#fanf Vanessa
cookieruma29 · 4 months
VE vanny/ Vanessa concept
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Also: https://mobile.twitter.com/BonBunFilms/status/1547448459934011393
An alternate vanessa model bonbunfilms made and has yet to release
Oh dayum that's uhh jarring
Yeah that's in uncany valley territory that looks cool as fuck
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My thoughts and theories on the fnaf movie
People have a lot of opinions about the fnaf movie and a lot of them are wrong so I'm going to talk about it
People don't like that Vanessa is an Afton, but it makes sense if you look at the movies the same way you would look at the books - not within the same universe but can be looked at to clear up bits of the game's lore.
In the games, we are told Vanny's name is Vanessa A. and she has a father named Bill. Blonde hair and green eyes. Sounds very similar to Elizabeth. Matpat has said that he theorises Vanny/Vanessa to be an grown up robot Elizabeth Afton like Charlie in the original book trilogy, and I'm inclined to agree with him, especially with the overwhelming evidence shown in the movie.
Abby is also supposed to be a stand-in for Elizabeth, with her name being an anagram for Baby, and with her almost being stuffed into an animatronic that looks suspiciously similar to Circus Baby, which mean Mike is also supposed to be similar to Michael Afton from the games.
There's also the similarities between Garett and Charlotte, which makes me believe that Garett is the one possessing the puppet this time around, and also leads into the theory that Mike and Abby are Henry's kids. I don't think either of their parents are named. AND it also gives a reason as to why William would just kidnap and kill some random kid camping in Nebraska. Also at the very end of the movie, much like the FNAF 2 minigames, "come find me" is spelled out with the Puppet's music box in the background, I'm not sure what that could imply for the lore of the games but I am excited for the next movie
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minittwastaken · 1 year
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attention all workers
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funtimeisparty · 9 months
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cassedyevihtt · 10 months
The secrets that you keep part 4of 8
Slowburn vanessa x mike romance
Vanessa and Mike sit on a bench outside of her apartment. They'd worked tirelessly for the last hour to get the little on to bed. Abbie got to sleep on the couch. they'd made it soft and pleasant to sleep on. Now the two sat there. Watching the snow fall and sipping on warm coco leftovers. Mike looked over at Vanessa, she'd been so eager to fix warmth and safety to both him and Abbie. Mike locks his eyes on her mouth. Coco stain. A really stylish mustache. He gets suprised as he hears himself chuckle. Maybe even laugh. "Hmm? What? Haha what's so funny?" She laughs a bit too. Mike tries to hold his mouth shut with his gloved hand but just laughs even more. Vanessa looks ahead. "Okay, i see how it is" she slowly places her cup on the bench. She then stands up, grabs snow, forms it into a ball and chucks it at Mike who barely manages to save his coco. Mike places his cup of coco down too and joins the snowball fight.
They both step back inside with 2 empty cups and snow legit everywhere. Down their necks, in their hairs. Mike takes off his hat and Vanessa bursts out laughing. "Wh-what?" He laughs confused. "Is it that bad?" He smiles. "Nono it's totally fine, you just look like a crazy scientist. It's a likeable look" she coughs and laughs. "I'll go get myself ready for bed first btw" she instructs before she walks to the bathroom and locks the door. "O-okay ofc i mean its your apartment-" Mike holds his hat and watches as she leaves. Abbie peeks up at him from the sofa with a small trixter smile. "You're suppost to be asleep." Abbie just closes her eyes lightely.
Mike mumbles a bit flustered to himself.
