#fandom vocaliod
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caroleat17 · 2 years ago
Advertencia solo para mente abierta o personas por curiosidad por conocimiento.... Enamorar familiares mi opinion y mi punto de vista
Enamorar familiares no tiene nada de malo, ni por religion como amenaza, ni por politica a que te discriminen, ni algo como para idealizar que lo llaman "norteños", ni sentimiento que tienen miedo por deformes del cuerpo genetico y salud mental.
si tu quieres estar enamorada de tu propia familia por solo su personalidad o fisico a lo desde niña hasta actual no importa cuantos te enamoraste sea tu propio hermano, tu primo, abuela nieto, madre e hijo, tio y sobrina. Sea como conociste si por mucho tiempo desde niños o por separaron o divorcio de tus papas osea que nunca los conociste que por primera vez conociste y te enamoraste. El primer lugar de eso debes conocer "los tipos de amor" osea cuantos son el tipo de amor para que tengas tu propio educacion de amor eso se llama para ti mismo es el valor que se llama lealtad y fieles de nosotros mismos eso puedes buscar tus libros o busqueda de google. Ahora como ambas como dije que es lo que siente tu corazon por que te hayas enamorado, como piensas en el por su esencia de sus propios emocionales como muestra de afecto por ti, que emociones sientes por el sea felicidad, tristeza, pero a la vez te sientes culpable no es tu culpa que te habias enamorado tu propia familia es porque lo sientes mucho por el o ella, no pienses algo pensamientos suicidas y como va reaccionar y tomar toda tu familia si te van a separarte por miedo de la salud por deformes o por amenaza por religion que es porque es pecado
Esa familia de tu propia familia que tu piensas como dije separacion por sentimiento o amenaza, el primer lugar debes comenzar quien tu quieres hay personas que pocos aceptan y muchos no aceptan o alrevez muchos te aceptan y pocos no aceptaron, esas personas que no aceptaron aveces te pueden decir por religion como amenaza o sentimiento por miedo genetico que piensan algo sexual osea por solo su cuerpo que te hayas enamorado o por incomodidad que no quieren decir al respecto tu historia de amor como lo conociste, inicia la persona sea como quieras sus papas, tus tios y los demas primos, pero antes de decirle a tu enamorado como lo sientes lo que debes de decirles antes de tu historia diles "eres una persona de mente abierta" eso debes decirles y pues le dices que estas enamorada de la misma sangre de tu propia familia cuando termines de tu historia en mi mas comun de mi y a ti es el miedo como va opinar tu historia sea donde les contestes sea por messenger o whats yo los habia silenciado y archivado o que sientes algo seguro de tus familiares y ellos te van a decir que es atraccion, que como ama a sus hermanos que son tus tios pero luego te va decir el tipo de amor, una emocion de tristeza o pueden decirte que estan del lado o trabajado sobre politicas del pais osea de tu pais como yo soy de mexico
Esas personas del lado que trabajaron por años por politicas de pais la verdad es doloroso pero debes aceptar que el mundo de la gente de tu pais ven su miedo por deformes geneticos y te criquiten de tu y tu enamorado osea que no te debe importar que te discriminen pero tambien hay otra razon si tu enamorado tiene miedo a que te oculta sobre de ti que como van a tomar una reaccion a toda la familia y encima que ya tienes novia para dolerte en llamarte la antencion hacia a ti es por sentimiento y amenaza y por politicas , pero cuando te crusas en el o ella lo que va ser es cambiarte de tema como sino ubiera pasado nada y lo mismo que te habia tratado, si tu piensas siempre le dices un te amo o te quiero desde hace meses o años sin decirselo como tu sientes por el y sus antes el te decia yo tambien pero ahora actual ya no te dice es porque ya te tiene sospechado como ami que me paso, cuando cuentas tu historia que eres acosada o abuso del cuerpo pero encima le dices cuanto lo sientes por el y aunque aleja del tema, si te quiere pero no sabe como expresas sus sentimientos hacia a ti si siente igual que tu o no te siente, si te duele que no te siente lo mejor es dejar ir o luchar politicas de tu pais para todas las personas que se habian enamorado familiares como yo.
