ser, que Inasa fuera el hijo de un gran señor y que por eso nadie lo contradecía, aunque claramente no tiene un cargo militar importante.
El semental que arrulló yace solitario contra un poste de madera, los otros caballos se alejan de él, agrupados en piños de 4 o 5 cerca de los bebederos. Mucho más al fondo, hay un corral pequeño donde otros dos caballos trotan en círculos bufando y amenazando con los cuerpos a los betas que intentan acercarse.
- No sé qué les pasa, no habían provocado problemas hasta anoche, cuando despertaron a medio campamento…Relinchaban como si algo los hubiera asustado y este de aquí se escapó. Pude controlarlo, pero en la mañana fue peor. Es como si algo los preocupara
- ¿Hay yeguas en celo? – pregunta Izuku
-No, pero las que ya tienen fecha cercana las mandamos al sur
-Eso no bastará, pero es buena idea…Sin embargo, creo que están nerviosos ¿Quién es su dueño? Tal vez necesitan olerlo, los caballos se guían mucho por el olor de sus amos…
Inasa lo observa un momento largo. Era justo lo que pensó, pero está tomando hierbas para entrenar su control de feromonas y ninguno de los omegas que trajo pareció agradarles a los sementales- Estos son los caballos del Hijo de la Gran Khan, Katsuki Bakugo. Esta en la batalla ahora mismo
Izuku se muerde los labios al reconocer el nombre, pero saber eso solo plantea más preguntas que respuestas.  ¿Qué estaría haciendo el hijo de la reina salvaje en el bosque a cargo de una vanguardia…? No le parece que ese sea el trabajo del hijo de un lider importante.
- Entiendo. Podría intentar con mi olor, pero me diste un susto terrible, a lo mejor no resulta. – le dice con sinceridad. Inasa asiente y entonces se aleja hacia otro poste donde cuelga un saco, del interior saca dos duraznos y se los da. - ¿Eso te complace omega? Y no me has dicho tu nombre
Izuku sonríe un poco cohibido por la mirada profunda de Inasa, pero de igual forma muerde la fruta mientras le entrega la otra a Kota- Soy Izuku de Midoriya, un campesino. Y él es Kota Midoriya, mi hijo.
Al día siguiente, Inasa regresa por Izuku y su cachorro para calmar a los sementales de Katsuki, pero mientras termina de hacerlo, alguien llega corriendo entregando un mensaje urgente a Inasa quien abre la boca al tiempo que su voz se agrava- Lleven a Izuku a las jaulas rápido, tomen 10 caballos y mándenlos al sur con Shinso …- entonces se muerde la lengua al darse cuenta de que estaba diciendo todo en la lengua común dagobense.
Izuku se va escuchando las ordenes restante sin poder entenderlas, pero se apresura a regresar rápido a las jaulas porque algo debió pasar para que de pronto todo el campamento y el castillo se moviera en la forma en que se estaban preparando. Quizás se alistarán para escapar, pero esa esperanza muere cuando pasan las horas y ninguna carpa se desarma ni ve salir gente del asentamiento militar.
Se hace de noche cuando una briza caliente golpea las jaulas y otros vigías pasan corriendo y gritando más ordenes, los vigías de las torres nunca se mueven de su posición, pero el barullo tras la empalizada advierte que la gente se está movilizando con una serie de tareas y de apoco ve las primeras señales sobre lo que está pasando.
Los vigías disminuyen en número y las fogatas se encienden, lo sabe porque diversas volutas de humo se elevan desde distintos puntos y el castillo abre la puerta con un rumor metálico, al son de las cadenas que se enrollan sobre su mecanismo. No han perdido la guerra, confirma Izuku, pero parece que se preparan para recibir a alguien o algo.
Un águila chilla agudo por sobre sus cabezas, viene volando desde el sur y otra sale a su encuentro desde el oeste, juntas ingresan al campamento y se pierden de la vista.
- Alguien viene -susurra Izuku con las manos en los barrotes.
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ynnu-64 · 4 months ago
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Tears in my togachaco eyes ,,,
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minus-plus-zer0 · 3 months ago
Comparing Hand Sizes
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This was the stupidest love advice Bakugou ever received. But he had to give it a shot.
