padfoot-archive · 8 years
Sirius wondered around the park with an expression on his face that was a mix between annoyed and confused, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth on one side. With a loud huff, the leather jacket clad male slumped down on a nearby bench and took a long drag of the cigarette. “I’m not sure if I’m more pissed off at the fact that I’ve no bloody clue where I am, or that this is my last cigarette.”
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wtfmichaeldarling · 8 years
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Walking in the streets of New York by himself, Michael couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this frightened. “E-excuse me?” His little voice piped over the crowds, “H-has anyone seen my sister or b-brother?” He asked loudly. He of course, knew it was a long shot but being this frightened and alone it was all he could think of.
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informcnts-blog · 8 years
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          “ i could… get you things, ” info said, all too VAGUELY, all too happily. in the cafe, she motioned for the person to come closer, a smile on her lips, before continuing to type on her laptop QUICKLY. “ for a price, of course. it’s not cheap, but who are you to complain…? “
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shvtupmurphy-blog1 · 8 years
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“ it’s totally cool if i just stay here and do nothing for the rest of my life right? --- screw living life to the fullest and all that crap. i wanna sit here until my rotted corpse starts stinking up the place and they have no choice but to remove me. that’s my new life goal.”
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cntrlsally · 8 years
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sally looked around, confused for a few seconds. “what the... what?!” she turned in a circle, nothing looking familiar. she knew she wasn’t in spooksville anymore... but where was she? “how is this even possi --- it’s spooksville, of course it’s possible... god, i’m gonna --- i’m gonna kill them,” she rambled.
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parscltonguc · 8 years
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         he KNOWS how to play this out. while everything past talking with SLUGHORN about horcruxes was a blur, he was not STUPID. he had spent years perfecting his CRAFT ; his mask. so as he passes the OTHER person, tom makes sure to BUMP shoulders with the other. “ oh, PARDON me, ” he says, a look of surprise taking over his features, before he starts to laugh, “ i’ve always been a BIT of a klutz. but seeing as you’re here, do you mind TERRIBLY of doing a favour for me? ” 
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chatoiccheshire · 8 years
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kitty was pretty proud of herself. this was the most chaos she’d caused since she arrived. as she sat on a bench, she grinned, watching other people in the park run around, screaming. this was definitely her best trick by far. it all started because she was rudely stepped on earlier while she was napping under a tree. “that’ll teach these uncoordinated humans to step on my tail again,” she said aloud.
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nessie was not worried. she did not question how she had ended up here, or how she would get home. it was only a matter of time: momma would tear the world apart to get her back. papa was smart & would find her in no time at all. and her jacob would know instinctively where she was. it would not be long.
an idea struck: perhaps if she made people nearby think of her, papa would be able to find her quicker! she looked around until she caught a stranger’s eye.
“hello, i am looking for my family. have you seen them?”
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“Is there any particular reason you are are staring?” Starfire asked, fixing her clothes, not sure if she was revealing too much skin. “Do I have something on the face?”
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spcnccr-blog · 8 years
spencer hadn’t played in months, not really since a few weeks after he got to new york. the piano was one of his last resorts to help himself relax. and at the moment, that was what he needed. it wasn’t a large place, a small coffee shop near east yorkshire square, but it had a nice, older piano and he found it comforting to sit there, gently running his hands through various songs, sheet music on the stand but not opened he wasn’t playing from sheet music, but from memory. his fingers easily moved on the keys.
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it was just math, to him.
knowing where all the keys were was easy, the sounds were distinctive, and the motions were practically rote. even if he hadn’t played in months -- he rememebered the song. it wasn’t his. no, it belonged to a little boy. not so little anymore, he reminded himself as he played.
finally at the completion of the piece he paused, flexing his fingers. he glanced up as someone passed by, a shadow over him, but he said nothing, just glanced up ,then back down at the piano, “was i disturbing you?” he asked after a moment.
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bcmbiiis-blog · 8 years
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        “ unless you’re here with a FABULOUS mixed drink, something stronger than advil, a grand NEW spell for traveling induced headaches, disgustingly hot, or have eliot -- fuck off. ”
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nicodicngelc · 8 years
Nico stumbled out of the shadows and out of an alleyway clutching a McDonald’s bag in one hand and a large coke in the other. Stopping to catch his breath on a nearby wall, visibly paler and shakier than normal. “This is why I get someone else to get it.” Nico mumbled, more to himself than anything else. Nico stared at the hand that was holding a drink and shook it slightly, making sure it wasn’t disappearing and slid himself down the wall in exhaustion.
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imthemonstcr · 8 years
running away from the grocery store from which she’d just stolen food items had been tough, but after multiple uses of her powers, eleven had made it. she was running, blood dripping from her nose and veins blackening under her eyes, when she ran into someone, grunting and stumbling back. she just stared at them, her eyes barely opened, as she tried to not pass out then and there.
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It was odd to say the least, being in this new place with absolutely no familiar faces. The young prince had called for his mom and dad multiple times, for many other monsters he’d grown up knowing as different emotions rushed through every cell in his body. Now, came the time to search, even if it took him all night and the next day. Unfortunately, he was so caught up in his thoughts that he bumped into someone. “Golly, I’m so sorry,” Asriel Dreemurr apologized.
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ofnvrcissa · 8 years
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today had really not been narcissa’s day. after being dropped in the middle of a strange city that she didn’t know, she had wandered around aimlessly for a couple of hours and encountered some interesting people. and no — they weren’t interesting in a good way. she decided that it was probably best to find a place to sleep for tonight ( or for however long she’d stay here ) and to get herself a nice hot cup of tea. she walked into the first place that looked like a coffee shop, and ordered a cup of tea with some money that had magically appeared in her pocket. finally, something nice. as she walked outside, however, she didn’t pay too much attention and bumped into someone, spilling her tea all over them. “oh bloody hell!” she exclaimed before running a hand through her hair. “so terribly sorry, is there anything i can do?”
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hellotrickstxr-blog · 8 years
  ✗ — “ R O O M service!” The Trickster burst into the room, he wore an awful fake mustache and a clearly stolen room service outfit, a silver platter tray was held in his hands. “I have the kielbasa you ordered.”
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