Y sabes porque tu enamorado que encima le dices que lo sientes pero encima le dices de tu historia desde niña o adolescente sea trauma emocional o acoso y abuso sexual, aunque te calme y como se la tome, tu enamorado puede pensar crear mal de ti que te piensa como objeto sexual osea el cuerpo y piensa que esta mal, depediento de ti si solo te enamoraste solo por sus rasgos o su personalidad o por ambos. Pero eso es creacion de el de ti o es como te ve como objeto del cuerpo tu enamorado tiene que saber que es tu cuerpo y su cuerpo tiene que saber sus diversos enfermedades de su cuerpo desde que eran niños hasta actual yo de niña tenia muchas ronchas de mi cuerpo, y sus actuales si les da irritacion del cuerpo como las axilas y tu zona parte, si son alergicos por comidas o reacciones toxicas de la naturaleza hasta falta de limpieza ajeno del cuerpo osea que subes a tu perro a tu cama todos los dias y te sale tu cuerpo un acaro, te sudas mucho por tu espalda por no meter a bañar que tambien eso pasa las irritaciones. Y si uno quieren reproducirse a crear un bebe primero deben conocerse sus cuerpos de sus diversos enfermades que ya dije o solo hacerse reproducirse, solo deben hacer es un analisis de sangre osea que te mezcle la sangre de ti y tu enamorado como seran el tipo de sangre de tus hijos y prueba de sangre si son compatibles en crear un bebe, y si les tienen miedo por deformes de la genetica pues hay niños huerfanos en los orfanatorios osea que pueden adoptar.
Un pequeño detalle mas como conocimiento y esta experencia que tube, no puedes cambiar su persona a tu enamorado aceptalo como es de su esencia pero imaginate con esa personalidad que estuvieran juntos acostados mirandose por muchas horas en el cuarto de tu enamorado, imaginate que te invite cafe, un restaurante bonito, ir al cine juntos, salidas al parque con su perrito y tu perrito, imaginate viendo peliculas en la sala o su cuarto y te abraze en el cuello y su cabeza acurrucandose encima de tu cabeza o el cuello y oyendo su voz, imaginate que se durmieran juntos y el te abrazada de cucharita bueno un monton de tus fantasias que tu quieras, yo dije los mios que son muchos ojala me pasara asi.
Y para las personas que llaman norteños es como sino ubieran visto la pelicula de simba el rey leon o para los que conocen que son fan de anime de vocaliod, yo si soy fan de vocaliod y les diria esos animes son relacionados a enamorar familiares como los rin y len kagamine, los miku y mikuo hatsune como ejemplo o como lo ven si es pareja o hermanos como vocaliod o un simplemente como un reflejo como espejo, son morros que son adolescentes y jovenes ellos mismos idealizaron porque asi lo ven pero no tantito educacion las modalidades como se mostrarion a sus enamoradas sin la misma sangre no saben nada de tipos de amor o por solo educacion de amor que le dieron como es el amor a sus padres o le tocaba vivir acoso y violencia intrafamiliar y lo hace el mismo patron sea del la madre o el padre y por tantas infelidades que hace su padres por su mama osea que te puedes tener tantas madrastras osea otras mujeres que les interesa solo por dinero o el cuerpo
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meloncat030 · 1 year ago
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“I’m a vampire, Come over here first,When I spit out everything I was hiding, they were all things that were like "That's so true!"” (@shrimperini au)
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sillyguyz4ever · 3 months ago
if I mention the fandoms imma in if ur in them ur OUT
Gacha (mobile game) been in on and off 4 yrs well technically 5 yrs
Mouthwashing (indie video game) I am new to the fandom
Gravity falls (tv cartoon) been in 2 yrs
Omori (indie horror visual novel/game) been in almost 2 yrs
Veggietales (Christian kids show cartoon/movies) grew up with dis one but recently joined the fandom side
Hazbin hotel (cartoon web series) been in almost 2 ½ yrs
Helluva boss (cartoon webseries) been in 2 ½ yrs
Doki doki Literature club (indie horror visual novel/ game) been in 1 yr
Big city greens (tv cartoon) been in 4 yrs
Toh (tv cartoon) been in 2 yrs
Star vs the forces of evil (tv cartoon) Been in 1 yr
Vocaliod/ syntholid (music) been in 2 ½ yrs
Ghost and pals (music) been in 2 ½ yrs
Creep-p (music) been in 2 ½ yrs
Fnaf (indie horror game) been in on and off 2 ½ yrs
Creepy pasta (internet) been in on and off 4 6 yrs joined when I was 9