Bakugou approached you at the house party, steeling himself for the worst. The Bakusquad would have hell to pay if this didn’t work.
“Oi,” Bakugou said. “Wanna compare hand sizes?” 
“Um… sure?” 
He feared that you might’ve already caught onto his little game, but you still held up your hand against his. 
“Guess mine’s bigger,” Bakugou said, as instructed. 
Bakugou didn’t know where to fucking go from here, because the idiots didn’t give him the full instructions for this dumb trick. Bakugou went with his gut instead. His fingers intertwined with yours, letting both your hands drop. His hand still gripped yours firmly. 
You laughed in his face. “Really? This is how you finally make a move on me? You’re such a dork!”
“S-so what? It fucking worked, didn’t it?!”
After that, Bakugou didn’t let go of your hand for almost the entire night. He didn’t endure that embarrassment for nothing. However, he knew he needed more.
“So... ya wanna compare lips too? Wonder whose is better.”
“Wow. You are sooooo dorky!”
“Will you just get over here?!”
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shoyodon · 24 days ago
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who thinks tattoos are “so fuckin’ stupid.” Says its a waste of money just to put toxins in your bloodstream.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who rolls his eyes with a huff and mutters a quiet: “Don’t come complainin’ to me when you regret it.” Under his breath after you ramble on about interesting designs you saw online.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who, as much as he hates tattoos, has an equal if not vastly greater amount of love for his engagement/wedding band. Deep black obsidian band with a ruby red strip running around the center. He scoffed when you handed it to him after the two of you got engaged, told him you got it made specifically for him and said that it reminded you of his eyes. His huffing and puffing was a poorly disguised attempt at not letting the sentimentality make his heart race. You could tell he loved it by the red tinge on the tips of his ears that matched his band.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who gets into a scuffle at work while on patrol. The villain had managed to catch him off guard, and when he lifted his hands to shield himself temporarily they had managed to slice through one of his gauntlets like nothing. The surprise attack was all the leverage they had on him, though. Once he got his bearings it was over in an instant.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who reluctantly is pulled into an ambulance; his left arm and hand cut up badly from the attack. He sat on the stretcher with a bitter look on his face, not caring that his fingers nearly were cut off and were getting stitched up frantically by one of the paramedics, all he cared about was the bent, misshapen ring clenched in his other palm, which had to be cut off of his finger due to the injury.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who denies it vehemently when you ask him if the bad attitude hes had for the past few days is because his ring was ruined, claiming hes “not that sentimental.” but you still see how he keeps the bent piece on his bedside, and how he stays up late at night looking into places he can trust enough to repair it.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who, amongst watching various tiktoks of people repairing rings on his fyp, discovers someone tattooing their partners initials on their ring finger in lieu of a wedding band.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who shows up home just a day after his doctor said his hand was completely healed with fresh ink on his ring finger. Your initials permanently engraved on his skin. His first and only tattoo.
(Newlywed husband! Katsuki who shrugs, claiming its “safer than having the ring nearly cut my damn finger off,” but still leaps at you when you surprise him with his ring, freshly repaired, on a chain that he can wear under his hero costume.)
((Husband! Katsuki who never removes the chain from around his neck no matter the circumstance, and subtly shows off his tattoo any chance he gets; what could be better than one way to show off that he has the best spouse a man could ask for waiting for him at home? Two!))
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angel-sweets666 · 8 months ago
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shota aizawa x afab/fem reader
aizawas always sleepy, what else is he always feeling? Horny
warnings: p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), slight breeding kink, slight praise kink. Sleepy sex, oral f and m receiving,grinding, hand job, fingering Mdni PLEASE. IM TRYNA PROTECT UR INNOCENCE.
