#fandom: spring awakening
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bakanokiwami · 1 year ago
To make this bar chart race, all series titles in the Plays Crossovers Section on November 29 (or the closest date to it) of every year were copy-pasted from Wayback Machine to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, and then inputted to Flourish to turn into a bar chart race.
In March 27 2009, FFN launched support for crossover fanfiction. Before this date, authors either posted their crossovers in just one category and noted that it was a crossover in its summary, or posted them in one of the generic crossover categories in the Misc. section (such as X-overs, or Cartoons X-overs). There wasn’t a filter to screen all crossovers of specific fandoms back then.
Originally, the fanfiction list was sorted alphabetically, but was changed to number of fics at around early 2013.
Interestingly enough, the crossover sections don’t seem to be suffering from a total fanfiction discrepancy, unlike the sections for non-crossover fanfiction.
Please refer to this post for more fanfiction bar chart races.
Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t mess up anywhere! 🙏
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winters-on-the-wing · 2 months ago
actor james and sirius duos
james playing jesus and sirius playing judas in jesus christ superstar.
james playing pierre and sirius playing anatole in natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812.
james playing tony and sirius playing riff in west side story. (even though james isn’t white. we’ll pretend for a millisecond that he’s white.)
james playing melchior and sirius playing moritz in spring awakening. (ik that irl james is more like moritz and sirius is more like melchior but i feel like theatrically they’d fit these parts better since melchior requires more singing skill and moritz requires more acting skill!)
james playing davey and sirius playing jack kelly in newsies.
james playing orpheus and sirius playing hermes in hadestown.
james playing dickon and sirius playing archibald in the secret garden.
a couple bonus roles that i think they each would play super well:
- james playing alfred in alice by heart.
- sirius playing odysseus in epic the musical.
- sirius playing bruce in fun home (he would channel his inner orion to the point where he terrifies himself.)
- james playing jesse in tuck everlasting.
- sirius playing jonathan in tick tick boom.
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strawbeetlesposts · 9 months ago
Why are all the bad reviews of spring awakening people just not understanding it, like no there spreading the message that assault is okay, the reason why Wendla was happy after hayloft is because she was lead to believe that she should be happy, I mean the whole time Melchior is like "it's good" and like you'll feel, so she's convincingly herself that what happened was a good thing even when it wasn't, I mean for fucks sake they wouldn't kill her if they were trying to spread the message that assault is okay. If they we're trying to do that she would have the baby and live happily ever after with Melchior, there wouldn't be the scene where Melchior discovers her grave and realizes the terrible shit he's done. Maybe they just saw a bad production or something because I swear I'm not thinking of the same thing as them (ignore my lack of periods just pretend I'm Victor Hugo or someone)
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patashnick · 2 months ago
Sometimes a fandom is just U and one other person. But that person knows how to make GIFs so it's ok...
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adisplanet · 1 month ago
Hanschen and Ernst are my favorite Rosekiller variant but yall aren’t ready for that one
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nyphilemonic · 6 months ago
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What have I gotten myself into
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bluemirrorangel · 8 months ago
I’m rewriting one of my old spring awakening fanfics on ao3 and I would greatly appreciate it if someone would maybe be my beta reader?
If you’re interested please let me know:)
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ilovetheater24601 · 1 year ago
On the Ilse being dead theory
I don't necessarily think that shes literally dead/ a ghost im more of the opinion that she "never existed at all" ok but hear me out i see her as more of an etheral being ment to represent childlike hope designed to go along with the Masked Man who represents hope in the face of tragedy. i think that she definitely knew what was going to happen with Moritz and was trying to protect him by asking him to come to her house a very nieve and innocent way to save someone. This also explains why she seems to cheat deth multiple times (such as falling asleep in the snow with nothing on but a nightgown and ballet slippers, and having a gun pointed at her head with seemingly no care at all) she also seems to really be close with the characters who are in some sort of danger (Moritz, Martha, and Wendla) not necessarily the characters who are just down on their luck (Hans, Ernst, Melchior) i think she is the protector of childhood innocence gracefully letting her mission end by leading Melchior to the graveyard.
And i know that there is a lot of debate about what "a song of purple summer" is about but in some productions it seems like she literally can see the future and i think that this is her moving on to protect a new generation of children
So I feel like either she fits in the trope of so stupid she can get out of anything.... Or im right
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theb1tchofliving · 1 year ago
this fandom is so dead i swear i can’t find any good memes </3
i will be shitposting all over this page ab it tho bc i still have thoughts.