Animation meme (internet) been in 3 yrs
Tadc (cartoon web series) been in a yr
Dhmis (mix medium web series) been in 2 ½ yrs
Jack stabuer (music) been in 2 ½ yrs
Lemon demon (music) been in 1 ½ yrs
Will wood (music) been in 1 ½ yrs
Kpop (music) been in on and off 2 yrs
Danganronpa (not rlly in the fandom but I like the game so imma counting it) (horror game/visual novel) imma new to it
Tawog (tv cartoon) been in since i was a child
Odd1sout (animator) been in 4 yrs
Story time animator (internet) been in 4 yrs
Heathers (musical) been in 2 yrs
Hamilton (musical) been in 3 yrs
Weirdcore (aesthetic/internet) been in 2 yrs
Dead plate (indie horror visual novel/game) been in a yr
Married in red (indie horror visual novel/game) been in a few months (I think 2 months)
Eddsworld (web comic/cartoon series) been in 2 ½ yrs
Bluey (tv cartoon) been in 3 yrs
Heartstopper (web comic/graphic novel/tv show) been in a yr
Cave town (music) been in a yr
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starry-gabby · 2 months ago
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♪☆ HELLOOO, my name is gabby! Although I prefer the name Arlo or anything really! Im just here to see fanart and make friends and post stupid things or cause chaos! >< ★
Fandoms- Bungo stray dogs, arcane, she-ra, mha, splatoon, bluey, alien stage, heaven officials blessing, Disney (sadly) , owl house, PJSK, vocaliod, nevermore (webtoon), dead plate, rotting in paradise, married in red, elevator hitch, helluva boss, hazbin hotel, spy x family, k-pop,omori, Lacey games,stardew valley,cherry crush, our walk home, cudlil, pikmin, Pokemon, studio ghibli, and a whole lot more~☆
Likes- I like penguins, and orcas the color yellow orange and purple also black. I like nature, and my friends, music, ice skating. Headphones! Food cats fish. Aquariums. Reading. Photography I love calico hair I also love stars and space! ^^ ★
Dislikes-I dislike loud noises my family kind of I dislike dogs to an extent I don’t like flan :3 I don’t like pedos or anyone like that get tf out if you’re one or anything bad. ☆
Fun facts about me- I’m a chaotic human :P moving on, I’m gender fluid, and a lesbian. I’m the oldest out of the triplets. I make poems! I’m chronically online, sadly. I have texture problems with certain clothes and food. I also have anger issues by a lot. I’m usually polite and gentlemanly . I draw, like pretty well actually. Soda is kind of gross. I like water but don’t drink enough. I have my music and headphones in 24/7. I’m a Virgo and my personality type is Mediator INFP. That’s all I can think of right now. Wait no, I’m tired all the time, I have a guitar and learning how to play. I like to take photos. Now I think that’s it.~★
If you like me check out these people: @vixxy-izzy (my sister) @bubbles077(friend ^^) @floofgryph (friend ^^) @gh0st-punk(my other sister) @lilliablog(friend) @weirdoisweird(weird person) @miyaisastar(friend) @itsazurea(irl best friend) @nonononothankyou(irl gf) @dark-sweet-muffin(the best at making poems) @insufferablewhore(…chaos queen) @fallen-star-boy (and my friend who makes me want to do art more)~☆
Followers: be advised I curse a lot and my poems are able to get inappropriate at times. Continuing, you may be called a multitude of things or nothing at all ! >< ★
That’s about it, have a lovely day, and bye bye~☆
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twig-the-edgelord · 4 months ago
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Hello my name is Twig, but some people call me Twiggie. I use She/Her and He/Him pronouns but personally I prefer to be seen as male. I struggle with reading, so please have some patience with me!
Worlds best stick with a hat ever, good treat to munch on!
Current hyperfixation -> SCP
•Random anime/manga I like
•(lots more but this is what I post about most)
Twig rants -> Text posts, often not about fandoms
Twig asks -> an ask I got YIPPIE
Twig lost the fight -> Lewd
Twig is tired -> just venting
Twig gives facts -> spontaneous animal facts
Twig gambing -> gaming posts
Twitter (extremely inactive)
Evil version of me-> @twig-the-edgepeasant
Gore side blog -> @twigsasillygoober
Camila RP blog -> @maggotsarefriends
Mouthwashing side blog-> @cpt-curly-fry
Though NSFW won’t actually be posted to this blog, I do post lewd things. All will be matured and tagged. I don’t have a sfw bluesky, please don’t go look.