Aizawa grumbled as he rolled over, the light from the sun spilling into the room past the curtains. He draped an arm across your waist, using his thumb to rub your tummy. Aizawa buried his head into the back of your shoulder, leaving gentle and warm kisses. “Wake up…” he whispered softly as he tried to wake you up “please darlin’” he pat your belly to wake you up. You whines and rolled over to face him “wha?” You tried to rub the sleep from your eye, aizawa grabbed the back of your head softly and pressed your face into his broad chest while his free hand rubbed your back “mornin darlin’” he leaned down to kiss your forehead, his stubble rubbing against your skin “morning…” you mumbled back, a slight giggle came out of you.
aizawa rolled over and brought you with him, making you lay on his belly and chest. He looked down at you sleepily and smiled “your so pretty like this..” he said as he cupped your cheek, you leaned into the warmth of his palm “so pretty..” he admired you. Aizawa found you to be the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. A familiar warmth began to form in his belly, you could feel the hardness under you; your face turning pink.
“noticed did ya?” He mumbled against your skin, tickling you with his breath “yeah…” you replied, your face becoming pinker and pinker. “Do me a favour would you darlin’?” He grabbed you by your underarms with his large hands and sat you up. He looked up at you, raising an eyebrow to ask for consent. You nodded and smiled, giving him the green light to continue.
Aizawa firmly grabbed your hips, pressing his hips against yours. You whimpered at the contact of his hardness so close to your warmth. His hands began to move your hips against his, a grunt escaping his throat. You moaned softly, feeling his dick pressing up against you. “G-good girl.. good girl.” He let out, his grip on your hips becoming tighter and tighter. You squeaked as he rutted against you “mmph.. hold on..” he pulled you away from his hips, taking the time to pull his boxers off. “Be a good girl and suck me off will you?” He asks, freeing his dick from the cloth. You nodded and climbed to a more comfortable spot right between his legs. Aizawa sat up so he could watch you. You licked the base to the tip, a groan coming from aizawa. You kept licking the side of it, before taking the whole tip of it into your mouth. He groans loudly and grabs a fistful of your hair, pushing your head down on his dick. “Mmph..” he let go once you found a pace that wouldn’t make you choke on it.
you slowly pulled his length out of your mouth, using your spit as lubricant you slowly began to stroke his dick. Aizawa groaned and leaned onto your shoulder “so good… such a good girl..” he lightly pulled on the ends of your hair, leaning in to kiss your cheek. As you pumped his dick his breath became hitched, deep grunts turned more into desperate whines. Eventually cum spilled from the pink tip of his dick, he panted slightly and reached to scruff your hair “your turn now hm?”
you found yourself gripping the bedsheets under you as his tongue went deeper and deeper inside your core, his large hands gripping your thighs to keep them apart. Aizawa pulled his tongue out of you to lick your clit, drawing a whine from your throat. “You always taste so good..” he mumbled, sticking two fingers into his mouth before sliding them inside of you. You moaned and arched your back “please please-“ you whined,Squeezing your eyes shut. “Shhh it’s okay, your doing so good for me darlin’” he pumped his fingers inside of you, curling them in certain places. Aizawa leaned back down to lick your clit, gazing up at you to watch your reaction. You clamped your thighs down on his head “I’m close.. I’m close..” your breaths became ragged as aizawa pulled his fingers out of you, replacing it with his now much harder dick.
both of you let out a pleasured moan before he impatiently began to thrust inside you “g-gonna.. put… a baby in my good girl…” he leaned down to kiss your neck, you moaned and gripped his back, leaving scratch marks on his already scarred back from fighting as a hero. His pace became quicker and harder “cmon cum with me…” he mumbled, his dick stretching you out. His thrusts became sloppy after a minute, signing that he was close. He bottomed out balls deep into you and then filled you up with cum.
both of you panted, you looked up at him “round two?” You smiled “I have work darlin’ sorry” he pulled out and kissed your cheek, helping you put some clothes back on after cleaning the two of you up.
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kinjisroom · 3 months ago
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quirk accident with moms!! de-aging
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lycastanne · 3 months ago
pro-hero!bakugou is so busy, as expected since he's a hero after all. a great one at that. he avoids relationships, because he's aware about how he cant properly manage his time. he wont go around giving hopes to people, he is a straight forward man.
but fuck, when he sees you in some movie premiere which his friend acts in, he really wants to try commit a relationship with you.
you're a journalist, he noticed from the mic you held and the logo around it. ah, you work for a big entertainment media or magazine? he's not sure. your body language shows that you're confident, he likes that.
he didn't even realize when you start talking to him.