The bedroom is dark. Mike had argued to sleep in the couch and let the ladies sleep in the bed but Abbie had insisted. The bed is more than big enough for two grownups, Vanessa had almost reluctantly agreed. And now she is sleeping soundly and peacefully there. Mike still has his hoodie on but got to borrow one of her patterned pyjamas pants. Vanessa is sleeping with a T-shirt and patterned pants too. Mike chuckled. She has two identical pyjamas pants like some cartoon character. He steps upon the bed, careful to keep himself on his side of the bed only. Leave her peaceful sleep alone. As he layes his head on the pillow and stares up at the roof every muscle in his body rests. Everything just let's go. He doesn't want to dream back tonight. He can't really. He sighs. He smiles. One night off can't be that bad. And with that he falls asleep.
Mike stares at the clock: 03:00 AM his heart jumps beat. 'Work!' but he remembers its Sunday, weekend. It's okay. As he layes his head down again he notices tossing and turning sounds beside him. "Nono, you did what?" "No I'm sorry" "n-not that b-bunny" "nonononono"
"Inside the animatronics??"
"Dad we can- please!"
Her words go from whispers and mumbles to almost screams and yelling. Mike sits up. Should he wake her? He starts shaking her awake. "Hey! Vanessa" he wispers. She sits up and pushes him aside. She almost jumps out of the bed and almost runs for the bathroom. She doesnt even get to close the door before it all comes out and she throws up.
Mike just sits on the bed not knowing what to do. After 15 minutes she comes back and sits on her half of the bed. Her back facing Mike. "Are you o-" he starts. She looks over her shoulder. "What? Yes i probably just ate something weird" she explains. "Yes but you said alot of things. Especially the word no." Mike layes down and looks up as he talks. "Yes, well i don't really want to talk about it." Mike frowns. His brain couldn't let the talk about 'inside the animatronics' or 'dad' go. "But can you wake me again as soon as start like that if it happens again tonight?" She layes down too, staring up. Mike looks over at Vanessa. Her face is lit up by a dim blue light. Her cheek reflects waterstreams. He nods, "m'kay". He looks up again. "I appreciate it. Now, good night" Vanessa replies. Mike spots some actual genuine relief in her voice.
"Goodnight Vanessa" he notices his voice smiles to her. Warm and calm. He smiles a bit at that.
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shadynightsweets · 7 months
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A Devintart meme that put my fanf au in.
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dreamyrosesofficial · 6 months
☆Re-design of my older vanny artwork! ☆
Yeah so belive it or not I had a fnaf au- It's long dead now, but this was vanny's design- ya know before it was revealed that she was vanessa- (or like her twin or somthin-) but whoo boy, I thought this would take forever but it didn't!
anyways here's my other socials! Love ya rosebuds <3
twitter: DreamGardenRose
instagram: dreamyrosesofficial
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#fnaf #fnaffanart #fanfs#fnafsb #fnafvanny #fnaf9 #vanny #vannyfnaf #art #digitalart #digitaldesign
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cookieruma29 · 3 months
Darkness Descending
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dreamsy990 · 11 months
tbh the fanf movie isn't actually that bad. bit silly. breaks the canon a bunch. vanessa is there in fnaf 1 but its okay. its a good movie if you don't take it seriously at all (which is what me and my brother did while watching it together)
okay so treat it like the ace attorney movie (silly and goofy and very not canon). got it
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paperbagruler · 11 months
The fanf movie would have been better if Vanessa’s and Mike’s roles were reversed
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FANF Movie stuff scroll away!
So if they do a sequel my theory it’s either Sister Location Based or Vanessa coma nightmare Freddy vibes.
I think Vanessa had a sister and that’s Baby. At the end of the credits you hear “Come Find Me” my guess is that’s a message to Baby. I think the movies will (and should) continue to have Afton go after Abby and Mike. Now of course this is just me guessing. But I do hope for more.