If I see any minor interacting with mature posts or my Bluesky they will be blocked immediately.
DNI with my blog if you (are a);
•Rad queer
•Ship relatives
•Ship adults with children
•Consider age regression sexual (or sexualize it)
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imytheghost · 1 year ago
Last updated: TIME ISN’T REAL (nov 10th 2024)
FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸 🍉 get off my page if you support Israel.
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HI! Im Imy/basil! I like to draw and stuff! I am neurodivergent so please be patient with me! I use all pronouns currently!
My ask box is open! Please interact with me! Im open to requests!
Find my art using #my art (possibly inconsistent)
Alt blog (mostly reblogs) @imytheone
Fandoms im in! (In no particular order)
• Omori
• Perrfect apawcalypse
• Undertale
• Will wood
• Vocaliod
• Minecraft
•Genshin impact
•project sekai
Check out my palls! @bikelaned @purplexiasphinx @im-really-annoying
Go look at my siblings blog rn!!@kgmaes
Go support my beloved!!! @hunter-cherrybomb
Here are some songs i like!
(Tw for the first and second one in regards to mentions of death and gore)
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memories-of-starz · 2 years ago
Screenshots of the main Vivid Bad Squad story bc I said so
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Woah! A lesbian spotted in the wild :0
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gay... people ..? pt.1
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*gasp* THE BEASTS >:(
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gay... people..? pt. 2
Also so real Kohane we love An in this household
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KOHANE!!!! :))))) ♥️♥️♥️
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stop that. We love you Kohane
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I was cackling reading this
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Who wouldn't <3 (gay...people...? pt. 3)
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Almost everyone can agree that they are fruity (gay... people...? pt.4)
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Great another bitchy dad in the most recent fandoms I have been in>:( first Custard Senior and now him
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Yeah they would break the rules and do stupid shit
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gay... people..? pt you prolly get the point
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God damn
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Poor guy I feel bad for him :(
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God damn pt 2
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Get a friend like the vocaliods in your life frfr
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I fucking love those two they are so gay
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Siblings :)
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mitski-slope · 1 year ago
TYY FKR TAGGIGN ME !!!!! ik thjs is so latw jsut pretend its 3 days ago
1) top 5 or top 10 favorite animals (depending on how many animals you like)
cats . x5 . sorry u guys if i tihhjk ab it too mcuh my brain will explod
2) top 3 Minecraft mobs
dolhpins, cows, n chickens
3) favorite vocaloid song or My Singing Monsters island theme and why! (If you don’t like/know Vocaloid/MSM, just name a song or genre you like and why :D)
uh . hventn listened 2 vocaliod in So Long so ill jsut say patchwkor staccato
4) favorite and least favorite textures, no why needed :333
least fave is fujckgin . newspaper . LOOK KTS SO GROOSS ITS SO HGRGRRGRGHMNM . favourite is freshlh washed sheets
5) not your favorite color, but your favorite color palette (bonus points if you have a pic of the specific palette or a photo/artwork of the pallet you like!!)
muted colors !!! green n pink n gray n brown etec etrc but rllyd desaturated
6) fav book you had to read for school (fiction or non fiction work lol, and if you don’t like/have any then just name a book or fanfic you like!)
maus !!!!!!!!!! reakd this in yr 9 n kt was so good i totallky reccommned
7) how do you think of the months of the year in your head? Left to right, top to bottom, in specific numbered rows and columns? Tell me :D
okay okya Limitedf Edition insigjht into my mind . jan n feb r goruped togetjher n so r march n april . aporil n may r also grouoped togetjer separatelw . june is alone . july n august r kind of gorupoed togheter but so r august n september . octoboer is alone but someitmes works w septiember . november n decmember r a Pair do nkt separate
8) assigned harry potter/ilvermorny house or Percy Jackson cabin or Warrior cats clan something like that lol (if you don’t have anything like that, star sign works too!)
im a taurus ! dknt ask me anythign ab my sign other than that i wikl not hv an ansner
9) MBTI???? Love those things :33 (If you haven’t taken the test yet or u just don’t wanna cuz it’s too long, are you a solider poet or king?)