“mr. dynamight, im (name) (last name) from vogue. can we ask you questions regarding the movie?” you asked politely.
“tch, dont make me wait too long.” he said, keeping the nonchalant act.
you gestures to your cameraman partner to get ready. once the camera is ready, you start to introduce yourself and him. he watches you with a small smirk, clearly enjoying this.
“dynamight, we hear that you're not a big fan of romcom movies, is that true? does this movie change your perspective of romcom movies?”
you furrowed your brows, confused.
“okay... moving on, who's the first one that comes to your mind when you hear 'queen or king of romcom'?”
“julia roberts. i think.” there's a questionable pause.
“i love her too! especially in notting hill. i watched notting hill when i was 14 and since then library date is my dream date.” you rambles, all giggly and smiley.
“have you been to one?”
“hm? im sorry?”
“the library date, i can take you. if you want to i guess.” his tone isn't exactly friendly but his reddened cheeks makes you realize that he doesn't mean it the mean way.
“id love to, y- yes— oh my god.” you stutter.
“i have to have your number then.”
since you don't carry your business card and there's only a pen, bakugou let you write your number on his arm.
“good, call you later, dollface.” within a blink he's gone.
your flabbergasted face is the only thing you could muster.
“is the camera still on?”
“its live.”
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shewki · 4 months ago
Katsuki being sad because his wife (his girlfriend) doesn't want to talk to him (she went to shower) she hates him (she just said 'i love you' 5 minutes ago) their marriage (relationship) of a decade (3 years) might end up in a divorce because she doesnt give him time (she spends time with him everyday) and love (she tells him she loves him everyday with a kith) anymore. 😕 his dramatic ahh
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luviisabella · 6 months ago
“Where are you going?” his voice seemed so rough whenever he was sleepy, not that it bothered you, you found it cute how deep in sleep he was.
You had crawled out of bed after being lucky enough to get out of his grasp. Bakugou’s hands are big but his arms/biceps are a whole other story. “M’ sorry ‘suki, just needed to use the bathroom.” You softly smile seeing him pout and will probably grumble to himself about how you’ve left him there all ‘cold n’ alone’.
You loved that soft side of him. It was like eating a strawberry, seemed a bit sour but once you eat more it’s really sweet. Once you stepped out of the bathroom you crawled right back over him and laid facing away from him. You softly exhaled before closing your eyes until the sudden feeling of you being lifted up startled you. “Kats-“ you whisper, his hands found their way to your waist as he pulled you over on top of him, letting you get comfortable. He gently wrapped his arms back around you.
“No more gettin’ up. Lay down n’ sleep.” he mumbled to what sounded like himself.
You softly smile before lifting your head up to look at him, noticing his eyes were closed you kissed him on the lips and laid your head back against his chest.
You didn’t see it but he had a small smile after the kiss, his grip on you tightening a little.
“Goodnight ‘Suki” you whisper to him.
“Night doll.”
(I reckon he would call you doll because one time you smiled at him and you looked so surreal that the word fumbled out of his mouth on accident so now after you teased him about it he calls you it as a nickname.)
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sansfangirl24 · 6 months ago
what if you were dating Bakugo and your mom hated him, and he hated your mom so whenever he saw you two randomly in public, he would make comments like: "well if it isn't the evil queen and snow white!" and when your mom would you see two in public, she would make comments like: "oh its beauty and the beast!"
and when she would leave, he would mutter under his breathe: "yeah I'm a beast in bed, hag.."
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So you know when you're writing a scene where the hero is carrying an injured person and you realize you've never been in this situation and have no idea how accurate the method of transportation actually is?
Oh boy, do I have a valuable resource for you!
Here is a PDF of the best ways to carry people depending on the situation and how conscious the injured person needs to be for the carrying position.
Literally a life saver.
(No pun intended.)
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miowess · 5 months ago
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She can't forget her smile.
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sophrosynesworld · 5 months ago
Katsuki Bakugo would literally rather die than let another man handle something as simple as installing a garbage disposal.
Like, imagine your kitchen sink is dripping, and instead of bugging your lovely boyfriend for the hundredth time, you decide to hire a professional. I mean, the guy's busting his ass every day; the last thing you want to do is inconvenience him with is your household repairs, right? Seems considerate enough.