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theinconveniencing · 11 months
good morning team. as promised here is my Very serious fanf movie review. there will be spoilers if anybody cares about that type of thing. also this review is messy as hell and I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about
the first thing I’ll say is that it was not a good movie. it was like. pretty boring actually. but at the end of the day this was the fucking five nights at freddy’s movie and I love fnaf and I have since I was 10 and I was seeing it with four people I love so it was a fun time. like seriously we were fucking Losing it in the back of the theater. the worst part was that everybody else was just sitting there like 🪑 as if the movie wasn’t hilarious. with the exception of when matpat came on the screen and everybody in the theater turned to whoever they were with and went “what the fuck.” in the car on the way there my sister’s friend was like “there’s gonna be a matpat cameo there has to be” and I was like “no there’s not man don’t be ridiculous” but when that motherfucker came on screen I nearly went up to the front of the theater and killed myself in front of everybody. okay that’s dramatic but I did turn to my sisters friend (four people away) and say “I’m gonna fucking killing you” way louder than I intended and I’m sure everybody in the theater wanted to kill Me and it wouldn’t be the last time. because as I said we were the only ones in that theater having fucking Fun I thought the energy in there was going to be electric but no. whatever at least we were having a good time being annoying and losing our Mind whenever anybody coughed up in the back right corner.
but as for the actual movie again. yeah it was boring. idk. like not much really happened and the Big Moment where the kids killed william afton was so underwhelming. the whole thing was underwhelming. but I did like the movie. I’ve loved the games forever and I was so excited to see all the animatronics get up and move around and be silly and have a good time. mike doing all that lucid dreaming stuff while completely neglecting his job was fun and I Love some good guilt over the loss of a sibling so I enjoyed. throughout the whole movie I kept turning to my friend and saying “this is just like lilo and stitch” because it literally fucking was and nobody’s talking about it. that’s a good thing for the record. one of my fav moments in the whole movie is actually when abby thinks mike is gonna transfer custody to the aunt so she goes into her room and scribbles out mike’s face in all the pictures she’s so real for that. speaking of abby I do have to wonder why the kids chose Her to. I want to say torment but that doesn’t work and neither does the word groom. pick on? single out? seek out? idk maybe it was just because she’s the sister of the (presumed) first victim garrett but who’s to say.
okay let’s talk game comparisons :) I actually really liked that the movie took place in a timeline separate from the games it made the movie a lot more compelling to somebody who knows the game lore very well. one detail I Loved is how they didn’t say mike’s last name at All until the final fight with william like it wanted to keep us guessing as to whether his last name was schmidt or afton. I wish the movie had taken place in the fnaf 2 pizzeria so we could see balloon boy and puppet and who there’s chica but that would have just been Too Much so I get it. also did the animatronic they tried to shove abby in lion like a biddybab or was I going crazy? if it was biddybab does that imply the existence of circus baby’s pizza world? because they were clearly setting this movie up for a sequel and I would Love to see circus baby. anyways I’m kind of obsessed with the the way they sort of switched up the roles of the kids. in a way. like. okay this next part is going to be really annoying. so it’s like the afton family was vanessa and william and the emily family was like the schmidt family with mike abby and garrett. like garrett was effectively the charlie since he was the first and since I know the games I have to assume he “gave life” to the other missing children by having their souls live on in the animatronics. garrett was Also an evan figure because his brother like accidentally caused his death and couldn’t save him. but mike was also a puppet/charlie figure because of how he was helping abby the whole movie. okay maybe that’s tenuous. but abby was Also like charlie because she helped put the souls to rest by helping them realize that william was evil. but she was also like elizabeth because she kept going to the animatronics despite the clear warnings etc. vanessa was a mike like character because she was the child of the serial killer and was trying to do her best to atone for her fathers sins but ultimately sucked at it. and mike is like michael in the way that he Is michael also he feels immense guilt over the death of his brother that he “caused” the death of through negligence. they all have to prove that they’re not a bad person for things that happened outside of their control when they were children. idk where I was really going with that but I was thing about that a Lot during the movie.
this deserves its own paragraph but vanessa wants to be betty cooper so baddddd sorry there’s only one girl with a blonde ponytail and a serial killer dad that I support. vanessa could never even Dream of being betty.