intj if iirc
10) something “cringe” you actually rly like, no shame here :D
anhy of my older hyperfixations like ujm . bmc . genshinj . I KNOW I KNWO TJHEU JSUT HJAD SUCH A HJOLD ON ME
11) characters from shows/movies/games you kin/stan/just adore!! NOT ACCEPTING IRL PPL PLZ AND THANK U :D (unless it’s urself, we like self love in these parts)
12) 5 people you’d wanna be at a party with and why! (Can be alive or dead, real or fake, celebrities or randos, humans or otherwise :D)
i w=nat to meet everyeon from allmy hyperfixations ever . esp itsv/atsv . i wnat to meet spiderman okay
13) favorite hobby/fandom specific term and its meaning :333
lvoe the slime tutiorial joke specificallkjy in online theater spapoces (??????????? hkow do i evne describe this) . its sko fuckinh funny
tags (no pressure <3333): @inwayovermyhead @astromilo @xizxles @l1minality
Get to know you questions!! Tag whoever you like :D
Writing my answers in orange!
1) top 5 or top 10 favorite animals (depending on how many animals you like)
Hermit Crabs, Pigeons, Otters, Anglerfish, Shrimp, Cats, Manned Wolves, Salamander, Sheep, Axolotls :D
2) top 3 Minecraft mobs
Mooshroom, chicken, and parrot!!!
3) favorite vocaloid song or My Singing Monsters island theme and why! (If you don’t like/know Vocaloid/MSM, just name a song or genre you like and why :D)
Fav Vocaloid song is Brain Explosion girl recently, and fav MSM theme HAS to be cold island. Or maybe earth???? Hm
4) favorite and least favorite textures, no why needed :333
Fav is squishy soft things, least favorite is ice in a freezer
5) not your favorite color, but your favorite color palette (bonus points if you have a pic of the specific palette or a photo/artwork of the pallet you like!!)
Purple, Green, Orange, Pink, and Black! Total Halloween vibes!!
6) fav book you had to read for school (fiction or non fiction work lol, and if you don’t like/have any then just name a book or fanfic you like!)
Of Mice and Men was surprisingly amazing! Thought I’d hate it tbh
7) how do you think of the months of the year in your head? Left to right, top to bottom, in specific numbered rows and columns? Tell me :D
I think of it like this:
January, February, March, April
May, June, July, August
September, October, November, December
8) assigned harry potter/ilvermorny house or Percy Jackson cabin or Warrior cats clan something like that lol (if you don’t have anything like that, star sign works too!)
I’ll do em all lol: Slytherin/Hufflepuff, Pukwudgie, Dionysus’s, RiverClan, I’m an Aries sun/gemini rising/pisces moon :D
9) MBTI???? Love those things :33 (If you haven’t taken the test yet or u just don’t wanna cuz it’s too long, are you a solider poet or king?)
I’m an ENFP-T! I thought I’d get king but I got poet lol
10) something “cringe” you actually rly like, no shame here :D
Gacha Life/Club, the styles just so cutesy! Ohhh also K-Pop, I’m a TOTAL stay :33 and DSMP, it’s just rly cool to me
11) characters from shows/movies/games you kin/stan/just adore!! NOT ACCEPTING IRL PPL PLZ AND THANK U :D (unless it’s urself, we like self love in these parts)
For me I currently kin Dazai, Edward Elric, c!TommyInnit, and I completely STAN any Project Sekai character. I mean any of them.
12) 5 people you’d wanna be at a party with and why! (Can be alive or dead, real or fake, celebrities or randos, humans or otherwise :D)
My grandpa to see him again, Roy mustang to see if he’s a bastard irl, Hachi/Kenshi Yonezu just to see how he’s doing, Kanye West to just ask him why, and BeastChild (the YouTuber) just cause I really like his stuff and would wanna meet him!
13) favorite hobby/fandom specific term and its meaning :333
I’m a writer (well, aspiring anyway, I’m not rly that good) and I love the idea of the sexy lamp. Basically if you’re writing a female character that could be replaced with a sexy lampshade and nothing about the story changes then you’re writing a BAD FEMALE CHARACTER XD
Cause it’s spooky season il leave it at 13 ;)
Happy answering!!!
No pressure tags :3 @touratoura @theancientwonder @kneecoal-mooma @citrushomie @skytheamazing @mitski-slope @a-trench-coat-of-confused-worms @dicklesswonder-blog @vicaridoo
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flourishfox · 5 years ago
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Hatsune Miku mermaid
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lesiasmadness · 7 years ago
Music tag!