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annabelle--cane · 2 years ago
I do have to say, when considering scale, 2020-2021 tma is not the worst fandom I've been in by a long shot. there were a lot of unhinged people doing unhinged behavior, but they were far outnumbered by people being Normal and having a nice time on the 'puter. the actual worst fandom experience I've had was 2019 spring awakening fandom, where half the active fans were honest-to-god transmeds.
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alice-ness · 2 years ago
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ermmm hi spring awakening fans
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ihaveanaxe · 6 months ago
Is anyone else CONSTANTLY in awe of the acting and singing and writing and composing and choreo of the original Bway Spring Awakening production?
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strawbeetlesposts · 8 months ago
Hyper fixations make me feel like a toddler, yes I get exited by the mention of certain 19th century German school children and can go on an entire hour long rant about it IM NORMAL I SWEAR
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musicalss · 1 year ago
Hello :^) I’m just trying to make more friends on the musical theater side of tumblr so I’m just gonna tag my favorite musicals down below and hope I meet people! Howdy y’all!!
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byronicherobracket · 1 year ago
Byronic Hero Bracket Round Of 128 Batch A #5
Melchior Gabor from Spring Awakening vs. Vaarsuvius from The Order Of The Stick
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Reasons under the cut (spoilers for both)
(All sources from TV Tropes)
Melchior Gabor:
Melchior Gabor of Spring Awakening: an intelligent, charming, enlightened youth who is ahead of his time and deeply troubled by his repressive society and his own developing urges as he comes of age.
Previously Beaten: Augustus
Vaarsuvius is an arrogant, condescending Elf Wizard with a taste for ultimate arcane knowledge and power, and is very long-winded and verbose in speech. Despite this, V is dedicated to stopping the forces of evil, does care quite a bit for their teammates, isn't above indulging a bit of silliness, and even has a family. Another unique trait is that rather than a Dark and Troubled Past, they have a Dark and Troubled Present. We have making a deal with some fiends to gain ultimate arcane power to save their family from a vengeful black dragon (whose son V killed during an earlier story arc); the fallout from their priorities during this crisis later leads to their partner suing for divorce and full custody of the children. V then proceeds to commit one of the greatest evil acts in recent history by casting Familicide, an epic-level spell that kills the dragon and all its family, comprising over 1/4 of the black dragon population... and the Draketooth line of humans, a family who reproduce by seducing strangers and stealing the resulting children, and due to the nature of Familicide, V not only kills the family of the target, but the families of the families... resulting in literally thousands dead with a single word. Vaarsuvius then goes on to battle Xykon but lost due to hubris, only managing to narrowly avoid death at his skeletal hands. The reason why Vaarsuvius accepted the deal with the fiends in the first place? Because the alternative would mean asking their comrades and master for help, which would mean admitting to failing again (V's attitude has taken a sharp turn for the worse due to guilt over their failure in Azure City and Haley, their closest friend, being trapped there). Ultimately, while V is improving on attitude and humility, they still carry a great burden over their decision, as one strip cuts to V looking forlornly at a picture of Inkyrius, clearly missing their former mate.
Previously Beaten: Matou Kariya
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suchacomet · 1 year ago
Spring Awakening Fandom Tag
(By @winter-asleepening, tagged (kinda) by @feelssogoodinmyarms )
sorry for this being long and for jumping in on this out of nowhere, i got excited and i missed talking about this show now that i’m once again in my yearly spring awakening phase thanks to seeing a local production yesterday :)
1. How were you introduced to the show?
i was an emo kid trying to find musicals i liked bc i started doing theater in high school, i saw american idiot was made into a musical, and followed the john gallagher jr rabbit hole to a b00tl3g of obc spring awakening. this happened to be in 2014 and when i heard about dwsa on broadway i conned my mom into taking me to nyc to see it (i didnt tell her how sexual it was i just said “it’s about teens coming of age in germany set to rock music” and she had Words for me during that intermission lol)
2. Seen a production live?
yes, four: dwsa, a local college production, and two productions at local theater companies in the areas i’ve lived
3. Dream role/character you relate to most
y’all already know it’s moritz…. i imprinted on him when i was 14 and have never stopped being obsessed with him as a character. but i think it’s more likely i’d get the chance to play ilse before moritz and i would love to play ilse as well
4. Favorite male character
mort steeple :) i have never gotten enough of this dude, ever
5. Favorite female character
wendla <3 she’s such a good character when she’s played with the right amount of joy, stubbornness, and curiosity