back to the actual movie I feel like I would have liked it if it was gorier. one of the stand out moments for me was max the babysitter getting bitten in half and when mike escapes getting shoved in a suit and finds all of their bodies because it was genuinely pretty creepy. could have been scarier but whatever it’s fine. all that being said tho the movie was visually stunning (to me) and the actors were great and I fucking liked it. it was funny and it was a good time and yeah maybe it would have been better on 1.5 speed but you can’t have everything.
and I think I was able to enjoy it more than everybody else (aside from my sister) that I talked to about it because they were like “I spent the whole movie trying to figure out where in the timeline it took place!” but I went in knowing that it didn’t take place in the game timeline at all which probably saved the movie for me.
okay I think that’s all it’s not even morning anymore bye
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pensando-thoughts · 11 months
Saw the fnaf movie and I want to have a talk cause I have all these thoughts about it and I haven’t felt this way since stranger things season 4 lol.
I’m just confused (?) cause like there was a lot of different pieces of the lore in just one movie. So like before I go into breaking down my thoughts I want to say what my expectations are before I saw this movie so there’s some understanding. I thought this movie was gonna give a cohesive big picture type story on the lore. I thought that since there was a rumor it was gonna be 5 movies, I was under the impression that this movie gonna lay the lore out. I was really hoping for a cohesive story.
So now the movie I liked parts of the movie I liked the fact that attention to detail on the lore and the fans were in mind. What I don’t like is the storyline they decided to do, just to simplify my feelings for people who haven’t seen the movie I ultimately thought that they put bits and pieces of the lore in the movie i don’t wanna say for no reason but it did make me go hmmm what just happened. I don’t think the story was…good?. The costume and filming, and actors did a good job! I really wanna emphasize that lol. Thank you to @raminbootss on tik Tok for posting a slid show of the lore for the games.
‼️Spoilers after this/ I essentially write an essay and ramble please read at your own discretion. ‼️
So I’m assuming people who’ve seen the movie are reading this, but I’m going to briefly write down the movies lore.
Mike and Abby are siblings, there was a third sibling called Garret
Garret is kidnapped from the woods by William Afton
Mike has ptsd because he was there’s at the kidnapping but can’t remember the kidnapper’s face (guilt)
Mike induces dreams to revisit the memory to force himself to remember the kidnapper’s face
Vanessa comes in is a cop and later is established as Aftons daughter
Afton kidnapped Garret and other children Vanessa helps Afton cover it up
It’s a stupid simplification, but this is just so it’s understandable. I’m gonna essentially attack this one by one. To me it doesn’t make sense why Garret was kidnapped in the woods by Afton specifically. I feel like it’s so random/unnecessary to have it in the woods because it’s outside of Aftons mo in the established lore. If the story is to have Mike have zero familiar ties to Afton I think a better route to just have Garret be kidnapped so that way Mike is projecting on to the ghost children as a way to have redemption for not saving Garret. The movie sets it up this way in the first half where it felt like there was gonna be this big reveal with maybe Mike having some sort of connection to the kidnapper. However Vanessa throws that all off with being Afton’s daughter. Like Fanf 4 they use the concepts of dreams and memories cool nothing wrong with that I think that it was a good way for the ghost children to communicate with mike. My biggest grief I think is that Afton is controlling the ghost children. I think it would’ve been so much better to have the children ask Mike for help to find peace. This also would’ve been a better way for Mike’s character to deal with his grief of losing his brother cause now he can move on.
Moving on to Vanessa, I think that the introduction to Vanessa is done too early. Vanessa’s character in this movie is a caretaker to the animatronics because she feels guilty that her dad killed these kids. Which is fine I don’t mind this being a thing since it’s up to debate on security breach being cannon or not. I just think that the setup of Vanessa is done poorly maybe it’s the fact she was a cop where she honestly had no business being at Freddy’s instead of doing her job before the reveal of her being Afton’s daughter. They could’ve made her the morning shift security guard I think that would’ve made better sense cause now she can have a way to talk to Mike. She’s just is suspicious off the bat when she’s a cop, and can’t establish trust with Mike. I think they’re was a better way for her to have a redemption because Mike and her share a similarity, the both share guilt of not doing something to help these kids that died.