Rules: List ten songs you are obsessed at the moment and tag ten other blogs! 
I got tagged by @leslietendo ! 
1. MiatiriSs - Gospel of Dismay remix
2. Mystery Skulls - Losing my mind 
3. MoiDioDaVinci - Donut Hole
4. DA games - Get Out
5. WoodenToaster - Nightmare Night
6. Big Data - Dangerous 
7. Shape of you
8. Chime & Adam Tell - Whole
9. OR3O - Greedy 
10. ilem - DaLaBengBa
I... Don’t know whom to tag. Guys, I tag whomever sees this. Not may ppl will swe this anyway
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sillyguyz4ever · 2 months ago
chars to make art of my fandoms r
Larry boy
Hazbin hotel
Ghost and pals
Loony tunes
Bendy and the ink machine
Squid games
Madoka magica
Salior moon
Bluey (draw gijinkas)
Bee and puppy cat
Fiona and cake
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piccolozonlyhusband · 3 years ago
I should say I prefer discord heavily, I also love Walten files, toradora ((obviously)), serial experiments lain, camp camp, rachet and Clank, crash Bandicoot, MLP ((equestria girls a lot more)), no game no life, danganronpa, and overwatch.
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Dm me to be friends if your into helluva boss, fnf, security breach, panty and stalking, vocaliod, monster musume, or any popular anime that isn't Naruto or one piece. I can give my discord or insta if you want to talk somewhere else, preferably.
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umbry-fic · 3 years ago
1/6 out of the gravity
Summary: Colette is determined to do something to lessen Lloyd's worries, and brings him to a familiar tower, where a promise was once made.
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Characters: Colette Brunel, Lloyd Irving Relationships: Colette Brunel & Lloyd Irving Rating: G Word Count: 2179 Mirror Link: AO3 Original Post Date: 22/06/2022
Notes: A birthday gift I posted yesterday for @frayed-symphony! This is meant to be a sequel to Yozurina but can be read on its own. It's directly inspired by vocaliod-p's song of the same name ~ (Also highly recommend the Miku Symphony version it's great!)
“So where are we going, exactly?” Lloyd asked, bemused, as she led him through the packed station platform, weaving through the crowds of people as they headed towards the train. Her bag, slung over her shoulder and shaped like a dog, complete with the ears sitting behind the zipper, thumped against her skirt with each step she took. As did her braids, hitting a rhythmic pattern against her shoulders. “You still haven’t told me.”
Shaking her head, she stepped past a trolley being pushed by a woman, barely avoiding a pair of children barrelling past, screaming at the top of their lungs. Never letting go of Lloyd’s hand, their fingers threaded tightly together, palms pressed close with no space in between.
He couldn’t know, not yet. If he knew, he might ask why - why she was taking him to revisit a place they hadn’t been to since they were little children, uncaring of the notion of the future. And she wasn’t quite ready to explain her plan, which she had cooked up on the car ride home from the observatory a few days ago. Lloyd’s parents had kindly offered to give her a lift after a wonderful night spent in his embrace, the brush of his breath against her skin making her shiver. She’d silently spent the short trip observing Lloyd, who had stared out of the window, deep in thought. Seemingly so far away, even though all that separated them was a single car seat.
With the week drawing to an end, this was their last day together before they had to return to their respective universities and continue with the semester. In the time left to her where he was within arms reach, she wanted to soothe his troubled heart, and lessen the weight of the fears that set heavy on his shoulders - even if all she had to act on were silly ideas that played on childish sentiments. Even then, she wanted to do something, to take hold of her final chance, no matter how uncertain she felt, regardless of the voice in her mind, telling her that all of her efforts were stupid and pointless.
She pulled him through the open doors of the carriage, taking care not to trip over the gap, and found a spot for themselves in the middle, people continuing to file in after them. Visible through the bobbing heads of those surrounding them, listening to music or tapping away at their phones, were the windows on both sides of the carriage, which would soon show a view of the city - skyscrapers breaking into the sky, reaching for the heavens like outstretched fingers; quaint little cafés on the side of the road where people could take a breather and simply soak in the atmosphere; and, of course, the people, flooding the streets and forming the very pulse of the city. So far from their hometown, which in contrast was perpetually quiet and sleepy, the laughter of children at the playground the most common sound to float over to one’s ears.