But the second he finds out you called someone? Oh, fuck no. You barely have time to explain before he's landing outside your house, marching into the kitchen, toolkit in hand. Suddenly, it’s not about the sink anymore—it’s about his pride.
"What do you mean, you called some random guy to fix it?" he snaps, wrench in one hand. "You don't just invite strangers into your home."
You shrug, trying to stay calm. "Well, you’ve been busy, and I didn’t want to bother—"
"I don’t care if I’m up against the biggest villain of the century; you call me!" he snaps, already crouched down and grumbling about how professionals don’t know shit.
Katsuki insists on doing it all himself, but you’re nicer than that. So, being the kind soul you are, you take on the role of flashlight holder. All those years of helping your dad with repairs is finally paying off, as you keep the beam steady, illuminating the sink while Katsuki works.
“Make sure you shine it right here,” he says softer, tapping his finger against the pipes.
"Thank you, baby," you reply when the job is finally done, but instead of a warm smile, your boyfriend shoots you a look.
"Yeah, yeah," he grumbles, pushing himself up off the floor. "Just don’t pull this stupid crap again."
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baurem · 5 months ago
cw: children, bakugo being a tired dad and then some wc: 604
with the soft patter of small feet and the door’s hinges quietly crying as it was pushed open, you feigned sleep. through ajar lids, in peeked your mixture of love, your husband and your own affections personified into something you both cradled and loved undoubtedly.
biting back a grin, you listened for the shuffling of your bedsheets as your daughter forcefully settled in between the spooning position that bakugo held you in. 
“papa..” your three year old called out in a whisper, her palm lightly tapped his cheek.  still in his drowsy in between, bakugo hummed roughly to let her know he was listening. 
“move over..” she whined as she pushed his shoulder to create more space for herself
“no, i was here first.” bakugo’s tongue languid with sleep but unmoving to your daughter’s attempts.
her little lips pursed like yours and her brows furrowed like his as she conceived a way to convince her hard-headed father to move. she turned her body to you, preparing to wake you up until a large hand interrupted her. 
“no, don’ wake y’er mama up.” his voice mellowed by fatherhood and patience. katsuki’s daughter turned with a pout at his whispered chiding, the same one he often wore against you.
  still, even while unconscious and in his grasp, he sought to preserve your sleep though there wasn’t a need for it (not that he should know). 
he lured her back with his hand splayed out on her tummy which earned yet another whine from her as she sat back into the tight space between you and your husband. 
she stared back with a disgruntled expression he knew all too well; cheeks puffed up, eyes narrowed that were still swollen with sleep, and a deep frown all at the lack of space her father provided. 
katsuki stared back, now more awake than before, but still just as adamant and stubborn as the red-eyed girl before him. 
“gotta use your manners if ya wanna be here.” 
after a beat of contemplation, your daughter spoke up, “papa..?”
“hm?” katsuki hummed, attentive.
“can you— can you pleeaase move over?” she asked, softer as to not disturb her mother. 
katsuki deemed it good enough since it was too early in the morning for a lesson. abiding by her plea, he shifted over which opened up the space for his little one. 
“mm.. thank you.” his daughter murmured as she squirmed into her place under the sheets and between her parents. 
katsuki hummed in a quiet response. his attention on the way her eyes fought sleep, nestled in the warmth and scent of her parents. once he’s sure she’s asleep, his attention shifts over to you.
“were you going to help at all?” he huffs. 
“i knew you had it.” you toss over to gaze to your family with a sapped grin at his discovery of your consciousness; your husband furrowed his brows at you like your little girl would when she didn’t get what she wanted and your daughter’s face squished on the pillow like his would whenever he came home from a long patrol.
katsuki saw you too in that moment, you think; with her hair disheveled in the mornings just like yours would be and the light snoring from her— the snoring you both vehemently denied though he insisted on it. 
he must’ve also been feeling that same swell in your chest too, the overflowing of love seeping out of your chest and into your throat. the kind of feeling that only mornings like these could bring out of you both; you, your husband, and the whole of you both combined snuggled in bed together.
“you always do.” 
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