Let’s get into Afton so the set up for him is actually great because if I remember correctly during the beginning of the game’s release a theory did float around that maybe phone guy is the killer so he had a great set up I just don’t understand why the reveal of him being Afton is done so early. On one side I understand the fact that everybody knew that Matthew lillard was already gonna be Afton from the moment the trailer is revealed. It’s hard to make that twist be entertaining when the audience knows what you are going to do. On the other hand I don’t think Afton was utilized properly. So many different routes could’ve been taken. Also why did Afton kidnap Garret in the woods??? Anton’s m.o is he kidnaps children from the pizzeria in the bunny suit which they kept in the movie for the five children why kidnap Garret? He wasn’t even stuffed in a suit. In my opinion the movies opening scene should’ve been taken place in Freddy’s. This is blumhouse they’ve done horror they’re could’ve been a really strong suspense scene of watching this kid get kidnapped or seeing this kid get in the suit literally anything and really playing off the audience’s anxiety. If you do it this way you can still have Mike relive this memory. Anyways it’s revealed at the end of this movie that Afton is controlling the ghost children with a drawing so that they do as they’re told. Which like sure okay? I understand that they wanted to put drawings to be involved but I don’t know if I buy it. They also just kill Afton how he’s established to be killed in a spring lock suit how are you gonna set up a sequel that way? There is no build up or like finally you get what you deserve. The bad guy we watch died and sure he says I will come back but like…idk I think ultimately it doesn’t make me want to see a sequel because they’re was no cliffhanger or suspense. The vibe is just off. Matthew did such a good job though that phone scene really hyped up everything.
I tried talking about this to my sister but she said that they wanted to open this up to newer audiences. I think that’s lame because when the first game got released the hype about it was the mystery what is the bite of ‘87 who killed these kids, THE LORE. This movie doesn’t do that it answers all the questions in the first movie into a pretty little bow of oh Afton did it and now the ghost children kill him the end. The video-game went viral proving itself that the story set up will bring in a new audience that mikes background had to be changed. I feel like Mike is the catalyst for Afton to be caught so for it to be changed is a really huh moment for me.
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sallomezz · 2 years
Some images without context.
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snowflakeanimelover · 3 years
Light And Dark(FNAF Security Breach) Part 7
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
Think you’re missing a part? Please look here.
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If you have any questions about this story, please comment on this post here. I am working on a Q&A post.
I couldn’t remember what happened. My eyes land on Moondrop, and soon darkness took over. A second later, and I’m finding myself up in a sitting position, looking around in a panic.
“Oh, thank God.” 
I quickly turn my head to the voice, letting out a breath when I see Vanessa sitting by my side.
“I’ve been shaking you and calling your name for a few minutes now.” She speaks.
I slowly nod, processing my situation. That’s when I remembered Moondrop stopping by. 
“M-Moondrop...?!” I say, spinning around to look for the animatronic.
A pair of hands grabbing my shoulders stop me from the panic. “Calm down! What do you mean by Moondrop?”
“H-he was here! I saw him! Before I....” Before I passed out.
“Well, I don’t see him, so calm down, okay?” 
I nod at her words, my body finally relaxing. “How...did you find me?”
Vanessa looks up behind me. I turn to see Freddy standing there. “Freddy found me and asked for help. Told me you were laying here in the middle of the lobby.” 
“Yes. I am so glad you are alright, (Y/N).” Freddy confirms.
The lobby...?
Sure enough, I was laying on the lobby floor. Definitely not where I passed out at. Who moved me? Could it be Freddy?