Cupping her hands over his ear, she leaned in, just as the flush of the doors closing signalled the beginning of their journey, cutting off everyone inside from the rest of the world.
“It’s a secret,” she whispered as the train pulled out of the station, their scarves, wrapped around their necks to protect them from the wintry air, gently swaying from the motion. The shooting star keychain that she’d given him for his thirteenth birthday, which he’d attached to his bag and hadn’t taken off since, glinted under the sunlight that shone through the windows.
In the faint morning glow, his smile seemed all the softer, enough for her to lose herself in.
“The tower by the harbour?” Lloyd muttered, angling his head up to stare, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket. The temperature had plummeted by the time they’d stepped out of the train, his breath now coming out in white puffs, tiny crystals shimmering in the air before they vanished. She was rather thankful that she'd remembered to throw on a hoodie before she'd met Lloyd outside his house.
“Yep!” She spun around, hiding her hands behind her back, fidgeting, both from the cold that crept over every inch of exposed skin, and from nervousness, thrumming in her veins.
Behind her, a tower rose. Not overly tall - honestly, most people would describe it as pitifully short - its red paint peeling from the years it had stood in this very spot. Looking out over the bustling harbour, where hundreds of boats passed every day, churning the waters.
A single spot of peace, throngs of people passing by the old building but never taking the time to poke their heads into it. Leaving just the two of them, sticking out of the crowd, utterly still amongst perpetual motion.
It wasn’t the most exciting place to go, or even anywhere impressive. To anyone else, maybe it would have been a waste of time to come here on their final day. But…
“How long has it been?” Lloyd asked, a smile breaking out on his face as he took a step forward. So he did like her decision after all. She’d thought he might, but still, she couldn’t help but be relieved.
“Since we were children,” she answered, the words rolling off her tongue. Back then, the tower had still been new. Shiny red paint, shiny railings, shiny glass doors. She and Lloyd had run around like madmen, exploring every nook and cranny together while their parents kept a sharp eye on them.
Being back here, so many years later, was like stepping into a place both foreign and familiar. Nostalgic, memories rushing back, their warmth engulfing her.
How they’d stuck their noses against display cases and gotten reprimanded for leaving their prints on the glass. How they’d taken the elevator up and down repeatedly, giggling all the while. How they’d played hopscotch on the rocky squares beneath their feet at this very moment, Lloyd holding her hand the whole time and taking care to ensure she never lost her balance and fell.
“Wanna go up?” Lloyd offered, taking her hand. His own somehow still warm, even amongst the cold, sending a spark up her arm and giving her comfort. “I wonder if the view’s still the same.”
“Only one way to find out.” She grinned, leading the way.
“It does look almost exactly the same,” he commented, leaning on the railing, the wind ruffling his hair and making his jacket flap around him. “Just a few more buildings that weren’t here before.”
“Wasn’t this the exact spot we stood in last time, too?” She placed her hand on the metal, slightly chilly, surveying the observatory. It was more like a glorified balcony, really.
It had taken barely any time to get up here. They had simply walked to the elevator and taken it up, the images of their younger selves, frolicking about, reflected in her mind.
She turned her gaze to Lloyd, staring out towards the horizon, filled with office buildings.
To anyone who didn’t know him well, perhaps they would think he was perfectly fine. But she could see past the front he so valiantly put up - could see how his shoulders were slightly slumped, could notice the little bit of light missing from his eyes.
And he’d already confided in her about the troubles he carried with him, just as they had done with each other a thousand times before. Entrusting the other with their vulnerability, for they knew there was no safer person to tell. Seeking comfort from the other, who could provide kind words and a safe haven, for that was what one did for those they cared about.
She didn’t really know what to say to him now, to make his fears dissipate, for she shared them.
But she was going to try. Even if she stumbled, even if she made mistakes, even if, in the end, she didn’t achieve anything… She was still going to try. She couldn’t leave him alone.
“You know, it was here that you first told me all about the moon.” She walked her fingers across the railing until she reached his arm, placing her hand atop it as she shifted closer, until her hair brushed his shoulder.
He froze beneath her touch, still as a statue. “I didn’t think you still remembered that.”
“Well, it’s a bit hard to forget,” she teased, smiling gently. “You kept breaking off to apologise for rambling, even though I kept reassuring you that it was okay and that I liked listening to you talk.”