6. Deaf West Revival or Original Broadway Cast?
dwsa all the way. i appreciate obc for what it is but dwsa is my definitive best revival/adaptation ever ever ever
7. Favorite song
comet on its way :) christ such a whole, like, deal 🙄😏
but if you force me to pick “a real song” that “is actually in the show” then… i think a production that has a really good “and then there were none” is killer bc it means 1. they’re focusing on my favorite boy moritz and 2. they have an adult woman who plays fanny gabor compassionately but flawed in a way that underscores the show’s themes around adults not trusting kids with their own minds and bodies. which i greatly enjoy
8. Least favorite song
this is unfair of me bc it never fails to make me cry and it has one of my favorite lyrics ever in it (window by window you try and look into this brave new you that you are) but it’s “the guilty ones” bc i think “there once was a pirate” is better. my hot take is that dwsa is only version of spring awakening i’ve ever seen where i actually prefer their use of guilty ones instead of pirate
9. Favorite quote/line
musical: so maybe i should be some kind of laundry line / hang their things on me / and i will swing ‘em dry / you just wave in the sun through the afternoon / and then see / they come to set you free / beneath the rising moon - don’t do sadness it’s just such an evocative description of feeling hopeless against all the pressures of life and perfectly encapsulates being 15 and desperate and just wanting a little bit of relief. plus the way daniel durant and alex boniello performed this is so killer. moritz stiefel i love you
play: “don’t let’s be sad […] if we recall this in thirty years, perhaps we shall make fun of it.——and yet everything is so beautiful. the mountains glow; the grapes hang before our mouths and the evening breeze caresses the rocks like a playful flatterer.” from hans in the vineyard scene. augh it’s just so tender and lovely in a way that the musical doesn’t have the time/ability to address, with the acknowledgement that yes this moment is temporary and who knows if ernst and hanschen will “make it”. and yet. everything is so beautiful. also PROOF THAT HANSCHEN ISNT A CREEP OR MANIPULATIVE HE IS ALSO A TEEN BOY IN LOVE FUCK YOU STEVEN SATER
10. Favorite TV performance
always and forever dwsa touch me on seth meyer i have seen it at least two hundred times and i’m not exaggerating
11. Favorite cast member(s)
daniel durant always always always. he is such a talent i’m so glad his career seems to be taking off, he’s genuinely one of the best actors i’ve ever seen in my whole life.
12. Favorite cast member moment
can i say 1st national tour cabaret where the boys performed comet on its way in order to bring up comet on its way again. if not it’s when i gave daniel durant a painting of him as moritz at stage door and i was a shy anxious teen who learned just enough asl to say “hi” and “thank you” and “will you sign my playbill please” and he was SO sweet to me and lovely and he hugged me and i know actors do that kind of shit all the time and i’m sure he doesn’t remember it but it really made my whole life when it happened :’)
13. Do you write fan fiction?
not outside of personal catharsis pieces that have never seen the light of day. i made an aloto/vineyard scene web weaving post though that i do think goes hard
14. Do you make fan art?
i still love the moritz and then there were none piece i did a few years ago but i haven’t done a whole lot past that… that may change though i want to get back into drawing
15. Do you cosplay?
no, but spring awakening costumes have 10000% influenced my real life fashion and hair decisions. lol
16. Don’t do Sadness or Blue Wind?
i just saw this GORGEOUS performance of dds/bw where ilse sobbed through her verse of blue wind and the rest of the cast like gathered around her and slowly peeled away to represent her memory/longing for real connection and the reality of her never really having that at all, and really underscoring that her spoken lines about her new life in the artist’s colony and wanting to take moritz home are just posturing to hide how lonely she is… so right now i think blue wind
17. Word of Your Body or the Reprise?
reprise when it’s done earnestly, but i do really love the lyrics in woyb
18. Touch Me or My Junk?
my junk! i love seeing the different ways it’s staged between georg and hanschen and the girls, plus it’s the only time the girls get to be horny
19. Explain the Song of Purple Summer
it’s a metatextual message from the story of spring awakening to the audience that underscores the themes of open and honest communication being the key to healthy people and relationships, it’s asking the adults in the audience to believe children (when they say they’re gay, when they ask for information and want to be given all of it, when they ask for help and say they want to die), it’s a message of hope to the kids in the seats who relate too much to the kids on stage, telling us that it will get better
20. Explain the Song of Purple Summer (wrong answers only)
horses fuck and have foal babies idk <3
that was very fun thank you for indulging me. if any of mine olde spring awakening/dwsa mutuals are still around please consider this me tagging you <3
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