“Come on, can you stand?” Vanessa stands up, not even bothering to help me stand as well. I managed to get up myself, walking around a bit to see if I was alright. I walk back to the two who found me. “Looks like you’re doing fine. Let’s get back to work.” She turns and walks away, her flashlight out once again. 
“Oh,” She stops, looking back at me. “And I haven’t found that intruder yet. Have you seen anything?” I shake my head with a sigh, and she continues on.
I look up at Freddy, who still stood by me. “Freddy? How did you find me?”
He looks down at me. “I heard those footsteps again, but this time, there was laughter as well. I followed and found you laying here. Were you, perhaps, sleep walking? I found that is very common for humans.”
I giggle, shaking my head at his assumption. “There’s more to the story, isn’t there?”
I hear him make some kind of groan mixed with a sigh. “You are correct, as usual.”
“Well? Did you see who was dragging me around?” I fold my arms, my voice stern.
“It...it was Moondrop.” My eyes widen. “When he saw me, he let you go and ran off somewhere. (Y/N), I am very worried about you.” 
“Moondrop....? Do you.... Did he say anything...? Like where he was taking me?”
To my disappointment, he shook his head. “I’m afraid not. I apologize for not having the answers.” His robotic voice was laced with sadness and regret.
I shake my head, smiling up at him. “Don’t worry about it, Freddy. You saved me, so thank you.”
“You are most welcome.”
I look at my watch, the time being a few hours just before the doors are supposed to open. I wonder how long I was passed out for. 
“Guess I’ll have to go back to work. Thanks again, Freddy.” 
“Wait! (Y/N), may I go with you? I am worried for your safety, especially after seeing what Moondrop was doing to you.”
As much as I dislike people wanting to help me, he had a point. 
When people ask me if they could help me, or protect me, it bothers me. I was taught to be strong, and to take care of myself. I was bullied so much in school for asking for help. Saying it was a weakness. But in this case, these are animatronics I’m dealing with, and animatronics are way stronger than me.
Moondrop was a threat to me, from what Freddy has told me. Who knows where he’d take me if I was by myself and unfortunately run into him? I may not pass out the next time, but he could very well knock me out.
I shiver at the thought, quickly nodding to Freddy of approval for his offer. Even without his facial expressions, I could tell he had a wide smile. “Thank you, (Y/N). I feel a lot better for your safety.”
We walk side by side throughout the building, his feet thunk on the ground with every step. “I feel a lot better with you by my side. You are kind to think about my wellbeing.”
He chuckles. “You are very dear to me. A dear friend, to all of us.” He concludes.
“That’s very sweet. I enjoy your guys’ company. You make me laugh and enjoy my time here.” I say with a smile as I remember the fond memories.
“I am glad you feel that way.” 
Morning came with no other problems throughout the night. Freddy stayed by my side until we ran into Vanessa. She deemed it a rule that the animatronics stay in their rooms, unless for security reasons. So, instead, Vanessa stayed with me for the rest of the night.
Scott let me go home to sleep for staying up all night. I went home with a frown on my face when he offered me to keep doing the Night Guard duty before leaving. He claimed that I could get extra money and would allow me to take any days off whenever I wanted.
It was a nice thought, but I told him I’d think about it. As nice as having more money sounded, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to handle another incident with an animatronic again. So far, it’s been only at night with these incidents. Like when I came back that one night to grab something and was interfered with Sunnydrop. Or, just recently, when Moondrop tried to kidnap me somehow.
After my curt answer that I’d think about it, Scott went up to his office where he usually hangs out. Before leaving, Vanessa and I talked about that night
In conclusion, she thought I did a better job than her partner who called in sick. I couldn’t tell if she was trying to be nice, or just really hated her partner. Either way, I smiled at her small, unintended compliment. We then separated to head home for a long day of rest.
The Moondrop incident wasn’t brought up to anybody.
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