At those words, he turned his head away, grumbling incoherently under his breath, his ears tinged a light shade of red. Hiding his face, and the embarrassment that he wore.
She couldn’t help but giggle at that, laughter bubbling up from within her. “One thing you told me really stuck with me.”
The image was forever clear in her mind, the memory vividly imprinted. They’d stood at this very same spot, but at night, the skyline lit up with the white lights of office buildings and the Ferris wheel standing on the other end of the city, emitting a rainbow of colours from its carriages. Unable to outshadow the moon, hanging round and bright over all.
He had pointed up towards it, unheeding of the warning their parents always fed them to scare them away from doing exactly that, and began his spiel, eyes shining the entire time as words spilt from his lips effortlessly. Capturing all of her attention, wanting to experience even a fraction of the immense joy that emanated from him. It was wondrous, how he could experience such happiness just from looking into the sky and observing the celestial bodies, a comforting presence in their long-lived, unchanging existence.
“You told me how, on the moon,” she said, exhaling, her nervousness leaving with her breath, leaving her heart still, “the weight of gravity is 1/6th of the weight that it is here.”
“Yeah, it is.” He smiled, cocking his head in her direction, the softness of his gaze making her breath catch.
“Well.” She reached out a shaking hand and grasped the ends of his scarf, soft beneath her fingertips. Tightening it around his neck as the first of powdery snow began to fall from the skies, catching in Lloyd’s hair to adorn them with tiny white flowers, his cheeks flushed from the cold, even as his warmth continued to embrace her. “We told each other then, that we’d reach the moon someday.”
With a pinky promise and determined, sunny smiles, never to be forgotten.
“We can’t go there just yet, but up here, we’re just a little closer to the moon. So… I thought your troubles might feel just a little bit lighter here,” she finished, clasping one hand against her heart as she bowed her head.
It was a silly thing to say, that was for sure. They weren’t anywhere near space, weren’t anywhere close to piercing the clouds and shattering the chains of gravity that held them to the ground. Sorrow and uncertainty weren’t even tangible, but unfathomable emotions.
There was a warm comfort, however, in placing belief into the hopes they had dreamed about together. Even if, in truth, they were childish dreams that could never truly be achieved, and could only remain in the realm of imagination, easily crushed in the real world under all that one must face.
She only wished that his heart could feel lighter, that he could know that she would always be here for him, her hand ready to grip his and hold it tight.
“Hm.” Reaching a hand up, he plucked snow from her hair, his breath misting in the air as his fingers lingered in her golden locks. “I do feel a lot better. Because you’re here. So thank you. For bringing me back here.”
Was the heat on her cheeks a natural response to the biting cold surrounding her, or to his gentle hand?
“Not a problem,” she whispered, leaning down next to him, his hand finding hers and squeezing.
His eyes sparkled, with a secret shared between them. Its contents not fully known to her, not just yet, but which was highly familiar to her. It had been there between them for a long time, slowly building over the years. At sleepovers, as he’d wrestled with her for the last candy, at school as they’d stayed late to help each other with their homework, their heads buried in their textbooks as the sun had sunk and painted them with shadows, at the observatory, his arms looped around her waist as they lazily perused the stars, putting a name to each with practised ease.
But there was no need to worry about any of that now. Or to worry about anything at all.
Together, they gazed upon the city, transformed into a winter wonderland. Troubles forgotten, buried beneath the snow, and hearts afloat, outside of the effects of gravity.
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trashabilly · 8 years ago
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this is literally the only thing i remember abt vocaliod from my Phase™ when i was 14 so.... y'know do with that as you will
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sleepii-moth · 4 years ago
omg i cant believe no one in the vocaliod fandom is talking about the newest vocaliod theyre sooo good its so tragic 😔
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cl-babydew · 3 years ago
#2 Another nice Miku song is "1/6 -out of the gravity-" by Vocaliod-P. 👉[youtube. com/ watch?v=d2Ou8HsTEzc]👈 I really really want you to read about the background & inspiration behind this producer's song on the Wiki because it is so heartwarming and sweet: vocaloid. fandom. com/ wiki/ 1/6_-out_of_the_gravity- *
Read it first before listening to the song and my gosh the song is so pretty and all that is really sweet of him!🥺
I hope him doing that helped her at least a little! Like I hope she knew what he was trying to do for her! Cuz gosh that’s so soft and kind!!! X,3
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